12 Top Reasons to Stop Smoking Now New Evidence May Be the Most Convincing Yet

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Smokers smell so bad that... (MULTIPLE CHOICE POLL)

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I can't believe I just found this thread.

Been smoking 32 years, started at age 12, sigh. Quit for a couple of years for birth of DD over 26 years ago, was down to 1 cig a day about in '99 - video exercise was too tough to keep smoking, got divorced, started pack or more a day. Quit last November to May with ecigs - the mods that look like pipebombs work best - closest to real inhale of cig smoke to me, stress and weekend wine led to weekend cigs to full time smoking. Am now going to have to go back to the ecig, wanted to stop that too but I started regular smoking again. This time it will be combo ecig and video workouts, try to remind myself I promised DD, but I love smoking, I really do.

Good luck to everyone trying to quit. I would think now is a harder time with holiday parties coming up, family stress, money issues, but I'm going to give it another try and hope to join the crowd that says "I quit on blank date in year blank" and have been smoke free, nicotine replacement free for blank amount of years."
Oh I know it's not easy at all. I just meant reading all of this just made it sound easier than it is. Maybe I'm wording it wrong.:crazy:

I hope your health is better now that you quit!

I agree the patches and lozenges are good, but I guess in my head I feel I would get hooked on those. I have a terribly addictive nature.

Again, congrats to the quitters (who are really winners now!) and best of luck to those on the road to being smokeless!!!

You didn't do anything wrong. I was just trying to reassure you that we know it won't be easy and we don't mean to pretend it is.

But it can be done. And the more you want to quit, the easier it will be.

I think we're all on your side in this!
Oh I know it's not easy at all. I just meant reading all of this just made it sound easier than it is. Maybe I'm wording it wrong.:crazy:

I hope your health is better now that you quit!

I agree the patches and lozenges are good, but I guess in my head I feel I would get hooked on those. I have a terribly addictive nature.

Again, congrats to the quitters (who are really winners now!) and best of luck to those on the road to being smokeless!!!


If you have an addictive nature then don't start sending me $500 a month or what you could afford would ok too, as long as it's not less than $250. Cuz you might get addicted to doing that. :innocent:
13. legalmania is highly allergic to cigarette smoke and within 15 minutes of being exposed to cigarette smoke has been rushed to the emergency room in total respiratory distress.
P.S. Ozzy Osbourne says that cigarettes were harder to stop than any drug.
I agree the patches and lozenges are good, but I guess in my head I feel I would get hooked on those. I have a terribly addictive nature.

Respectfully snipped

Nicotine replacements still contain nicotine and are addictive. There are plenty of people addicted to nicotine gum. I have met a few that swear by it, yet they are still chomping it every few minutes 10+ years later. I tried it, it was not pleasant to me. Nicotine replacement can help, but you have to realize you need to quit that addiction too. Hence my wishing to give up ecigs, which may be worse than gum/patch/lozenge, we don't know no long term tests yet, b/c you are still inhaling something other than air.

Whatever works for each one of us millions of smokers will be different per person, I just have to really want to give it up and then give it ALL up, not just the regular cigarettes, the replacement of choice too. That is just what I want to do though. Some think replacements are safe. They are safer than cigs, but still have nicotine which is part of the cancer causing agent in the first place, and there are no long term studies on them yet.
Respectfully snipped

Nicotine replacements still contain nicotine and are addictive. There are plenty of people addicted to nicotine gum. I have met a few that swear by it, yet they are still chomping it every few minutes 10+ years later. I tried it, it was not pleasant to me. Nicotine replacement can help, but you have to realize you need to quit that addiction too. Hence my wishing to give up ecigs, which may be worse than gum/patch/lozenge, we don't know no long term tests yet, b/c you are still inhaling something other than air.

Whatever works for each one of us millions of smokers will be different per person, I just have to really want to give it up and then give it ALL up, not just the regular cigarettes, the replacement of choice too. That is just what I want to do though. Some think replacements are safe. They are safer than cigs, but still have nicotine which is part of the cancer causing agent in the first place, and there are no long term studies on them yet.

bbm this actually is not true.

does nicotine alone cause cancer - Google Search

many things in the nightshade family contain smaller levels of nicotine http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=george&dbid=62 such as tomatoes & peppers.

IMO (and some studies show) that the issues with smoking are not so much with tobacco but with combustion. however I've also read studies showing that in countries where people frequently burn incense, the cancer rates are lower in smokers. however, I expect countries like that tend to have a better diet as well.

just saying - as an ecig'er myself, I cant be certain that I can never come to harm this way but I think it is unlikely compared to burning tobacco. nicotine itself is most likely not the problem.
This is how sick the addiction can be. When I had first quit years ago a friend of mine and I were sitting at a bar (she had just quit smoking herself). There was an older lady (in her 70's)sitting a few stools down from us smoking we were both staring at her and I said geez I can't wait till I'm old so I can start smoking again because by then who cares? She laughed and said oh my god I was thinking the same thing!! Now how sick is that? Lol. Wishing to get old so u can smoke again? Fortunately I. Don't feel that way now but even after all this time, 12 years, every once in. A great while I wish I could have one :(
This is how sick the addiction can be. When I had first quit years ago a friend of mine and I were sitting at a bar (she had just quit smoking herself). There was an older lady (in her 70's)sitting a few stools down from us smoking we were both staring at her and I said geez I can't wait till I'm old so I can start smoking again because by then who cares? She laughed and said oh my god I was thinking the same thing!! Now how sick is that? Lol. Wishing to get old so u can smoke again? Fortunately I. Don't feel that way now but even after all this time, 12 years, every once in. A great while I wish I could have one :(


Join the e-cigeratte forum and try that. I quit almost two years ago. I would recommend the Ego-T
After reading Linda's post above, and so many others on this thread sharing their positive experiences with the water-vapor/electronic cigs, I decided to check-out the E CIGARETTE FORUM. What I read made me very excited.

Then, I asked my co-worker if he would mind bringing in one of his e-cigs for me to puff on, to see if I liked it. (He had extended the offer to me in the past). He did, and I love it! It felt very comfortable to me. He actually told me to take it home with me for a couple of days, charger, liquid drops, and all! (Of course, I will give his stuff back to him once mine arrives, hopefully later today)!

Next, I checked out the website of the local business here in town that specializes in the water-vapor e-cigs, and was amazed at all the choices- different styles, and flavors. The prices were so reasonable, too!

I ordered the 510 Starter Kit Plus, manufactured by Joye. After taxes, it cost me just $64.64, which is less than the two cartons of cigarettes I had planned to buy with the same money. After the initial outlay, the monthly cost should stay well under $20. When I think of all the money I'll be saving: I'm gonna feel rich! :woohoo:

I chose the color black, because I don't want them to look just like cigarettes, but I almost got an entirely different kit altogether, just because I wanted the color pink- lol! I bought a big(gish) bottle of 'Turkish Tobacco' flavored liquid drops as my 'daily'/ regular, but because the kit also includes two small bottles of liquid, I chose the Cappuccino flavor, and the Cinnamon. It was quite a difficult decision, as they offer 190 different flavored drops! Everything from fruits like Orange, Lemon, Watermelon, Peach, and Kiwi to dessert flavors such as Chocolate-Mint, Butterscotch, Waffle Cone, etc.

Who knew giving up the 4,000+ deadly carcinogens in coffin sticks was going to be so much fun? :rocker:

Seriously, I feel like standing in front of my mirror with my Kindle e-reader in one hand, and the e-cig in the other, and saying, "Welcome to the 21st Century", just to be goofy!

This whole thing has got me in a very good mood!
I love smoking and I don't want to stop. How do you overcome that? I know I need to but I don't want to. Will it work if I don't want to quit? I have not been successful in the past
Here's the list. Read more about why they are on the list at the article.

1. Smokers die young.
2. You stink!
3. You have 10 times more wrinkles.
4. Your lungs are full of phlegm and tar.
5. Smoking can cause depression.
6. It’s expensive.
7. Smoking causes infertility.
8. You’ll have a difficult pregnancy.
9. Your PMS will get worse.
10. You’re a bad influence.
11. Second-hand smoke kills.
12. One is the loneliest number.

some ppl may not realize this but any pills you take will not work as well when you smoke including birth control pills, antibiotics and pain meds, all others too.
I love smoking and I don't want to stop. How do you overcome that? I know I need to but I don't want to. Will it work if I don't want to quit? I have not been successful in the past

me too dont feel alone. it is because we are addicted and we need our fix. remember the time when you didnt have the monkey on yer back? i quit when my second son was born. it was awful but after 4 months finally the w/d's and urges past and then i could smell ppl at walmart 50 feet away stink-o! but what yer brain does is plays tricks on you. my hubby came home with a pack and said I want one ill just smoke this pack, yeah right ! that was 14 yers ago! still hooked! sad but one day we will quit, either when we cant breathe enought owalk down the hall or when we hit the grave.

If you can stick it out 4 months later it will pass but you have to remember yer brain will play those tricks and you have to refuse...

Do i ever wish I had not taken that 1st one after 6 months. I lasted that long.
chelle & dizzy~

I've been smoking for 30 years. The only solid time I ever quit was when I was expecting my daughter. I didn't smoke the entire pregnancy, but was still craving them, when at my in-laws house when my baby was 4 months old, someone offered me one- just one, and I was hooked again. That 'baby' is now 27 years old!

I did try to quit other times after that, buy it was hellish.

Please, check out the e-cigs. That is what I am just starting now. I simply used the money I had planned on using to buy two cartons of cigarettes anyway.

For the first time, I really think I have a chance to quit tobacco for good.
smart blonde;

Once you get your ecig set up the way you like, figure out flavors you like, diy eliquid is a snap and even cheaper than what you have calculated, after you buy all the stuff for it. Good luck. It's okay if you find your ecig in your hand all the time for the first few months, lol.

For me, I just need to quit. I will return to ecigs in November, then try to wean off that too.
I love smoking and I don't want to stop. How do you overcome that? I know I need to but I don't want to. Will it work if I don't want to quit? I have not been successful in the past

For me nothing works until I set my mind to it. That I want to do it. I too love smoking, so ecigs was a way to continue in a sort of way, but I ended right back on regular cigs under pressure and stress. Everyone is different, but I just have to give myself a few good mental whip lashings to decide to quit everything once and for all, and for health reasons, not just b/c my DD wants me to. :crazy:
I've been smoke-free for twenty years now. (I'm 62.) At my last physical my doctor told me that my risk of cancer was now the same as a non-smoker. It was worth the effort to hear that.

I tried twice before, but some stressor, like selling our business and moving for example, would come up and I'd be back at it again.

The only thing that worked for me was acupuncture. After I left the acupuncturist's office, I never smoked again. I didn't need to. I felt like I had too much time on my hands all of a sudden, but I didn't have the addiction anymore. Now the smell of tobacco makes me sick, and I regret having smoked around others and causing them discomfort.

Here are some things I've heard, and/or, learned over the years.

1. Don't expect it to be easy. Bruce Williams used to have a radio show years ago where he'd offer financial advice. Anyhoo, he had his own airplane and crashed and was in the ICU for awhile and on a lot of morphine for his pain. He said that quitting morphine wasn't easy but it was a lot easier than quitting cigarettes.

2. Know you're stronger than the cigarettes. Anytime you feel like smoking realize that, while very difficult, you have the power.

3. Take your cigarette butts and put them in a lidded jar with water in it. Anytime you feel like smoking open the jar and inhale deeply. It will probably make you sick to your stomach and curb the urge. The color of the water might make you think too.

4. Use this resource; http://www.smokefree.gov/

5. Figure out what you're spending on cigarettes a week and every week put that money in a savings account or a jar in your house. Wait one year from your last cigarette (NO CHEATING :nono:) and then withdraw the money and blow it on something special for yourself. Nothing necessary, something you've always wanted but didn't have the money for. It'll be your quitting trophy.

6. Take a calendar and every day you don't have a cigarette put an X on it. This will help you by realizing that you've gone two days without a cigarette you can go one more, you've gone two weeks, you can go some more, you've gone a month! Wow! You're doing great don't ruin it now! Etc....

7. Print this and put it up on your fridge;



Good luck! :rocker:

Thought I'd drag this pic over here. I need to look at it long and hard, need a poster of it right in front of me really. Shocking!
After reading Linda's post above, and so many others on this thread sharing their positive experiences with the water-vapor/electronic cigs, I decided to check-out the E CIGARETTE FORUM. What I read made me very excited.

Then, I asked my co-worker if he would mind bringing in one of his e-cigs for me to puff on, to see if I liked it. (He had extended the offer to me in the past). He did, and I love it! It felt very comfortable to me. He actually told me to take it home with me for a couple of days, charger, liquid drops, and all! (Of course, I will give his stuff back to him once mine arrives, hopefully later today)!

Next, I checked out the website of the local business here in town that specializes in the water-vapor e-cigs, and was amazed at all the choices- different styles, and flavors. The prices were so reasonable, too!

I ordered the 510 Starter Kit Plus, manufactured by Joye. After taxes, it cost me just $64.64, which is less than the two cartons of cigarettes I had planned to buy with the same money. After the initial outlay, the monthly cost should stay well under $20. When I think of all the money I'll be saving: I'm gonna feel rich! :woohoo:

I chose the color black, because I don't want them to look just like cigarettes, but I almost got an entirely different kit altogether, just because I wanted the color pink- lol! I bought a big(gish) bottle of 'Turkish Tobacco' flavored liquid drops as my 'daily'/ regular, but because the kit also includes two small bottles of liquid, I chose the Cappuccino flavor, and the Cinnamon. It was quite a difficult decision, as they offer 190 different flavored drops! Everything from fruits like Orange, Lemon, Watermelon, Peach, and Kiwi to dessert flavors such as Chocolate-Mint, Butterscotch, Waffle Cone, etc.

Who knew giving up the 4,000+ deadly carcinogens in coffin sticks was going to be so much fun? :rocker:

Seriously, I feel like standing in front of my mirror with my Kindle e-reader in one hand, and the e-cig in the other, and saying, "Welcome to the 21st Century", just to be goofy!

This whole thing has got me in a very good mood!

I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a good experience and that things go well for you..

just keep in mind, there is a small learning curve to ecigs...but youll catch on quickly...

eta, I always buy a extra battery, so when 1 is charging I can use the other to vape...also buy extra atty's( atomizer to keep on hand)...

another tip, when you change flavors? take the stuffing out of your cart ( cartrige) and rinse it under cool water, blot dry with a towel, then you can slip the stuffing, the filler back in to the empty cart, and add new flavor..

also, I bought a bag of polyfill at wally world for under 3 dollars..because after a while you will want to change to a new filler..for your cart..

I use filler with my penstyle, but with my joy ego, I direct drip..they make a special cart called a drip tip...no filler, no stuffing...u just add a few drops of ejuice thru the drip tip, and it goes directly to the atomizer..taste better, jmo

I direct drip at home..w/ my joy ego, but when out and about i use my penstyle with filler..

thats just a few things that I can think off the top of my head right now lol
I got my package! It was probably already sitting in my mailbox waiting for me, while I was typing away saying how I couldn't wait for it to arrive!

I really like the look of the matte black atomizer/ cartridge/ whatever it's called.

Now, I have to try to figure this thing out. Not much by way of instruction manual. What I need is a video tutorial.
Respectfully snipped

Nicotine replacements still contain nicotine and are addictive. There are plenty of people addicted to nicotine gum. I have met a few that swear by it, yet they are still chomping it every few minutes 10+ years later. I tried it, it was not pleasant to me. Nicotine replacement can help, but you have to realize you need to quit that addiction too. Hence my wishing to give up ecigs, which may be worse than gum/patch/lozenge, we don't know no long term tests yet, b/c you are still inhaling something other than air.

Whatever works for each one of us millions of smokers will be different per person, I just have to really want to give it up and then give it ALL up, not just the regular cigarettes, the replacement of choice too. That is just what I want to do though. Some think replacements are safe. They are safer than cigs, but still have nicotine which is part of the cancer causing agent in the first place, and there are no long term studies on them yet.

I'm ok with getting just the nic...I started out vaping 36 mgs and walked myself down to 8 mgs of nic.

My doc has done blood test on me, to test my nic level and can only find a trace of nic in my blood..

my doc says a little moderation goes a long way...thats comming from my pulm doc who treats my copd..my doc even asked me for ecig cards so that he can give to his patients ..he gives the cards to the patients who have tried chantix, but chantix didnt work for them..

I dont care if Im addicted to the nicotine..

it beats 4000 chemicals of tar and rat posion...just my 2 cents lol

since starting ecigs almost 2 yrs ago? Ive been able to avoid oxygen...there was a time when the doc wanted me to go on oxygen..

I've been able to stop taking my spiriva..I've been able to stop taking my symbicort..

I do use a quick inhalers from time to time..

2 yrs ago, I couldnt live with out any of those meds...

I know that my copd will progress in time...but doc says I've been able to slow the progress now since giving up ciggy's..

he is amazed w/ me lol

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