04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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What JA states or omits is a moot point. We all know that she will say or not say whatever she pleases, lie or truth, who knows. And even if she didn't mention any candy in reference to that photo, I think I was concentrating more on the concept of ongoing posts by others that may or may not agree with me, may or may not know facts about the case that I do or do not know.
We all read posts by those who have not been able to follow along as closely as others, myself included sometimes. I may misspeak, or post something totally factually incorrect. I am sure it's frustrating to others to see the same questions, same perceptions. Sometimes they kindly and lovingly straighten me out and I am quite grateful that they do. I'm also sure that there are readers who do a "Hoo boy, not another person who doesn't have it right! Grrrrr...." and keep right on scrolling by my post, never making me feel foolish or feeling as if I've gotten a virtual smacking :) To them, I am even MORE grateful.
I even did a jokey Cliff's Notes last week to 'keep people up to speed' in reference to misinformation such as BJuarez, is he alive? So many people pop in and out here and the pages whiz by. No one can expect to make sure that all of us know everything correctly at any time. I suppose it's a 'pick your battle' mentality. In all honesty, what JA has or doesn't have in her hooha is the least of importance in this trial. IMHO

Right--but I was just stating my opinion, too. There are posts about this candy issue and I was pointing out that regardless of Jodi Arias's statements, her defense team did not point out candy in the picture, JM did not ask Jodi on the stand about candy in the picture and Jodi has spoken about only one candy episode.

The one candy episode was presented by the defense as an act of sexual degradation and abuse by Travis. It is my opinion that if they had an actual photograph of this, they would be offering it as proof of sexual abuse.

Just as some people insist on seeing candy, my opinion is that there is no candy. We can all express our opinions here.:rocker: We just don't always agree. Just ask Nurmi and his eye reflection testimony!:floorlaugh:
I think that JW has been so deep in the "World According to JA" that she's drowning in it. I think it became very personal for JW when she looked like a total fool for regarding her point that Lenore Walker no longer uses the 6-point criteria when in fact she does.

I wonder where JW got her information? Was it ALV or from JA and her vast knowledge of DV from all the books and magazines she's read? I think JW had to get someone else on the stand to back herself up. But who would do it? I don't think there and true professional would do it and she turned to ALV's good friend. The good Dr. with 28 years of experience (with all that experience, he must be good, lol). We all know how much years of experience means to JW regardless of what that experience is.

Well, it sure wasn't from actually PREPARING FOR TRIAL!! :floorlaugh: JW was woefully unprepared and sloppy. She came across as totally out of her depth and was reduced to repeatedly asking the same question in a shrill, harassed tone that could have shattered glass. And I loved every minute of it!
I know! I always thought it was a stupid story to go with since if you are traveling a major Interstate, there are going to be gas stations! Since she was so tech-savvy, she should have known you can even map your route & find gas stations. For such a genius, she sure is lacking in the "believable story" arena.

She is used to either:
1) having her lies believed
2) having the party to whom she is lying give up in exhaustion

She wasn't prepared for Det. Flores who would not do either nor for JM. These men are professionals and have patience and endurance beyond imagination and refused to let her win.
Good Morning, everyone.

BBM I pronounce this as "Juandaful", but I'm from the Bronx. :floorlaugh:

every time i say juan or juanderful it just sounds very weird because of my scottish accent. it comes out "wan" :facepalm::floorlaugh:
OH, my DH scheduled me to take the car in to get the brakes replaced this afternoon!!! ARRRR!! I couldn't bring myself to tell him 'NO! THE TRIAL IS BACK ON AFTER 4 DAYS!!!!

Thank you, BritsKate. I agree with you. I work with victims of DV on a daily basis and ALV lost all credibility with me when she testified that JA's behavior was not stalking because Travis took no actions to stop it. First of all, stalking is called "stalking" because it is frequently done in a manner that the victim will not know about it (e.g. cyberstalking, peering in windows at night). Because the victim is unaware of the behavior does not make the behavior non-criminal. Pursuant to ALV's opinion, the unaware victim is not a victim. Furthermore, it is well-known that victims of DV often do not react as ALV expected Travis to do by filing police reports. The reasons for not reporting are numerous. It galled me that she could use one of the most well-known facts about DV to state that Travis was not a victim. I wonder if she applies this "standard of reporting" when talking to/about the victims she counsels.
JMO - but JM needs to focus now on one thing, and one thing only - premeditation. If JM can prove that issue, it doesn't matter how many head Docs are paraded around by the DT. None of the head issues would preclude Ms. Arias from being a killer, and with that huge IQ she believes to be brillant, right and wrong are simple concepts. PTSD is after the fact and is being used as an excuse for lies and memory issues. That went over with the jury like a lead balloon and they aren't going to forget about it. ALV for domestic violence, one question JM should have had for her was, with her "vast" experience, how many times did a victim of DV plot, plan, and drive 1000 miles to "snap".

But I agree, the DT will drag out a surrebuttal for as long as possible.

:seeya: How awesome that this is the FIRST post I read today!
As nervous an ANOTHER DT witness makes me, I'd love to hear JM call him a "hired gun"! Priceless. :silly:
I think that JW has been so deep in the "World According to JA" that she's drowning in it. I think it became very personal for JW when she looked like a total fool for regarding her point that Lenore Walker no longer uses the 6-point criteria when in fact she does.

I wonder where JW got her information? Was it ALV or from JA and her vast knowledge of DV from all the books and magazines she's read? I think JW had to get someone else on the stand to back herself up. But who would do it? I don't think there and true professional would do it and she turned to ALV's good friend. The good Dr. with 28 years of experience (with all that experience, he must be good, lol). We all know how much years of experience means to JW regardless of what that experience is.

This new witness stood by OJ. This is who ALV aligned herself with? Geez, she has less credibility than I thought. In JM closing, I hope he reminds the jury that jodi referred to battered women as THINGS.
Bet Nurmi and Willmont had to charge a little interview travel to see the good Doc?

JMO - when the DT got Dr. DeMarte's report and data, they began preparing for the appearance of this fellow or anyone for that matter. I can't believe for even a minute that the DT felt confident they could get away with this self defense stuff after reviewing everything the State has. The holes left by Dr. Samuels and Ms. ALV had to be covered, this is the response - there is no way this man could be prepared in a couple of weeks. This was thought out long ago, as a just incase measure. We all wondered why Dr. Samuels listed out Personality Disorder NOS and left it at that. I believe JM prepared for this eventuality as well.
Just to cheer myself up, for tomorrow's circus........The Heat Is Juan The Heat Is Juan ( A Juantra) - YouTube


This is my favorite one out of all the video parodies out for this trial. Makes u want to get up and boogie with juan martinez..... did i just say boogie? good grief. I think people stop using that term whe John Travolta's SNF Era was officially over.:Banane48
Time to rant!

I am getting really sick of Jodi Arias and her desperate defense team. Well, Wilmott, in particular. Her desperation is so obvious.

I'm tired of hearing about saving Arias' life. That makes it OK to for her and her defense attorney's to LIE? In court? About "self-defense"?

And now...at the end of the trial, it looks like they have "changed their minds" about what her defense is. They want to add a 'choice" of (and I got the wording from JVM CNN transcript) "charge of manslaughter by sudden quarrel or heat of passion".

It is unbelievably transparent that the defense team knows they have lost the "self-defense/abuse excuse". This is all such crap. And to change your defense at the end of trial...shows exactly what we all know already that (some) defense attorneys know they put forth LIES for their clients in a court of law.

And of course it will be just fine with the court to allow this "new defense". If you are supposedley innocent, stick with what you originally came to court with. Not a 4th lie.

I have had enough of our "justice" system. There is never any justice for victims.


Remember, ALL CLIENTS are innocent until prove guilty in a court of law. Now, an attorney cannot suborn perjury, and he cannot KNOWINGLY allow his client to lie on the stand. An attorneys job is to "poke holes" in the prosecutions case.

An example: I can drive from LA to San Francisco by driving up 1/101 or the 5 or the 99. We end up in the same place, "San Francisco". The defense is FORCED to accept whatever tall tale the client tell them...jodi is a TERRIBLE liar...she doesn't think out the many variables, AND she thinks people are STUPID. So, the defense is left trying to poke holes in the prosecutions case. (Or they can ask to be taken off the case! Which Nurmi has done a minimum of four times. He DOESN'T WANT TO DEFEND THIS CLIENT! He KNOWS she is a LIAR!!! But the judge is FORCING him to defend her! In a way, I feel kinda sorry for WandaNurmi!! They could POSSIBLY see years of study, work and passing the bar go right down the water closet!! If they win...they win big time...& will have more (guilty) clients than they want...if they lose...well...you know...

Jodi and the DT have to play the game they are playing...her life and their careers are "on the line"

Most certainly, Wilma read Dr D's report...but who knows if she actually MET Dr D...and what the result was?
every time i say juan or juanderful it just sounds very weird because of my scottish accent. it comes out "wan" :facepalm::floorlaugh:

Whenever I think of Scotland, I think of the novel Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh. I've read many of his books.:rocker:
I have a question about the photo's taken on June 4th, that I'm sure was answered many times but I have to get ready for work in a few minutes.

We know the pic's that were submitted as evidence and we know that there are other pic's that are not. According to what I've read JM said that in some of the pic's we did not see, TA and JA are engaged in intercourse in those pic's.

My questions are, who was taking the pictures? I would think the camera was on a timer and no one took those pictures. So, why is it not debated that TA did not take those very up close and personal photo's of JA's private parts and that she set up the timer and took them herself? It's possible that TA was busy doing some laundry (stuff in the dryer) or something else and she had a few minutes to do this herself?

TIA and sorry to bring up something that I'm sure was discussed.
I can't find the black and white one of them that I love but I found this one: :heart: :heart:


Thank you!!
Nancy Grace snags 600 pages of Jodi Arias secret journal entries from ABC's Good Morning America.... no fair:anguish:

I was watching NG last night and listening to the person reading the journals.

How sickening.....

I love Travis

I love life

I love..... (fill in the blank)

I love.... (fill in the blank)

I love.... (fill in the blank)

Who writes like this? and the garbage she wrote AFTER Travis was killed? Now that we know she killed him, the journals are only cover up for the heinous crime she committed. It is obvious most of her journals were written before she was arrested and back dated.

In her journals, Jodi asked that the person who killed Travis gets "the needle".

Let's give it to her~~ :furious::furious::furious:
I was watching NG last night and listening to the person reading the journals.

How sickening.....

I love Travis

I love life

I love..... (fill in the blank)

I love.... (fill in the blank)

I love.... (fill in the blank)

Who writes like this? and the garbage she wrote AFTER Travis was killed? Now that we know she killed him, the journals are only cover up for the heinous crime she committed. It is obvious most of her journals were written before she was arrested and back dated.

In her journals, Jodi asked that the person who killed Travis gets "the needle".

Let's give it to her~~ :furious::furious::furious:

Shes a piece of work as well as a . Even my 14 year old son said "How can she look at herself in the mirror knowing what she did to someone she claimed to care about."
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