17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #19

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I agree 100%!! Like I pointed out... I had a boy call my niece the "B-word" on facebook and I went off on the kid... my niece tried to tell me it was a joke... and I STILL wasn't having any of it??

I do think that girls are growing up to think that it is okay though... we need to put a stop to it. TRUST ME... I cannot defend Trayvon against his sexually provocative tweets... AT ALL!! I would have words with a boy that EVER talked to my niece that way.


Thank you. I have a teen daughter and son and there is no way they would even consider tweeting 99% of what was on his account. They know about respect. Respect others. Respect your own and other's posessions (even businesses). And respect yourself.
<snipped respectfully>

I "RT" as well, but nothing I don't agree with or advocate, when I tweet them, they become mine...but that's just me, people see things differently.

Trayvon was looking into going to college, people are fooling themselves to think these tweets don't matter. Everyone looks at them - including college administrators LINK.

Employers look at social media sites.I look up a person's public social media before I consider them for a position. I don't feel I am invading their privacy, there's a privacy option if they don't want to share.

Law enforcement looks at social media sites
"When federal regulators sought private Twitter account information, Twitter fought to notify the users. In November, a judge ruled that federal investigators can collect the private Twitter records and blocked the users' attempt to discover if other Internet companies were ordered to reveal their data."

Apparently many professionals and LE feel the persona presented on social media is real, and it is alarming to think parents and teenagers look at vulgar, sexist, violent, racist, and drug related tweets as just kids being kids, coming into their own. Whether they are or not, these tweets and posts send a message that could alter their entire lives.


Oh, I know... but try telling that to a 17-year-old. Look, my niece is not as bad as what I have seen... but she has posted things that I immediately IM her and tell her to delete. She goes off to College after the summer. I've actually asked her to completely delete her entire account and wait a few months and open another one when she goes off to College. Everyone is so open on these social media accounts...

I actually had a friend of MINE... request my 17-year-old niece... and I about killed him (for requesting her) and killed her (for accepting him). I told her mother about that one. She had also accepted some guy from some random country and he was in his 40's... and I looked through all his friends... NOTHING BUT YOUNG GIRLS! Yup! I called her mother about that one too.

We can go on and on and on to them about certain things... and at some point in time... you have to let them make their mistakes... even if we don't want them to and we warn them.. and we want to protect them.

It sucks and some will make more mistakes than others... but it's part of growing up and it's part of them finding out for themselves how much their own mistakes can come back and haunt them...

The first picture of George Zimmerman showed a man with a mole on his face above the right side of his lip also a possible large vertical scar on the left cheek. They do not show up in the new photo.

Didn't his ex girlfriend say her dog bit him in the face? That's what it looks like, or pock marks from bad acne in the past.
I know this isn't directed at me, but I just want to say that I love hip hop and some rap. I've seen "fitty cent" in concert and have taken dd to see concerts with hiphop opening acts of the most famous kind. We listen to it in the car and dd bleeps out the really bad lyrics on her own, unless she wants to upset me. My son told me last night that if the Easter Bunny didn't come because he's too old, he's *pop a cap* in me. It's funny and not for real. I get that. I STILL don't want them to act like that/talk like that at school or in public where the people around them will be drawing conclusions based on what they see/hear without knowing what they mean or how it's intended. Imo, they need to learn to discriminate in that regard. That's why it's not ok with me for my kids to be putting that stuff out there in the social media to people who don't know them. And, again, it's the big picture. It's one thing for my ds to say he's gonna *pop a cap* in anything if he's not been in any kind of trouble whatsoever and has a reputation for being funny and sarcastic. It's another if he's subscribing to culture and is consistently in trouble. jmo

I agree. That is why this granny is no longer allowed to watch music videos with little ears around. My son is the parent. I am no longer in charge. I am respectful of his authority. Although we disagree on many, many things. Living in the same house co-raising a child, me the grand-he the father causes many generational gaps. He sees the world as it is today, I see the world as it used to be. If that makes sense. (and I am not even 50!)

He understands the present world better than I ever could and guides his son as a father should. I just let GS eat cake for breakfast :D :what:
<snipped respectfully>

I "RT" as well, but nothing I don't agree with or advocate, when I tweet them, they become mine...but that's just me, people see things differently.

Trayvon was looking into going to college, people are fooling themselves to think these tweets don't matter. Everyone looks at them - including college administrators LINK.

Employers look at social media sites.I look up a person's public social media before I consider them for a position. I don't feel I am invading their privacy, there's a privacy option if they don't want to share.

Law enforcement looks at social media sites
"When federal regulators sought private Twitter account information, Twitter fought to notify the users. In November, a judge ruled that federal investigators can collect the private Twitter records and blocked the users' attempt to discover if other Internet companies were ordered to reveal their data."

Apparently many professionals and LE feel the persona presented on social media is real, and it is alarming to think parents and teenagers look at vulgar, sexist, violent, racist, and drug related tweets as just kids being kids, coming into their own. Whether they are or not, these tweets and posts send a message that could alter their entire lives.


I had a relative that, after two weeks of interviews, was offered a job. She went home and posted on her fb it was a stupid position with a stupid company but she was going to take it anyway. When she called to tell them she would accept their offer, they told her the offer was recinded.
Didn't his ex girlfriend say her dog bit him in the face? That's what it looks like, or pock marks from bad acne in the past.

Then why aren't the scar and the mole in the new photo?
Did you file a police report? The link I posted several threads back said that LE could not match the jewelry to any reported stolen items.

That is not proof that it wasn't stolen, but they did look into it and found nothing. That's a far cry from a DV injunction and an arrest for assaulting LE.

ETA: not to mention that there is no allegation that TM was stealing anything or doing anything else illegal on 2/26.
If it wasn't stolen jewelry, then why was a schoolkid carrying it in his backpack with a screwdriver, and why wouldn't he simply say whose it was?

There are several reasons why stolen jewelry might not show up on local police reports. IMO

One being that it could have been stolen from outside the area.
If it wasn't stolen jewelry, then why was a schoolkid carrying it in his backpack with a screwdriver, and why wouldn't he simply say whose it was?

There are several reasons why stolen jewelry might not show up on local police reports. IMO

One being that it could have been stolen from outside the area.

I would love to know what kind of jewelry it was? How much was it worth? Was it from the dollar store? Flea market?

ETA: I was so bad in school... I used to sell candy out of my backpack for a profit!
Thank you. I have a teen daughter and son and there is no way they would even consider tweeting 99% of what was on his account. They know about respect. Respect others. Respect your own and other's posessions (even businesses). And respect yourself.
I saw a lot of attention seeking posts on TM's twitter thread. I didn't see any about football, or college, girls (not "ho's), family, cars - really nothing realistic. He seemed to be playing a character befitting his handle. Pretty sad.
We have seen Trayvon's social media. Have George's media accounts been explored?

Thank You ! I have been wondering that myself. It would be interesting to see GZ's media accounts (if any) although I don't think Trayvons words on a twitter account can outdo Georges past arrests which all include violence.
I would love to know what kind of jewelry it was? How much was it worth? Was it from the dollar store? Flea market?

ETA: I was so bad in school... I used to sell candy out of my backpack for a profit!

Apparently nice jewelry - diamonds included. If it was dollar store I highly doubt they would have wasted their time sending pictures of it to Miami PD.

Why wouldn't they ask SB if it belonged to her before they went to that extent to find the owner?

I saw a lot of attention seeking posts on TM's twitter thread. I didn't see any about football, or college, girls (not "ho's), family, cars - really nothing realistic. He seemed to be playing a character befitting his handle. Pretty sad.

It is soooo sad!! But if you didn't wiggle your hips, like Elvis Presley back in the 50's, and act like a "Hound Dog" you weren't getting any play either.

I did a research paper on the evolution of music and did you know that legendary JAZZ music, the beautiful rhythm of JAZZ music, was called the "Devil's Music" back in the 20's and 30's?

It really is amazing to look at the history of music and the songs that had been banned in the U.S.

An amazing history!
Apparently nice jewelry - diamonds included. If it was dollar store I highly doubt they would have wasted their time sending pictures of it to Miami PD.

Why wouldn't they ask SB if it belonged to her before they went to that extent to find the owner?


Diamonds? Real diamonds? How would they know know they were real diamonds? Some of this fake "bling" looks as real as the expensive stuff. I've been to the U.S.A. Flea Market in Miami and they have some really cool jewelry that can pass as real... just put a coat of clear nail polish on it so it doesn't chip.
Then why aren't the scar and the mole in the new photo?

Lighting? His facial hair seems to be obscuring the mole in the newer picture. What are your thoughts?

eta: Actually it looks like his smile obscures the mole in a crease, JMO
It is soooo sad!! But if you didn't wiggle your hips, like Elvis Presley back in the 50's, and act like a "Hound Dog" you weren't getting any play either.

I did a research paper on the evolution of music and did you know that legendary JAZZ music, the beautiful rhythm of JAZZ music, was called the "Devil's Music" back in the 20's and 30's?

It really is amazing to look at the history of music and the songs that had been banned in the U.S.

An amazing history!

My son is a censor I tell ya. :what: (just kidding folks, just kidding. I ate too much sugar today :))
I don't believe in censorship.... but my nieces, especially the 17-year-old, are banned from listening to Chris Brown and it's not because of his music... it's because of what he did to Caribbean beauty, Rhianna! My nieces will never support a woman abuser! Ever!

Speaking of my nieces, my bro-in-law, is 100% for George Zimmerman being arrested, and he is the most reasonable person I know. Like, crazy reasonable!

Diamonds? Real diamonds? How would they know know they were real diamonds? Some of this fake "bling" looks as real as the expensive stuff. I've been to the U.S.A. Flea Market in Miami and they have some really cool jewelry that can pass as real... just put a coat of clear nail polish on it so it doesn't chip.

Why wouldn't he just say it was dollar store or fake flea market jewelry?
Does anyone know the procedure for when a decision is made? Will they bring the families in or just announce it? Tia
I&#8217;ve seen and heard actions and statements from a defendant&#8217;s family members and attorneys that defy logic before, but I&#8217;m not sure that any of what I&#8217;ve heard in the past takes a back seat to what the Zimmerman cast of characters is putting out there.

Why would they give interviews on March 29 and April 4 that very specifically detail the circle in red on the image below as the spot where GZ was allegedly brutally beaten by TM, resulting in his struggling to get his gun out and killing TM at THAT spot?

Is it possible they weren&#8217;t aware that at some point the SFD Fire and Rescue dispatch calls would be released? Is it possible they weren&#8217;t aware of this video having been posted on YouTube on April 2 that repeatedly and specifically locates the body as lying in the grass of the back yard at 2831 Retreat View Circle? There&#8217;s a 100&#8217; difference from the red circle to the yellow circle on the attached image. That&#8217;s not just a little &#8220;oopsie&#8221;.

How could Robert Zimmerman possibly think this will help his son? How do his attorneys think this could ever be in the best interest of their client?

Who do they think will be believed?

Trayvon Martin Ambulance Audio Recording - YouTube


Here is one part where I have questions.

At the beginning they were dispatched to 2831, then the SFD to 2821.

Again at approximately 4:00 of the recording they are again dispatched to 2821.
Why wouldn't he just say it was dollar store or fake flea market jewelry?

The same reason I wasn't going to tell my principle that the candy in my bag was for sale?? :floorlaugh: You're not allowed to do it?
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