17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #27

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I believe this article is inaccurate in two ways:

1. I understand that the police wanted to arrest him, but it was the DA that said no.
2. Self Defence is not a reason to not arrest him, only SYG.

Maybe I am nit-picking, but that sentence would be more accurate if it read "Police released Zimmerman, saying the DA found no probable cause to arrest him based on his account of Stand your Ground.

I agree on 2 but I've been wondering about 1. Based on various comments by Chief Lee (especially when he said that Zimmerman and Trayvon would BOTH do things differently if they could), I got the impression that he believed GZ and disagreed with Serino who did not believe him. JMO
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ws-article-1.1063745?localLinksEnabled=falseA friend of Zimmerman’s told the Daily News that Zimmerman has graphic photos he took of his own face showing serious injuries.

I guess there are pictures.

You (the media) are going to feel pretty stupid when you see them,” he said. “Soon enough everyone will see the damage this kid did to his head. A lot of people are going to have egg on their faces.

I won't feel stupid, I'll be amazed. Unfortunately, with the technology available these days, photos can be photo shopped. I'll want to see a date and time stamp on those pics. If they weren't taken that night or the day after, GZ's pic are worthless.
Wow, if this is really the case then GZ is the fastest healer I have ever seen in my entire life.
I know that some say these pics are "grainy" and whatnot, but I see absolutely nothing on the back of his head to indicate ANY injuries.

Magnolia, We all went through this a few days ago where I argued the same thing you are. Seems there are a lot of people here that would rush someone with a gun. I personally would not.

Long story why, but I've asked alot of people over the years what they would do if a gun was drawn on them and most would not run because they are afraid it would guarantee they got shot in the back. They say they would try to talk themselves out of the situation or try to disarm the person. The correct reaction in most cases is to run as a moving target is harder to hit.


What am I missing? It doesn't say that a change in a judge is a change in strategy, it says that 'any' change 'can' result in a change in strategy, as well as it 'can' result in certain proceeding having to be reheld. Sounds like nothing more than an opinion, speaking in generalities.

It also said this is the article;

"The impacts of this change are not expected to be very far-reaching, as the trial has just begun and Judge Jessica Recksiedler was just named to the Trayvon Martin shooting case after George Zimmerman was arrested and charged with second-degree murder last week."


It was known last week that the judge would recuse herself or ask MO'M to file a motion to do so. No surprises here.
As a Floridian, we walk/run/dance/play/run errands/ in the rain? It's what we do! If we didn't leave our homes everytime it rained here... we would never get anything done. I see you are a Gator fan, so I can only assume that you have lived in Florida?

Walking in the rain in Florida is like walking in the snow up North.

the bolded I brought over from the other thread - not sure how to quote it correctly but it was posted by lolamoon...

I have lived in FL my entire life - of course we go out in the rain, like in our cars, etc....but if it is pouring out no one would be walking to the corner store. I don't see too many people out walking or dancing in the rain, most are trying to get out of it.

Thank you. I lived in Florida until I was 23 and was remarkably casual about being out in the rain. It rains at some point nearly every day; you'd have to be a shut-in to avoid it.
Just because GZ was on the bottom does not mean he did not initiate the encounter. If TM tried to walk away GZ might have grabbed him to keep him from leaving and they went down with TM on top. How they ended up has no bearing on how it started. Plus TM may not have been able to get away if GZ was holding onto him. We just do not know. But if you look at the situation and consider what was said and what went before by GZ it looks more likely that GZ was the aggressor. jmo
Who took the photos and when? I'd give them a lot more credibility if they were taken by medical staff or LE, and not of some self-inflicted or doctored photos after the fact...
A friend of Zimmerman’s told the Daily News that Zimmerman has graphic photos he took of his own face showing serious injuries.

“He was beaten to a bloody pulp that night, and he’s lucky to be alive. There’s proof of that,” the friend of Zimmerman said.

“He took the pictures himself...to protect himself. He knew they would come back for him. He had a good idea this wasn’t over. He’s not a dumb man.”

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...se-judge-bows-article-1.1063745#ixzz1sQaaTSpp

First thought I had was, "Chain of custody?" Who's going to verify when and where those pictures were taken? Even if they were date/time stamped by the camera, those dates and times can be set for anything the user wants.

I can think of battered spouse cases where it was alleged that the pictures that "proved" physical abuse were faked after the fact. It's been long enough that once doubts about his story cropped up GZ could have gotten someone to beat him up, taken pictures for proof, and healed. Maybe that's why he was not seen by anyone for so long. Crazy to think about but possible.

IMO, JMO, etc.

ETA - does the 'friend' in this article sound like FT to anyone else?
If I was fighting a man who has followed me and I seen he had a gun, I would hope I'd get a few good licks in before he killed me. I could care less about George's injuries. I have always stood by my opinion that Trayvon should have slammed his head so hard into the ground that it knocked him unconscious... I think Trayvon had every right to defend himself and against a man who was hell bent on him not getting away.

I've seen the "boo boo" on the back of his head... it is what it is? It wasn't so serious that he needed a bandage that night? Bloody-pulp my butt too... he better have time-stamped pictures that LE or EMS took that night because he was NOT bloody when he walked into that police station.

I wonder why the friend says that GZ took the photos himself. Wouldn't you think that the police would have photographed a man beaten to a bloody pulp if they're investigating an alleged SYG homicide case? I mean, like, dude, that's evidence man...
I want to comment on the part you bolded. Even if the forensic evidence backs up his story that GZ was on his back and fired at close range, etc..etc....It still doesn't mean that gave him the right to kill TM or defend himself with deadly force.

What if GZ pulled his gun on TM and was going to shoot him and THEN TM jumped on him to stand his own ground? There are parts of this story that keep getting glossed over, and once again, some are forgetting about the VICTIM in this case, and his rights to defend himself.

(I realize that you said "if" but I am just giving "ifs" on the other side-the side of the victim)

IMO, if the forensic evidence backs up GZ's story there will be no wiggle room for reasonable doubt. His story will be a factually-consistent possibility and will leave prosecution with very little to discredit it with. OTOH, if the forensics do not back up GZ's version of events, then his story will begin to look incomplete at best, fabricated at worst and the jurors will be free to disbelieve. It is for this reason, if his case makes it to trial, that we'll see another herculean clash of the chemists (i.e., experts) like that other well-known Florida case.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

Was this done by the FBI, or any other LE agency?
Ever hear of photoshop? Does that website charge money to "analyze" a video/photo?

Even so, if the gash, bruise, whatever you want to call it is real, it doesn't mean that GZ had a right to kill Trayvon. I believe he was the aggressor and that Trayvon stood his ground to try to save his own life. If GZ got hurt in the process of TM trying to fend off his attacker, big deal.

I don't know why anyone thinks that if GZ has a bruise, gash or blood on him, that automatically spells self defense. :waitasec:
“He was beaten to a bloody pulp that night, and he’s lucky to be alive. There’s proof of that,” the friend of Zimmerman said.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...se-judge-bows-article-1.1063745#ixzz1sQYtsXKJ

He recovered pretty quick considering that he didn't appear to be a bloody pulp at the police station video.

Did he take the photos before the EMTs cleaned him up?

I think we all know what "friend" made those comments. I will believe it when I see it.

Listen, this "enhanced" photo does not mean it is clearer or more accurate. On the contrary, they simply adjusted the white dark balance and intensified color. It no more shows reality than a retouched, colorized photo does. For that reason, the officer in the photo has a dark line outlining his head, Zimmerman has a dark line outlining his head and body and the red on the sleeves of Zimmerman's jacket is bleeding into the air around him, none of which exists in reality.

This photo is nonsense. It does not show evidence of an injury and it is bothersome that people keep trying to pass a doctored photo off as proof of anything. That's not how evidence works.

I am open to the possibility that Zimmerman had injuries. I doubt Taafe's story but if there are injuries, I am certain LE took photos. Further, if there are significant injuries and none on Trayvon, I agree with those who state Zimmerman will have a good chance of walking, whether or not he was the aggressor, (which I think he was, injuries or not).
IMO, if the forensic evidence backs up GZ's story there will be no wiggle room for reasonable doubt. His story will be a factually-consistent possibility and will leave prosecution with very little to discredit it with. OTOH, if the forensics do not back up GZ's version of events, then his story will begin to look incomplete at best, fabricated at worst and the jurors will be free to disbelieve. It is for this reason, if his case makes it to trial, that we'll see another herculean clash of the chemists (i.e., experts) like that other well-known Florida case.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

Precisely how I see it playing out.
Have you ever heard of anyone jumping towards a person that had a gun pointed at them? That is not a normal reaction. People freeze when someone is pointing a gun at them. IMO


How do you know this? Was there some study done that shows this to be the case?

No one can say what anyone would do in the moment, It certainly is plausible that the first instinct may be to try to grab the gun to point it away from you or get it away from the person.

OT are anyone elses margins blown?
Was this done by the FBI, or any other LE agency?
Ever hear of photoshop? Does that website charge money to "analyze" a video/photo?

Even so, if the gash, bruise, whatever you want to call it is real, it doesn't mean that GZ had a right to kill Trayvon. I believe he was the aggressor and that Trayvon stood his ground to try to save his own life. If GZ got hurt in the process of TM trying to fend off his attacker, big deal.

I don't know why anyone thinks that if GZ has a bruise, gash or blood on him, that automatically spells self defense. :waitasec:
And I still don't see an injury severe enough to cause spoon-feeding and diapers. He's standing up tall, walking straight, and according to others- talking normally.
I wonder why the friend says that GZ took the photos himself. Wouldn't you think that the police would have photographed a man beaten to a bloody pulp if they're investigating an alleged SYG homicide case? I mean, like, dude, that's evidence man...

Absolutely. When my son was attacked by his ex-GF, the cop took pictures of the bite marks on his back even though my son did not want to press charges.
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