17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #13

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Respectfully snipped....

His rage is no longer hidden...Folks can see what this dude is all about...:maddening:

Everyone is entitled to hear what they hear, however, I don't know what video you listened to but ACooper deciphered it and it really is evident as to what GZ stated...and his state of mind, from that first 911 call sets his tone..as it was pointed out to a SPD, they missed it...so they must hear it now!

When he said, 'these *advertiser censored**holes always get away...his mentality is one of, this one isn't going to get away...and Trayvon was his target...

As for the racial slur...Listen to the commentary before and after ACoopers deciphering of it..

why does it matter?


I also believe his inflated ego was due to the HOA appointing him as CW coordinator...his wanting to be a police officer, his propensity for violence, he being a criminal justice major, have that ring of a small man wanting to look big and important..as stated in your last paragraph...

Just like a drunk man speaks a sober mind, GZ's underlying mentality when he uttered that slur, (I do believe it is a racial slur, not punks)..came to light. He is problemmatic he has anger management issues and probably impulse control issues, just like he threw a drunk woman to the table, injuring her ankle, he has no self control, IMO...his anger rages within...

I would also like to see a psycological evaluation done on this self appointed crime watch 'captain', for he is a danger within the CWP...he needs to loose that license or no one will be safe if they live near this guy. He's a wannabe cop and very dangerous...those are the most dangerous..his self importance, is inflated ego, makes him a very dangerous guy...

There are only 9 more days to wait until The Grand Jury convenes...and I believe there will be a warrant issued for his arrest..and it might be for murder 1...it mostly depends on what GZ uttered in that call...that will be the defining factor on what charge or degree of murder he gets charged with...

Justice for Trayvon Martin

Why didn't Zimmerman just shoot Trayvon in the shoulder, or his arm or a knee! ???? That would have stopped him if as he claims, TM was attacking him. He didn't claim the murder was accidental... (the gun just went off) He is claiming he killed with intent but it was self defense...
Why not just maim in intent? Trayvon didn't have a gun or a knife....

I have asked that question since the first day, but seems nobody can answer this one.
So I imagine since they were so close to each other, he could not aim, and wherever the shot landed it did. (NOT SURE)
Lawyers for Martin's family are preparing a formal request that the federal government also investigate the specific report that state attorney prosecutors interfered with a homicide detective who wanted to charge Zimmerman with manslaughter.


Also this:

"Why did he get out of his bed and go to the police station that night and overrule the lead investigator?" Crump said. "It doesn't fit well." (Wolfinger )
Why does Trayvon have to have had any "guilt" in any way..for GZ not to be the homicidal racist that the media hysteria has created? Why do 911 tapes need to be edited to enrage people and manulate viewers. Why couldn't the photo THAT TRAYVON CHOSE for himself..be the one the public knew him by?

Why is waiting for facts, and despising the lynch mob mentality that frightens people to say what the mob wants, why is that accusing Trayvon of anything?

If you have ever been in a situation...where you stand to lose a job or a relationship...imagine having your words EDITED to create a false impression!
Imagine if people who first stood by you, get scared of harm to themselves, and desert you! THEN think ...if threats put your very life on the line...and the media Deliberately edited your words to make you appear more evil...how would you feel? if one quotes NBC as a source...how can we ever trust them not to distort the story to influence readers a certain way. HOW CAN YOU TRUST THEM?

Just as the media did in the Duke Hoax.

I'm happy to wait for facts to come out. It is fact that twice, expert voice analysis concluded that Zimmerman wasn't screaming for his life, which only leaves Trayvon.

Folks can twist reality all they like, adjust their blinkers, find a reason to slam a field they know nothing about, and the experts who have devoted their professional careers to that field. People can make vile insinuations about Trayvon, about Trayvon's parents, about his girlfriend all they want. That the main stream media doesn't participate in this to the degree some would like might doesn't mean they're covering anything up or twisting fact. The pic of Trayvon that some are using as evidence that he is a is out there. I don't know what more anyone could want. How can it be out any more than it is? Maybe it irks people that there aren't more of them, or that there's no video showing Trayvon stealing things or beating people or cracking safes. You can't release something that doesn't exist.

I don't think a lynch mob is forcing people to be on the side of justice for Trayon. I think that would be morality and ethics.

Zimmerman, at this point and IMO, should be praying for an arrest so that the facts can come out in a court of law instead of in newspaper articles. If he has nothing to hide, that is.
This whole conversation is the worst kind of profiling, and not necessarily racial, has nothing to do with searching for facts and should cease and desist immediately. Just sayin. IMO

Profiling isn't all bad, or all racial, mfcmom.

Profiling is reality. You take into account a person's behavior, and past behavior, and reason for being out in the cold drizzle (we don't know what his reason was, just that he had been trying to do it all day) you have to be aware of what's likely.

You'd be a blind parent otherwise. And there are plenty of those, let me tell you, and there are other parents who would say what is it you're really trying to do? Where are you really planning to go? Might be innocent.
Because shooting to maim or injure would imply that you're not actually in fear of your life, otherwise you'd shoot to stop the threat completely. You use deadly force to kill.

BUT, if you shoot one in the leg and they cant get you because you have moved back 5-10 feet, and you know the law is on their way...
That too can solve the "Afraid for your life" claim, yes I did have to shoot.
I just do not know if he had that option, how were they positioned or entangled? Would help to make that more clear.
Here's why. I am the adoptive parent of seven kids. I am white, my husband is oriental (looks mexican and has been profiled, even though he won a a national award for fatherhood from the Jefferson Foundation) three are black American, two are Haitian American, two are Hispanic. My black sons are Straight A students, in cheerleading, on honor roll and wear hoodies. They could have been just as easily profiled coming back from the store with candy. I am a little more aware of the profiling issue. I have been refused service in an ER with a critically ill child because the "profile" was made of a white woman with a black child. Am I oversensitive to this issue. Absolutely. JMO
Another reason some people shoot to kill instead of maim to stop the attack is that dead men tell no stories, do not live to sue, and some licensed-conceal instructors tell their students to do this exact thing, for these exact reasons.

Kill someone so they cant talk, or do something about it...:banghead:
Sounds like this is what happens in politics too.
Case and point is JFK, MLK :(
7:09 p.m. ET

Dispatcher: "Do you need police, fire or medical?"

Zimmerman: "We had some break-ins in our neighborhood ... and there is a real suspicious guy. ... This guy looks like he's up to no good, he's on drugs or something. It's raining, and he's walking around looking about. "

Dispatcher: "Is this guy white, black, Hispanic?"

Zimmerman: "He looks black."

Dispatcher: "Did you see what he's wearing?"

Zimmerman: "A dark hoodie, grey hoodie, jeans or sweatpants or white shoes. He's walking around staring at the houses. Now he's just staring at me."

Dispatcher: "Location?"

Zimmerman: "He's near the clubhouse right now. Now he's coming towards me. He has his hands in his waistband. He is a black male. Something's wrong with him. Yep. He's coming to check me out. He's got something in his hands. I don't know what his deal is. Send officers over here."

Dispatcher: "Let me know if he does anything else."

Zimmerman: "These *advertiser censored**holes, they always get away. When you come in go straight to the left ... when you pass the clubhouse ..."

Dispatcher: "Clubhouse?"

Zimmerman: "Go straight in. Oh, s***. He's running ... down towards the other entrance of neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "He's running? Which way is he running?"

Zimmerman: "Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood."

Dispatcher: "Which entrance is that, that he is running towards?

Zimmerman: "The back entrance."


Dispatcher: "Are you following him?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah."

Dispatcher: "OK. We don't need you to do that. What's your name?"

Zimmerman: "George. Zimmerman."

Dispatcher: "Do you want to meet with the officer ..."

Zimmerman: "Tell them to come past the clubhouse and make a left then past mailboxes and they will see my truck ..."

Dispatcher: "What's your apartment number?"

Zimmerman: "It's a home. ... I don't want to give that out. I don't know who this kid is."

Dispatcher: "I will let them know where to meet you."

Zimmerman: "Have them call me, and I will let you know where I'm at."


I believe GZ set this up to appear as if Trayvon was coming toward him. He had every intent this night to not let another *advertiser censored**hole get away..

During part of this time, Martin is on the phone with a 16-year-old girl. Below is an account of the phone call as relayed to In Session's Sunny Hostin by a lawyer for the Martin family:

Martin told the girl someone was following him, and she advised him to run. Martin said he isn't going to run but will walk quickly. Zimmerman caught up with him, and Martin asked Zimmerman why he was following him. Zimmerman then asked Martin his name and why he was there. The girl on the phone says she heard Zimmerman push Martin, and then the call drops. She tried to call Martin back, but he didn't respond.

My bold...

This shows Trayvon was aware he was being followed. It cancels out the portion where GZ claims Travyon was coming at him..Travyon just wanted to get home...

Caller:" I know. I can't believe somebody's killed. He was saying help. Why didn't someone come out and help him?"

Dispatcher: "Listen, we don't know if they been killed ..."

Caller: "Yes, the person is dead, laying on the ground."

Dispatcher: "Just because he's laying on the ground don't mean he's passed. We have an ambulance on the way, and we are probably going to pick him up and take him to the hospital."

Caller: "I didn't see cause it was too dark, and I just heard people screaming 'help me, help me.' And this person shot him! He was like wrestling with him, you know what I mean, on the ground, from what I can see it was very dark. The man didn't try to run away or anything. I don't want to be a witness or anything. I'm scared. Oh, my god, a young boy, I can't imagine, I haven't seen anyone killed. This is a nice neighborhood. Oh, my God, I'm too scared to live here."

It appears this witness saw WHO was yelling for help, Trayvon...he's yelling help, help and this person shot him...which I take to be GZ...

I don't understand why the SPD didn't arrest GZ, hold him for those 72 hours while the detective, who didn't believe GZ, investigated..had it been done, Sanford citizens would not be so up in arms. Since they chose not to and all these calls come to light, one has the ability to see who exactly was the aggressor and I do not believe it was Trayvon..

Of course, we all see things differently through our own eyes but if you look at it without a jaundiced eye, you will see who truly was the aggressor in this situation..I believe GZ has that role...:maddening:

Justice for Trayvon Martin
I understand a Grand Jury will be meeting on April 10 and I would like to know if they will be hearing other cases or just this one.
Also, I'm trying to remember how long it took the GJ to hand down the indictment for Casey after hearing the evidence.....does anyone remember?
Unless you have a link to an MSM site that can verify the theft being spoken about stop talking about it. Thank you.

Good God! When I was a teenager I was always looking for ways to get out when being cooped up with family for any length of time. Hell, I still want to get away on my own for a few minutes after being cooped up with my family sometimes.

It's unbelievable to me how some are perfectly willing to create fictionalized scenarios in order to discredit this young man since they can't find anything more nefarious than him randomly flipping the bird in a FB/Twitter picture (HORRORS!!).

I'm hot under the collar so I'm going to go for a walk to cool off before I get in trouble. I guess that makes me a suspect of... something.
Profiling isn't all bad, or all racial, mfcmom.

Profiling is reality. You take into account a person's behavior, and past behavior, and reason for being out in the cold drizzle (we don't know what his reason was, just that he had been trying to do it all day) you have to be aware of what's likely.

You'd be a blind parent otherwise. And there are plenty of those, let me tell you, and there are other parents who would say what is it you're really trying to do? Where are you really planning to go? Might be innocent.

What did George know of Trayvon's current or past behavior or reason for being out in the cold drizzle so that he could be aware of what's likely so that he could accurately "profile" Trayvon?
GZ's life should never be the same. He shot and killed a teenager on a candy run. That teenager has now been shown to be the one screaming in terror for his life on tape.

THAT IS NOT A FACT - it is misleading at best.
Those tests were inconclusive because they could not
get a high enough percentage to call it a match
What we think does not matter. The facts DO.
Trayvons Father was calling it home. So I just wonder if Trayvon was there a lot because you would think Zimmerman would know who the father and son were and where they lived. My neighborhood is like yours we all know each others phone number and know when a strange car or they have company.
Trayvon lived full time with his mom in Miami. He did not live full time with his Dad, they had shared custody, but TM was not a regular there. GZ may not know all the visiting guests.
THAT IS NOT A FACT - it is misleading at best.
Those tests were inconclusive because they could not
get a high enough percentage to call it a match

What we think does not matter. The facts DO.

Because it WASN'T a match and that's why, had it been there would have been a high percentage.................

Owen told the newspaper that the software compared the screams to Zimmerman's voice and returned a 48 percent match. He said he would expect a match of higher than 90 percent, considering the quality of the audio.

From 1 picture to the next, I see more stress in GZ eyes..........SanPaku
3 whites around eye, anyone else see this?
What stresses was he under that day?
Anyone know?
Trayvon lived full time with his mom in Miami. He did not live full time with his Dad, they had shared custody, but TM was not a regular there. GZ may not know all the visiting guests.

Then he should have familiarized himself with them before jumping to conclusions that TM was up to no good just because he didn't recognize him. MOO
Profiling isn't all bad, or all racial, mfcmom.

Profiling is reality. You take into account a person's behavior, and past behavior, and reason for being out in the cold drizzle (we don't know what his reason was, just that he had been trying to do it all day) you have to be aware of what's likely.

You'd be a blind parent otherwise. And there are plenty of those, let me tell you, and there are other parents who would say what is it you're really trying to do? Where are you really planning to go? Might be innocent.

How would anyone know at first glance what their present or past behavior is?

So, now it's the parents fault Trayvon was murdered?

Wow, you guys are something..here Trayvon is the victim and he's being made the perpetrator? stole candy, possibly out to buy drugs...:maddening: What an imagination...deal with the facts at hand and not suppositions..it's truly insulting for Trayvon, a child murdered for no apparent reason other than what Captain George imagined he was doing...

IIRC, they were watching the NBA games. his brother wanted some candy snack..Trayvon only went to the store to make it seem otherwise is just incredulous...:maddening:
Trayvons Father was calling it home. So I just wonder if Trayvon was there a lot because you would think Zimmerman would know who the father and son were and where they lived. My neighborhood is like yours we all know each others phone number and know when a strange car or they have company.

Well apparently my neighborhood is not like yours, I live in a (shhh, don't tell anyone) gated townhouse complex in (again, shhh) Florida and while I can tell you the name of one of my next door neighbors I have no idea what her phone number is. The next door neighbor on the other side I couldn't even tell you her name. As for the other several hundred people that live in this complex, some I visually recognize as living in the complex because I have seen them walking their dogs or leaving/coming home from work at the same time as I do, but beyond that......
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