100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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Jodi seems VERY annoyed, and put off whenever someone asks about her being "jealous", and jealousy being a motive... It really strikes a cord with her...

I dont know why it hasn't been brought up much, but when it has been she reacts with a very obvious look of disdain mixed with repressed anger...

Has anyone else noticed this?
Originally Posted by Furiously_Following
And right after the gunshot----she says she HEARD him say "f ing kill you b"????

How could she hear that--she said she wasn't looking at him (so couldn't lip-read)


She did mention in her Flores interview that she heard a loud ringing noise when Travis was shot. I bet she did.

That was in her ninja story...in her latest, she claims he said...."f-in kill u b" RIGHT AFTER THEY FELL!:liar:
I'm pretty new to the forum but I want to take the time to thank those that maintain it and also all the posters that make it so informative.

What strikes me just as much is the fact that so many feel safe enough here to post their very personal stories of abuse and survival. Thanks so much for letting me be a part of it all.
Jodi uses 'edify' a lot when 'mollify' is the correct context.

In prison general population, that over the top holier than thou attitude will get her in HUGE trouble. Right now, Jodi's a star there. Soon, though, the Jodi show will be closing.
Today she was into the word "de-edify"....which isn't a word.
I do think she would have been convicted without the photos. They had her on the list as the number one suspect early on and her palm print and hair with blood on them were found at the crime scene mixed with her dna and Travis'. LE would have traced all of this just like they did from the faux burglary of the .25 to her trip incognito to Mesa.

I do believe in devine intervention though and I think that is why they found the photos. They were icing on an already very guilty cake.


That's true. I forgot about the bloody palm print.
Did you ever seek help for your mental condition?

Can somebody answer this question for me?

If you take all the details of JA bathroom body slam, chase, jump, enter closet, grab gun, exit closet, tackle, wrestle, shoot, and BLACK OUT . . . . . . sliced throat , body drag. . . . .

Time of melee was 5:29 and the dead 27X stabbed + sliced throat and dragging the corpse ends at 5:31;29 (Not precise on photo time stamps)

Using photo time lines the JA story (fabrication) cannot be true.
Why hasn't this strong inference been pointed out to the jury??????

It's my understanding that Juan can't be argumentative or draw conclusion during cross. He HAS to highlight this in rebuttal and closing though!
Small Sacrifices is what got me interested in true crime, too. :seeya:

"Helter Skelter", and the one about Jeffrey MacDonald (can't remember the name of the book) are the ones that roped me in. I've been hooked ever since. But I can honestly say I have NEVER experienced anything like this trial. It's been a brain scramble for sure ;).
Her whole diagram explanation today TICKED ME OFF! She intentionally made it confusing to follow, again: to cover-up what really went down.

She won't follow anyone's instructions to save her life (literally!!). The juror asked her to "use the diagram." But by the time she got toward the part where she got the gun, she moved her hand AWAY from the diagram and screen. And started talking with her hands, making grand sweeping motions and not pointing out a single thing.

There was no clarity today about which closet door Travis exited. She made it fuzzy regarding whether he followed her through the same door, or double-backed to use his original closet door to exit.

She wants to keep everyone in a fog about what really went down. That's why she was sneaky and stopped pointing out things via the diagram.

Oh I get it. We are the ones in the Fog. She shot Travis and then you people are in a Fog about the rest of it.
I admit I fell asleep during the questions but regained consciousness from time to time (and she was still droning on and on).

My top 3 favorites:

3. IF you had had 3 gas cans and you purchased 5.201 gallons and 3.726 gallons and in the third, 2.171 gallons blah blah blah.......(loved the snark implied in that Q!);

2. Did you get any help for your mental problem?

1. Do you think men cheat on you b/c you're overly controlling? No, I believe the opposite is true.

OMG, she has a -5 zillion score in self-awareness!

I gotta say, though, she comes up with an answer for everything. Her brain should be preserved for study by forensic neurologists, if there is such a type of Dr.

You forgot the *advertiser censored* question. Classic. I was driving and listening on my phone and I burst out laughing and I couldn't stop. I still laugh when I think about it.
BBM. I was SO glad someone asked her that. Your girlfriends are everything. All the women here know that. Her age and NO girls she confides in?

Not normal at ALL.

Not NO girls, exactly...

She testified today that she confided in her sister, whom she had previously labeled "dumb" and "stupid".

The dumb and/or stupid people are easier for her to fool.
She may have gathered the bloody towels and other things and the camera got rolled up in it and she threw it ALL in the wash. Amen for that because without that camera card, there's a good chance she would have gotten away with this.

Well there's that and the fact that she left a bloody palm print on the wall (co-mingled blood - hers and Travis' blood) and a strand of her bloody hair was found on the scene. But yeah....the camera helped A LOT!
does anyone remember in which interview j.a. told someone (Det. Flores..?) that one of the ninjas said "you must be that b**** from California"...?
Basically that it was a split-second decision and that she remembered that last time when he caught up to her and grabbed her by the wrists when she had tried to go left (and downstairs) instead of right (into the closet). In other words, just more BS.

Haaaaaaaaaa! Thank you for answering!!:rocker:
There was a juror question about color of her hair in April that Ryan said she was blond, and how could that be if she colored her hair brown and she said he was mistaken because PPL convention was not in april and he just forgot what month it was or something to that effect;
But than another question about bruises if you had bruises noticeable after the April 2008 incident why is it no one else said anything to you about those bruises? She stated a PPL associate saw them and made a joke about it and it was embarrassing ... So that is probably same event she saw Ryan at...
does anyone remember in which interview j.a. told someone (Det. Flores..?) that one of the ninjas said "you must be that b**** from California"...?

Yeah, she's notorious all right (in her own mind).
Does anyone know why did Nurmi ask JA if she told Alyce Laviolette she had seen Travis masturbating to little boy photos on his computer or something to that effect? TIA

This is as close as Nurmi got to the magazine business. Reportedly, Arias FIRST stated Travis was pleasuring himself to pics on the computer. When she found out there was no *advertiser censored* on his computer, she changed her story to the pics on his bed.
But by this time, she had already told Alyce her computer story.
This was all covered at that same 8-8 legal procedure that Matt was supposed to testify at. Someone correct me if I got that wrong, please.
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