12 Top Reasons to Stop Smoking Now New Evidence May Be the Most Convincing Yet

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Smokers smell so bad that... (MULTIPLE CHOICE POLL)

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Have you ever been w/o a cig for 3 or 4 hours or overnight and then noticed when you lit up you got a head rush? wanna know why? Cause cigs are such a powerful vaso-constrictor they cause your veins and arteries to squeeze thus cutting off or down on the blood flow ! this squeeze is what leads to a stroke or heart attack! Take a vein that is partly clogged and squeeze it a little BAM you got a stroke or clot or cardiac arrest... I happens ever time we smoke and for hours afterwards like 8 hours the doctor told me this is how they kill you, or one way. We get accustomed to this feeling so fast that we only notice it when we are w/o cigs for a few hours. its still happening for every cig after that we just dont notice it. And even knowing this i still lite up like an idiot..

The doctor told me my white cell count was slightly elevated. he said he would like to think that is due to me being so healthy NOT it is cause my body is constantly fighting off toxins and trying to control the damage.

I hate the monkey on my back. I took welbutrin and i got that coated feeling in my mouth, i coundt finish a cig and didnt want to eat either ! now I have an allergy to it so I cant take it but if you havent tried Zyban you should it waould have been a miracle had I not got allergic!
13. legalmania is highly allergic to cigarette smoke and within 15 minutes of being exposed to cigarette smoke has been rushed to the emergency room in total respiratory distress.
P.S. Ozzy Osbourne says that cigarettes were harder to stop than any drug.

ozzy nailed it...jmo
I got my package! It was probably already sitting in my mailbox waiting for me, while I was typing away saying how I couldn't wait for it to arrive!

I really like the look of the matte black atomizer/ cartridge/ whatever it's called.

Now, I have to try to figure this thing out. Not much by way of instruction manual. What I need is a video tutorial.

go to you tube, google for the model ecig you have, I'm sure some one has something posted there, as Ive seen countless ecig you tube vids for many models..how to vids..

Im not familiar with your model...as I use joy ego and penstyle..

oh yeah...now your going to start stalking your mail man when you place orders for ejuice or supplies lol...you will, you really will lol everyone does when they await their orders in the mail lol
After reading Linda's post above, and so many others on this thread sharing their positive experiences with the water-vapor/electronic cigs, I decided to check-out the E CIGARETTE FORUM. What I read made me very excited.

Then, I asked my co-worker if he would mind bringing in one of his e-cigs for me to puff on, to see if I liked it. (He had extended the offer to me in the past). He did, and I love it! It felt very comfortable to me. He actually told me to take it home with me for a couple of days, charger, liquid drops, and all! (Of course, I will give his stuff back to him once mine arrives, hopefully later today)!

Next, I checked out the website of the local business here in town that specializes in the water-vapor e-cigs, and was amazed at all the choices- different styles, and flavors. The prices were so reasonable, too!

I ordered the 510 Starter Kit Plus, manufactured by Joye. After taxes, it cost me just $64.64, which is less than the two cartons of cigarettes I had planned to buy with the same money. After the initial outlay, the monthly cost should stay well under $20. When I think of all the money I'll be saving: I'm gonna feel rich! :woohoo:

I chose the color black, because I don't want them to look just like cigarettes, but I almost got an entirely different kit altogether, just because I wanted the color pink- lol! I bought a big(gish) bottle of 'Turkish Tobacco' flavored liquid drops as my 'daily'/ regular, but because the kit also includes two small bottles of liquid, I chose the Cappuccino flavor, and the Cinnamon. It was quite a difficult decision, as they offer 190 different flavored drops! Everything from fruits like Orange, Lemon, Watermelon, Peach, and Kiwi to dessert flavors such as Chocolate-Mint, Butterscotch, Waffle Cone, etc.

Who knew giving up the 4,000+ deadly carcinogens in coffin sticks was going to be so much fun? :rocker:

Seriously, I feel like standing in front of my mirror with my Kindle e-reader in one hand, and the e-cig in the other, and saying, "Welcome to the 21st Century", just to be goofy!

This whole thing has got me in a very good mood!

Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you find something that gets you excited about quitting. :giggle:

me too dont feel alone. it is because we are addicted and we need our fix. remember the time when you didnt have the monkey on yer back? i quit when my second son was born. it was awful but after 4 months finally the w/d's and urges past and then i could smell ppl at walmart 50 feet away stink-o! but what yer brain does is plays tricks on you. my hubby came home with a pack and said I want one ill just smoke this pack, yeah right ! that was 14 yers ago! still hooked! sad but one day we will quit, either when we cant breathe enought owalk down the hall or when we hit the grave.

If you can stick it out 4 months later it will pass but you have to remember yer brain will play those tricks and you have to refuse...

Do i ever wish I had not taken that 1st one after 6 months. I lasted that long.


It's like putting on cologne or perfume. Once you've had it on for about 15 minutes you can't smell it anymore but everyone around you can. So for the time you weren't drenched in a similar smell you could differentiate the smell. I think this is why some of the smokers responding to the poll say they can't smell anything. JMO

For me nothing works until I set my mind to it. That I want to do it. I too love smoking, so ecigs was a way to continue in a sort of way, but I ended right back on regular cigs under pressure and stress. Everyone is different, but I just have to give myself a few good mental whip lashings to decide to quit everything once and for all, and for health reasons, not just b/c my DD wants me to. :crazy:

Your DD and everybody here too. :thumb:

Thought I'd drag this pic over here. I need to look at it long and hard, need a poster of it right in front of me really. Shocking!

It's a picture of a smokers lungs who smoked a pack a day for 20 years.

Here's the website it's from; http://rickysmedicalblog.wordpress.com/pictures/

I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a good experience and that things go well for you..

just keep in mind, there is a small learning curve to ecigs...but youll catch on quickly...

eta, I always buy a extra battery, so when 1 is charging I can use the other to vape...also buy extra atty's( atomizer to keep on hand)...

another tip, when you change flavors? take the stuffing out of your cart ( cartrige) and rinse it under cool water, blot dry with a towel, then you can slip the stuffing, the filler back in to the empty cart, and add new flavor..

also, I bought a bag of polyfill at wally world for under 3 dollars..because after a while you will want to change to a new filler..for your cart..

I use filler with my penstyle, but with my joy ego, I direct drip..they make a special cart called a drip tip...no filler, no stuffing...u just add a few drops of ejuice thru the drip tip, and it goes directly to the atomizer..taste better, jmo

I direct drip at home..w/ my joy ego, but when out and about i use my penstyle with filler..

thats just a few things that I can think off the top of my head right now lol


I'm glad you defined that. I don't want to tell you what I originally thought. :eek:
Okay then, Steely. Interesting timing for this thread, as this past week I have been seriously considering quitting.

It's been ten years since the last time I tried, and I still smoke a pack a day. I really am sick of smelling like cigarettes, I definitely can't afford it anymore, and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror the other day- in full sunlight- and was a bit horrified to see a bunch of tiny 'smoker's' wrinkles I did not have before. Plus, I don't want to die until I'm good and ready.

The thought of trying to quit again spins me into a panic, though. It was sheer torture when I tried 10 years ago. I have been smoking for 30 years! I am 46 years old now.

Is there a list of the top 12 easiest, least painful and traumatic ways to quit? Buy a bag of lollipops, or something? How long will the die-hard cravings last? Am I really that tough?

Isn't the 'Great American Smoke-out (or whatever it's called) coming up in November?

I can't afford to get a prescription, but the last couple of days I've been thinking about buying the patches. Anyone else have any luck with those?

I switched electronic cigarettes 1.5 yrs ago. The first couple months I still had one or two regular cigs a day - but after that time decided I preferred the electronic ones and just stopped buying tobacco cigs.

It is my intention to get to zero nicotine on the electronic cigs and stop them -- when I'm ready. I no longer think of cigarettes or crave them at all, but then I am still inhaling nicotine.

I am not getting any tar or smoke though and my breathing is great, I don't stink and my teeth are whiter.
K Steely, I got 1 person to try and stop smoking on the great american smoke out!
I wasn't ready to stop smoking until I was ready. I experienced few withdrawls and my life changed drastically for the better.
Just stating facts of what has occurred in my life recently, as I know smoking is an addiction and a very personal choice. (I do not smoke myself but imagine the addiction being something like my addiction to food or even soft drinks). Anyway, my DH smoked for 40+ yrs. He took early retirement 4 years ago and stopped smoking cold turkey that day. About 2 years later he was diagnosed with a high grade blockage in his carotid artery (discovered on a routine physical by doctor "hearing a murmur/bruit" in his neck). He had surgery for that back then and did well. (Dodged a major stroke, we were told) We were told "probaby related to his smoking history". So, just this past July, he went for a routine physical, same doctor. He found a large mass in his neck. Scheduled a biopsy on that. We were told by the ear, nose and throat doctor "I'm pretty sure you have cancer". My DH asked "what are the chances it is not cancer". Doc says "very little chance with your heavy smoking history". Sadly it is cancer and my DH is in the midst of chemotherapy and radiation therapy with Stage IV throat cancer. I am not making this post to try to scare anyone into quitting smoking. I, myself, have asthma and 20 years ago was hospitalized for a particularly bad "attack". The pulmonologist told me at the time that he was not going to think he could just say "tell your husband to stop smoking and he would just expect him to quit" because this lung specialist said to me "I used to smoke myself and I quit 10 years ago and I still miss it". He, the lung specialist, said "a person will not quit until they are ready and want to quit".

This shows me what a strong addiction this really is.

We live close to the hospital where my DH takes his treatments and we have to drive right past this "smoking block" near this hospital. We see women pushing strollers there smoking, people in hospital gowns pushing their IV poles smoking. I am not judging these people. I never have nagged my DH about his smoking because I know, just
like my doctor told me all those years ago, a person has to really want to quit.

I just saw this thread and wanted to say how I wish you all the best in your quest to stop smoking. I know I'm among friends here and that is why I felt it okay to post this here. Sure hope it is not offensive and does not come across like that.
Just stating facts of what has occurred in my life recently, as I know smoking is an addiction and a very personal choice. (I do not smoke myself but imagine the addiction being something like my addiction to food or even soft drinks). Anyway, my DH smoked for 40+ yrs. He took early retirement 4 years ago and stopped smoking cold turkey that day. About 2 years later he was diagnosed with a high grade blockage in his carotid artery (discovered on a routine physical by doctor "hearing a murmur/bruit" in his neck). He had surgery for that back then and did well. (Dodged a major stroke, we were told) We were told "probaby related to his smoking history". So, just this past July, he went for a routine physical, same doctor. He found a large mass in his neck. Scheduled a biopsy on that. We were told by the ear, nose and throat doctor "I'm pretty sure you have cancer". My DH asked "what are the chances it is not cancer". Doc says "very little chance with your heavy smoking history". Sadly it is cancer and my DH is in the midst of chemotherapy and radiation therapy with Stage IV throat cancer. I am not making this post to try to scare anyone into quitting smoking. I, myself, have asthma and 20 years ago was hospitalized for a particularly bad "attack". The pulmonologist told me at the time that he was not going to think he could just say "tell your husband to stop smoking and he would just expect him to quit" because this lung specialist said to me "I used to smoke myself and I quit 10 years ago and I still miss it". He, the lung specialist, said "a person will not quit until they are ready and want to quit".

This shows me what a strong addiction this really is.

We live close to the hospital where my DH takes his treatments and we have to drive right past this "smoking block" near this hospital. We see women pushing strollers there smoking, people in hospital gowns pushing their IV poles smoking. I am not judging these people. I never have nagged my DH about his smoking because I know, just
like my doctor told me all those years ago, a person has to really want to quit.

I just saw this thread and wanted to say how I wish you all the best in your quest to stop smoking. I know I'm among friends here and that is why I felt it okay to post this here. Sure hope it is not offensive and does not come across like that.

Thank you for sharing your story. If you haven't seen this thread it's a good place to talk about a loved one dealing with cancer; http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=135977&highlight=cancer+thread
Thank you very much Steeley. I had not discovered that thread and will definitely jump over there.
Thank you very much Steeley. I had not discovered that thread and will definitely jump over there.

I know you didn't post to get this sort of response, but I am very sorry about your husband, Fields.
It took me several tries to quit. I used hypnosis. And I am soooo glad I quit. But most of that joy comes from the fact that after I was able to stop, my mom decided to try. And my dad, not to be outdone, quit cold turkey. It took my mom a few tries, like me, but she has now stopped.

I just got back from San Francisco, where I climbed up to Coit Tower from Filbert St. Holy crap, I could never have done that if I hadn't quit.
Three and a half packs away from cold turkey. My first planned reward in four weeks will be 10 gallons of white paint. Wish me luck. :)
Three and a half packs away from cold turkey. My first planned reward in four weeks will be 10 gallons of white paint. Wish me luck. :)

GOOD LUCK!!!!! :great: I'm 6 days smoke free! Very hard, but so worth it!!
I'm new and I need to ask: is it ok for someone to put up a poll that insults other posters for their choices? I find the poll answers extremely offensive and insulting. I know, I know...it's cool nowadays to be anti-tobacco, and I applaud anyone with the drive to quit if that's what they want to do. But some people enjoy smoking tobacco. It's legal, and I find it disheartening to see such a disparaging poll put up at Websleuths. It was my understanding that WS was a place that didn't allow such things.

MOO and all that...my congrats to the successful quitters!
All heavy tobacco smokers I've known personally have already died- and all from cancer. Every one.

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I'm new and I need to ask: is it ok for someone to put up a poll that insults other posters for their choices? I find the poll answers extremely offensive and insulting. I know, I know...it's cool nowadays to be anti-tobacco, and I applaud anyone with the drive to quit if that's what they want to do. But some people enjoy smoking tobacco. It's legal, and I find it disheartening to see such a disparaging poll put up at Websleuths. It was my understanding that WS was a place that didn't allow such things.

MOO and all that...my congrats to the successful quitters!

i found nothing insulting or disparaging about the poll choices. all of them are about smell, and percieved smell. personally, i smoked for 20 years in a house where most everybody smoked, and didnt really notice the smell. now that i dont smoke anymore i notice it a LOT. but it rarely bothers me.
Three and a half packs away from cold turkey. My first planned reward in four weeks will be 10 gallons of white paint. Wish me luck. :)

I think in the short run that drinking ten gallons of white paint would be worse for you than smoking. JMO

GOOD LUCK!!!!! :great: I'm 6 days smoke free! Very hard, but so worth it!!

YOU GO GIRL!!!!! :great:

I'm new and I need to ask: is it ok for someone to put up a poll that insults other posters for their choices? I find the poll answers extremely offensive and insulting. I know, I know...it's cool nowadays to be anti-tobacco, and I applaud anyone with the drive to quit if that's what they want to do. But some people enjoy smoking tobacco. It's legal, and I find it disheartening to see such a disparaging poll put up at Websleuths. It was my understanding that WS was a place that didn't allow such things.

MOO and all that...my congrats to the successful quitters!

The poll is about how easily people can smell a smoker. My guess is that you smoke and can't smell it, but if you look at the poll results, people who don't smoke smell it easily. Some of the comments from past smokers show that they can tell that someone smokes even without seeing them with a cigarette.

I left the poll open so people could add choices and they have. I can tell you that if somebody on the freeway is smoking with their windows open and going 65 that if I'm behind them I can smell the smoke. I'm sorry if I offended you, but the truth is, to a lot of people here, that the smell of smoke permeates clothes deeply. JMO
My suspicion that I was possibly overreacting (which formed about 1.5 seconds after I hit "post") has been confirmed, ha ha. :iamashamed:

Thanks for explaining!

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