17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #10

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Yeah, that :goodpost:

Is this the type of volunteer job where you have to keep records like you do when you volunteer for a non-profit so many hours a week or more or whatever? I mean really you're always in the capacity of neighborhood watch, not just on certain "shift," yeah? I'm a mandatory reporter, and I don't stop being a mandatory reporter after school Monday-Friday.
Nope, I only call in suspicious activity- break-ins, large numbers of teens loitering, illegal fireworks, crazy neighbor terrorizing the neighborhood with his driving- that sort of thing, and disseminate crime prevention info. I don't write or keep any reports. I don't even have to meet with LE when they do their drive-bys, unless I want to. I don't have any shifts.
flourish please tell me it ain't so. GZ's brother is saying if his brother's head had been bashed in even more that he would be wearing diapers? OMG! :what: That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard! IF GZ had a head injury, wouldn't one think that he would've been a little dizzy and staggering in the police station video? :waitasec::waitasec:

I have vertigo which is a chronic dizzy phase that comes and goes.
NO you don’t stagger…. Well once in a while if you have a bad spell.
But not always.
Sometimes when your head is hit you don’t get dizzy right away, I am still
surprised they did not get his head looked at immediately.
Would a person be allowed to take a concealed weapon into a Target Store? Just wondering...
I have been listening to this story for about a week or so. The first thing I want to do is see what the statutes says. I never liked this statute from the time Jeb Bush and that administration o.k. it.


The statute that your bringing up is the "retreat" statute.

The "stand you ground" statute is 776.013(3)
(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

I don't believe GZ is any of those. I am sorry you feel so much hate.
What I feel is George's hatred towards blacks... I am white, and NOT a racist.
If you are just watching and reporting why would you need to use your gun?
Because I might have to travel to places outside of my neighborhood, and then re-enter my neighborhood?
Thanks. Semantics, IMO.

In all the shootings I've heard of (except this one, of course), the police put up that yellow tape that has "Crime Scene - Do Not Cross". Never once have I seen "Crime and/or Self Defense or Possible Suicide Scene".

I think it's considered a crime scene until when and if it's determined no crime was commited.

In my opinion, as always.

Really. Like the scene where Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman were killed was not a crime scene, because, since OJ was acquitted, no crime was actually committed.
Would a person be allowed to take a concealed weapon into a Target Store? Just wondering...
Not in my county sofar. They tried making a show in Starbucks, I don't think it's legal in CA.

I'm pretty sure I specifically stated "when he volunteered".

I'm going to lay it out like this:
-Apparently, according to some, he could not carry a gun while acting as a neighborhood watchperson.
-A neighborhood watchperson is pretty much always a neighborhood watchperson inside the neighborhood. That's the point. They're always watching, keeping an eye out.

From this, it would seem that the premise being demonstrated is that Zimmerman was never "allowed" to carry a gun while in the neighborhood because he was affiliated with the NWP. Which would pretty much be him relinquishing rights and status as a civilian resident.

As to the BBM, that's cool. What relevance does that have here?

In Texas, If you are on patrol, you cannot have a gun or any type of weapon with you. if you are not on patrol, You can have your gun on you.
Would a person be allowed to take a concealed weapon into a Target Store? Just wondering...
It depends on the state. In most cases, yes, if they have a permit that allows it.
In Texas, If you are on patrol, you cannot have a gun or any type of weapon with you. if you are not on patrol, You can have your gun on you.
And apparently neighborhood watch does not "patrol", otherwise that would be the delineation.
Nope, I only call in suspicious activity- break-ins, large numbers of teens loitering, illegal fireworks, crazy neighbor terrorizing the neighborhood with his driving- that sort of thing, and disseminate crime prevention info. I don't write or keep any reports. I don't even have to meet with LE when they do their drive-bys, unless I want to. I don't have any shifts.

LinasK, you mean to tell me you don't call the police to report potholes and kids playing in the street? :eek:
I wish AZlawyer would come over here more often? No offense to RH? I miss AZlawyer and her wonderful insight.

I'll link her to your post and we can try lure her in.... ;)
according to this...the video was taken 4 hours after the shooting,

-" Sanford police released surveillance video on Thursday that shows George Zimmerman four hours after Trayvon Martin was killed."

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/trayvon-martin-extended-coverage/30795054/detail.html#ixzz1qYdDNkJr

the video released is suppose to be 6 minutes long haven't found a 6 minute video....so I asssume we are getting snippets on the news.

It does look like he has some sort of injury on the back of his head so not sure where no injuries is coming from.

This video released today by the City of Sanford is uncut, has segments not shown on the news, and is 6:10 long.
SPD Security Cams
You all need to watch Piers Morgan on CNN...GZ'S brother is on giving a new story...And IMHO The whole Zimmerman family are Liars IMHO They all need to stop talking they are making it worse for GZ........

Yes, I watched part of it. Was pretty sure I was hearing yet another story.
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