17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #19

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Were you able to listen to the 911 calls and read the material on the Sanford PD website before it was taken down? If not, there are members who have saved everything - just ask and I'll bet they would be happy to help out.

Happy sleuthing!!

I did get to listen and read most of that info from the links here. I've been lurking for quite some time :blushing: Thanks!
I'm just posting what Angela Cory stated and she had access to more information than I do. Martin's weight wasn't mentioned on the police report - so I don't know if they actually measured Trayvon, or had to guess since he had no ID on him. Not at all sure how that works. IMO
I believe Martin's height and weight were listed but only Zimmerman's height was listed no weight. Left that out for some reason.

Here is the report. Page 6 https://cnninsession.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/martinpolicreport.pdf
IMHO.. It is NOT two different topics.. I was referring to the investigation by SPD not being properly handled that night when the incident first occurred... I was referring to SPD sweeping the case under the rug.JMHO

I see this written all the time - while I cannot dispute this, I also can't confirm because the evidence has never been released. The SA's investigation began almost immediately after Sanford LE released their findings to the press, IIRC. So I am curious, on what do you (in general), base this (BOLDED above), observation on? TIA!
This. ^^^ Also, Zimmerman Sr. stated in an interview that Trayvon was beating GZ in the face and nose repeatedly. So if his nose was broken with the alleged first punch and then he was continuously punched in the face and nose, he should have been pouring blood onto his clothing, IMO. I've seen a few debates that a broken nose doesn't always bleed, but I don't see how someone can reportedly be punched in the nose multiple times and there's no blood on their clothing? I think Trayvon should have SOME sort of injuries to his hands if he issued such a severe beating to GZ.

Link to FOX interview with Zimmerman Sr. stating that GZ was punched in the nose and face repeatedly after the alleged first punch by Trayvon. At the 2:00 mark.

Zimmerman's Father: Trayvon Martin Attacked George Zimmerman and Tried to Kill Him. - YouTube

IMHO.. No way... JMHO
Mod note:

First, Hi! Wishing everyone a Happy Easter. :)

Meant to address this before now. I've been seeing a lot of labeling. I don't think anyone does this intending to upset anyone, but frankly, it offends me personally.

There is this "us vs. them" tone is taking over: Pro-GZ or Pro-Trayvon. Lately I've noticed that anyone who doesn't agree with the majority is assumed to be a "Zimmerman supporter". This whole issue isn't that black & white for me, and I don't think I am alone. The "undecided" view should be considered, as well. :)

I do have some strong feelings but there is a LOT of grey area for me. First, I need to see the autopsy report. That will help clear quite a few of my questions. Second, I am a paralegal and I know I look at things from a different point of view than many people. For me there are 2 major issues: 1.) determining George Zimmerman's and Trayvon's actions that night; 2.) considering #1, was Zimmerman protected by the Florida SYG law?

I'm upset about several things Zimmerman did that night and what I know about him from the facts I have read regarding his history. HOWEVER, as far as the physical confrontation itself, I don't have enough info/facts yet to determine if his claim of self-defense is warranted or if I believe his actions would afford him protection, per the SYG law. I can say this - if Trayvon has been shot in the back, my mind would pretty much be made up now. However, from what we know, that does not appear to be the case. I need more re: the SYG issue.

I realize legalese is boring for most people but, for better or worse, the law is the law. When the rest of the story comes forward, we may find that GZ is still protected. I just don't have enough to know that yet. IOW, I may end up hating every choice GZ made that night, but in the end, I may still find that his actions afford him legal protecion.

Done rambling and explaining here. Please try to keep in mind that just because people aren't screaming for GZ's immediate arrest doesn't mean that they are supportive of ALL of his actions that night.

Thanks! :)

P.S. Feel free to refute my opinion here. All I ask as a mod is to please refrain from the labeling and respect the undecided viewpoint as well.
I believe Martin's height and weight were listed but only Zimmerman's height was listed no weight. Left that out for some reason.

Here is the report. Page 6 https://cnninsession.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/martinpolicreport.pdf

Here is the link to the actual ABC interview/article regarding Trayvon's height and weight. I think the link that was posted took the liberty of adding their own information into what they posted. Perhaps you can make better sense of it than I can at this point.


Odd, considering how it created him so much 'angst' and he felt 'very fearful'. I wouldn't walk in the direction of possible danger if I felt it was a 'scary, scary time' But that's just me and I'm not a busybody.


:biggrin:........Well, I am!!

Sorry, I am catching up and that just struck me as funny! I needed a laugh!
Feb 26th: TM killed.
March 8th: Martin family holds press conference, wants 911 calls released, GZ arrested
March 22nd: special prosecutor takes over/assigned

Question: Does the special prosecutor have to go through every single peace of evidence before saying "arrest GZ"? Trying to figure out how to word this- GZ was not held because they said not enough evidence, but does the same criteria/situation apply with special prosecutor-meaning as soon as she sees that there is a possibility that this was not just self defense can she ask for his arrest? Or now that it is at her level, unlike the police, she has to have much more detailed evidence to make an arrest at this point? Is my question making sense to anyone?
I believe it was one of the MODs who worked for a funeral home said ME does not wash the body specifically, just areas needed for their report and when it arrives at the funeral home the body is then washed, dressed and whatever cosmetics needs be applied will be done. Hands, face and hair would be visible and they would pay attention to that. jmo

This is correct. That mod, grandmaj, is a verified funeral director and explained in detail.

Guys, please check out the verified posters list when considering information posted without a link. It protects the integrity of the information posted on the forum.
Interesting article on Trayvon's social media footprint.

“I think you have to take these social media posts with a grain of salt, because they don’t necessarily tell you what this teenager was like in person,” she said.

One example: Trayvon’s purported “grills.” In his Twitter avatar, he appears to be wearing some, but friends say they’d never seen them before.

“I didn’t know he had those until I saw the picture on the news,” said Ricaysha Milton. “Every time I see him in public he never has them on.”

Trayvon family representative Ryan Julison told The Miami Herald that Trayvon did not have permanent grills on his teeth.

“The persona you have online is not necessarily the same as the persona you have offline,” Lidsky said. “It’s an artificial reality... It’s almost like make-believe.”

Mod note:

First, Hi! Wishing everyone a Happy Easter. :)

Meant to address this before now. I've been seeing a lot of labeling. I don't think anyone does this intending to upset anyone, but frankly, it offends me personally.

There is this "us vs. them" tone is taking over: Pro-GZ or Pro-Trayvon. Lately I've noticed that anyone who doesn't agree with the majority is assumed to be a "Zimmerman supporter". This whole issue isn't that black & white for me, and I don't think I am alone. The "undecided" view should be considered, as well. :)

I do have some strong feelings but there is a LOT of grey area for me. First, I need to see the autopsy report. That will help clear quite a few of my questions. Second, I am a paralegal and I know I look at things from a different point of view than many people. For me there are 2 major issues: 1.) determining George Zimmerman's and Trayvon's actions that night; 2.) considering #1, was Zimmerman protected by the Florida SYG law?

I'm upset about several things Zimmerman did that night and what I know about him from the facts I have read regarding his history. HOWEVER, as far as the physical confrontation itself, I don't have enough info/facts yet to determine if his claim of self-defense is warranted or if I believe his actions would afford him protection, per the SYG law. I can say this - if Trayvon has been shot in the back, my mind would pretty much be made up now. However, from what we know, that does not appear to be the case. I need more re: the SYG issue.

I realize legalese is boring for most people but, for better or worse, the law is the law. When the rest of the story comes forward, we may find that GZ is still protected. I just don't have enough to know that yet. IOW, I may end up hating every choice GZ made that night, but in the end, I may still find that his actions afford him legal protecion.

Done rambling and explaining here. Please try to keep in mind that just because people aren't screaming for GZ's immediate arrest doesn't mean that they are supportive of ALL of his actions that night.

Thanks! :)

P.S. Feel free to refute my opinion here. All I ask as a mod is to please refrain from the labeling and respect the undecided viewpoint as well.

Great post.
I knew there was a reason I loved Trayvon. One of the funniest movies ever to me.

He loved the films Friday, starring Ice Cube and Chris Tucker, and Next Friday, both of which poke fun at street culture. He posted YouTube clips from the films.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/04/08/2738118/what-trayvon-martins-social-media.html#storylink=cpy

He really seems like he was a great kid to me. From what I've read and heard about him, he sounds like an average teenager to me. So many things about him remind me of my 6'3 17 year old nephew. (Who just so happens to live in the Orlando area.) I think that's why I'm so moved by this case. I remember thinking, "OMG. That could easily have been my nephew." Breaks my heart for Trayvon, his family and friends.
Any media reporting usually has a bias- I learned that years ago from a movie I can no longer recall the title, but this famous quote was in it "I'm mad as h*ll, and I'm not going to take it anymore", about an anchorman who goes nuts. From Right Wing - Fox news "fair and balanced"- to NPR, Voice of America, and Arianna Huffington and Kos website. I take it with a grain of salt where I get my info. from and use more than one source- like Google News...
>It was the movie Network (1976) and this is the quote: "Good evening. Today is Wednesday, September the 24th, and this is my last broadcast. Yesterday I announced on this program that I was going to commit public suicide, admittedly an act of madness. Well, I'll tell you what happened: I just ran out of bull*****. Am I still on the air? I really don't know any other way to say it other than I just ran out of bull*****."

WOW just WOW and yes they are often bias maybe much more then often. ;)
Thank you. LinasK :)
But that did tip the scales in this case IMHO.
Only because there are 2 crucial minutes that are not accounted for YET.
The media painted a picture of a situation that grew legs that are misleading.
No I do not like guns
No I do not like people to carry them
No I do not like the new Law.
No I do not like a rush investigation
No I do not like that Trayvon is dead
But the system was not built for me to like it.
I hope we can at least thank God that a full investigation is taking place.
But as far as being angry - I am angry at the police and the media.
I am not yet angry at someone who may actually have had no choice.
In order to collect on insurance that your jewelry was stolen you have to file a police report. jmo

Yes. Here in California you must submit a police report to your insurance company before any payout will be made.
IF, I were to make a determination on whether George Zimmerman should be arrested for the death of Trayvon Martin with only the information that I have available to me, I'd say he should be arrested. However, knowing that there are many things that have not been made public, no fair determination can be made...at least not by me. Emotionally, as a parent the death of a kid pulls at the heartstrings, and that is a normal thing, so being aware of that bias is important to me. It doesn't matter whether George or Trayvon or anybody else is black or white or polka dotted. Justice is blind and when given a real opportunity to work, she is fair.
I think I did a poor job communicating my point, so I will be clear:

I do not believe Zimmerman should be tried by the media or in the court of public opinion.

I think it's fine to discuss it, much like we do Casey Anthony, but that's it.

I do, however, believe that the court of public opinion is the ONLY place the police department can be tried. Zimmerman is likely just an over-zealous bully that got away with killing an unarmed kid. I believe that he is unlikely to be convicted of anything. We will likely never have the answers to this shooting, we'll never be able to prove beyond a doubt what happened, but we CAN have answers about this department.

YES if you are angry at the way LE handled this ME TO. I said it so many many times.
If one is dead and only one is standing and can tell his side, a thorough investigation is a must.
I have read several cases where Seminole police messed up big time, and I do not get it.
WHY is that OK? It should not be acceptable, in any state. I don’t think I would feel safe
In any County managed by Seminole police.

as for George Zimmerman, I know some of you did not want to se any mark on his head I did see it enlarged it, and posted several times.
SOMETHING DID HAPPEN - Just praying that we will get a straight account from the FBI investigation.

The casy anthoney case I walked out on in he summer of 09...It was just going in circles.
I hope this case wont become as crazy as that one.
I don't know where everyone got their information when this case first broke, but I never heard the story as being one about a fat man and a sweet 12 year-old. The way I heard it, a 28 year-old Florida man shot and killed a 17 year-old. I think that perhaps you're assuming that most people who are outraged that Zimmerman had not been arrested are basing their opinion on something that isn't even entering into it.

My opinion that it sounds like Zimmerman is guilty of a crime has nothing to do with adjectives like 'sweet' and 'fat', which I never even heard to begin with. My belief stems from Zimmerman's own 911 call(s), his actions that night, and other 911 calls from witnesses--combined with my own experience of what happens when someone where I live shoots somebody else.

In the beginning we heard about a neighborhood watch man who shot a boy. They showed us pictures of a
sweet child in a red sweater and a heavy set GZ. (PICTURES ARE WORTH 1000 WORDS) So if they did not say
the words "fat or Sweet" the pictures were instantly misleading. THAT IS WHERE IT STARTED.
That is what we ran with for weeks till much later when we got other photos.
By then many of us were outraged. When I first saw the pictures ALL I can think of was poor baby.
By the time I saw more pictures, my sense shifted, from baby? to -- what else should I be looking at?

I am still looking and hoping that we get some answers from the investigation that will be helpful.
But Ido not see GZ as the big bad wolf...As I did at the start.
YES MEDIA DID MESS WITH MY MIND as I am certain it is messing with many minds.

By the way I went to family on Friday night for the Passover Dinner.
My Grandson who is 8 years old told me about how Trayvon got shot by some guy in Florida.
I asked him what he thought, and he said I think the person who shot him should go to jail.
he heard something and decided that people who kill go to jail .

How can Zimmerman survive out there, even if he goes free.

I think we need to wait till the case is solved.
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