17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #21

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Well, listening Hannity was a waste of time. Listening to Dr. Drew with jb is horrid.
Well, listening Hannity was a waste of time. Listening to Dr. Drew with jb is horrid.
ok then - Dancing with the Stars it is!!!!!!!

ITA - Hannity was uneventful. Didn't catch JB (didn't really want to either!)

Let's all wave to Jose!! :seeya::seeya::seeya: You know he'll need to catch up on all the posts about him later.
I didn't hear them say they had no written agreement, only that they had never met with him in person. AFAIK, a client and attorney can make a verbal agreement for representation.

So I wonder, if there is no written agreement, can they go back and bill him for the hours they did represent him. Including all the interviews and traveling expenses.
So I wonder, with no written agreement, if they can go back and bill him for the hours they did represent him. Including all the interviews and traveling expenses.

They said they were pro bono until he got charged, so I would guess not.
I didn't hear them say they had no written agreement, only that they had never met with him in person. AFAIK, a client and attorney can make a verbal agreement for representation.

I think it might go down like this: GZ/Daddy sue attorneys for saying "Bad stuff 'bout us." Attorneys counter sue for unpaid services rendered to the tune of at least $25,000.00. They will be able to account for every penny. It will be settled out of court, we will never hear about it again. Probably a draw.

So my websleuth friends know, I in no way justify the behavior of the attorneys today, I just see a situation where two wrongs equal they both quietly settle their differences.
GZ will have far more problems, the (I believe) coming indictment, trial, the likely civil suits....if they gave frequent flyer miles for court appearances he'll probably be at least platinum by the time this is over.

And...I guess it's possible the Fla bar may give the attorneys a slap on the wrist, but that will be about it, IMO. It's kinda an old boys club..and most of the old boys probably realize Z is a pain in the patootie.
So I wonder, if there is no written agreement, can they go back and bill him for the hours they did represent him. Including all the interviews and traveling expenses.

They said they were working pro-bono until an arrest and said George owed them no money.
Hi JB.

Now go crawl under a rock somewhere so we never have to hear you whine again.
If GZ is still in Fla, IMO he should stick as close to his lawyers as he can.
IMO, he is a TARGET, so many hate groups out there.
That is why I personally think he has flown the nest and is out of the country.
Easter is a very busy time of year to fly.........who would be the wiser????
Does he have a passport? Was he born in the USA? or Peru?
on hannitty.....Have been pursuing gz for an interview for a while. They had a conversation, he will not disclose what the conversation was about. Talking about Panthers and neo nazi patrols.
I think I understand a lil better,why gz may have contacted hannitty. imo

No question in my mind why GZ may have contacted Hannity. LOL
I'm wondering if he does not have some sort of mental disorder that people don't know about.

i think he needs help for whatever his problem is.

Thanks, it was mentioned a few days ago and resulted in a vacation for one of them members of the board.
I think it is going to be I had PTSD when I signed that statement and did the video at the police station.

He can change his version of lies but that still does not explain no injuries as claimed. I want to see his medical report, if one exists. Plus, a psychiatrist would have to verify the PTSD, right?

And I want to know exactly where, what angle and how close was the shot that killed Trayvon and how he ended up in the face down position with hands underneath.

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