17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #27

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Although water is a destructive force, they'd put up easy-ups as they're called(portable tents) to cover up the body/surrounding evidence.

Kinda like those big blue tarp tent thingies they used in the Caylee case, yeah?
So it's not suspicious for LE to be out in the rain, right? ;)

(sorry, couldn't resist and am also feeling particularly ornery today...fair warning!)

Did he take the pictures of himself at the scene?? Because I think we can all agree that George is no bloody at all in the video? This has to be the over-exaggerating thing I was talking about yesterday?? Exaggerating is akin to lying.

Absolutely. When my son was attacked by his ex-GF, the cop took pictures of the bite marks on his back even though my son did not want to press charges.

Yep, I GUARANTEE that the police took photos of his injuries. I'm sure we wont see them till the trial though.
BTW, I agree with those who say Trayvon would not have attacked a man with a gun. Come on. If he saw that gun he would have tried to run, or freeze or beg, but not attack. No one does that.

I think a more likely scenario, based on what I have heard about both parties to this killing, is that Zimmerman ran after the "a$$hole" to make sure he didn't get away, confronted him, pushed him, Trayvon fought back and at a certain point, Zimmerman pulled his gun out, pointed it at Trayvon, who began crying and begging for his life, and then calmly shot him from a standing position. That's my instinct. Ballistics should bear out if I am correct.

Another thing, Zimmerman WAS arrested. I keep hearing that he wasn't, because that's what the media stated at first. But he was handcuffed and taken to LE headquarters in a squad car, which means he WAS arrested. And that may be good news because that increases the possibility that photos were taken of Zimmerman's injuries. There was a reason the initial investigator wanted him charged.

It will very interesting to see what evidence exists in this case.
Oh that is my favorite pic. His whole left ear is ripped off. Funny that wasn't in the police report.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Who was the boxer who bit someone's ear off? I can't remember?
Long story why, but I've asked alot of people over the years what they would do if a gun was drawn on them and most would not run because they are afraid it would guarantee they got shot in the back. They say they would try to talk themselves out of the situation or try to disarm the person. The correct reaction in most cases is to run as a moving target is harder to hit.


This is what I've heard as well. Also, don't run in a straight line.
Kinda like those big blue tarp tent thingies they used in the Caylee case, yeah?
So it's not suspicious for LE to be out in the rain, right? ;)

(sorry, couldn't resist and am also feeling particularly ornery today...fair warning!)


I'll never forget that day! :cry: I remember it all too well.
Was this done by the FBI, or any other LE agency?
Ever hear of photoshop? Does that website charge money to "analyze" a video/photo?

Even so, if the gash, bruise, whatever you want to call it is real, it doesn't mean that GZ had a right to kill Trayvon. I believe he was the aggressor and that Trayvon stood his ground to try to save his own life. If GZ got hurt in the process of TM trying to fend off his attacker, big deal.

I don't know why anyone thinks that if GZ has a bruise, gash or blood on him, that automatically spells self defense. :waitasec:

I have to agree with that. How exactly do we go from looking at an original video in which there is clearly little to no injury on the back of his head to viewing 3rd-party pictures that look like someone Photoshopped a few Harry Potter scars onto the back of his head and painted them red?

If Zimmerman had injuries, they will have been documented by the paramedics, and should show in police photographs. But, in my view, any effort to "enhance" whatever injuries he might have had just does more harm than good.
Holy blown margins Batman!!

So now, after all this time Zimmerman has a "friend" that claims he has seen photos of Zimmerman that prove he was a bloody mess that night? Hmmm, wonder why this "friend" is just now coming forward. Reminds me of the "neighbors" that saw the two bandages on Zimmerman's head, one on his nose, and his nose swollen the next day after Trayvon was killed. Of course no one ever puts a bandage on a non-existant wound to garner sympathy or to make others believe that a wound is there when one really isn't.

Yep, I GUARANTEE that the police took photos of his injuries. I'm sure we wont see them till the trial though.

Are you sure? These same cops didn't even wear gloves while they were searching George? I wouldn't put anything past them?

Yep, I GUARANTEE that the police took photos of his injuries. I'm sure we wont see them till the trial though.

I agree. If he had em' the cops took photos.

But we may see them prior to trial due to the sunshine laws.
The friend has an attitude...

“You (the media) are going to feel pretty stupid when you see them,” he said. “Soon enough everyone will see the damage this kid did to his head. A lot of people are going to have egg on their faces.

“Once the judge gets a look at these pictures he will dismiss this case and all you can crawl back into your holes,” he told a News reporter.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...se-judge-bows-article-1.1063745#ixzz1sQeQX0Mp

It's more about saying "neenerneener UR stoopid" to the people thinking that GZ didn't do the right thing shooting an unarmed teenager than establishing his innocence.
I think we all know what "friend" made those comments. I will believe it when I see it.

Listen, this "enhanced" photo does not mean it is clearer or more accurate. On the contrary, they simply adjusted the white dark balance and intensified color. It no more shows reality than a retouched, colorized photo does. For that reason, the officer in the photo has a dark line outlining his head, Zimmerman has a dark line outlining his head and body and the red on the sleeves of Zimmerman's jacket is bleeding into the air around him, none of which exists in reality.

This photo is nonsense. It does not show evidence of an injury and it is bothersome that people keep trying to pass a doctored photo off proof of anything. That's not how evidence works.

I am open to the possibility that Zimmerman had injuries. I doubt Taafe's story but if there are injuries, I am certain LE took photos. Further, if there are significant injuries and none on Trayvon, I agree with those who state Zimmerman will have a good chance of walking, whether or not he was the aggressor, (which I think he was, injuries or not).

Zimmerman had a gun that killed Trayvon, though. It doesn't automatically mean that if GZ had injuries and TM didn't--that GZ has a better chance of walking.

Example: Say I encountered someone that was swinging a crowbar at my head, and they kept missing with each swing--If I saw an opportunity to jump them (in fear for my life, to try and get their weapon),and I managed to injure them in the struggle, that would be my right to do so.
Even if the crowbar swinger ended up hitting me one final time, causing my death, I would only have the 'death injury' and he might have many.

Probably a dumb example, but at least "I" know what I'm trying to say. :blushing:
I think a more likely scenarios, based on what I have heard about both parties to this killing, is that Zimmerman ran after the "a$$hole" to make sure he didn't get away, confronted him, pushed him, Trayvon fought back and at a certain point, Zimmerman pulled his gun out, pointed it as Trayvon who began crying and begging for his life, and then calmly shot him from a standing position. That's my instinct. Ballistics should bear out if I am correct.

What would be his motive for shooting him then? Just to feels what it is like to kill someone? What if TM lived? He would have been better off shooting him several more times if he just wanted to murder someone.
Another thing, Zimmerman WAS arrested. I keep hearing that he wasn't, because that's what the media stated at first. But he was handcuffed and taken to LE headquarters in a squad car, which means he WAS arrested. And that may be good news because that increases the possibility that photos were taken of Zimmerman's injuries. There was a reason the initial investigator wanted him charged.

No, that is incorrect. Zimmerman was NOT arrested the night of the crime. They took him to the station for questioning. Being in handcuffs does not mean he was arrested. This has been confirmed repeatedly; even the Sanford PD has confirmed this (one of their primary reasons for not doing so was the SYG law). That is one of the main reasons that the case sparked the level of uproar that it did.
Holy blown margins Batman!!

So now, after all this time Zimmerman has a "friend" that claims he has seen photos of Zimmerman that prove he was a bloody mess that night? Hmmm, wonder why this "friend" is just now coming forward. Reminds me of the "neighbors" that saw the two bandages on Zimmerman's head, one on his nose, and his nose swollen the next day after Trayvon was killed. Of course no one ever puts a bandage on a non-existant wound to garner sympathy or to make others believe that a wound is there when one really isn't.


I think that's Frank Taafe talking and he's "unusual", IMO. And the article does NOT say the friend saw the photos. So I take that statement with a grain of salt.

Are you sure? These same cops didn't even wear gloves while they were searching George? I wouldn't put anything past them?


Maybe they didn't need to wear gloves cause' there wasn't any blood. I didn't see a hardcore search, just a cursory feel outside the pockets to make sure nothing was in them.

I truly believe they would have photographed any injuries IF they existed. I mean, they let a man go who just shot and killed a kid. They would have wanted to document why they bought that man's story.
The friend has an attitude...

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...se-judge-bows-article-1.1063745#ixzz1sQeQX0Mp

It's more about saying "neenerneener UR stoopid" to the people thinking that GZ didn't do the right thing shooting an unarmed teenager than establishing his innocence.

I've known George had injuries since this case first broke? Didn't mean anything to me then... doesn't mean anything to me now. That's usually what happens when you become involved in an altercation that you started? Trayvon was defending himself which probably made George even more mad... how dare he not be submissive to the big bad "Neighborhood Watch Man."

Yeah, whatever friend of George?


ETA: I feel you on the personal experience. Whether or not GZ is to be believed, this case has really brought back some bad memories that I've had to revisit and rethink. And it's added a level of emotional connection I can't shake. Totally OT but I just wanted to say I'm with you on that!

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

my snip me too so :grouphug: to you and angelwings, I've had to think of it over and over every time we talk about GZ's story...

in my case as I was trying so hard to curl forward to prevent head injury I got it the worst on back of the head, neck, shoulders...it was only red within the hour but by the next morning felt like I was laying on bunches of bananas and in the police photos the next day (I hadnt seen the wounds as I couldnt turn!!) the bruising was MONSTROUS. I cried harder after I saw the pics than any time before.

so we'll find out eventually what injuries GZ truly had if any...if he did, there will be photos of the sickening bruising the next day...along with all the lumps bumps and scrapes...

this is why I feel so personally sure there was no way he went for a gun with his head being slammed anywhere! the instinct to protect your skull is so strong...
He would have been better off shooting him several more times if he just wanted to murder someone.
Not necessarily. I recently learned- can't remember though if it was something I read or saw, that LE is trained to shoot for critical mass- meaning the heart/torso region, and to be efficient. One shot might be all that is necessary. If you are only trying to disable, they shoot for a non-critical area- arm/shoulder/leg/foot, etc...
If GZ had any training he would know this.
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