17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #21

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I remember reading or hearing they expected results by April 14th, unless I am confusing that with some other deadline.

It doesn't ring a bell with me, but I certainly haven't read or heard everything in this case.
Sonner and Uhrig live on CNN this morning. They sure are making a lot of media appearances considering they no longer represent GZ. Still trying the case.
I haven't been following this case, but just occasionally reading the highlights. Imagine my surprise to learn that "Mr. Stand Your Ground" has left the state.

I guess that is what happens when you learn armed men are out there looking for you.
The 'dynamic duo' (gz's former attys) will be on TODAY this morning I just heard.

Good Morning All!

Uhrig said that they had been trying to set up a meeting between Zimmerman and the special prosecutor’s office investigating the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

When special prosecutors asked Zimmerman if he had lawyers, he said he only had legal advisers, not a lawyer, according to Uhrig and Sonner.

“I’m not sure what the distinction is, but in his mind there’s a distinction,” Uhrig said.

Wonder why he is confused about that, seems as a lawyer he would know the difference between legal advise and retaining a lawyer. jmo
I am confident he will be charged.
I think it's a good sign that the prosecutor refused to speak to him,as she should have.

I sure hope you're right. I'd like to have the same confidence but I'm still reeling from the let down from another certain case in Florida. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, though.

Justice for Trayvon.
The only thing in the TODAY interview that was new to me was the attys said that originally when AC wanted to speak to GZ, he exercized his right to remain silent. Then he went rogue and called her behind their backs.(paraphrased)

I'll post a link once it is posted on the TODAY site.


ETA There is a really cute pic of Tray that I've never seen before at this link. He is wearing a flight suit and standing next to an airplane inside an airplane hangar. A vid of yesterday's presser is included too.

Prosecutor announces 72 hour timeline for announcement in Trayvon Martin case

Sean Hannity Spoke To George Zimmerman Off The Record, Former Lawyers Say
The Huffington Post | By Jack Mirkinson Posted: 04/10/2012 4:47 pm Updated: 04/10/2012 6:04 pm

Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman spoke to Fox News' Sean Hannity off the record, his now-former attorneys alleged in a remarkable press conference on Tuesday. (Watch video of the statement above; Hannity comments begin at 3:12.)

Zimmerman has made no public appearances and given no interviews, and has lost so much contact with his lawyers that they gathered the media in Florida on Sunday to announce that they were dropping him as a client.


This is another reason the attorney's dropped GZ as a client...

Uhrig said that they had been trying to set up a meeting between Zimmerman and the special prosecutor’s office investigating the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

When special prosecutors asked Zimmerman if he had lawyers, he said he only had legal advisers, not a lawyer, according to Uhrig and Sonner.

“I’m not sure what the distinction is, but in his mind there’s a distinction,” Uhrig said.

Wonder why he is confused about that, seems as a lawyer he would know the difference between legal advise and retaining a lawyer. jmo

Could be the old adage, only guilty people hire attorneys....:what:

Also, never meeting in person, no papers signed...

It also appears the attorney's claim GZ is not following their advice. They have been trying to set up a meeting with ACory...he invoked his right to remain silent, then went behind their backs and contacted the Special Prosecutor..GZ just doesn't like to follow directions, it appears he beats to his own drum...

ACory has given a 72 hour deadline to announce whether to charge or not...
:moo:I'll admit I fell asleep on the thread last night. Too much going on here. The fact that the ex-attorneys are still speaking out means they haven't received a call from GZ yet. I have a sneaking suspicion there may already be a warrant and the plan to meet was really meant that GZ would be turning himself in. MHO
it makes no sense that Mr Zimmerman's not-my-attys are still all over my tv and still stirring things up. In some ways it seems to me that they want a riot type situation
:moo:I'll admit I fell asleep on the thread last night. Too much going on here. The fact that the ex-attorneys are still speaking out means they haven't received a call from GZ yet. I have a sneaking suspicion there may already be a warrant and the plan to meet was really meant that GZ would be turning himself in. MHO

GZ's attys sent him a message during the TODAY interview that went something like this...

'George, if you need us, call us. If you don't need us, call us and let us know that too.'

So I guess they haven't heard from him.


I can't for the life of me figure out just what he was going to say to her? What kind of mood was he in? Was he going to be beligerent? Defiant? Sorry? Accept the responsibility? Just what did he have planned to tell her? Boy would I love to hear THAT tape.


ETA: I was thinking about GZ calling Corey - it was in my brain - just didn't come out through my fingers. lol

BBM: I don't know. Maybe he got some "pointers" from Taaffe??? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I don't think Zimmerman has what it takes to stay on the lam for a long time. I could be wrong but I just don't see it.


The family is deeply concerned that George Zimmerman is unaccounted for," he said. "They worry he may be a flight risk if he does, indeed, face charges."

Crump said the situation could have been avoided had police "just simply arrested him."

He has been in hiding. Uhrig and Sonner would not say Tuesday where he is but suggested that it is outside Florida.

Sonner and Uhrig said Zimmerman called Corey's office most likely because he wants to tell prosecutors his story.

Corey's office would not comment on Zimmerman's call, but a news release late Tuesday said Corey, the state attorney in Jacksonville, would hold a news conference about the case within 72 hours.

I don't know, anyone else think we won't hear about a possible arrest until after it has happened if it does?

Grandma, I don't think we will hear until after he is arrested, unless.....he really is missing and it goes into a manhunt type thing. Which....I pray it does not, that would be a horrible mess.

Last night his former attorney's alluded to the fact that he is in the United States but wouldn't say where. Then I think, how would they really know? GZ is not returning their phone calls or texts messages. They also had said, if there would be charges brought against GZ, there would be no manhunt, that he would turn himself in but does anyone know where he is?

I also wonder if the SPD told him they were still investigating and to not leave the state of Florida...but I don't think it would matter to GZ for it appears he doesn't follow directions. He was told not to speak with anyone, as most defense attorney's would tell their clients but he contacted Sean Hannity off the record and calls the Special Prosecutors office as they said, behind their backs and also this website...I don't believe he had their permission to do that...

Sean Hannity Spoke To George Zimmerman Off The Record, Former Lawyers Say
The Huffington Post | By Jack Mirkinson Posted: 04/10/2012 4:47 pm Updated: 04/10/2012 6:04 pm

Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman spoke to Fox News' Sean Hannity off the record, his now-former attorneys alleged in a remarkable press conference on Tuesday. (Watch video of the statement above; Hannity comments begin at 3:12.)

Zimmerman has made no public appearances and given no interviews, and has lost so much contact with his lawyers that they gathered the media in Florida on Sunday to announce that they were dropping him as a client.

Since he's lost contact with his lawyers, how can they truly know his whereabouts?

I must say Wise Old Owl had insight that this might come to be..yesterday this thought came to his mind..

I truly wonder if he flew the coup...

I only pray that LE know where he is and can find him at a moments notice...:please:
Today video.

[ame="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/47014317#47014317"]msnbc.com Video Player[/ame]

Sorry, this is Cary Sanders peice which led up to the attys interview. The attys interview hasn't been posted yet. Will add link when available.
“I assure you, the facts will come to light,” he wrote on www.therealgeorgezimmerman.*advertiser censored*

Under a section titled “My Race,” he quoted Thomas Paine: “The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.”

He also paraphrased a famous quotation from philosopher Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men to do nothing.”

The site went up hours after special prosecutor Angela Corey revealed she would not bring the racially charged case before a grand jury.

That means Zimmerman will not face a first-degree murder rap for shooting the unarmed Martin on Feb. 26. The top charge requires grand jury action and is reserved for premeditated crimes.

Zimmerman could face lesser charges such as second-degree murder and manslaughter.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ll-grand-jury-article-1.1058605#ixzz1rjYhnhTU

So, he's the good man who is triumphing over evil....:maddening:

There is his mentality...he truly believes he is doing good by eliminating the ones he perceives as evil...this dude is scary...if he's not arrested he can keep his CWP, no one will be safe...:what:

I believe GZ is the problem not the solution as he might believe himself to be..He is one dangerous guy with a violent streak that will not simply go away after this...I believe it might worsen if he's allowed to keep his weapon and that CWP..I would love to see a psychological done on this guy..he's a danger to anyone near or around him...:moo:
It's funny that FT keeps reverting back to the police reports when he is asked questions. Yet, he confidently states how he believed TM ended up on his face after being shot. What he said made absolutely no sense and now I am sure that GZ shot TM while TM was standing. First of all, if TM was on top of GZ his screams would not have been so clear. He probably broke free of the fight and stood up to scream loudly for help and then GZ shot him.. TM supposedly said to GZ, "you got me" or "you shot me".. held his chest in disbelief (this is my input now) and then fell to the ground face down with his hands underneath him. There is no way that TM would be on top of GZ get shot in the chest and then end up on his face. I don't care how FT or GZ's attorneys or GZ spins it it is not possible.

I keep having a recurring thought that TM's mom dreams about him and the dream he tells her exactly what happened :-(

IF TM was shot, while on top of GZ ,as the attorneys said yesterday I would think that GZ would have a lot of blood on him
George Zimmerman’s lawyers withdraw from case, saying client out of contact
He contacted special prosecutor without consulting attorneys, they say
Comments (19)

By Lisa Lucas AND Bill Hutchinson / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 6:48 PM

George Zimmerman’s attorneys withdrew from his case Tuesday — saying the neighborhood watchman has bolted from Florida and won’t pick up his phone.

In a stunning news conference, defense lawyers Hal Uhrig and Craig Sonner revealed they’ve lost contact with Zimmerman, who fatally shot unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin.

“You can stop looking in Florida, you can look much further away from that,” said Uhrig when asked about Zimmerman’s whereabouts. The lawyers said their former client is still in the country.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...lient-contact-article-1.1059438#ixzz1rjakEsHi


OH MY....he flew out of Florida, after his website was launched...does that mean he took the money and ran??? Oh, oooooo not looking good...:jail:
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