17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #26

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It was a report by a Chicago TV station that was never verified by any other media or official sources. In other words they screwed up.
Here's a link to a Isabelle Zehnder story were she couldn't get a verification from Sanford officials.

Continue reading on Examiner.com Did Trayvon Martin make his own 911 call before his death? - National unsolved cases | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/unsolved-ca...h-fbi-investigates?CID=obinsite#ixzz1sN03lqdK
I just googled it. Mo'Kelly? haha. No wonder it wasn't something I read here. Thanks Ranch.
I just googled it. Mo'Kelly? haha. No wonder it wasn't something I read here. Thanks Ranch.

One of the posters here contacted abc chicago and as I recall they responded to him that it was a mistake. There was no 911 call from TM.
Where he says that bandage was on Zimmerman's nose on the side supports my theory all along the slide of the gun hit him in the side of the nose and kept the next shell from going into the chamber. He had a small cut on the side of his nose.

That guy really sounded like Ron Cummings in his interview with Geraldo.

the only way the 2nd shell would not go into the chamber is if someone had their hand wrapped around the gun, thus getting in the way of the mechanisms that would have allowed it to do so.

JMO, IMO and all that.
Suzie, I hadn't heard that before either....I thought maybe I had missed something...if someone can refresh my memory on how to post you tube videos....I will go back and find it.

Locate the youtube/video. Highlight and copy the address in the upper left hand corner url address bar and paste the address into your message. That's all there is to it. :)

ETA: 3000 posts for justice!
I dunno, bad. :dunno: What's churning around in that sleuthy head of yours?

LOL! I'm not telling. :D

No, seriously...I promise that when and if I can fit a few more things together regarding that question, I will post it. Right now, its kind of bizarre. (and I'm tired). :crazy:
the only way the 2nd shell would not go into the chamber is if someone had their hand wrapped around the gun, thus getting in the way of the mechanisms that would have allowed it to do so.

JMO, IMO and all that.
If an object was in the way of the slide going back far enough to pick up a new shell that would keep one from going in the chamber.
Where he says that bandage was on Zimmerman's nose on the side supports my theory all along the slide of the gun hit him in the side of the nose and kept the next shell from going into the chamber. He had a small cut on the side of his nose.

That guy really sounded like Ron Cummings in his interview with Geraldo.

:silenced: :silenced:

Nope, not gonna do it and you can't make me.

But, he does! :eek:

Doc, you really think his gun smashed his nose? Now there's something to think about.
I'm not sure what Natasha Richardson's head injury has to do with this case, she died. George Zimmerman is alive. jmo

I think Natasha is being used as an example of how easily a brain can be injured and often with no visable marks on the outside. My husband had a head injury several years back and still suffers from memory loss and mood swings to name a few. His doctors explained to me the inside the skull there are small pointy jagged bones and when your head is jarred, hit or shaken the brain can move hitting into those small points. I wish that I could remember all of the correct names and terms the doctors used, but its late and I am tired. lol Anyway, a brain can be injured or bruised easily and the damage lasts forever.

I didn't mean to jump in to answer your question, just wanted to tell you what I know about a head injury.
If an object was in the way of the slide going back far enough to pick up a new shell that would keep one from going in the chamber.

Or a malfunction called a stovepipe can occur. The empty casing can prevent the cycling of the gun by not ejecting properly. That can be caused by not having a firm grip on the handgun when firing.
Natasha Richardson did not have one band aid. the ambulance came she said she is fine, she did not want to go with them
and just wanted to go to her foom to lay down. She never got up. I got this from a link that is not MSN or Fox.
And we do not need another virus. but the info below is a fact....

According to published reports, all present at the scene thought that the head injury sustained by Richardson was minor.
She was not unconscious, was able to fully respond to those offering her assistance and refused further medical evaluation.
Only later did she begin to develop a severe headache and was rushed to the hospital where it was discovered that she
sustained a brain hemorrhage causing pressure changes within the skull resulting in brain damage.
Yes, you are right about Natasha Richardson, it happened in Canada, except that she was not "cleared" by EMT's, she refused the treatment, until her headache got severe, then she went to a hospital. This is a fact from her husband Liam Neeson. She had a Closed Head Injury. Not at all the same situation as GZ. He was cleared by EMT's and did not go to a hospital later for a severe headache.
I looked at what you are talking about and can see why you have questions. There is no Florida statute 00.08 as far as I can see. And what is a "AMA Alert"?

Someone mentioned here, I think (maybe you? lol - it's late!), that the AMA alert seems to refer to a felony probation violation that calls for a special hearing when certain convicted felons are charged with probation violations of any nature. But the charging code is the statute number. An example of the charge and the code in a completely unrelated case is at the link.

Idk what the .08 charge code is all about. Maybe it's a "placeholder" so that if he is convicted the judge will order probation with an AMA Alert requirement. That's the only possible explanation I'm coming up with right now. If he was on felony probation at the time of the shooting I think he would have been arrested for a probation violation for the concealed carry right then or, certainly, at a minimum, we would have heard about the probation in the MSM.jmo

I looked at what you are talking about and can see why you have questions. There is no Florida statute 00.08 as far as I can see. And what is a "AMA Alert"?

It shows up on other Florida arrests. I dunno.
TM did not call 911 that night--at least as far as we know--we as in the public. There was a Chicago newscaster who mistakenly stated during a report earlier in the case that TM called 911 however, no one else ever reported it, and IIRC the newscaster/his station made some sort of retraction? I don't have a link so this is an IIRC, FWIW, AFAIK kind of post.

eta: thanks RANCH for a link:)

Unfortunately that rumor was repeated by a blogger on Examiner, and the story was never retracted by the original source.

But think about it - why would Chicago have the scoop on this hundreds of miles from the scene of the crime? If there was a 911 from Trayvon, the Florida news media would be all over it.
They are supposed to be the eyes and ears for the police. So what are they supposed to do, sit up and look out their windows? How is that protecting their neighborhood?
I am Neighborhood Watch, I will repeat-I do NOT patrol. If when I am walking in my neighborhood, driving by something suspicious, or looking out my window, or hear something unusual I will call my local LE and report it. That's the extent of it.
We have no PROOF that GZ did anything in the way of provoking a physical confrontation.. they asked him not to follow Tray,he said OK and then he went in the opposite direction to get the address from they next street. By that time, it was dark. He would not have been able to see Tray if he was half way down that sidewalk. It was on his way back that the confrontation happened. He was attacked from behind. We have saw photos, we have seen/heard witness accounts of the bandages he had, and of his swollen/bandaged nose. My goodness, what more does one need to make an assessment of who was the aggressor here?
Medical proof- not just some unreliable statements from witnesses who only saw bandages after the fact from a distance!!!
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