17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #10

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Oh he did, he was just objective and not blatantly pro TM IMO. That did not agree with some.

Horace, respectfully, are we going to go to the PRO TM and ANTI GZ thing? I'm neither!

An innocent CHILD was killed, dead, gone forever. This is NOT a black/white race issue. This issue is about innocence lost forever.

IMO, if you're black/white/beige/purple/blue/pink/yellow, etc., it does NOT matter to me, a man KILLED a living, breathing human being and justice has NOT been served.
Neighborhood Watch doesn't patrol, at least I don't!

Yeah, that :goodpost:

Is this the type of volunteer job where you have to keep records like you do when you volunteer for a non-profit so many hours a week or more or whatever? I mean really you're always in the capacity of neighborhood watch, not just on certain "shift," yeah? I'm a mandatory reporter, and I don't stop being a mandatory reporter after school Monday-Friday.

See, this. What does this mean? If I join a NWP, can I no longer exercise my 2nd amendment right, ever (as long as I'm affiliated with the NW program, anyway)?

My mom can't take a gun into the Post Office? Teachers can't take their guns into a school?
He as just being a citizen, :what: I guess in this county citizens are supposed to mind their own business :)
and then when something bad happens everyone wants to know where all the witnesses are? :what:
We want heroes but we don’t.
We want stand up citizens but we don’t
CITEZEN George had a right to watch his neighborhood too.

Nothing wrong with watching. This witness was suppose to wait by the mailbox and you are right because LE probably wanted to know where this witness was. Heros are those who actually come upon a victim in harm's way, they don't create the incident to become a hero. This was GZ's mistake. GZ had the right to watch but ONLY to watch and report. jmo
So Zimmerman was some 100 lbs heavier than Martin, so now we have to ask the question?
[SIZE=-1]He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony; or[/SIZE]

If you think yes then we move on to the next statute:


I don't think this is true.
Thanks. Semantics, IMO.

In all the shootings I've heard of (except this one, of course), the police put up that yellow tape that has "Crime Scene - Do Not Cross". Never once have I seen "Crime and/or Self Defense or Possible Suicide Scene".

I think it's considered a crime scene until when and if it's determined no crime was commited.

In my opinion, as always.

Yes, the yellow tape with crime scene. Then you have the fact one way or another there was a crime committed there.

Either there was homicide that results in a charge or there was an assault serious enough to kill someone over.
My mom can't take a gun into the Post Office? Teachers can't take their guns into a school?
Red herring. I'm not talking about facilities restricted by statutory law. I'm talking about his neighborhood.
As to the BBM, that's cool. What relevance does that have here?
I wasn't required to "give up my gun" for the NWP, I made my husband give it up some 20 years ago, before we were married. It's not necessary for protection, we have other "weapons" such as our dog, sharp knives, baseball bat if we really needed. I personally feel much safer not having a gun.
Also the large NWP sign in my front window is a crime deterrent.

See, this. What does this mean? If I join a NWP, can I no longer exercise my 2nd amendment right, ever (as long as I'm affiliated with the NW program, anyway)?

If you are just watching and reporting why would you need to use your gun?
Excuse me, are you accusing me of saying he was drunk? If you are, please know I have never stated I thought he was drunk that night...

I am not accusing you specifically of anything. But certainly some people have suggested he was drunk.
He as just being a citizen, :what: I guess in this county citizens are supposed to mind their own business :)
and then when something bad happens everyone wants to know where all the witnesses are? :what:
We want heroes but we don’t.
We want stand up citizens but we don’t
CITEZEN George had a right to watch his neighborhood too.

With all due respect, to me, a black kid walking home at night in the rain isn't something "bad" happening.

True about gf. But as a minor who has done nothing wrong I don't feel we should be sleuthing her and making up scenarios trying to discredit her. We have never heard from her just what has been released. This is why parents tell their children not to talk to the authorities about things they witnessed. I say leave her alone unless something comes to the surface. jmo


Trayvon Martin: City of Sanford says reporters won't be arrested

The city of Sanford tonight decided that reporters won't be arrested for pursuing the Trayvon Martin story after normal business hours.


That's rich!
I wasn't required to "give up my gun" for the NWP, I made my husband give it up some 20 years ago, before we were married. It's not necessary for protection, we have other "weapons" such as our dog, sharp knives, baseball bat if we really needed. I personally feel much safer not having a gun.
Also the large NWP sign in my front window is a crime deterrent.
Another red herring. I never said anything about you giving up guns. I'm talking about what other posters have stated here, and asking how this works.
Red herring. I'm not talking about facilities restricted by statutory law. I'm talking about his neighborhood.

But if he agreed to take on a job, then he should have followed their rules?
OK people. Maybe someone smarter than me will have an answer because I just can't see it any other way in my mind. Tell me which is most likely...(1) that TM was on top, was shot in the upper chest and fell forward off Zimmerman and landed on the grass face down. OR (2) Zimmerman was on top, shot TM in the upper chest and TM flipped over from his back and fell face down? I think common sense should tell us who was on top.

I'm not as concerned about how he got face down as I am about how his body apparently spun 180 degrees so that his feet were on the same sidewalk that Mr. Zimmerman's said his head was being bashed on.

See, this. What does this mean? If I join a NWP, can I no longer exercise my 2nd amendment right, ever (as long as I'm affiliated with the NW program, anyway)?

Simple solution. Don't join. Or join and break the rules. You do have a choice there.:seeya:
I don't believe GZ is any of those. I am sorry you feel so much hate.

I don't think he is all there? I don't know if I would call him all that... but he's so not all there!
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