17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #19

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OK now you can compare GZ.
FIRST Let’s look at both accurately, not selectively.
I see TM a bit differently, then your description:
TM's pot bag was not always empty. LOL
TM's locker was found with a screw driver and Ladies Jewelry, hmmm.
TM has gold teeth... allows for judgment here too.
Was sent home from school for the 3rd time, 10 days is never a first timer.

And none of that has anything to do with TM being shot on the night he died.

I don't see why its perplexing that Trayvon's tweets have been made public. Why should his family or anyone else have a reason to hide them? He was a 17 year old boy who's interested in popular culture, girls and sex. That is pretty non-sinister.

That Trayvon didn't tweet like a choirboy shouldn't be an embarassment to his family or cause for shock. I'm not sure there's a 17 year old boy out there who does. They talk smack, they posture, they go for a laugh. That's a big old shoulder shrug to me.

BEM: One would have to ask them....
ABC Transcript
"The family’s counsel, Benjamin Crump, told reporters that the Twitter account purportedly tied to Trayvon that tweets about drug abuse and punching someone is not Trayvon’s account.
“We’ve called Twitter and that is not his Twitter account. It is an account that they’re tweeting after he’s dead,” Crump said. “There are so many things now where they are just trying to just blame the victim, demonize the victim. This was a young kid who was trying his best to make it through adolescence and all he was doing that night was trying to make it home.”
My 17-year-old niece has a facebook (that is monitored by her wonderfully cool Aunts because we're facebook friends/ she deleted her mother/ my sister :floorlaugh:).

Anyways... one day she tweeted this really sad, almost suicidal post and it alarmed me! I called my sister, her mother, immediately and asked her where my niece was... my niece was in her room... I told my sister to go check on her... she was fine. I then proceeded to tell my sister what my niece posted on facebook... do you know what it was?? SONG LYRICS!! I was LIVID with my niece and told her how worried I was about her and had a long talk about she better always come and talk to me... blah... blah... blah...

That is not even the worst thing my niece has posted that she has been torn a new *advertiser censored** for. I will ALWAYS go to my sister when I feel my niece gets out of line... my niece just doesn't know it. My younger sister, her other Aunt, does the same thing. We work as a good team.

My niece always calls her grandmother, our mother, and complains about her mother... My mom listens... and then tells her "You do know that when you are complaining about your mother, you are complaining about my daughter?" :floorlaugh:

The thing is... I've read his tweets... sure, some are pretty sexual... I can't back him up on that one? I didn't see anything violent though? Not written by him?

ETA: I guess I didn't get to my point... oops... 17-year-old's are unpredictable. My niece is the sweetest, charming person you will ever meet in person... her life outside of her family is obviously different and we try and correct it as much as we can... telling her you shouldn't act like that, take pictures like that (she does that annoying DUCK FACE thing), etc... the thing is... online personalities... even though you warn them that they'll come back to bite you... are not what these kids are.

Oh, I know about the lyrics. That's my older dd's excuse of choice :banghead: But it's just not okay, imo, even if it's just lyrics. And, as I said, it's the big picture for Trayvon, my kids, etc. Not much directly to do with the case. But I think Trayvon was not on a good path and, hopefully, his parents were intervening to nip that. I fully appreciate that my expectations are unreasonable -- my kids tell me all the time that I'm basically an old-fashioned idiot. lol I don't care. My son will not be hugging me with the fingers that type that stuff, and my dd will not be kissing me with a mouth that spouts disgusting "just lyrics" lol
This quote used to appear on many of my friend's myspace pages, and I think it applies to the Twitter situation here:

To assume that a 17 year old child, who is finding their identity and getting their first real tastes of freedom, is who he portrays himself as online is not realistic IMO.


Totally agree! My 17-year-old is not related to Howard the Duck, but you would think she was just by looking at some of her pictures.

There are a lot of things my niece says on facebook, that are nothing more than song lyrics. It is what it is?

I did see a boy called her the "B-word" on facebook and I went OFF on that kid! My niece deleted my post and I went right back on there and told her NOT to delete it again. She tells me... oh, he was joking... NOPE! No WAY! I won't have anyone calling my niece that word... it's not funny... not acceptable... and it better not happen again!

This kid that called her that... is not a bad kid... it really is the way they talk... I just want my niece to know that she is better than that and that way she knows later on in life... that that could become an abusive thing.

I believe it was Trayvon's father who pointed out the spot where the yellow circle is.

No, his spot was 35 feet closer to the red and on the opposite side of the walk.

Irregardless, that vid is the actual SFD dispatch recording that repeatedly identified the body was "lying in the grass in the back yard of 2831 Retreat View Circle". Hard to imagine they got it wrong, IMO.
BEM: One would have to ask them....
ABC Transcript
"The family’s counsel, Benjamin Crump, told reporters that the Twitter account purportedly tied to Trayvon that tweets about drug abuse and punching someone is not Trayvon’s account.
“We’ve called Twitter and that is not his Twitter account. It is an account that they’re tweeting after he’s dead,” Crump said. “There are so many things now where they are just trying to just blame the victim, demonize the victim. This was a young kid who was trying his best to make it through adolescence and all he was doing that night was trying to make it home.”

Is it possible that the parents were unaware that Trayvon had a Twitter account?
My then 2 yr GS was singing in the back seat of the car. His Dad was driving, GreatGM in passenger seat and me behind her. My son says tell him to sing Twinkle Twinkle.....

He was singing Akon. OOPS, I am not allowed to watch music videos anymore. LOL
Bad Granny. :redface:

Don't judge a book by its cover.
Hello all! I didn't realize that there was a forum on here for this case, and haven't had the chance to read all the posts yet, so forgive me if any of this is old news.

So far I have so many more questions than answers regarding this case. Hopefully, when the ongoing investigation has been completed, we'll learn the answers that have kept me puzzled.

If anyone does an intense search, they will find that the morning after Trayvon was shot, the media was told by LE that the shooter was in custody. So what prompted the state's attorney to show up at the police station that day and tell LE not to file charges? Shouldn't a more thorough investigation have been done first? Did someone connected to GZ pull some strings to get him out of trouble?

If GZ had really been having his head bashed into the concrete, then why did LE cancel the 2nd ambulance instead of having it take GZ to the hospital for xrays? If GZ had told them his head was beaten into the ground, wouldn't LE would have made GZ go to the hospital instead of taking the chance of detaining him and having him lapse into a coma or worse? And if the "gashes" to his head were really as bad as the attorney claimed - that they should have required stitches - why wouldn't LE have made sure that GZ went straight to the hospital?

If GZ really wasn't patrolling that night, as his brother has claimed in interviews that GZ was actually on the way to Target, what kind of Target store is in that neighborhood that you have to carry a loaded firearm with you to go shopping?

What was going through GZ's head when he made the statement to 911 that those *advertiser censored**holes always get away? At that point in time, he had only seen TM for a few minutes at the most, not doing anything except trying to get out of the rain while walking to his dad's house, but had already convicted him of being one of "those *advertiser censored**holes* because he was walking down the street, and that he must be on drugs (high on Skittles?)? What did he mean by that, and starting the whole incident with that type of attitude toward TM, doesn't that seem to show that GZ was on the hunt for TM?

When GZ got out of his truck to follow TM, didn't he just become the aggressor - especially when specifically told by 911 that "we don't need you to do that" (follow TM)?

At one point during the 911 calls, GZ tells the dispatcher that TM is running toward the exit. Well, then why not just let him run out of the exit and leave? Why follow him if he appeared to be leaving?

Once TM's autopsy is finally released, if TM shows injuries (other than the gunshot wound) to his body that would have been inflicted by GZ, then wouldn't the "stand your ground" law apply that TM would have been justified in causing injury to GZ to defend himself? I saw one interview where a FL Senator claimed she saw the autopsy report and it showed that TM also had a broken nose. Without knowing what is in the autopsy, isn't it premature for strangers to claim that GZ had the right to shoot TM? Because if there are injuries to TM, then we only have GZ's word that TM was the aggressor, and not vice versa. "Stand your ground" would apply to both men - it would be a matter of determination by a neutral 3rd party (perhaps a jury) to determine who was the original aggressor. IMHO, the 911 calls themselves seem to answer that.

When exactly DID GZ get medical attention for the alleged broken nose and "shaken baby syndrome"? If he went directly from LE to the hospital, then that might be evidence that the injuries happened during the exchange between GZ and TM. However, if GZ went elsewhere before getting medical attention, then how does anyone know that he didn't injure himself to have a defense to shooting TM?

If the investigator's voice analysis of the screaming for help on the 911 tapes show that the voice was really TM's (I'm sure his family has provided voice mail recordings to the investigators to compare to the 911 recordings) and not GZ's as he claims, then can we believe anything GZ claimed if they can prove he lied about the screaming?

If TM was on top of GZ, bashing his head into the ground, when they fought over the gun, and it went off, shooting TM in the chest, then how did TM fall on the ground face down? If he had fallen on top of GZ, then not only would GZ have blood on himself, but logically, pushing TM off of him would result in TM lying face up, rather than face down in the grass. And how would TM have been bashing GZ's head into the ground with one hand while reaching for GZ's gun with the other? GZ has no hair to hold onto to be able to smash his head into the ground with only one hand.

IMHO, I think there are too many unanswered questions and inconsistencies at this point to conclude what really happened that night. I haven't formed my own opinions based on a white or black issue, or a young man vs older man, etc. Just listening to what GZ says and does during the 911 calls send my hinky meter into overdrive.

Just my opinion....
My then 2 yr GS was singing in the back seat of the car. His Dad was driving, GreatGM in passenger seat and me behind her. My son says tell him to sing Twinkle Twinkle.....

He was singing Akon. OOPS, I am not allowed to watch music videos anymore. LOL
Bad Granny. :redface:

Don't judge a book by its cover.

Soooooo cute!! I love Akon!! Actually, I love Caribbean people, their culture, and music! Because I grew up in SW Florida, closer to Miami, I always call Florida the Caribbean Penisula of the United States... I'm now learning that there is a lot more to Florida than Jimmy Buffet, Bob Marley, and Samba music. :sad:
The first picture of George Zimmerman showed a man with a mole on his face above the right side of his lip also a possible large vertical scar on the left cheek. They do not show up in the new photo.
Oh, I know about the lyrics. That's my older dd's excuse of choice :banghead: But it's just not okay, imo, even if it's just lyrics. And, as I said, it's the big picture for Trayvon, my kids, etc. Not much directly to do with the case. But I think Trayvon was not on a good path and, hopefully, his parents were intervening to nip that. I fully appreciate that my expectations are unreasonable -- my kids tell me all the time that I'm basically an old-fashioned idiot. lol I don't care. My son will not be hugging me with the fingers that type that stuff, and my dd will not be kissing me with a mouth that spouts disgusting "just lyrics" lol
Funny, I'm having this exact same discussion on another forum here, and I totally agree with you!
I've looked through Trayvon's tweets and I noticed that he "RT'ed" a lot... which means that he was retweeting someone else's tweet and I think those that are not really familiar with twitter think that all those tweets came from him. Not the case.

Now, don't get me wrong, Trayvon had some tweets that made me cringe ( 17-year-old boy hormones!), but it is what it is. He had some very sweet tweets in there two... about a month before he died, he told twitterverse that he missed his girl. Awwww!! :love:

ETA: I only have nieces so it may have shocked me a little bit more than someone who has had boys and raised them? Actually, a boy hasn't been born into my family is 30 years! I'm not used to boys.

No. This is not typical teen boys. This is something that frustrates me! No, it is not typical to refer to girls as hos and all the other disgusting things that he tweeted and retweeted. Absolutely not!! There is no excuse for this demeaning, vile behavior.
To imply that all teen boys act like this is insulting on so many levels.
When people say what his tweets were about were typical teenage boy behavior that is like saying robbing people is typical black male behavior. TM is accountable for his actions. GZ is accountable for his actions. Neither represents my family, age, race, values, etc. Please do not justify those tweets by implying everyone does it.
Jmo and off my soapbox.

Not directed to you lolamoon, I was just jettisoning off your post.
My then 2 yr GS was singing in the back seat of the car. His Dad was driving, GreatGM in passenger seat and me behind her. My son says tell him to sing Twinkle Twinkle.....

He was singing Akon. OOPS, I am not allowed to watch music videos anymore. LOL
Bad Granny. :redface:

Don't judge a book by its cover.

I know this isn't directed at me, but I just want to say that I love hip hop and some rap. I've seen "fitty cent" in concert and have taken dd to see concerts with hiphop opening acts of the most famous kind. We listen to it in the car and dd bleeps out the really bad lyrics on her own, unless she wants to upset me. My son told me last night that if the Easter Bunny didn't come because he's too old, he's *pop a cap* in me. It's funny and not for real. I get that. I STILL don't want them to act like that/talk like that at school or in public where the people around them will be drawing conclusions based on what they see/hear without knowing what they mean or how it's intended. Imo, they need to learn to discriminate in that regard. That's why it's not ok with me for my kids to be putting that stuff out there in the social media to people who don't know them. And, again, it's the big picture. It's one thing for my ds to say he's gonna *pop a cap* in anything if he's not been in any kind of trouble whatsoever and has a reputation for being funny and sarcastic. It's another if he's subscribing to culture and is consistently in trouble. jmo
I really hate to be one of those people that say "Boys will be Boys" but these young girls need to be taught that the way these young boys are talking to them... is not acceptable! I seen the tweets, and the girls were just as receptive to this talk and their mouths were just as filthy. If girls allow this and act like they like it... it will continue?

My niece has had the same boyfriend since she was 15... didn't actually get to date him until 16... and she will be turning 18 very soon. I love her boyfriend. Good kid so thankfully she doesn't have to deal with these boys that talk that way... but a lot of these girls think it's funny?

As a society, we need to change that --- and make sure our girls don't think of it as... just joking.

If GZ really wasn't patrolling that night, as his brother has claimed in interviews that GZ was actually on the way to Target, what kind of Target store is in that neighborhood that you have to carry a loaded firearm with you to go shopping?

<snipped for space>

Just my opinion....
Welcome, excellent questions- too many for me to answer, but wanted to piggyback off your post to address this question from another thread which got locked before I could respond... I've since found out that California allows Concealed Weapons with a permit, BUT does not allow "Open Carry". Some NRA types in the Bay Area tried it in Starbucks and terrorized the patrons. Open Carry has not succeeded here!
This is what I am waiting to see --- in order ---

1) George Zimmerman arrested and charged with manslaughter.

2) George Zimmerman's written statement the night of the shooting.

3) George Zimmerman's recorded interview with SPD the night of the shooting.

4) The recorded walk-through at the scene the day after the shooting. Where George gives full details on how it happened.

5) Trayvon's autopsy report.

6) I want a full, detailed report on George Zimmerman's injuries. Clear photographic evidence included.

7) Forensics on George Zimmerman and Trayvon's clothes.

8) Forensic evidence on George Zimmerman's gun. Fingerprints, etc...

9) I want to see a documented grid of the crimescene. I want to know where that bullet casing was and how far away it was from Trayvon's body. I want to know where every drop of blood was and I want to know whose blood it was. Where did the fight begin... and where did it end.

10) I want to see any and all videos from the complex the night of the shooting.

11) I want to see any and all dash cam videos at the scene of the shooting/the night of the shooting.

12) I want to see all exits and entrances into the Sanford Police Department inbetween the time George arrived and the time he left. a) I want to make sure George Zimmerman was wearing a change of clothes b) I want to see if that "meeting" really did take place.

I'm sure there is more... but these are the most important to me.


Might be wishful thinking Lola.

I have a feeling most of these forensics were not done..
No. This is not typical teen boys. This is something that frustrates me! No, it is not typical to refer to girls as hos and all the other disgusting things that he tweeted and retweeted. Absolutely not!! There is no excuse for this demeaning, vile behavior.
To imply that all teen boys act like this is insulting on so many levels.
When people say what his tweets were about were typical teenage boy behavior that is like saying robbing people is typical black male behavior. TM is accountable for his actions. GZ is accountable for his actions. Neither represents my family, age, race, values, etc. Please do not justify those tweets by implying everyone does it.
Jmo and off my soapbox.

Not directed to you lolamoon, I was just jettisoning off your post.

I agree 100%!! Like I pointed out... I had a boy call my niece the "B-word" on facebook and I went off on the kid... my niece tried to tell me it was a joke... and I STILL wasn't having any of it??

I do think that girls are growing up to think that it is okay though... we need to put a stop to it. TRUST ME... I cannot defend Trayvon against his sexually provocative tweets... AT ALL!! I would have words with a boy that EVER talked to my niece that way.

I've looked through Trayvon's tweets and I noticed that he "RT'ed" a lot... which means that he was retweeting someone else's tweet and I think those that are not really familiar with twitter think that all those tweets came from him. Not the case.
<snipped respectfully>

I "RT" as well, but nothing I don't agree with or advocate, when I tweet them, they become mine...but that's just me, people see things differently.

Trayvon was looking into going to college, people are fooling themselves to think these tweets don't matter. Everyone looks at them - including college administrators LINK.

Employers look at social media sites.I look up a person's public social media before I consider them for a position. I don't feel I am invading their privacy, there's a privacy option if they don't want to share.

Law enforcement looks at social media sites
"When federal regulators sought private Twitter account information, Twitter fought to notify the users. In November, a judge ruled that federal investigators can collect the private Twitter records and blocked the users' attempt to discover if other Internet companies were ordered to reveal their data."

Apparently many professionals and LE feel the persona presented on social media is real, and it is alarming to think parents and teenagers look at vulgar, sexist, violent, racist, and drug related tweets as just kids being kids, coming into their own. Whether they are or not, these tweets and posts send a message that could alter their entire lives.

We have seen Trayvon's social media. Have George's media accounts been explored?
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