17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #14

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(CBS News) - The lawyer for Trayvon Martin's family tells CBS News they'll file a formal request with the Justice Department Monday, asking whether Florida prosecutors have been negligent by not charging a neighborhood watch volunteer who killed their son.

The Martin family wants to know why the Florida state attorney Norm Wolfinger allegedly overruled the police who wanted to arrest George Zimmerman on the night of the shooting.

George weighs 160-170 lbs. according to his brother. Strange that his driver's license from his assault on the officer stated he weighed 240lbs.

Obviously he does not weigh a pudgy 240 lbs. now -- but he sure as heck does not weigh 160-170 either. He lost 70 - 80 pounds? I don't think so!

Go back and look at his police station video. You can see very well developed pectoral muscles through his T-shirt -- and thick broad shoulders. I'd bet the ranch he worked-out regularly in the gym.

The guy was obviously bigger than the skinny KID he killed!


Muscle weighs more than fat too... Also, It has been stated he was a bouncer at one time and I do know most bouncers are known to work out on a regular basis..Do we know IF GZ worked out at a gym or at home?.Right now I'm wondering IF he took steroids.. My understanding is emotional side effects go hand in hand with steroid use..JMHO
No, it's not even logical. Even if the ear buds were jerked from the phone, whomever is on the line would still be able to hear. I've always had a problem with that. The battery going dead at just that moment would be one heck of a coincidence!

Here's something else - every cell phone bill I have ever had has the duration of my calls, in or out. The cell bills presented (exclusively), by ABC only had the date and time the call initiated. Where's the proof of how long the call lasted?

If the phone were knocked out of his hand it would go off. Mine does if I drop it. jmo
No, it's not even logical. Even if the ear buds were jerked from the phone, whomever is on the line would still be able to hear. I've always had a problem with that. The battery going dead at just that moment would be one heck of a coincidence!

Here's something else - every cell phone bill I have ever had has the duration of my calls, in or out. The cell bills presented (exclusively), by ABC only had the date and time the call initiated. Where's the proof of how long the call lasted?

When I drop my current cell phone the battery often falls off. I have had to collect cell phone parts off the floor several times.
I'm sorry about your S-I-L. However, 300 pounds is generally not characteristic of someone who is physically fit -- unless he happens to be 6'5" or taller.

It's also pretty darn impossible to be hit in the nose from behind, as Zimmerman claims.

Look at the police station videos. George Zimmerman is a stocky, muscular, fit looking man.

A barely 17 year old inexperienced 140-145 lb. kid is no match for macho Zimmerman and his semi-automatic 9mm pistol.

I do not believe Zimmerman OR his family's account of the shooting.

IMO, once it is proven that the screams of fear and anguish came from Trayvon, fighting for HIS life -- and not Zimmerman, as he and his family have claimed, George's entire fabricated fairy-tale story will completely fall apart.

Two court qualified expert witnesses have already stated that the screams were NOT from Zimmerman. I have absolutely no doubt that the FBI analysis will confirm their reports.


My point is taking a hit from behind equalizes any weight advantage. My SIL never had any chance to defend himself or duck to avoid the punch. If TM attacked GZ from behind, then he could easily have been downed and rolled over once he had hit the ground. FWIW, my trim short stature uncle was known for beating just about anyone he got into a tussle with, no matter the other man's size. IMO, your point about weight is inaccurate.

As for the voice(s) on the tapes. IMO, once this gets to court both sides will have experts to contradict the other. Given that both TM and GZ were probably screaming at some point, I don't know that the audio will be the "gotcha" some think it will be. Especially given the witness accounts that say otherwise.

IMO, GZ was probably on the ground at first, but then later was standing over TM after he'd been shot.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
Where is Trayvon Martin's autopsy?
Posted: Mar 29, 2012 12:04 PM EDT
Updated: Mar 29, 2012 12:05 PM EDT
By Michelle Jones - email
By Theresa Seiger - email

Trayvon Martin, 17, and his father Tracy Martin. (Source: CNN)(RNN) -
The funeral director who prepared Trayvon Martin's body for burial told a TV anchor that Martin had no injuries to his hands or arms that would indicate a fight had occurred.

Richard Kurtz told CNN's Nancy Grace on Wednesday that Martin had a gunshot wound to his upper chest, but any other injury would have been difficult to detect because an autopsy was performed on the teen's body before he received it.

"As for his hands and knuckles, I don't see any evidence he had been fighting anybody," Kurtz said.

A Volusia County spokesman, Dave Byron, has confirmed that an autopsy was performed by them, but those results could take more than 30 days to be released. Results will not be unsealed until the investigation becomes "inactive."


I believe, GZ's story is falling apart...did he not think all of what he said can be disproven?

The girl on the phone, the alleged punch to his nose, the 'gash' behind his head...eight more days before The Grand Jury gets this....so just a few more days and GZ might be going bye bye....:please:

Justice for Trayvon Martin

I thought the autopsy is going to be done by non bias group.
Or at least a secon one done by someone the state selects.
I would recommended reading attached link , yes lengthy , because it explains the FLA SYG statute very well and explains the absurdity of it all.
Without that controversial law, nobody would have ever heard about Trayvon Martin/GZ except locals. And GZ would have been arrested and charged JMO.

Under current law, I do believe that GZ will not be arrested/charged under FL law.
Some of the cases where SYG was successfully applied, included homicide victims that were already retreating. Homicide victims of a sawed off illegal shotgun plus a dude that not even have a gun permit and was allowed to use the SYG.


Although many states have embraced the notion of Stand Your Ground
over the common law duty to retreat, that focus, coupled with immunity,
places a higher value on honor than on life. It makes a mockery of this
democracy and condones civilized men resorting to barbaric behavior.

Known as the “Stand Your Ground” law, this statute is flawed because
it places a greater power on the right to possess and use a gun than it does
on the most fundamental right of all: life itself.

Proponents of the Stand Your Ground statute claim that a person
should have the right to “stand like a man” to avoid the humiliation of
retreating in the face of a fight.
Yet this argument neglects a basic premise of civilized society: respect for life.
The most self-evident truth, according to the signers of the Declaration of Independence, is that“all men . . . are endowed . . . with certain unalienable Rights [including]Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”66 The role of government,
therefore, should be to protect life and not create laws jeopardizing the lives of others.

In enacting the 2005 laws, the Florida legislature created protection for
both criminal and legitimate self-defense acts. The prior statute protected
only legitimate self-defense acts, the legitimacy of which was determined
by a jury. Now, the actual effect of Stand Your Ground laws, the castle
doctrine, and the immunity statute working together is to allow criminals
to get away with murder.


Ahhh, don't lose hope, rotterdam. I believe there is too much public awareness for this murder of an innocent, barely 17 year old boy to be swept under the rug.

I further believe there will be a trial for Zimmerman and I believe the chances of his conviction are good because he will be proven to have been lying about almost all of the shooting details.

Lets also hope that the entire "Stand your Ground" laws will be repealed. They're barbaric!

George Zimmerman: Self-appointed watchman or racist killer?
By David Ovalle The Miami Herald

A portrait of George Zimmerman paints the picture of a man obsessed with law enforcement, the very career that eluded him.

By David Ovalle
SANFORD, Fla -- George Michael Zimmerman, the man at the center of the racially charged killing of an unarmed black teen, is a former altar boy, insurance salesman and college student.

And another label has also stuck in the public’s perception: frustrated cop wannabe.

Over the years, his scores of calls to police showed he pursued shoplifters and errant drivers with zeal, reporting pit bulls, potholes, children playing in the street, open garage doors and “suspicious” youths — usually black males — loitering in the street.

He peppered his calls with jargon familiar to police. In one case, he chased a reckless driver while calling 911 — the driver later told police he was terrified that Zimmerman was going to attack him. In another case, Zimmerman tailed a supermarket shoplifter until a police officer successfully arrested the thief.

On the night of Feb. 26, he tailed Trayvon Martin through the Retreat at Twin Lakes, the gated community where Zimmerman lived with his wife, describing his every move to a dispatcher who told him he didn’t need to follow the young man. A scuffle ensued and Zimmerman shot Trayvon dead. Zimmerman claims self-defense.

Dr. Laurence Miller, a Palm Beach County clinical psychologist who works with local police agencies, said he believes Zimmerman likely was acting out the “whole TV cop role in his head” when he confronted Trayvon.

“A lot of people like the power and control that law enforcement officers have but with that comes a tremendous amount of responsibility,” Miller said, pointing out that a police officer is the only profession that can use “coercive physical force” or lethal force to subdue a suspected criminal.

“People act like cowboys and like the power, but not the responsibility.”

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/2...#storylink=cpy
My point is taking a hit from behind equalizes any weight advantage. My SIL never had any chance to defend himself or duck to avoid the punch. If TM attacked GZ from behind, then he could easily have been downed and rolled over once he had hit the ground. FWIW, my trim short stature uncle was known for beating just about anyone he got into a tussle with, no matter the other man's size. IMO, your point about weight is inaccurate.

As for the voice(s) on the tapes. IMO, once this gets to court both sides will have experts to contradict the other. Given that both TM and GZ were probably screaming at some point, I don't know that the audio will be the "gotcha" some think it will be. Especially given the witness accounts that say otherwise.

IMO, GZ was probably on the ground at first, but then later was standing over TM after he'd been shot.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

You could be right but my problem with that is the video at the SPD shows someone who looks pristine his clothes don't appear the way I would expect they would look had such a fight took place ***MOO*** :moo:
Which is why they never arrested GZ and charged him, because they knew he was protected under this law.

ONLY if Zimmerman's account of the shooting is the truth. I along with hundreds of thousands others do not believe it is.

THIS TIME, Zimmerman's *guardian angel* is not going to be able to make the charges go away.

Which is why they never arrested GZ and charged him, because they knew he was protected under this law.

Only if he is gonna be charged under Fed. law, will he do some time IMO. And that depends on if they can substantiate a hate crime which is also very iffy. IMO.
ONLY if Zimmerman's account of the shooting is the truth. I along with hundreds of thousands others do not believe it is.

THIS TIME, Zimmerman's *guardian angel* is not going to be able to make the charges go away.


Make that millions grandma. There are presently 2,215,670 people out there (according to the change.org petition on behalf of Trayvon) who doesn't believe Zimmerman's story.


Ahhh, don't lose hope, rotterdam. I believe there is too much public awareness for this murder of an innocent, barely 17 year old boy to be swept under the rug.

I further believe there will be a trial for Zimmerman and I believe the chances of his conviction are good because he will be proven to have been lying about almost all of the shooting details.

Lets also hope that the entire "Stand your Ground" laws will be repealed. They're barbaric!


and I believe it gives folk like GZ license to kill...It appears human life isn't worth diddily squat by today's standards...I have visions of reloacating to Florida...I now have third thoughts about doing so...I really don't want to live in a city where killing is the norm due to this awful law that should only be used as the 'castle doctrine' and take it out of the streets..There is no place for this law to extend to the street...it's asking for murders to happen and one who doesn't have a weapon can still be killed by someone who does have a weapon! That to me appears unbalanced...:maddening:

Miami's police chief made a prediction shortly before the law took effect:

"Whether it's trick-or-treaters or kids playing in the yard of someone who doesn't want them there or some drunk guy stumbling into the wrong house,'' Chief John Timoney told the New York Times, "you're encouraging people to possibly use deadly physical force where it shouldn't be used.''


Florida Statute 776.013 (3)

"A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony."

Justifiable homicide

Reports of justifiable homicides in Florida

2000 32

2001 33

2002 35

2003 32

2004 31

2005 43

2006 33

2007 102

2008 93

2009 105

2010 (through June)44

Source: Florida Department of Law Enforcement
George Zimmerman: Self-appointed watchman or racist killer?
By David Ovalle The Miami Herald

A portrait of George Zimmerman paints the picture of a man obsessed with law enforcement, the very career that eluded him.

By David Ovalle
SANFORD, Fla -- George Michael Zimmerman, the man at the center of the racially charged killing of an unarmed black teen, is a former altar boy, insurance salesman and college student.

And another label has also stuck in the public’s perception: frustrated cop wannabe.

Over the years, his scores of calls to police showed he pursued shoplifters and errant drivers with zeal, reporting pit bulls, potholes, children playing in the street, open garage doors and “suspicious” youths — usually black males — loitering in the street.

He peppered his calls with jargon familiar to police. In one case, he chased a reckless driver while calling 911 — the driver later told police he was terrified that Zimmerman was going to attack him. In another case, Zimmerman tailed a supermarket shoplifter until a police officer successfully arrested the thief.

On the night of Feb. 26, he tailed Trayvon Martin through the Retreat at Twin Lakes, the gated community where Zimmerman lived with his wife, describing his every move to a dispatcher who told him he didn’t need to follow the young man. A scuffle ensued and Zimmerman shot Trayvon dead. Zimmerman claims self-defense.

Dr. Laurence Miller, a Palm Beach County clinical psychologist who works with local police agencies, said he believes Zimmerman likely was acting out the “whole TV cop role in his head” when he confronted Trayvon.

“A lot of people like the power and control that law enforcement officers have but with that comes a tremendous amount of responsibility,” Miller said, pointing out that a police officer is the only profession that can use “coercive physical force” or lethal force to subdue a suspected criminal.

“People act like cowboys and like the power, but not the responsibility.”

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/2...#storylink=cpy

This is why I don't think he was racially profiling TM. I think he profiled everyone if they looked suspicious enough.
Make that millions grandma. There are presently 2,215,670 people out there (according to the change.org petition on behalf of Trayvon) who doesn't believe Zimmerman's story.


Plus one more if we include the lead investigator.

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