100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

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OK...according to what I have gathered though I could be wrong...

Both JM and Nurmi will get the chance to question her again, redirect or address the questions - however you want to put it.

Anyone know how that works? Do they go question by question, first JM than Nurmi...then next question, repeat and so on?

I mean, this could take FOREVER!!! I am very curious as to the next step...anyone?
Now I'm very glas Juan was "mean" to her and got her to say "it scrambles my brain when men like you yell at me." Because it gave one of the juror's the idea to ask "if men yelling at you affects your memory how come you remember all the details of the abuse so well!?"

And now that the question has been asked, the other jurors are thinking about it too.

I think it was a well calculated strategy on JM's part. The jurors got to see JA with their own eyes being grilled and 'yelled at' by JM and they got to see her reaction and her posture and her verbiage..... :) She didn't seem to have any fear, or apprehension. Just the opposite. Makes the jury see for themselves how very unsubservient and wilting JA is when mean men attack her ;)
Nope, I don't think their sex life was even nearly as kinky as she is saying. She's just a liar. Plain and simple.

Oh I don't know about that. From that audio sex tape (that was secretively made by Jo-deceiver) I think he liked a little bit more than just the missionary: sex-to-procreate-only style!

Plus, I think Jo-Deceiver introduced him to this kinky world of sleaze. Perhaps she'll re-edify (de-edify? Un-edify?) that for us tomorrow :waitasec:
will the ME come back on rebuttal to say if she shot him first he would not have ran down the hall let a lone pick up the camera. ja claimed there was no blood in the bathroom when she shot ta, but she can 't explain the sink full of blood:furious: i'm still in the stabbed first camp. jmo

I imagine the ME will be called on rebuttal for this purpose.
About her comparing her memory loss to a computer freezing - it's on but if you hit the keys, nothing happens...

... um that would have her in an immobile fugue state of sorts - breathing but unable to act.

She wouldn't have been able to change, lock the door, drag Travis (much less stab him! Oh - but this type of memory loss only happens when she's being yelled at, not when she's being allegedly attacked???

What turned her into a raging homicidal lunatic? Oh right... her ego. Travis wasn't going to be her possession or controlled by her any more.

About the psychologist in CA she mentioned: She saw a therapist and didn't discuss memory problems? (Oh heck - I'm going crazy - there is no therapist OR memory loss)

By the way, two alcohol-induced black-outs as a teen =/= memory loss in one's late 20's. I'm not sure why anyone is lumping these things together because they are not related at all.
You're right...and I'll take it a step further...none of it ever existed.
Regarding the threesome, Jodi said "I'm not gay". Didn't we just hear that she has a girlfriend that she want a baby with and to spend her life with?
I missed a little bit too...did they ask anything about camping with 9mm?

:yes: They wanted to know who was going, and why the need for a gun. She said some dishwashers at the restaurant that she barely knew....

Something to that effect.....I don't remember the exact details. :giggle:
There were a couple of questions about "Travis' gun". Those worry me.
It makes me think that at least 2 jury members might not believe she premeditated it.

But, I could just be reading too much into it...

Yes I am worried that there were no questions about the supposed robbery at the grandparents home and the discrepancy regarding the laptop. Or about what Travis used to load the gun since no ammunition was found in his home.
OK so she learned how to fill gas cans from the boyfriend. Then it came to her for the murder to do it and get through AZ unnoticed
With the -2 answer she gave Does it make sense that she takes off her glasses to read?

I'm -2.75 in one eye and -2.50 in the other. I can read just fine without removing my contacts or glasses.
Did anybody count how many times she responded "Both are correct." That was making me crazy.
I can no longer eat tootsie rolls or pop rock candy because of this trial.
It didn't worry me. If Travis picked up the camera before he allegedly chased her it means he wasn't so angry that killing Jodi was his focus.

Great point and makes sense. If JA dropped his camera, maybe he did get mad. That's not abnormal - most people would. It makes sense that his first action would be to see if his camera is okay.

Perhaps JA dropped the camera intentionally to get Travis annoyed and distracted - so he was even more vulnerable to a surprise attack. This actually seems quite plausible as to what really happened.

When he's (perhaps saying something unkind to JA) and going for his camera - JA slams the knife into him - or shoots him (maybe... I'm still on the gun last team). Then he goes to the sink - coughs blood... asks her to get help, she keeps stabbing him. He tries to protect himself (defensive wounds on the palms of his hands because he's facing her).

So he tries to GET AWAY and OUT down the hallway. She's stabbing him in the back of the head, back, (defensive wounds on the backs of his hands) then - from blood loss he collapses and commando-sliding at the very end, so the bottoms of his feet get slashed. He's weakening, and finally falls just inside his bedroom. Throat slashed, more stabs in the back,

The COPIOUS amount of blood from the neck wound shocks JA (not because he's hurt or she's squeamish, but because she doesn't know how out of control it might get - so she drags him into the shower..

This makes total sense to me - and perhaps it does to the juror, too, and that's why they asked the question... jmv.
Not defending Jodi AT ALL. This is a PPL thing. I am sure of it. I have been in my share of MLM's and they would use this word in this way:

When you introduce me to your prospective client/customer be sure to edify me so they will find me more believable or an authority on the matter. . .Then when I talk to them I will be sure to edify you so they will have a good image of you.

You guys have educated me because I never knew it was being used incorrectly.

It's not really incorrect. If you've heard other definitions it's probably because they exist :)

Definition of EDIFY
a : build
b : establish
: to instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge : uplift; also : enlighten, inform
Examples of EDIFY

These books will both entertain and edify readers.
<a family-oriented show that tried to edify the television audience as well as entertain it>

Origin of EDIFY
Middle English, from Anglo-French edifier, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin aedificare to instruct or improve spiritually, from Latin, to erect a house, from aedes temple, house; akin to Old English &#257;d funeral pyre, Latin aestas summer
First Known Use: 14th century

Ut oh.

Don't like this question about the camera. Sounds like the juror believes her story.

This is actually a good question because if he's picking up the camera, he's not a threat to her life.
I missed the morning session so I don't know.

..but what question? What boob job question?!! I have questions about her boob job too, but have been too shy to ask!

In the morning they were discussing the questions they wanted to object to. The questions were never read out loud, only referred to by number. Nurmi wanted to object to question #50. Juan said something about the question referring to money and a surgical procedure. We all perceived it to mean something about the boob job. But I didn't hear if that question was allowed.
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