100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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good morning all

there was a post on this thread last night that i never thought of, about the sound of a gun going off in a bathroom with tile and other hard surfaces, the poster was mykeru. the point was ja would not hear ta say anything because the noise would cause one ears to ring. i sure hope there is a gun person on this jury. it would be great if one of the questions was, ja how could you hear anything when you fired that gun? maybe jm will have this line of questions for ja. jmo

She read his lips saying, "Kill you b**tch."
There has been no evidence that she was sexually abused as a child, but it would not surprise me if that were the case but Jodi will not admit it because she might think it makes her look flawed or something.

Perhaps this is something that is affected by Jodi's selective memory. Many victims of sexual abuse repress these experiences because they are too horrifying to recall. It took my sister many years to come to terms with childhood sexual abuse by an uncle.
I've only been paying attention to this trial a little bit but I was wondering if Arias had gotten the questions from the jury ahead of time so she would have an answer immediately? Sorry if this has been asked before or overlooked it. Thanks

She and her lawyers were allowed to review all questions in a conference room at 9 am yesterday, prior to any court proceedings. The prosecutor was allowed to review them between 10 and 11 am yesterday prior to the court proceedings. She had hours to think them over and formulate her answers.
I was watching "What would you ask Jodi Arias?" on HLN yesterday and Monica (I think) called in and said she would ask her, "If you knew he was interested in children sexually and was completely sickened by this as you say, why would you perpetuate his fantasies by wearing childrens underwear and dress up like a school girl?" Joey Jackson about fell off his chair and was so impressed with this question. We can only hope a juror asks this or something similar. Isn't that the best question ever?

That is a great question!
I'm not sure how long you've been reading here or if you're able to keep up with the very fast moving threads when testimony is taking place but I've seen several pro-victim people say TA was not an innocent victim when it came to the sex. Many of us admit that he used JA to fulfill his fantasies and I bet were he here he would admit to such. We aren't trying to say TA was unlike any other man on the planet, just the opposite, he's pretty much just like any other man...fantasy-speaking...but he didn't deserve to die for that (and you've agreed about that).

None of Travis' actions could have logically led to JA killing him the way she did. If she was so disturbed by the child *advertiser censored* issue, she should have reported it. I know as a woman I would never stand knowingly by and allow that behavior to possibly continue. At the point of learning of this supposed problem TA had, the burden to protect those children he may come in contact with shifted to Jodi. Jodi knew he was around Chris & Sky's child but said nothing to Chris & Sky about what she saw. Anyone with an ounce of moral fiber would have picked up the phone immediately and informed them of what she saw...if for no other reason than to protect that child.


This is total BS in my opinion. It's crazy the double standard that exists. Somehow because he's a guy, he's being criticized for "using her for sex."

She used him for sex too. It was the nature of the relationship. She knew his religion and converted to it to try to get at him. When she realized that he wasn't going to ever marry her, she used sex to manipulate the relationship.

They both did it. I see absolutely NOTHING wrong with what he did with her. She knew the deal.

It's almost like the scene in Vanilla Sky when Cameron Diaz's character drives Tom Cruise off the bridge and kills him because she resented just being an eff buddy.

He didn't degrade her. There are plenty of women out there who enjoy sex and don't mind being the kind of woman who has a strictly sexual relationship with a man.

If she wasn't willing to do that then she should have walked away.

My dad has a hearing problem so I've always been a hand talker. I notice JA also talks with her hands... not that I want to have anything in common with that monster... But, I've noticed when she is talking about the alleged violence she doesn't use her hands to describe what was going on. For example, she doesn't put her hands around her neck while saying he strangled her, and so on.

Jodi is very transparent!!

Rubbing Neck = Pain In the Neck

Touching Hands and Hair = Self Comfort Gesture/ Nervous

Head Facing Down = Shame

Covering Mouth = Keep Quiet/Doesn't Want To Speak

Covering Eyes = Doesn't Want To See It/Wants To Hide

Arms or Legs Cross Barrier = Defensive

Nose/Face Touch During Answering = Possible Lie

Thinking She'll Get Away With This Crime = Hilarious!
One of the jurors' questions that got disallowed: "When we convict you, would it be possible for each of us to punch you at least once in your smirking face just for making Travis Alexander's family sit through your psychotic performance?" Nurmi objected to the characterization of her face as "smirking".
So it's the overkill aspect of the crime. One knife wound is not as sensational as 27 plus a gun shot coupled with the rage and you got people's attention.

Yes, that and the contrast between her demeanor in those TV interviews and what she actually has admitted to doing plus the premeditation. Even if she had had a big blow up with Travis in his kitchen and grabbed a knife and stabbed him 27 times I wouldn't have the same interest in the case. But everything taken together makes me want to know who this woman is and how I can detect warning signs in other dangerous people who seem pleasant on the surface.
I believe the "12 year old girl" comment was made simply because, well, she SOUNDS like a 12 year old girl with her fake Marilyn Monroe wittle innocent girl voice. C'mon. Listen to her on that tape and listen to her voice in court.
:seeya: I carry the old folk label, and you are right, I haven't been clutching my pearls (partly 'cos they are not my style). I recall the sixties with great affection :blushing:

me TOO....what i can recall of them!!

This is total BS in my opinion. It's crazy the double standard that exists. Somehow because he's a guy, he's being criticized for "using her for sex."

She used him for sex too. It was the nature of the relationship. She knew his religion and converted to it to try to get at him. When she realized that he wasn't going to ever marry her, she used sex to manipulate the relationship.

They both did it. I see absolutely NOTHING wrong with what he did with her. She knew the deal.

It's almost like the scene in Vanilla Sky when Cameron Diaz's character drives Tom Cruise off the bridge and kills him because she resented just being an eff buddy.

He didn't degrade her. There are plenty of women out there who enjoy sex and don't mind being the kind of woman who has a strictly sexual relationship with a man.

If she wasn't willing to do that then she should have walked away.


I TOTALLY agree. They both knew what was going on. No one is more innocent or guilty than the other. That was their relationship and she KNEW it and continued to go along with it.
Good morning all!!!! :seeya:

Finally caught up to you all!

My :twocents: on the 12 yr old comment: If my husband had said that to me, being the parents of 3 girls (and 2 boys), I'd have stopped him and said WTF????? The comment did creep me out. BUT, neither TA or JA had children, and sometimes I truly believe that until you are a parent you don't understand the impact of certain statements, including a 'that's hot' comment. I cannot tell you how many times since being a parent that I have had 'lightbulb' moments, usually when I realize that ohhhh that's why my parents did/said this or that! LOL I totally believe that most men that have children, especially girls, would never make this type of comment. Men that do not have children, may not completely understand how ick that comment really is. JMO That being said.... it creeped me out, but I still don't think TA was a pedophile, or even had a thought about it!

ALSO.... Am I the only one that is disappointed that the jury didn't ask her who Esther is????? :D Katie? can you slip that question into the box? hehehe

I agree with your take on the 12 year old comment, which is why I would not have just giggled - I would have immediately asked him what the heck he meant by that!

And yes, I specifically wanted them to ask about Esther, even though it's not important :D
Regarding the gun issue, we've now moved to it being in a holster or not, or she doesn't know or both?

Hope the jury can pin her down for an answer.

... and don't forget yesterday's new testimony, that she placed her hand on the top shelf while retrieving the gun. Total contradiction to previous.

I'm sure LE didn't fingerprint the shelves, with nothing disturbed.
One of the jurors' questions that got disallowed: "When we convict you, would it be possible for each of us to punch you at least once in your smirking face just for making Travis Alexander's family sit through your psychotic performance?" Nurmi objected to the characterization of her face as "smirking".

I heart you.
Hey commspecialist. :seeya: I just wanted to say first and foremost you ARE welcome here. And don't take the replies as hate. A lot of these posters have been following the case for a long time. Discussion isn't hate!

That being said, it's hard to tell what state TA was in when he said that. Guys say stupid things. Once i put a hoodie over my husband's face and he told me I looked much better. He didn't mean it, and it hurt, but I knew he just said something stupid.

IMO, it is possible that TA said "you sound like a 12 y/o girl" and then suddenly realized that could hurt her feelings and added the "that's so hot" to soften the blow so to speak. I'm not saying that's what happened, I'm just saying one instance without any other evidence is kind of a stretch, just my :twocents:

I don't believe he was sitting there actually thinking about a 12-year old girl having an orgasm. People say weird things in the throws of passion. He was probably joking about the way psycho killer actually sounded like a pre-teen.
Someone please correct me, but I thought that after saying Travis wasn't into Spiderman, then yapping awhile more, at the end Jodi threw in that Travis liked to dress up as Superman. Sheesh.
No, she said a child that he was close to liked to dress up as Spiderman.

It really is hard to come to a forum where 99% of the posters have a different opinion. And with those different opinions, it is like a courtroom. One side trying to convince the other side of their view/evidence/non-evidence. And it can get passionate.


For myself, it is human nature to come to this forum vs another 1 which I will not name. I cannot fathom going to that other site and trying to be the 1 person who tries to change their mind! so good for you and your mental stamina to do such.

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Regarding the gun issue, we've now moved to it being in a holster or not, or she doesn't know or both?

Hope the jury can pin her down for an answer.

Apparently, she continues to have memory issues, um too many lies that can't be kept straight, in her scrambled little brain. I don't think it is possible to "pin her down" on any answer. :D
... and don't forget yesterday's new testimony, that she placed her hand on the top shelf while retrieving the gun. Total contradiction to previous.

I'm sure LE didn't fingerprint the shelves, with nothing disturbed.

IMHO she changed that story to answer questions her defense has seen online. Remember the whole discussion here about the pins holding the shelves up...........
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