17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #22

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I keep thinking someone spotted him first. Could Taafe see Martins home from his house? I just have the feeling he knew Trayvon or knew of him.

I have been thinking about this for awhile. It's just something about him and his position.
What if GZ was repeating what someone else had told him about Tray looking suspicious...he seemed to have gathered a lot of info about Tray to have only been following him for a short time. Does that make sense?

If that was the case and GZ did get a call from FT, could he be charged with something.

I'm guessing all they would have to ask GZ is WHY was he out that night?

Maybe that's why the Z camp wanted us to believe GZ was out grocery shopping when he noticed Tray.

If it was found out that he received a call about Tray prior to hunting him down would that change anything?



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Yes, I too would hope that he has a more than decent Attorney, for he really needs one, and the only thing I think he needs to do immediately is to tell everyone Oliver, Taafe, GZ's brother and his Father to just not try and help him anymore, they are going to help him into 30 years in the slammer....

particularly if their accounts of that night and GZ's sworn account of that night are not the same, or they have more or different details IMO JMHO and stuff.

Actually he is facing 16 to life....and from listening to broadcasts from Jacksonville with local attorney's giving their viewpoints, attorney's that know Angela Corey and have worked around her they really feel she will push for life.
Actually he is facing 16 to life....and from listening to broadcasts from Jacksonville with local attorney's giving their viewpoints, attorney's that know Angela Corey and have worked around her they really feel she will push for life.

Also a lot of the commentators tonight stated that she would not offer a plea deal so it's going to be very interesting as the wheels of justice turn.

I was really surprised they arrested GZ. I have not been on here much the last few days.My son told me how they had to shut down the police station in Sanford which IMO terrible,should have arrested everyone involved.Still MO that when he goes before a judge he might still be protected under SYG.IMO They only did this to quiet the masses.It will be interesting to see the actual evidence.

I disagree, I do not believe that they did this just to quiet the masses, because now unless GZ takes a plea, there will be a trial, and Florida has the sunshine laws, so barring extraordinary circumstances, all documents will be publicly available and they know that they are going to have to go to trial, and the evidence or lack thereof would be known

I sincerely doubt that Corey and her team would try and pull a Mike Nifong on a case of this scale and with this much attention focused on it, it would be a career ender. I believe they have evidence to sustain the charges IMO JMHO and stuff.
I've been out most of the night -- does anyone have a link where I can watch the presser? TIA
I have been thinking about this for awhile. It's just something about him and his position.
What if GZ was repeating what someone else had told him about Tray looking suspicious...he seemed to have gathered a lot of info about Tray to have only been following him for a short time. Does that make sense?

If that was the case and GZ did get a call from FT, could he be charged with something.

I'm guessing all they would have to ask GZ is WHY was he out that night?

Maybe that's why the Z camp wanted us to believe GZ was out grocery shopping when he noticed Tray.

If it was found out that he received a call about Tray prior to hunting him down would that change anything?


Indeed it would, it would kick it up to premeditated and possibly conspiracy and stuff. Then their meeting would not have been accidental, since GZ would have gone out knowing who he was looking for....that would if possible be even more horrible than it already is IMO JMHO and stuff
I just drove 5 hours since before the conference by the special prosecutor, just got home, listened to HLN the whole way back. I have some thoughts I want to put out there (they could already be on the thread, haven't had timed to read yet!).

1. WOW. I believe this will turn into one of the biggest cases ever in the US. I honestly can't think of another case that touches on soooo many issues.

2. I totally agree and like the statement made, I think by Al Sharpton (I was only listening), about ....and I'm paraphrasing....This is due to all the nameless, faceless people out there...white black latino asian....who wore hoodies. My thought was what a great thing that we live in a country where we have FREE SPEECH.

3. IMO, this case will shed light on the 'racial' profiling that goes on, even if not acknowledged, in our country. Many many people would be wary to see a black teenager-man walking and make a judgment. I like to believe I would not, but as a white woman, I can see this.

4. I thought Angela Corry (sp) did a remarkable job at the conference. And, remember, I was only listening, did not see it yet.

5. Dr. Drew had an awesome show tonight. Am even taping it as I was so impressed with some of the commentators.

6. The protests have been peaceful and hopefully stay that way, and it's an Americans right to do so. Thank God for the 1st Amendment.

7. I want George to have a fair trial. I also want to see him kept safe. I think he did the right thing turning himself in. (Not that he had much choice left). I don't want Bond granted, and from what I heard tonight on HLN, if the evidence is strong, there will not be bond. I also think he's safer in jail at this time.

8. It's my opinion ONLY.....I believe the prosecutors and perhaps the FBI, have compelling evidence of a hate crime. I think by this time, part of the evidence is the 911 call. I hear the c**n word - and I'm sure the FBI by this time knows what that word is. MOST OF ALL - whatever they found on the tape of someone yelling for HELP. I think they know who it was. I don't know, but I think they do. - I think (Maybe) that tape will nail this case. I'm not sure how reliable or supported upon in a Court of Law is voice analysis. When done by the FBI.

9. FL does seem to have a jaded history of over-charging cases but I like that they have the Sunshine Law, so discussions can be started rooting in much deeper issues to be dealt with in our country.

10. I would still rather have Trayvon alive than have this happening. I wish George would have stayed in his truck.

I have many many more thoughts, but thanks for taking time to read this.

What time do the Piers Morgan transcripts usually get posted? Anyone know?
I know!

I wonder if we can have a forum now?

We need one!

I think that we can wait until there's some discovery released before we need a forum. Right now we have two threads and half the time it's two groups talking about the same thing. JMO.
Speaking of O'Mara.. Anyone think there is a hint of a Massachusetts accent? I'm trying to figure out where he may hail from originally? JMHO

I thought I heard it too, not in everything he said, just in one or two words. My ears are working! Yippee!
Piers Morgan interview with Robert Zimmerman, Jr., is replaying right now!
Watching Dr. Drew rerun. Jeff Ashton cute as ever, but looks like he put on a little weight in retirement!
I'm listening to "Hardball with Chris Matthews," and they're bringing up good points re: Can the Stand Your Ground law really be 'on trial' when this case goes to trial?

Chris says "no," the law is the law at the time of Zimmerman's issue.
I disagree and think Angela Corey is prepared to tear that law up...

Specifically, AC may show the law is poorly written, has too many holes in it, so lends itself as an excuse for unlawful killings.

Other than that, I feel that when GZ was asked by 911 if he was following TM and answered, "yes," he gave up his right to claim Stand Your Ground.

At the same time GZ seemed to be lying, adding calmly something like, "This guy wants to see me." This strongly suggests that he had in mind using the Stand Your Ground law right there! That's premeditation!
It's impossible to "follow" someones who's "coming" to see you.

Further, GZ was told by 911 to stop following TM; "We don't need you to do that."

It should matter little what happened after that. GZ defied what the LE rep (911) ordered him to do. To me, his actions fall somewhere between premeditation and negligence.

TM's girlfriend's testimony from hearing what went down by phone is the icing on the cake. What TM conveyed about being "followed" says that he was unnerved by someone creeping up on him.

Trayvon was "standing his ground" if he decked the creepo who was mysteriously stalking and confronting him. TM had more of a right to hit GZ under this law than GZ had to skulk after Trayvon and shoot him.

I am still catching up and I could not pass this post up.

The thanks button was not enough. VERY GOOD POST THAT NEEDS REPEATING.

Badme says he has always lived in Florida, but I did detect a hint of "Boston"..
O'T My youngest went to BU... I love that accent..JMHO

I'm not sure Em, he may have grown up in Boston. It just looks like all his schooling took place in Florida. :)
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