100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

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me too...hey i want the stun belt to get set off accidently and then have them not be able to shut it off for several minutes!

I would give her a teeny tiny zap with each lie. She'd jump out of her skin.. I would deny it (as the belt operator)
Maybe it is one of her lies sprinkled with the truth. Maybe she's into asphyxiation and asked Travis to choke her during sex, not as an act of violence.

Yes that's possible that she mentioned it as just another "fantasy" but I don't think there are many guys, especially inexperienced ones, who would be receptive to that kind of action.

That kind of takes it to a completely different level than mile high clubs and sex on the hood of the car IYKWIM. I actually believe those two might have been on his list of things he'd like to do. They're pretty basic fantasies for most men IMO.
About her comparing her memory loss to a computer freezing - it's on but if you hit the keys, nothing happens...

... um that would have her in an immobile fugue state of sorts - breathing but unable to act.

She wouldn't have been able to change, lock the door, drag Travis (much less stab him! Oh - but this type of memory loss only happens when she's being yelled at, not when she's being allegedly attacked???

What turned her into a raging homicidal lunatic? Oh right... her ego. Travis wasn't going to be her possession or controlled by her any more.

About the psychologist in CA she mentioned: She saw a therapist and didn't discuss memory problems? (Oh heck - I'm going crazy - there is no therapist OR memory loss)

By the way, two alcohol-induced black-outs as a teen =/= memory loss in one's late 20's. I'm not sure why anyone is lumping these things together because they are not related at all.

Jodi meant to compare her brain scrambling not to a normal frozen computer; she meant to compare it to HAL which kills you when it malfunctions.
With the -2 answer she gave Does it make sense that she takes off her glasses to read?
Nope... she evidently is wearing reading glasses!
however, JA takes hers' off to read!:floorlaugh:
Maybe I misunderstood her earlier accounts of her faulty memory, but today she essentially said at age 15 and 19 she blacked out from drinking. Or did I hear that wrong. Not that I believe her, I'm sure she did something shameful to whichever boyfriend she was stalking at the time then too and needed to "forget".... but she these lies are so weak.

If she sustained a head injury ("bump") when she was "body slammed" which she claims "still hurts", why not use that as the chosen lie for memory loss?
Oh yes, because none of that happened. Her story would've been so much more believeable if any of these details had merit. So very transparent.
I missed a little bit too...did they ask anything about camping with 9mm?
Originally Posted by minor4th View Post
Here's my take: I think Jodi knows she's going to be convicted. I think she's always known she was going to be convicted, and her lawyers have always known it as well. As Detective Flores said, this is some of the best evidence ever, and there's no way around that.

Jodi is going through the motions of telling these tales just to pay lip service to the process and to give her a venue for talking about Travis. There are several points she wants to make very clear, and it matters not how it affects the outcome of this trial, as long as she gets to hold forth. Those points are: 1. That Travis was really into her, and that makes her special -- and all the Jodi haters, like Sky, be damned, 2. That she was so appealing that she could get a nice, chaste Mormon man to break his vows, and 3. Travis f-ed up by rejecting her and calling her out on being a lying sociopath, and for that he will pay, not only with his life, but with his reputation and memory.

This whole trial for Jodi is a huge F you to Travis, kind of a warning or lesson about why Jodi should never be crossed.

I think she is just a psychopath.
If Travis stopped to get the camera..then he couldn't have been pursuing her and her hearing his footsteps after her. hmm

I agree and I wonder if any of them are in LE or has a family member. What they do in interviewing suspects is they give them suggestions and the suspect runs with it and puts their own spin on it.

That question doesnt bother me because it just slows the timeline down enough more.
I don't believe anything JA has to say other than 'I killed Travis Alexander'.
I had a dream last night that TA's family was giving their impact statements and one of TA's sisters (Tanisha, I think) focused her statement to Jodi, telling her how vile she is, how Travis came to hate her despite all his religious teachings, how he never truly loved her, how he couldn't wait to get rid of her...she went on and on and it made the lying murderess sooo angry!

In my dream then Tanisha finished her remarks by saying, "you stole his life, like you've stolen so many things, including the time of these good jurors week after week, but you NEVER got Travis' heart or his soul or his love and you never will! Travis soars with the love of everyone around him and you...you will rot day after day after day waiting for your hell on earth to end and your new eternal hell to begin."

It was an awesome statement!
Her wording was even worse -- she said I "entertained" the idea - like she was auditioning all the scenarios in her head.

Exactly. I caught that too. She "entertained" the idea of using it as one of the lies she could massage into her self-defense story, but ultimately discarded it.
There is no question which way the jury is leaning. I burst out laughing at several of the juror's questions!

About the question that was not allowed because of attorney/client privilege...I bet it was a question about the coded magazine message.
Now I'm very glad Juan was "mean" to her and got her to say "it scrambles my brain when men like you yell at me." Because it gave one of the juror's the idea to ask "if men yelling at you affects your memory how come you remember all the details of the abuse so well!?"

And now that the question has been asked, the other jurors are thinking about it too.
Wait... did the question about the boob job get asked? I was at the dentist for a bit.

I missed the morning session so I don't know.

..but what question? What boob job question?!! I have questions about her boob job too, but have been too shy to ask!
I think we all hate the word de edify whatever the hell it means

I think the word de edify is like the word defeat!

sample( soap and water is good for de feet) hahaha

Why goes this case reminds me of 3 Morman and a Moron (new sitcom??)
With the -2 answer she gave Does it make sense that she takes off her glasses to read?

It does make sense. My eyes are similar and I take off my glasses to read. On the other hand, SHE MIGHT BE LYING about her prescription. And the only reason I suspect that is because she's such a liar that I find myself doubting every single thing she says.
Mormons use this word as you would use "uplifting."

For example, missionaries are told not to write home about anything that is not edifying to their family.

Members are taught to write journals for the purpose of edifying their posterity.

Jodi misuses this word just like she does so many others, because she is a pseudo-Mormon. If Travis had been a Quaker, she would have gone with that. Mormonism created a problem for her in that it conflicted with her real religion, the Law of Attraction.
After finding out about his pedophilia, wouldn't she think that during sex with him later, he might be thinking of her as an 8 year old little boy? Did that not bother her if she thought it bad enuff to kill him? Not maka de sense, Jod. Does not compute, you lying murderer... grrrrrr

Not with those $300 boobies:what:
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