100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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Anyone struggling with the "12 yr old school girl" comments...watch a Brittany spears video , specifically ( oops I did it again)
It's nothing but a fantasy ponytails knee socks and plaid skirts
IMO your taking "12" too literal.

and it's probably in the top 5 of the costumes at strip clubs and lingerie stores.
Did I hear correctly that the jury was writing more questions as she was answering these?

And I missed why they asked the *advertiser censored* question, did that come up in testimony somewhere?
Hello all- bless your passion here. Seriously. :seeya:

Travis was commenting on Jodi's voice sounding like ..... not being anything "for a 12 year old girl". She did sound squeaky on the phone. The whole time she talked to him her voice sounded like this little girl voice. Travis did not say he got off on it. He just said how Jodi sounded a metaphor to describe that squeaky voice.


BBM- this was the part that pushed my fat butt to delurk. It was a metaphor, blurted out at like what....2 am? We've all been slap happy late at night, not choosing words/phrases as we would during the day. I knew squat about this case prior and I listened to the tape in its entirety. Not a chance imo that he's attracted to children.

My childhood bestie was repeatedly abused by her father- it was unspoken, stealth, hidden. Like some sinister primordial ooze existing within the shadows.

From everything I've seen, again, not knowing word one about Travis Alexander or the killer, nothing whatsoever leads me to believe any of the killer's claims are true. IMO, accusing and/or fabricating this type of thing is beyond comprehension.

My :twocents:
Wow. What evidence are you talking about? The evidence that she never bothered to record any of this in her journals? Or mention it in text messages?

You seem to hold a double-standard. Jodi stated in a text message that she wanted to "f him like a dirty, horny little school girl". A comment that predates the one he made on the sex tape. So it's OK with you when a woman does sex talk talk like that but not when a man does it?

You sound suspiciously like a Jodi supporter despite your insistence that she's guilty. An infiltrator from Jodiisinnocent?

What on earth is an infiltrator on a public forum? Why so hostile? :S And I am not from that site, for the record.

Jodi didn't say a 12-year old. "Schoolgirl fantasies" often involve 16, 17 year olds? 12 is pre-pubescent, childhood. It disturbs me that it doesn't disturb other people more that Travis specifically said 12.

These are my opinions, you don't have to accuse me of some kind of silly 'infiltration' just because you don't like them.
Behaviors consistent with an abusive personality...

  • Moved to Mesa after their relationship ended - pursuit in a very classical sense.
  • Slashed the tires on his car - damage to personal property.
  • Sent a 'warning' email to a prospective girlfriend.
  • Snooped through his text messages.
  • Stalked him repeatedly.
  • In my opinion, very likely cyber stalked him.
  • Consistently violated boundaries of personal privacy.
  • Snooped through his online accounts.
  • Knew his ATM pin # and garage access code.
  • Dismissed his voiced concerns over them having sex.
  • Showed evidence of high manipulation through their phone recording.
  • Isolated Travis in the not so classical sense that because of their sex life, Travis would have been unable to confide the reality of their relationship to many.
  • Threatened suicide as emotional blackmail.

Behaviors inconsistent with an abusive personality:
  • Encouraging Jodi to date other people.
  • Not escalating the relationship to a more serious nature very, very quickly.
  • No evidence of stalking or harassing Jodi once she moved back to Yreka.
  • No escalation of violence according to testimony on direct.
  • No isolation of Jodi - this doesn't mean keeping her from 'his' friends - it means systematically shutting down her every 'outside' resource, sometimes to even include work and family.
  • No evidence of financial abuse - instead he was lending her money.
  • Nothing to prove incessant emails, non-stop text messages, or constant phone calls on Travis' part.
  • No outward evidence of jealousy on Travis' end. Not rising to the level I would expect from an abuser, anyway.
  • No testimony from friends or family, in court or elsewhere, to indicate an easily triggered temper, impatience, possessiveness, etc.
  • No proof he circumvented her movements - she didn't live with him and he even lent her his car.
  • Didn't fly into a rage over a ruined BMW.
  • Seemingly actively tried to help Jodi on many fronts.
Did anyone catch the fact that Jodi admitted on the stand that she fantasized about Travis "raping" her? She referred to it as being "ravished" but in the context of kinky sex, the ravishment fantasy is synonymous with rape fantasy.
Having suffered at the hands of one, I believe that if they abuse, they should.

However, there is no evidence that TA abused any children.

The only reason I am bringing this up at all is that it supports Jodi Arias' allegations of his pedophilia, and that affects the case.

It doesn't change that she murdered him and needs to be punished for that, either.

:doh: Exactly, there is no evidence.

I'm sorry for what you have gone through, but as a victim, doesn't it bother you at all that she is lying? That there is zero proof of anything she is saying? I certainly can't speak for true victims, but it seems disturbing to me that she is discounting true victims.
Do we know if any of JA's family has visited her while in jail over the past 4+ years...particularly her mother who has been in court every day?
If I remember, Nurmi immediatley started interrupting...or..or did Juan object?????

I remember thingking SHUT UP!!!! let her talk! :nevermind:

Juan said something and I believe it was more so to make a point of it so the jury was aware.
Yet...it was Jodi who stalked Travis. It was Jodi who slashed his tires. It is Jodi that consistently violated privacy and boundaries. It was Jodi who taped their phone call. It was Jodi who consistently used psychological manipulators against Travis is that recording, in texts, and emails. It is Jodi that once again displayed many of those psychological manipulators while on the stand.

Manipulators very consistent with known aspects of psychological abuse which is the main tactic of psychopaths and other disordered personalities.

Totally agree... but he did play that yo-yo game with her. In example, he basically used her for sex and while she allowed it she thought it was her only way of eventually getting back with him. Like one text message he said he wanted nothing to do with her and then he agreed to have sex when she came to visit. (if you believe they had sex that day.. I do)
We've got a woman on the stand who is sitting there getting off on discussing being a pedophile and a bunch of people tisk tisking.

Don't people realize that she knows she's toast? This is her way of playing a game. She's talking sex all over the place.

I haven't been watching the trial at all. But I do remember when TA's ex girlfriend was on the stand and they asked her why she broke up with TA she said he was cheating on her. When they asked with who and she said Jodi, Jodi smiled a self satisfied smile.

She's getting off on all of this. I can pretty much predict that once she gets convicted she's going to get lots of male admirers and manipulate from the jail and also probably kill someone in there as well.

She belongs in jail forever.
"The way you moan, Jodi, sounds like a 12-year-old girl having her first orgasm -- So hot," Alexander said."

it sounds to me like he got off on it.


this is the only example and could have itself been taken out of context and pounced upon by Arias.

She has stated on the stand that she has formulated her defense based on forensics (and evidence).

She also forged letters and tried to tamper with a witness.

She has nothing else to corroborate that one solitary sentence in a sex tape
At the risk of this being misunderstood, I want to say this;

I think men fantasizing about young girls is normal. In the *advertiser censored* industry, school-girl fantasy is extremely popular.

Not that long ago (a few centuries anyway) people married young so this attraction might be primal in nature!

Besides if you think about it, nature started the menstrual cycle at a certain (young) age for a reason! It's not so girls would have 10-15 years of cramping to get used to!! We were intended to procreate at a young age!

I think when society started academia/educational system----the marrying age got pushed back a decade or so. And slowly society got used to this.
But certainly as early as the 1800's young girls got married very young!

My own Italian grandmother (who is deceased) was only 15 years older than my father!!

If you also notice, Jodi was wearing pony-tail braids and was shaven. If you ask me, she resembled and was playing a very young girl.

Men-liking-younger-girls has been villianized to the point of being creepy but if you think about it, it's very natural.
Why do we spend so much money on looking young then?

I totally agree with this.

FWIW, I sell exoticwear for women and one of the more popular items are the school girl outfits. This is very popular in the strip clubs. When you see the strippers in the school girl outfit they normally wear their hair in either ponytails or braids. It just goes with the outfit. Some men love that look.

Not only that....school girl adult movies are one of my best sellers.

The lawyers follow ups with Jodi after the Jury is done with her should be interesting. I think Beth said Nurmi goes first (not positive of this). He of course will find some reason to play the sex tape again, phrase a few questions so Jodi can call Travis a pedophile (oh and he wanted a threesome too!) and maybe another version of "Hellride" and a finger story.

I think then Juan will start. He has so much he can question her on!
I don't believe she ever called him.

The thing is - she went to great lengths to make this trip totally incognito so that NO ONE knew she was going to AZ.
IF she were to call Travis and tell him there would be a risk he'd tell a friend or roomie!
When a person goes to the lengths she did to hide that trip by not just stock piling gas but using a rental car that 'wouldn't stand out' to the Highway patrol and has a stolen gun from her GF's (no way was that gun TA) there is no way he was expecting her. None. Remember, she walked into his house every single day even when they were not GF/BF. she'd fallen asleep waiting there for him to come home from a date! Her own words!

I remember her testimony about standing at the doorway watching him at his PC after letting herself in. Supposedly it was 3 or 4 am when they'd all be asleep. (they had jobs after all)
She said the dog didn't even notice her for about a minute! I call BS on that story! I've had 3pugs and have a shih zu & a cocker. There is NO WAY any one is sneaking in and standing there watching him while he's got his back to her and that dog isn't going to bark to let his master know their territory had been breached!

That doggie gate was put up in front of those stairs for good reason. Either put there after she attacked him and got bitten on the ankles and feet or before cuz she knew the dog would alert a sleeping roommate of her arrival. Even if the dog knows the person they're going to alert the owner the minute they hear a door crack open!

The jury asked her if the dog was sensitive to loud noises. She said he only barked when someone knocked or the doorbell rang.
On the stand before that she said the dog would run out of the room when TA got 'angry' and yelled. BS on that also. That dog is not going to leave any room where their master is in any confrontation with another person known to him or not. Even a small dog will stand by and fight for their master above all others.
I know this through experience and no doubt there are at least some dog owners on that jury.

Remember her newest injuries on the ankle and feet? I believe done by his pup and that she put him downstairs and gated him so he couldn't get back upstairs while she was slaughtering her prey. Another thing that was noticed the bannister recently smooth and clean. She ran that dog downstairs to keep him off of her.

And who wears long sleeves and pants in June in AZ? Someone who has injuries to hide from doing something very wrong. As she puts it.

Also the other newest injury from that day she eludes to be from a body slam that never happened. The shoulder! Whoa! I couldn't believe that one. Of course your shoulder isn't going to be the same after plunging a knife through a mans back, head and heart not to mention almost cutting his head off.
That was just so blatantly obvious my jaw dropped when she said it.

No. I do not believe she told Travis she was on her way or even going anywhere near Mesa. With her plan and all that she did to ensure she couldn't be placed even on a gas station video, putting rental plates upside down and on and on and on she would not chance him alerting another soul that she was coming.

She knew how to get into that house even if doors locked having gone through the doggy door on one occasion!

Thanks for your reply. Okay, that said, doesn't the timeline show that she did in fact call his cell phone at around that time (for about 2 min.)?
Good morning!!

It's my birthday and all I ask for is that Jodi cracks on the stand today. Please??? :please:
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