100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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if my memory serves me correctly... During her trip she saw Matt, Daryl, Travis, Ryan, and was planning on seeing Dixon and Gus.... all in 3 days, and then after killing Travis was planning a camping trip with a bunch of guys.... WTH... she is a *advertiser censored*! IMO
I think Jodi's a very talented artist. Not inspiring like a Van Gogh or Monet.
Ot for a second y'all. Just wanted to say, if I never get the chance to meet any of you in person, I'm thankful to be here, To listen, to grow with y'all. We came here on our own accord and have bonded over many trials and tribulations. When I have no one else to talk to about crazy, I have y'all. Sending each one of you a big hug tonight!
Just like singing (and other artistic mediums), art can be taught (technical aspects) but that DOES NOT EQUAL TALENT! Ever heard somebody with an OVERTRAINED VOICE but NO TALENT? Same with alot of musicians...technically accomplished but NO REAL TALENT! You have to have a passion & TALENT to produce TRUE ART. imo

Real artistic talent - dance, music, visual arts, voice - comes from the SOUL. Jodi is an empty shell and has no innate talent. :moo:
I am hopeful that so many people are hopeful by the juror's questions.

For me it makes me sick with fear that this sociopath may be successful in manipulating the juror's thoughts & conclusions. Yes, she is a horrible liar; all I have to do is come to the conclusion a 7 year old might come to when lying to realize where she will go (ie: Where is she going to say the gun came from? What is she going to say about the stabbing? Etc.). Still, I am anxious & sickened to see her assured demeanor when answering these questions today.

I grew up with a sociopath. She is my 1st Cousin, peer, and we were raised together closely. It has taken most of my life to understand what she has done to me, and what she did to my family. She was "diagnosed" as a teenager or young 20's, but I was only told at that time, by my Mother, that the Dr(s?). had stated to her parents that she should never ever have children (she has 4 now). It only became clear to me that she is a sociopath when my Cousin did what she did to my family… then that specific info was backed up by family knowledge of her then "diagnosis".

She "loved me", I was her "best friend", she also hated me and was so jealous of my relationships with my family (even my own Mother), and me in general, that she would do anything to destroy me… Anything short of physical violence. the things that she did are still astounding to me and angering.

The damage is still built into every bit of my personal knowledge I have about myself. I lack the clarity that someone like BritsKate has in her experience with a dangerous peson. It is a muddied water that is attached to a very base fear and knowledge of the path of destruction these people are capable of creating with lies and manipulation.

I know this is not a 'good' post. I can't write well when I'm "scrambled". Lol… Ugh...

I just WANT THAT JURY TO UNDERSTAND what a sociopath is. I want them to understand what an inspired demon this JA is.

I am terrified when the questions imply they are exploring her story as if were real.

That must have been so hard. I am so grateful for those on this site who are willing to share their personal history for the benefit of peeps like me who came from a loving family, and don't even have the imagination to wonder what it is like being around a psychopath.
Thanks to all of you for teaching peeps like me.
How great is it that the *advertiser censored* question happened on the same day Jodi had a blooming herpes sore?
Any idea what time you will be posting your notes? I just looked on the Court observer thread and didn't see anything. Just asking because I am in Eastern time. Thanks!
I don't know if you got an answer to you question. Katie posted in the other thread, her observations will be posted about 8 p.m. :great:
I am hopeful that so many people are hopeful by the juror's questions.

For me it makes me sick with fear that this sociopath may be successful in manipulating the juror's thoughts & conclusions. Yes, she is a horrible liar; all I have to do is come to the conclusion a 7 year old might come to when lying to realize where she will go (ie: Where is she going to say the gun came from? What is she going to say about the stabbing? Etc.). Still, I am anxious & sickened to see her assured demeanor when answering these questions today.

I grew up with a sociopath. She is my 1st Cousin, peer, and we were raised together closely. It has taken most of my life to understand what she has done to me, and what she did to my family. She was "diagnosed" as a teenager or young 20's, but I was only told at that time, by my Mother, that the Dr(s?). had stated to her parents that she should never ever have children (she has 4 now). It only became clear to me that she is a sociopath when my Cousin did what she did to my family… then that specific info was backed up by family knowledge of her then "diagnosis".

She "loved me", I was her "best friend", she also hated me and was so jealous of my relationships with my family (even my own Mother), and me in general, that she would do anything to destroy me… Anything short of physical violence. the things that she did are still astounding to me and angering.

The damage is still built into every bit of my personal knowledge I have about myself. I lack the clarity that someone like BritsKate has in her experience with a dangerous peson. It is a muddied water that is attached to a very base fear and knowledge of the path of destruction these people are capable of creating with lies and manipulation.

I know this is not a 'good' post. I can't write well when I'm "scrambled". Lol… Ugh...

I just WANT THAT JURY TO UNDERSTAND what a sociopath is. I want them to understand what an inspired demon this JA is.

I am terrified when the questions imply they are exploring her story as if were real.
Considering the rest of your post I think you're selling yourself way too short, my dear friend. You know a great deal more than you're giving yourself credit for. It's difficult for a lot of people who haven't experienced a psychopath firsthand not to see them as human as themselves - and honestly, I think its normal for them to try to rationalize her behaviors because those behaviors are so foreign to what 'normal' peeps would do. Try not to worry too much. :blowkiss:

A really good resource for those who have had to experience relationships with personality disordered people: http://www.outofthefog.net/index.html
(And you know you can always, always reach out to me if needed. :hug:)
I am hopeful that so many people are hopeful by the juror's questions.

For me it makes me sick with fear that this sociopath may be successful in manipulating the juror's thoughts & conclusions. Yes, she is a horrible liar; all I have to do is come to the conclusion a 7 year old might come to when lying to realize where she will go (ie: Where is she going to say the gun came from? What is she going to say about the stabbing? Etc.). Still, I am anxious & sickened to see her assured demeanor when answering these questions today.

I grew up with a sociopath. She is my 1st Cousin, peer, and we were raised together closely. It has taken most of my life to understand what she has done to me, and what she did to my family. She was "diagnosed" as a teenager or young 20's, but I was only told at that time, by my Mother, that the Dr(s?). had stated to her parents that she should never ever have children (she has 4 now). It only became clear to me that she is a sociopath when my Cousin did what she did to my family… then that specific info was backed up by family knowledge of her then "diagnosis".

She "loved me", I was her "best friend", she also hated me and was so jealous of my relationships with my family (even my own Mother), and me in general, that she would do anything to destroy me… Anything short of physical violence. the things that she did are still astounding to me and angering.

The damage is still built into every bit of my personal knowledge I have about myself. I lack the clarity that someone like BritsKate has in her experience with a dangerous peson. It is a muddied water that is attached to a very base fear and knowledge of the path of destruction these people are capable of creating with lies and manipulation.

I know this is not a 'good' post. I can't write well when I'm "scrambled". Lol… Ugh...

I just WANT THAT JURY TO UNDERSTAND what a sociopath is. I want them to understand what an inspired demon this JA is.

I am terrified when the questions imply they are exploring her story as if were real.

Your post is excellent. Those of us who have not experienced someone so controlling need to know that these people are out there and how to recognize their traits. Obviously Travis did not until it was too late for him to get out from under her.

Jodi is presenting as if she is giving a talk about PPL with those hand jesters. She is suppose to be talking from her memory not from what she has rehearsed. And that is what those hand movement indicate to me.

While some of the questions seem bothersome we have asked those very same questions here. Some of those questions are phased as if they believe her, they are also phased in a way in which they could be testing her to see what she will say.

I think the way she presents herself, while she speaks well, she indicates by her hand movements that what she is saying is not genuine. jmo
Just like singing (and other artistic mediums), art can be taught (technical aspects) but that DOES NOT EQUAL TALENT! Ever heard somebody with an OVERTRAINED VOICE but NO TALENT? Same with alot of musicians...technically accomplished but NO REAL TALENT! You have to have a passion & TALENT to produce TRUE ART. imo

that! ITA! there's no passion in her art..
I'm not saying he was up there at the time. But why is jodi saying her ankles were bleeding? I'd never heard that before.

Probably another lie. I know one thing. My dog would bite someone's foot off if anyone messed with me.

Probably because she still paints Travis on the ground ---grabbing at her. So her ankles were vulnerable to his vicious and savage attack (for dropping his camera which, fumbled like a football!)

I mean really?

.....if she were telling these tales to a bunch of impressionable 3rd graders then, that would be one thing. But to insult the intelligence--of what she believes to be knuckle-dragging imbeciles (who get swayed by her articulatory tongue)...is not only insulting, but greatly irritating too!

I hope the jurors are as perturbed as we are by now!
Along with the "did your previous boyfriends leave you because you're so controlling" is "didn't you have a girlfriend you could stay with [besides Matt]?" The jurors have so figured her out.
My final thoughts on this...Tomorrow morning everybody should get together in the courtroom. Nurmi stands up and says we rest your honor, we have nothing else. Juan stands up and says me too. We're done. Skip closing. Jury deliberates less than an hour. Really. Anything else is a waste of EVERYBODY'S time.
I love the walkthrough of the sktech question! Brilliant! The jury has all the questions because they do not trust her... and want her to fumble in her web of lies.

I thought she screwed up on that. I thought she originally claimed that, after getting the gun and running into the bathroom, TA was behind her and he came at her from out of the closet door nearest the shower.

But today she said he went back out the bedroom side closet door and then came down the bathroom hall.

Did I misunderstand her first version (sorry, I mean 3rd), or did she change the sequence today?
I asked my husband to listen to the questions with me and offer his opinion because I'm too emotionally invested in the outcome. Anyway, after a while he said, 'Wow, they hate her guts.'

Don't know if they do, but I hope so.

My husband, who has not followed this case at all, watched some of the Q&A with me and very soon was making the "crazy" notation with his forefinger moving in circles next to his head. From the unbiased juror at our house. :D
Along with the "did your previous boyfriends leave you because you're so controlling" is "didn't you have a girlfriend you could stay with [besides Matt]?" The jurors have so figured her out.

YES!!!! And the follow up question of "were there any women at Ventana you could stay with?" No. Seriously. There must be a lot of employees there if they offer employee housing. Not one woman could bunk with her? Ya right.
The lowest muzzle velocity for a .25 ACP I could find is about 760 fps, which is still transsonic. Just by way of comparison, a .45 is about 900 fps and the Carcano rounds that killed Kennedy were nearly 2,500 fps.

A gun makes a crack. Partly that is the muzzle velocity, partly the gas expansion of the gunpowder. I've always assumed the loudest component is the muzzle crack as air gets seriously out of the way of the bullet leaving the muzzle.

However, all firearms are really freaking loud. Even a silencer can only make a larger round sound like a smaller round like a .22, which itself has a surprisingly loud crack.

From watching movies people may think the sound of a gunshot is a lot more "throaty" than it really is. The sound is very difficult to reproduce because, at close range, you not only hear it, you can feel it. Even when you know it's coming, it can make you flinch.

One of my pet peeves is films like Terminator 2 where people are firing handguns and shotguns in a closed elevator and their total hearing loss for the rest of the movie is never addressed. They would be saying "Huh, what?" as the only dialogue for the duration.

You know how loud a .25 would be in a closed space like a bathroom without ear protection?

Shockingly loud.

I don't know about "the fog", but I can bet Jodi's ears were ringing well into her tossing the gun in the desert.

P.S. No guy would own a little .25 as a backup weapon, much less the first gun they ever bought. Useless for defense, no fun to shoot and I can't imagine a beefy kind of guy like Travis picking up a vest pocket pimp gun and saying "this just feels right in my hand".


And right after the gunshot----she says she HEARD him say "f ing kill you b"????

How could she hear that--she said she wasn't looking at him (so couldn't lip-read)

I want one of the jurors to ask her how she "felt" when she saw the autopsy pix. Did they jog her memory even the slightest?
IMO there is no way TA was taking pictures of his own murder. Sorry, that is as far-fetched as it gets. Might he have somehow 'hit' or inadvertantly 'slid' the camera during this struggle? Sure. but taking pictures as he is being shot and stabbed? No way. He was busy trying to get away and stay alive. His mind was not on that camera but on breathing, living, escaping. And, by that last picture, the one with the blood streaming down his back, he is dead or very near so.
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