17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #13

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I've been lurking but am compelled to speak my mind today for many reasons but first for Trayvon as he is a victim and last I checked, Websleuths prides itself on being a victim friendly forum. I am NOT seeing this courtesy extended to Trayvon and I'm stymied as to why.

I don't care if this kid DID steal Skittles, smoked weed or posed/talked like a rapper "" in some pictures. With my son & his friends, I remember when some went a little gangster for a while, some a little punk and some a little goth or whatever~all part of being a teenager and trying on what fits until you figure out who you are. I imagine some or all smoked pot and maybe lifted a pack of gum or something. This makes them expendable? Not on my planet.

I don't know what happened but I am 100% certain that Trayvon Martin would be texting or talking to his girlfriend or shooting hoops or whatever were it not for Mr. Zimmerman, who meted out a horrific punishment for what heinous action? I never will get the what in this case. All JMO
If TM was bashing GZ's head into the ground -- how was he accomplishing this? GZ has no hair. We are to believe that TM palmed GZ's face and -- in the struggle -- was able to pull up, slam down, pull up and slam down. Given the police video of a pretty ok GZ, no blood, canceling the ambulance, it's just not going to fly that GZ is telling the truth on this count.

If GZ was on the bottom at one point he could have banged his head on the ground himself while struggling over the gun. But from where TM's body was he certainly was not on the cement. I'll bet they never collect the gauze used by the EMT to clean the blood off of GZ. The blood could have been from TM or it could have come from GZ's bloody nose. FT is claiming it wasn't a gash on GZ's head by a contusion and LE described blood on the back of GZ's head. GZ may have thought the blood was coming from him and that is why LE was checking out his head when he got out of the car. GZ could have asked if his head was still bleeding. It's also possible GZ was cleaned up so well because the EMT was looking to see where all the blood was coming from and we certainly do not see a gash. jmo
Respectfully snipped....

His rage is no longer hidden...Folks can see what this dude is all about...:maddening:

Everyone is entitled to hear what they hear, however, I don't know what video you listened to but ACooper deciphered it and it really is evident as to what GZ stated...and his state of mind, from that first 911 call sets his tone..as it was pointed out to a SPD, they missed it...so they must hear it now!

When he said, 'these *advertiser censored**holes always get away...his mentality is one of, this one isn't going to get away...and Trayvon was his target...

As for the racial slur...Listen to the commentary before and after ACoopers deciphering of it..

why does it matter?


I also believe his inflated ego was due to the HOA appointing him as CW coordinator...his wanting to be a police officer, his propensity for violence, he being a criminal justice major, have that ring of a small man wanting to look big and important..as stated in your last paragraph...

Just like a drunk man speaks a sober mind, GZ's underlying mentality when he uttered that slur, (I do believe it is a racial slur, not punks)..came to light. He is problemmatic he has anger management issues and probably impulse control issues, just like he threw a drunk woman to the table, injuring her ankle, he has no self control, IMO...his anger rages within...

I would also like to see a psycological evaluation done on this self appointed crime watch 'captain', for he is a danger within the CWP...he needs to loose that license or no one will be safe if they live near this guy. He's a wannabe cop and very dangerous...those are the most dangerous..his self importance, is inflated ego, makes him a very dangerous guy...

There are only 9 more days to wait until The Grand Jury convenes...and I believe there will be a warrant issued for his arrest..and it might be for murder 1...it mostly depends on what GZ uttered in that call...that will be the defining factor on what charge or degree of murder he gets charged with...

Justice for Trayvon Martin

Dont you have to be approved to get a gun? I imagine yes...
So how is it that he got a gun? based on your post this guy is crazy.
Based on what I have read for many years - the Seminole Police is known to do sloppy work.
So. On the voice patterning.

How likely is it they will be able to match that horrible moaning scream to anyone? What they will have are speaking voices vs. that awful bellowing.

If they were matching speaking voice to speaking voice, it seems the likelihood of getting a clear match would be high.

Matching speaking voice to that sound on the tape seems like it might not be possible.
Probable Cause definition: Apparent facts discovered through logical inquiry that would lead a reasonably intelligent and prudent person to believe that an accused person has committed a crime.

What was GZ reasoning for calling 911. Suspicious person. But what did he do, what was the cause? Nothing that any logical person would think to make TM look like a criminal.

GZ goes on to describe someone he feels is a , punk kid, etc. to LE. We all heard it, no need to rehash.

GZ then decides to follow and takes his gun...So why take the gun? Did he feel the situation was dangerous, life threatening and he needed protection. LE asks if he following, GZ says yes and LE says we don't need you to do that and GZ knows exactly what he means because he says okay (it's an admission that he understands what he is being asked. George did not say "what do you mean" he said okay. LE tells him a patrol car is on the way do you want to meet us at the mailboxes.

In GZ's mind TM is suspicious. He knows LE is on the way. He thinks there could be some danger so he brings his gun, but why get out of his car in the first place when you know LE is on the way. If he perceived there would be some danger involved, and he did because he brought his gun, why would he put himself in harm's way. Because had TM had a weapon that would have been exactly what he would have been doing and a stray bullet could have killed anyone walking their dog, inside working in the kitchen, etc. His actions were irresponsible at the very least. His motivation was self serving. This was the action of a man who needed to prove himself because he put the lives of others in danger just to satisfy his need to control.

What surprised me was that LE did not say..."Let me stay on the line until the patrol car gets there" which is what they have always done with me. jmo

GZ. carried his gun long before he ever met up with TM walking in the rain.
He did not go home to get gun.

STOP the RIDICULOUS pertpetuating of RUMORS about Trayvon stealing candy or on his way back from buying marijuana!!

WHAT on earth?!? There is ZERO EVIDENCE to support that either one of those things is true!!!

TOs are being issued for this and they are gonna be swift and long.


STOP the RIDICULOUS pertpetuating of RUMORS about Trayvon stealing candy or on his way back from buying marijuana!!

WHAT on earth?!? There is ZERO EVIDENCE that either one of those things is true!!!

TOs are being issued for this and they are gonna be swift and long.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
It's premature to claim the prosecutors undermined the police - there's been no reversal on their decision, nor has there been an arrest, so who do they feel is undermining the special prosecutor?

So now there was an investigation and there was so much care taken in the case the prosecutor rolled out of bed at 3:00 a.m. to take a first hand look at the evidence and over-rule the detective.

BEM: At least they're honest.

RBBM - Link for the 3am time please and thank you. If GZ & LE were at the station around 8pm, as seen on the videotape released. Wouldn't the SA have gotten there within an hour or two of that?
Mod note:

I do not have the time to remove all these posts quoting these RUMORS so PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE ANYMORE and drop the entire discussion.

Originally Posted by TonyGatto
If TM was bashing GZ's head into the ground -- how was he accomplishing this? GZ has no hair. We are to believe that TM palmed GZ's face and -- in the struggle -- was able to pull up, slam down, pull up and slam down. Given the police video of a pretty ok GZ, no blood, canceling the ambulance, it's just not going to fly that GZ is telling the truth on this count.

I for one believe GZ set this up and did this to himself to give him leverage on the SYG law...same with that call that Trayvon was coming towards him..he's setting up the justification for killing Trayvon, is my impression...

I don't believe a thing that comes from the Zimmerman camp..just as he thought, this would blow over and he could walk around with his head held high..for he stopped a crime from taking place when there was no crime to begin with..

He's a disappointed wannabe cop, couldn't make the force so he goes into occupations that give him 'power'.
If TM was bashing GZ's head into the ground -- how was he accomplishing this? GZ has no hair. We are to believe that TM palmed GZ's face and -- in the struggle -- was able to pull up, slam down, pull up and slam down. Given the police video of a pretty ok GZ, no blood, canceling the ambulance, it's just not going to fly that GZ is telling the truth on this count.

ME think GZ exaggerated a bit. I still don’t think he went after the kid as if to "get him" "harm him" But I can see that he did not want TM to get away and so he kept a watchful eye so the police would not end up with another one who got away...But something happened in these 2 minutes... something we still do not know, but it happened spontaneously and you had to think on your feet.
So. On the voice patterning.

How likely is it they will be able to match that horrible moaning scream to anyone? What they will have are speaking voices vs. that awful bellowing.

If they were matching speaking voice to speaking voice, it seems the likelihood of getting a clear match would be high.

Matching speaking voice to that sound on the tape seems like it might not be possible.

My feelings exactly. I presume they didn't ask Zimmerman to scream the same things as on the tape and compared that. They are comparing the tape of him speaking to screams on the tape. And then they claim it didn't match.
How do I know Trayvon's voice would match any better or that if they asked Zimmerman to scream the same things he wouldn't match better than 48 %?
I'm happy to wait for facts to come out. It is fact that twice, expert voice analysis concluded that Zimmerman wasn't screaming for his life, which only leaves Trayvon.

Folks can twist reality all they like, adjust their blinkers, find a reason to slam a field they know nothing about, and the experts who have devoted their professional careers to that field. People can make vile insinuations about Trayvon, about Trayvon's parents, about his girlfriend all they want. That the main stream media doesn't participate in this to the degree some would like might doesn't mean they're covering anything up or twisting fact. The pic of Trayvon that some are using as evidence that he is a is out there. I don't know what more anyone could want. How can it be out any more than it is? Maybe it irks people that there aren't more of them, or that there's no video showing Trayvon stealing things or beating people or cracking safes. You can't release something that doesn't exist.

I don't think a lynch mob is forcing people to be on the side of justice for Trayon. I think that would be morality and ethics.

Zimmerman, at this point and IMO, should be praying for an arrest so that the facts can come out in a court of law instead of in newspaper articles. If he has nothing to hide, that is.

The opinion of those two voice analysts is important. There may be other opjnions from other experts. We all know how these things work

But the 911 call is...what it is...factual evidence.

Therefore TRUTHFUL airing of the 911 call is important too. For the media to give us anything doctored..is obscene.

And why was a picture of a child...a five year old picture... the only picture the media showed us of TM for weeks. Why not use the photo he chose for himself...the way he wished to portray himself to his friends?

There is a lot of analysis here of GZ...his "hostility" etc. That is fair. But itbis also fair to analyze TM's Facebook and twitteraccounts. Since so much is unknown, and speculation, and media hype..It's fair to let the words, the real words that each of them put out in public..to form a complete picture of them.
Does anyone remember a post made last night about the possibility of Zimmerman not supposed to have a gun because of an injunction of some sort?

I thought it was one of the mods with the info, but I can't find it. Any help would be appreciated.

STOP the RIDICULOUS pertpetuating of RUMORS about Trayvon stealing candy or on his way back from buying marijuana!!

WHAT on earth?!? There is ZERO EVIDENCE to support that either one of those things is true!!!

TOs are being issued for this and they are gonna be swift and long.


THANK YOU!!! and bless you and all the mods who must keep monitoring this ridiculousness even after there have been a multitude of warnings posted about it!!!!

Yep. Some of these people could ruin themselves as witnesses if there ever is a trial.
Assuming Zimmerman gets a good lawyer it will be easy to discredit them on the stand if they tell contradictory stories.

Right now IMHO GZ has a ____________ as an attorney. No I do not have confidence in him. JMO
Papa...I think Daisy was posting on that earlier yesterday, so she might have found more last night?
Dont you have to be approved to get a gun? I imagine yes...
So how is it that he got a gun? based on your post this guy is crazy.
Based on what I have read for many years - the Seminole Police is known to do sloppy work.

60 hours of training...background checks and voila a gun permit? IDK I'm not a weapons person...

Based on my post this guy is crazy??? I don't think I said that, I said he was dangerous...very dangerous..his violent tendencies, his anger mangement problems, those DV protective orders...dude has rage issues..I didn't say he was crazy, just very dangerous...

He's not trained a police officer is...that is the bottom line...he should not have approached Trayvon, the police were already in route..he shouldn't have left his vehcile...this is all GZ....he didn't follow the, we don't need you to do that, when he told the dispatcher he was following his guy he was so petrified of...GMAB...dude just set the entire scenario so he could get away with a murder under the SYG law, that certainly didn't apply to him this fateful day..Those who drafted the law, said the same, arrest GZ...The homicide detective didn't believe him...it's Wolfinger who didn't allow this to move foward...or GZ would have certainly been under arrest..That says alot too...

Justice for Trayvon Martin
In our paper the other day awoman interviewed at a rally here stated "its not a black and white thing, its a right and wrong thing".
Now tonight I saw after todays rally far far away from here a woman interviewed used EXACTLY those same words.
I just thought it was weird.

I've seen that alot on posters at rallies as well. I think it's become the unofficial motto.
Does anyone remember a post made last night about the possibility of Zimmerman not supposed to have a gun because of an injunction of some sort?

I thought it was one of the mods with the info, but I can't find it. Any help would be appreciated.


Originally Posted by daisy7
Is there still an active restraining order for GZ from his previous GF?
Don't mean to quote myself. Here is the link to the injunction case and I can't tell if it is still active, but GZ made some type of payment on this case on 3/21/12.


AFAIK, if it is still in effect, he is prohibited from having a gun.
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