17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #19

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It is just wrong to have a dead boys social media plastered across the internet when he is not able to speak for himself. If it is already done as it has been, Zimmerman's social media should stand the same scrutiny.
He's in hiding along with his family under threats of death and kidnapping, what more could be said that would make it worse for him?

I do think the reaction would be worlds apart if those tweets belonged to Zimmerman :floorlaugh::twocents::moo:
Link? Do you think photoshopped? Www.fotoforensics.com. Analyzes online photos to determine if shopped. It's a great site with a quick visual tutorial on how to read the analysis photo.

Wouldn't know a photoshopped picture if I fell on one, but the tutorial was interesting. Thanks.
Before anyone thinks I was a really disrespectful kid... I NEVER talked back to any teacher that didn't deserve it... and it was always for a good... right cause. I've never been suspended... or anything like that... because my Dean knew me... respected me... and seen where I was coming from. I was a cheerleader... was a member of the Spirit Club... and the Drama department.

Back then... things were a certain way... and even the schools didn't think they had the power over the football programs! I don't know if it's different now?

I will say.. there is nothing wrong with kids sticking up for themselves and for each other when they see an adult... especially a teacher... doing something wrong.

The world is a really tricky place now... it was even that way when I was growing up. It's 10 times worse now!
This Easter bunny is going to bed. 4 am to hide eggs about wore me out. zzzzz

Goodnight all.

Prayers for Trayvon's family as this is their first holiday without him :(

And prayers for George's family. They weren't there that awful night.

He's in hiding along with his family under threats of death and kidnapping, what more could be said that would make it worse for him?

I do think the reaction would be worlds apart if those tweets belonged to Zimmerman :floorlaugh::twocents::moo:

Not trying to make it worse for him, just trying to keep it on an even keel. Fair is fair.

No problem.. Thank you for the link..IMHO.. In all reality the two pictures side by side don't even look like they are the same person...JMHO..

Also, anyone recall what "Three Whites" showing means.. I've heard it discussed here on other forums at WS before but can't recall what it means..
I noticed in one of the pictures "three whites" are showing, but not in the other one..JMHO
OT: but it is Easter??

Speaking of my Dean in High School, he is now the Principle at my niece's High School and I can't wait to see him when we go to her graduation in May!! My niece has never even been remotely in trouble in High School, but I'm sure he'll remember me!

Speaking of... my niece went to the same High School that made National News last year... there is even a thread here on Websleuths about it. It was the girls who got in a lot of trouble for bullying! My niece was even on the news for that one... thankfully she wasn't friends with these girls.
If I didn't know better I'd think it was two different people, but one pic is 7 years old and the lighting is different.

Not trying to be disrespectful but how do you know for certain it isn't two different men.. I also thought it could be two different people..JMHO
This discussion of TM's Twitter account, FB page or MySpace page is totally irrelevant. He's not on trial, accused of anything or under suspicion for violent behaviour. Are some of the things he's tweeted or posted on the internet questionable from a moral standpoint? Probably, but he's not my son. Young black men live in a totally different world than what I, as a 57 yo white woman, would have any clue about. I see a young man who might have made a few mistakes, might have gotten a butt kicking from one or both parents and hadn't moved into seriously dangerous territory.

The point of the matter is that his past behaviour is totally irrelevant to him being shot from close range in the chest. Even if he hit GZ, he had fists, GZ had a gun. They can't be compared.
In some schools, it depends on how good a player you are. Moo

Very true. At our local high school the star football player is pretty much on a very high pedestal. Even if this kid were to do something to warrant a suspension, I don't believe they would toss him off the team.
I’ve seen and heard actions and statements from a defendant’s family members and attorneys that defy logic before, but I’m not sure that any of what I’ve heard in the past takes a back seat to what the Zimmerman cast of characters is putting out there.

Why would they give interviews on March 29 and April 4 that very specifically detail the circle in red on the image below as the spot where GZ was allegedly brutally beaten by TM, resulting in his struggling to get his gun out and killing TM at THAT spot?

Is it possible they weren’t aware that at some point the SFD Fire and Rescue dispatch calls would be released? Is it possible they weren’t aware of this video having been posted on YouTube on April 2 that repeatedly and specifically locates the body as lying in the grass of the back yard at 2831 Retreat View Circle? There’s a 100’ difference from the red circle to the yellow circle on the attached image. That’s not just a little “oopsie”.

How could Robert Zimmerman possibly think this will help his son? How do his attorneys think this could ever be in the best interest of their client?

Who do they think will be believed?

Trayvon Martin Ambulance Audio Recording - YouTube
With all due respect, IMO such a conspiracy makes no sense and would be pointless and foolish besides.

If someone speaking out on GZ's behalf got the details wrong about what happened, the reason for their error is much more likely to be that they were not there. JMO



Please disregard this post if collusion was not what was being alluded to. If not, I misunderstood.
Not trying to be disrespectful but how do you know for certain it isn't two different men.. I also thought it could be two different people..JMHO

Sorry, I didn't mean I thought it was two different people. If I didn't know it was the same person, I would think it was two different people.

A computer photo editing program can be used to overlay the two photos over each other. If it is the same person, all physical landmarks should match, eyebrows, eyes, nares, ears,etc. But, both pics must be the same size.

ETA: Emeralgem I mis read your question. I don't really know that it is the same man. I'm only going on what has been presented to be the same man. But, they still don't look the same.
OT: but it is Easter??

Speaking of my Dean in High School, he is now the Principle at my niece's High School and I can't wait to see him when we go to her graduation in May!! My niece has never even been remotely in trouble in High School, but I'm sure he'll remember me!

Speaking of... my niece went to the same High School that made National News last year... there is even a thread here on Websleuths about it. It was the girls who got in a lot of trouble for bullying! My niece was even on the news for that one... thankfully she wasn't friends with these girls.

Lolamoon, how much sugar have you had today?! Jk.
(snipped for length)I am still looking and hoping that we get some answers from the investigation that will be helpful.
But Ido not see GZ as the big bad wolf...As I did at the start.
YES MEDIA DID MESS WITH MY MIND as I am certain it is messing with many minds.

Well, many many people who saw those initial photos that you've been referring to have not changed their opinion of Zimmerman's actions that night. Even if people somehow thought that the first picture of Trayvon that we were shown was him at 17, I'm not sure how their minds would still be messed with once that was cleared up. It's just a matter of revising in our minds what he looked like on his last night on earth. I think people are quite capable of doing that.

By the way I went to family on Friday night for the Passover Dinner.
My Grandson who is 8 years old told me about how Trayvon got shot by some guy in Florida.
I asked him what he thought, and he said I think the person who shot him should go to jail.
he heard something and decided that people who kill go to jail .

Well, I'm with your grandson. I also think that people who kill should go to jail. I think the crime they're charged with and the time they serve should vary, of course (murder, manslaughter, assault), but yes... I think they should go to jail.

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