09-17-2011 Topaz Mountain Search Yields Charred Wood and Decomp

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Don't duck. I don't think it is absurd. The one interview with SP a few weeks ago when he said "Susan likes that" (talking about sexual things) creeped the bejeberz out of me. The way it was said in present tense made me wonder if he had her locked up somewhere and was keeping her.

That is exactly what I thought!

It would not surprise me one bit to find out he has had her locked up hidden somewhere and forcing her to do Heaven knows what using the safety of her children to threaten her with.

If you're still around, I would love to get your insight from my two questions on post 520 of this thread (page 21).
Just saw the latest and going now to the other thread but just had to say...

Yeeeee Haw!!!!!

Now, back to hoping & praying that Susan comes home!!!!
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/09/2...-child-*advertiser censored*/?test=latestnews
Care to add anything else about family dynamics; like steve is a pervert, now sitting in jail, charged with some really nasty stuff AND Susan's sons are safely out of that house?

Interested to hear your take on this. TIA

Yes; now you can see! Eyes need to be focused elsewhere besides the initial person of interest. Josh will end up like Norman Bates after his father passes- that's the dynamic that comes to mind.
Yes; now you can see! Eyes need to be focused elsewhere besides the initial person of interest. Josh will end up like Norman Bates after his father passes- that's the dynamic that comes to mind.
That is no excuse for committing murder and I do believe JP killed Susan, and daddy dearest helped him dispose of the body. MOO
Yes; now you can see! Eyes need to be focused elsewhere besides the initial person of interest. Josh will end up like Norman Bates after his father passes- that's the dynamic that comes to mind.

So are you saying that SP should be looked at as the POI instead of JP?

If so the reverse remains true, that if SP is the one who did it and JP knows, he should telling LE everything he knows. Otherwise he is complict in what SP did.

Now that SP is locked up it would be a perfect time for JP to come forward with what he allegedly knows.
Yes; now you can see! Eyes need to be focused elsewhere besides the initial person of interest. Josh will end up like Norman Bates after his father passes- that's the dynamic that comes to mind.

So, are you saying it was STEVE who wore the pants in Josh and Susan's marriage? Interesting.
For me this arrest and revelations about S. Powell blows holes in his statement about Susan making advances towards him. It's cruel of him (S.P.) to say things concerning his daughter-in-law when she isn't there to defend herself !
I can't imagine what Susans' family is going through; but I couldn't control myself very well if this was my child that was missing and her in-laws making accusations. Somebody might have to prevent me from even being in their(in laws') presence. imo.
It's telling the search has been postponed if it has. I haven't heard any news - anyone?
Yes; now you can see! Eyes need to be focused elsewhere besides the initial person of interest. Josh will end up like Norman Bates after his father passes- that's the dynamic that comes to mind.

I'd still love your insight on Josh and some of the negative things that have been reported about the dynamics of his marriage. You said in your first post that there are things that haven't been reported that would be insightful.

Josh and Steven don't seem like they've held much back. Steven talked openly about Susan's sexual flirtations with him. Josh and Steven have quoted from her personal journals, and they claimed an intent to publish them in their entirety. Are you saying that despite this openness, there are other things about the marriage that they consider off-limits for public consumption?

As someone who knows Josh, you have the opportunity to do him a great service - to defend him against the public wolves. By posting here at all, you seem to be indicating some desire to set the record straight. And with Steven's situation today, it would seem that there might be some credence to your opinions. So, help us out a little.
Yes; now you can see! Eyes need to be focused elsewhere besides the initial person of interest. Josh will end up like Norman Bates after his father passes- that's the dynamic that comes to mind.

As long as the boys are safe, I don't give a rat's butt what josh does. As long as he is in a jail cell, everything is fine.

It wasn't too difficult to see that papa was a creep; now let the rest fall into place. SUSAN is the top priority here; her sons are safe.
Yes; now you can see! Eyes need to be focused elsewhere besides the initial person of interest. Josh will end up like Norman Bates after his father passes- that's the dynamic that comes to mind.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Norman Bates' mother didn't 'pass'. He murdered his own mother and her lover out of jealousy, then murdered Marion ten years later. He had delusions his mother was still alive and acted through her.

If you liken Josh to Norman Bates, he's definitely someone we should have our eyes focused on, what with the schizophrenic delusions and murdering and all.

Do you see Norman Bates as a sympathetic character? Are you trying to tell us that Josh murdered Susan out of jealousy over her imaginary relationship with his father? :waitasec:

If that's the case, I'm still looking at Josh. Hard.
I'd still love your insight on Josh and some of the negative things that have been reported about the dynamics of his marriage. You said in your first post that there are things that haven't been reported that would be insightful.

Josh and Steven don't seem like they've held much back. Steven talked openly about Susan's sexual flirtations with him. Josh and Steven have quoted from her personal journals, and they claimed an intent to publish them in their entirety. Are you saying that despite this openness, there are other things about the marriage that they consider off-limits for public consumption?

As someone who knows Josh, you have the opportunity to do him a great service - to defend him against the public wolves. By posting here at all, you seem to be indicating some desire to set the record straight. And with Steven's situation today, it would seem that there might be some credence to your opinions. So, help us out a little.

Well said.
I wonder was Josh's brother,sister and any other siblings that live in the compound at court today? Wonder how bills are going to be paid?

I suspect the computer forensics are still going on and there will be much more later.
Is Ransack talking about mind control? I'm wondering why the other siblings of Josh would fare any better than him with Steve out of the picture.

I suspect Steve will spill the beans in a heartbeat especially faced with the general prison population! Wonder if Josh thinks that too?
I have noticed lately by following another case that some people give away their own dark issues (quite blatantly) by outwardly voicing their opinions of others (think Jose Baez accusing every 'other' person under the sun of his own misdeeds[ SAO of underhanded tactics, everyone else making a 'profit' off the case etc.]; Cindy Anthony in the Dr P. interview stating that something must have happened to Casey on June 16th that was so horrific that she snapped and couldn't face the fact that Caylee was dead and she must have become delusional- or something to that effect. the date may be off but I am pretty sure she is speaking of HERSELF in regards to not being able to face the truth about Caylee/Casey etc...). Anyway I found something Josh has said very informative.

Here is a quote from Josh's affidavit that (to me) very clearly speaks of HIS own issues- not Susan's:

He said by releasing his wife's journals, it will show her "fragile state of mind" and "troubled emotional life" that continued from childhood to adulthood. That information is needed to bring her home "if she is still alive," Powell said.

Very telling indeed. MOO. All of the things he puts on Susan are the absolute manifestation of his own reality, and his relationship to his own father, childhood, emotional state. I agree that this information (as the situation with his father unfolds) will go a long way into unlocking the mystery of what befell poor Susan- for once he speaks the truth.

IF both SP and JP are involved in Susan's disappearance there is no way that it was equal- one of them had a greater hand in her demise, one person had a peripheral role potentially- the latter person is going to talk.

One in jail, one alone... it will only be a matter of the when and the who.

As long as the boys are safe, I can wait a little longer. The countdown has begun for sure.

At this link, on page 29, the reporter speaks of josh packing up all of Susan's things and removing them from the WVC house.

There is a video of the 'moving event' that shows Kiirsi helping to pack and she herself stated that she helped josh pack Susan's things. I wonder where her earrings are?

ALSO, don't forget that a female friend who helped that day 'mooned' the tv camera; doesn't seem so weird today, in light of what we have learned. Does it?
Could this search be suspend for only a short time as they hope that one of the P's will break with the new arrest? Wouldn't it be much cheaper if one would actually roll on the other and tell where Susan is?

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