100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

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they are trying to catch her out asking these questions because of her "fog"
Dang.. Let her speculate!!! It would have been like OJ's IF I did it!!
why did u place travis body back in the shower - do you know what time you left on June 4th 2008 - what happened to the clothes you were wearing on june 2008?
Q: Why did you place Travis' body back in the shower?

A:I can only speculate....

Question is passed
The gas can story is so stupid. We aren't the wild, wild west out here anymore. When there are long stretches without gas there are signs clearly stating LAST GAS with the miles posted until your next gas station. What a crock!
Questions about the murder.... *fog*... here we go...

barks when someone comes around. yet she was able to go up to the second floor into travis's bedroom and catch him with pictures of young boys and the dog never alerted him?
Why did you put Travis' body in the shower?

What time did you leave his house on June 4, 2008?

Where did you put your clothes you were wearing after that?
She has a clear pattern of saying "I don't know" when the question is against her...such as when her dad asked where she snuck off to when she was a teen.
Good question about the dog barking. And this brings to mind a question I've had about the dog. Was the dog still loose in the house when Travis' body was discovered?? And if so, why weren't there dog tracks through the blood?
THAT question is golden. How is the august incident different than june?

This liar. UGH.
Her demeanor on the stand is going to backfire. These questions indicate skepticism on the part of the jurors. Her glibness in answering will only offend them more. My speculation only.
"choking me out" is different from "choking me" isn't it? Isn't that a sex thing?
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