12 Top Reasons to Stop Smoking Now New Evidence May Be the Most Convincing Yet

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Smokers smell so bad that... (MULTIPLE CHOICE POLL)

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My suspicion that I was possibly overreacting (which formed about 1.5 seconds after I hit "post") has been confirmed, ha ha. :iamashamed:

Thanks for explaining!

Not a big deal in the slightest. BTW,

Ok so this is day 2 of being smoke free for me. Whew! Its actually been easier for me this time than I thought it would be. I know it will be harder tomorrow, something about day 3 being terrible, but I feel like I can really do this. I started the wellbutrin 2 wks ago, and my quit date was monday. I smoked the last cig in my pack on friday and decided I wasnt going to buy more. Im secretly very proud of quitting a few days early lol. I do crave them, I actually get tingley everywhere when I really really want one. Like my skin is flushed. Every craving I have that I dont smoke makes me stronger and makes quittting easier. Ive even done the things like sitting at my computer or reading abook that usually make me want to smoke. I havent been around any other smokers yet, Im not that tough lol
Ok so this is day 2 of being smoke free for me. Whew! Its actually been easier for me this time than I thought it would be. I know it will be harder tomorrow, something about day 3 being terrible, but I feel like I can really do this. I started the wellbutrin 2 wks ago, and my quit date was monday. I smoked the last cig in my pack on friday and decided I wasnt going to buy more. Im secretly very proud of quitting a few days early lol. I do crave them, I actually get tingley everywhere when I really really want one. Like my skin is flushed. Every craving I have that I dont smoke makes me stronger and makes quittting easier. Ive even done the things like sitting at my computer or reading abook that usually make me want to smoke. I havent been around any other smokers yet, Im not that tough lol

Ok you've got two days behind you now. Imagine how upset you'll be with yourself if you cave in and lose your momentum. You know that day three is the worst so if you can make yourself get past day three it only gets better.

You are stronger than a little tube of tobacco, it's very powerful but you are stronger. Do you want a little tube to rule your life or do you want to look at it and be appalled with the hold it has over you. Keep going. When you wake up on Tuesday beginning day four you'll be very proud of yourself.
Here's a little day three motivation;


After a life changing medical crisis, Today is day one of using E-Cigs. My son bought me a kit and I am keeping a running total of how much money I save. Hubby is quitting too, using Chantix. Also, going to the E-Cig Forum.
I'm so impressed with everyone! :clap:
Wow, day 3 is easier than day 2 so far. Maybe I built it up so much that I expected it to be horrible. I cant remember the last time I went 3 days without smoking at all. I think it was 15 yrs ago. Im very happy that I am able to do this without patches or e cigs. I dont want to need to purchase anything, I just want to be free of the addiction completely. To my fellow quitters, I wish you all great success! It doesnt matter which method we chose, lets just be smoke free. Im really proud of all of us
On day 11! I'm very proud of everyone on here! It is very hard but so worth it.
Day 3 for me and hubby both.
I'm very proud of us. Cold turkey and not too difficult so far. To fight the craving I get every once in awhile, I inhale deeply through the nose, and exhale through the mouth until the urge passes. It's like treating my system to oxygen I have deprived it of for so long.


I am also 4 GIANT skeins of yarn into a new afgan for hubby for quitting. The hands, they stay busy, lol.
I think in the short run that drinking ten gallons of white paint would be worse for you than smoking. JMO

YOU GO GIRL!!!!! :great:

The poll is about how easily people can smell a smoker. My guess is that you smoke and can't smell it, but if you look at the poll results, people who don't smoke smell it easily. Some of the comments from past smokers show that they can tell that someone smokes even without seeing them with a cigarette.

I left the poll open so people could add choices and they have. I can tell you that if somebody on the freeway is smoking with their windows open and going 65 that if I'm behind them I can smell the smoke. I'm sorry if I offended you, but the truth is, to a lot of people here, that the smell of smoke permeates clothes deeply. JMO
Day 4 here. Awesome so far. I am feeling really great. The cravings are less and less. I will challenge myself today, as hubs wil be home from traveling and he is a smoker. My first day around another smoker. I want him to quit but he has to want it too, which he doesnt. He did agree to not derail me and only smoke outside and not in the car. Should be an interesting day....Stay strong all you quitters, I know we can do this.
Day 3 for me and hubby both.
I'm very proud of us. Cold turkey and not too difficult so far. To fight the craving I get every once in awhile, I inhale deeply through the nose, and exhale through the mouth until the urge passes. It's like treating my system to oxygen I have deprived it of for so long.


I am also 4 GIANT skeins of yarn into a new afgan for hubby for quitting. The hands, they stay busy, lol.


Every time my hands get busy I get slapped across the face!
Ah, the busy hands reminded me of something.

Back when I was in restaurant work, I finally, finally, had a customer order a "Stinger". I loved bartending, learned about all the traditional drinks, and always wished someone would order something other than shots and beer.

This lady was a well known older local artist, eccentric would best describe her. I told her how happy I was that she ordered a real drink. I noticed she had a metal cigarette. It was just one of those painted metal fake cigs someone gives you as a joke. She kept fake smoking and tapping it on the ashtray. Of course I asked about it, as it could have been something new I was unaware of, maybe it actually smoked like the e-cigs do. (E-cigs were not here yet.)

She told me it had kept her from smoking for 20 years. She carried it around and pretending to smoke, inhaling and all. It was all about keeping the hands busy, the habit of hand to mouth, inhale.

She used that fake metal cig until she passed at 90 something. Never smoked again.

Just another thought for those of us addicted to cigs.
Everyone here is doing so great!!!
I have set my quit date for tomorrow. We sat down and figured out how much we have spent smoking. SOOO much money and nothing good to show for it!
Keep up the great job!
Everyone here is doing so great!!!
I have set my quit date for tomorrow. We sat down and figured out how much we have spent smoking. SOOO much money and nothing good to show for it!
Keep up the great job!

As an enticement to keep going, put aside the money you would have spent on cigarettes, and then after a full year of not smoking (No cheating) blow it on something like a cruise or something nice. I'd imagine with the two of you the amount had to be at least $2,000.
As an enticement to keep going, put aside the money you would have spent on cigarettes, and then after a full year of not smoking (No cheating) blow it on something like a cruise or something nice. I'd imagine with the two of you the amount had to be at least $2,000.

That's what we plan on doing. With the money we save before Christmas, we are going to buy the kids some extra gifts. Maybe even a few this year for each other. :woohoo: Between the two of us, we have spent a bit over $4,000 this year alone! That to me is just mind blowing. As soon as I realized that, I said that's it. I'm done. So now with the extra money, we will take a nice vaca with the kids next summer!!
Today I had to go to the doctor's office in the hospital and whenever I go there I wear a surgical mask to keep germs out. There was a guy walking about 20 feet in front of me down the hall and even through the mask I could tell he was a smoker. :sick:
Everyone here is doing so great!!!
I have set my quit date for tomorrow. We sat down and figured out how much we have spent smoking. SOOO much money and nothing good to show for it!
Keep up the great job!

We can do this! :websleuther: :aktion::jumping::skip::skip::skip:

(day 4 here)
day 6!! Still going strong. I think I only had 3 cravings yesterday. And my husband has been home. He smokes. That has been a challenge but Im still holding tough. this is the first time I have ever cold turkey quit. not even sneaked a drag. I really think it is all about wanting to quit more than wanting to smoke. Good luck the rest of the quitters, we are doing awesome.

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