10/28/11 Private Investigator Returns, Baby Lisas Family Leaves

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I've never been able to figure out why some families get the full special treatment and others don't even get a mention. I fear it all comes down to ratings and advertising dollars. Nothing to do with actual merit. I think that's called capitalism. There's just no way to turn a profit on some families.

You know, I think you'll find this imbalance in everything. Capitalism included. You're right, it is not fair. You get mad, even angry at times... I just hang on to faith and fighting the good fight no matter. You do what you can do, and that's all you can do... and pray it's enough. :hug:

I'm pretty sure that something is coming. I doubt it is going to be a cake walk for this family. I'm just waiting for them to blame these bizzare actions on poor counsel...pfft.
One more significant thing happened yesterday (Thursday):
The FindLisa. com site posted the new "KIDNAPPED" Flyer and left off the Last Seen time and posted it only as October 4th, 2011. Which was wrong because DB said she last saw Lisa at a little passed 6:40 PM on October 3, 2011.
In my opinion, the parent/parents know that Lisa is not alive.

On the other hand, if I were innocent and expected my baby to be returned alive, I'm not sure how much comfort I would find with parents whose children had been killed or not found no matter how much these folks were just trying to help.

Just saying....
And, the mother who advocates for families with missing children was the straw that broke the camel's back, of all things, humph, go figure. They called the police on her. Then again, she didn't have an invitation.

Most families would be honored. This poor woman went through H-e-double hockey sticks. We watched this unfold for three years. Terrible. Terrible. Terrible.

I have to say, I'm also glad Short is off the case. I think it would have hurt her reputation. I was pretty surprised she was representing them in the first place.

As far as Stanton... While watching the live feed from the night he introduced himself, when it was over, the camera was still rolling. Stanton gave a number to the reporter, she repeated it back, and he walked away.I heard the reporter ask, "Did I understand him correctly, he was not hired by the family". I heard a voice say "Yes" then sort of a murmur. . Then she said "He was hired by the network".... I heard a "yes"... not sure if that is available feed or if anyone else heard it? It was live. Then they closed the feed.

The second time BS gave an interview he pretty much insulted one of our reporters who is an absolute class act and always has been. Marie Antonia. She asked BS, "You said the family is not speaking with media but clearly they are speaking with the networks"... He said, "They are just not talking to YOU".....

I don't know where to find the links for these so I have not been sure if I could post it. It's burned me up ever since. I think that he was hired by the networks and probably and individual who is tied to the network has personally forked over some money. If I find out that person is banking on this....lets just say... I will rail!

His attitude is really ridiculous. This is being turned into high drama IMHO.

The only people looking for this child is LE. Frankly, I don't know how much more they can do without leads.
All I wanna know is:

Did someone follow them? Perhaps to see where they went? I'm sure with all the media hounds around that someone would have had a full tank of gas and went right after them.

Let's see what we hear about this trip by tomorrow morning.

Or they're just getting the boys away from the circus? It has to be tough on them. I wonder if they're going to attend school somewhere else...or at all?

They are attending their regular school which is a very good thing.
Does anyone know how long it generally takes a case like this to go cold? Would it be offically declared cold, with a news conference by LE? Does media just stop showing up at some point, maybe because something newer and bigger comes along? If nothing changes, are we close to this happening or will LE keep looking and media keep showing up for months?
OMG Do you know how much it hurts when Coors Light shoots out of your nose, plus I have to wipe the laptop screen off. They are going to visit josh powell in Puyallup!

[KC isn't getting snow but it is in our forecast for the weekend]

:floorlaugh: ..... Sorry a/b your laptop :innocent:....... were getting snow here too ! :great:
They are attending their regular school which is a very good thing.

This may be what they are doing by leaving? This has to be affecting them. The whole flipping neighborhood is on lock-down almost. I do feel for these children. What a mess.
Does anyone know how long it generally takes a case like this to go cold? Would it be offically declared cold, with a news conference by LE? Does media just stop showing up at some point, maybe because something newer and bigger comes along? If nothing changes, are we close to this happening or will LE keep looking and media keep showing up for months?

I'm confident the local media will stay on this however long it takes. National media too perhaps. Just like Joshua Powell was on the cover of People magazine some months ago. But ya know we'll be here as long as it takes -- looking for Haeligh, Susan, Kyron, Aliyah, Hailey, and now Lisa amongst so many others. Even Jon Benet pops up now and again in the media.

IMHO, I think once a case gets on People magazine folks don't tend to forget about it. I hope the parents realize that as they go about their daily decisions.


All I wanna know is:

Did someone follow them? Perhaps to see where they went? I'm sure with all the media hounds around that someone would have had a full tank of gas and went right after them.

Let's see what we hear about this trip by tomorrow morning.


:floorlaugh: Can you imagine running out of gas and losing them. They could never go back to the station!
:floorlaugh: ..... Sorry a/b your laptop :innocent:....... were getting snow here too ! :great:

Snow camping; I have to go get a generator. ;) It's almost midnight.

OH darn, I don't have marshmallows, how will I make smores? :floorlaugh:
Does anyone know how long it generally takes a case like this to go cold? Would it be offically declared cold, with a news conference by LE? Does media just stop showing up at some point, maybe because something newer and bigger comes along? If nothing changes, are we close to this happening or will LE keep looking and media keep showing up for months?

I don't know when police declare a case cold. I don't think this particular case is cold. In my opinion, LE got significant evidence when the searched the home. I do not believe they took a random pair of purple shorts and "Disney character" shirt. I believe they took clothes that they were told Lisa was wearing when last seen. I think they have a boat load of evidence we don't know about, and the grand jury has it too. I really think the events of the last couple of days is leading to an imminent arrest. :cow:
I wonder what they're waiting for. Lab results? If Lisa is deceased, she deserves to be laid to rest with love and dignity. If she is alive, she deserves to be found.
But on a serious note...

I was really digusted see those pictures the media took of the kids coming home from school this week. So I hope BS is moving them to a house within a gated community for the children's sake. These children have been locked up in the relatives house for weeks now. It would be nice if they could go out the door without hoards of media being there everytime the door opens.
This is playing out as if cindy anthony, herself, were directing it...
I wonder what they're waiting for. Lab results? If Lisa is deceased, she deserves to be laid to rest with love and dignity. If she is alive, she deserves to be found.

I'm pretty confident if they had found Little Lisa and withheld this information...Someone would be fired. I've wondered if LE would do this when the rumors circulated before. It's been done in other cases while LE locked down lose ends to a case prior to releasing the information... I don't know, but this high profile? I doubt it would be for very long.
I've seen no report from LE that they do not know where they went
I see no evidence to say they have gone to NY, Disney or Timbucktoo
I see no evidence that the boys have been secreted away to a location where LE cannot find them
But by tomoorw, people reading these posts will likely be saying, I know they went to NY and hid the kids from LE because I read it somewhere, I just can't find the link.
How about some facts to back up the assumptions please.
My :twocents:

NY A long way to drive. Esp. if they were going there on someone else's dime. They wouldn't need blankets and pillows if they were flying.

Disneyworld a long way to drive. And again if the trip is on someone else's dime, I think they would fly.

Family in the East, It would most likely be on their dime, it is a long way to drive.

Family in Texas, would be closer, but still a long way to drive. Still on their own dime, but maybe doable?

If going to family, I would expect them to be gone at least a week, maybe two. IMO they wouldn't have kids with them when they came back.

ITA................the pillows and blankets wouldn't be necessary if they were going to the airport to fly somewhere. The pillows and blankets would be needed if their destination is several hours away. I suspect, as you do, that the two boys won't be returning with their parents.

If this turns out to be the case, then I suspect the destination is likely over the state line into a neighboring state, well outside the jurisdiction of LE. Between parental authority and jurisdiction, the two boys will never be interviewed.

This case gets more bizarre by the day. IMO, the parents look more and more guilty every day that passes without their cooperation in finding Lisa. :(
I'm pretty confident if they had found Little Lisa and withheld this information...Someone would be fired. I've wondered if LE would do this when the rumors circulated before. It's been done in other cases while LE locked down lose ends to a case prior to releasing the information... I don't know, but this high profile? I doubt it would be for very long.

Withheld from the public or family? Maybe there was a reason DB said "grieving"?

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