08.17.2009 Docs. released

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm sure you can understand that it's important to prove what you know even if it's true.

I've suspected it was a hit from the very start, but I would never say I know it, just that it's what I think.

I have no proof. I still have no proof.

If anyone has proof, I'd sure like them to share it instead of just saying they know it.

You still have no proof? Have you read the manner of the Billingses deaths? Have you read the interview with LPG, jr? How much more proof could you hope to gather?
page 27 http://www.pnj.com/assets/pdf/DP140677817.PDF
They took swabs of Justin Billings and another guy, Greg Clean? Why would they do that?

(I think it was the son, Michael, who went home before the funeral because he didn't feel "safe".)

ETA: Ok. page 34 says for "elimination standards" . Maybe they were there previously in the house and would have also left DNA?
Be sure you break out discussion on what is contained in the docs into separate threads. Don't discuss everything here because it will be difficult to revisit information as it develops and more becomes known. Bump existing threads or start new ones to cover each topic.
I believe some of us have been reporting for quite some time that we KNEW it was a hit - there were a few posters who felt we were entirely off the wall....................
we even mentioned the mafia - and that LPG was the hit man.........................

Respectfully, this "us in the know" vs. everyone else in this forum is just really annoying.

Of course, some posts will be correct if someone throws out enough theories. But there are also many posts by posters who have excellent evidence that turned out to be false (i.e., the wrong PL).

There's also some extremely questionable theories (i.e., Atchison was set-up). that have been stated as TRUTH, with NOTHING to back up these allegations.

I have asked repeatedly that posters provide back up, but I guess I'm just :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead:

"Jimmy Seaton, 45, of Pensacola told investigators that in mid-June, Gonzalez Jr. contacted him asking if he would participate in a robbery"

So, LPG was selling this as a robbery. Probably it is true what we have heard that from LPG up it was meant to be a hit, and from LPG down, it was believed to be a robbery.

"Byrd Billings struggled against the men who came into his home, grabbing one of them by the neck"

As some speculated, Byrd fought. Why was he shot in the legs? To cause pain and get him to talk before murdering him?

There was talk of this in the PNJ forums last week. The thread got deleted. There was a post claiming Bud was shot in the leg as they were trying to get the whereabouts of the 2nd safe. He wouldn't say so he was shot again and then when he wouldn't talk...

Same poster claimed Melanie was shot immediately by an intruder as the intruder entered and taken upstairs
You still have no proof? Have you read the manner of the Billingses deaths? Have you read the interview with LPG, jr? How much more proof could you hope to gather?

These things support what I believe. I still have no proof who ordered the hit. I need more than LPG's word. Fools like him can talk a big story.

I agree that whoever ordered this hit might have wanted to make a statement; however, it also seems that they wanted it to be kept quiet.

Afterall, the Sheriff's department has spent a lot of time trying to downplay the hit theory.
Respectfully, this "us in the know" vs. everyone else in this forum is just really annoying.

Of course, some posts will be correct if someone throws out enough theories. But there are also many posts by posters who have excellent evidence that turned out to be false (i.e., the wrong PL).

There's also some extremely questionable theories (i.e., Atchison was set-up). that have been stated as TRUTH, with NOTHING to back up these allegations.

I have asked repeatedly that posters provide back up, but I guess I'm just :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead:

I know EXACTLY how you feel. We tried posting what we knew so we could get feedback - we got a couple of very vocal naysayers, who have all of a sudden decided they knew this info all along. Our info has been right on - did you notice the mention of the anonymous invesigators across the country in the NYTimes? If we didn't have enough to prove it to ourselves, we wouldn't be posting it on here. That's okay - when it comes out that it's true, you can come out saying you've known it all along...............:rolleyes:
For the record, I've never been a naysayer. I came here to find evidence of what I suspected. Just hearing people say they know didnt' help me validate. However, please don't consider me unappreciative. I do realize that people here have helped propel this investigation through pressure, which will ultimately provide me with the proof I've been hoping to find since day one.
I know EXACTLY how you feel. We tried posting what we knew so we could get feedback - we got a couple of very vocal naysayers, who have all of a sudden decided they knew this info all along. Our info has been right on - did you notice the mention of the anonymous invesigators across the country in the NYTimes? If we didn't have enough to prove it to ourselves, we wouldn't be posting it on here. That's okay - when it comes out that it's true, you can come out saying you've known it all along...............:rolleyes:

BBM. Respectfully, this is a perfect example of what I'm referring to. And, still no evidence to back up claims made. At least, none that I've seen posted:waitasec:

These things support what I believe. I still have no proof who ordered the hit. I need more than LPG's word. Fools like him can talk a big story.

I agree that whoever ordered this hit might have wanted to make a statement; however, it also seems that they wanted it to be kept quiet.

Afterall, the Sheriff's department has spent a lot of time trying to downplay the hit theory.

The big question is who ordered the hit...agreed. And I really don't know that it will ever be discovered. With regard to LPG's "word". Keep in mind that he's still hoping to turn State's witness and get in the Federal witness protection program. He'll never admit guilt until that "carrot" is permanently revoked. I ignore his claims of innocence and focus on what he admits for "evidence" against others. It's stranger than fiction that Ashley has pushed for the courts to not admit the surveillance tapes as evidence (which plays into LPG's hopes for a "new life").
For the record, I've never been a naysayer. I came here to find evidence of what I suspected. Just hearing people say they know didnt' help me validate. However, please don't consider me unappreciative. I do realize that people here have helped propel this investigation through pressure, which will ultimately provide me with the proof I've been hoping to find since day one.

:blowkiss: wow ... I didn't read all the posts that you are referring too ... but your statement here says some positive things about your character.
After reading part of the document dump, I can see where the Billings murder was contracted, but I just wonder why anyone would employ LPG jr.
You guys. this isn't about each other nor is about who said what to whom.
This us vs them or we know something you don't know nanny nanny boo boo has got to stop.
I'm confused.

I read a newspaper article that stated the video and some documents were temporarily surpressed.

I read another newspaper article that says only the video has been temporarily supressed.

If only the video being supressed is true, that means that the documents that the Billings' lawyer considered defaming the good name are within this huge document dump.


The motion also argued that the documents and video would defame the Billings’ good name and place their nine adoptive children in danger. The motion states that at least one of the children appears in the video recordings from inside the home during the July 9 murders.


The only thing that won't be released is video footage of the couple actually being killed. The family's attorney told FOX10 News the surveillance system caught it all on tape. The family has filed a motion asking the court to not release that evidence. A judge will have to decide on that, and a hearing has not been set yet. Eddins said it's a tricky issue.

So, what's in this 700 pages of documents that defames the good name of the Billingses?

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