17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #29

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POST of the DAY!:clap::gthanks:

Defense attorneys are all that stand between you and me and a government that has the power and resources to lock either of us up or even put us to death. The Constitution of the United States is only as good as the defense attorneys who use it to protect us.
:what: I'll repeat what I said: I believe it is legit and I don't see anything suspicious about the image. JMO

To clarify, your statement "So you see this as..." is your wording and not mine. JMO

"So you see this as" is obviously my wording - what sense would it make for you to say that in reference to yourself?

Anyway, I'll take that as a yes and leave it at that.
My greatest fear about the early investigation by the SPD is that there was no investigation. I have a stinking feeling that nothing was preserved. If someone was able to capture this photo of Zimmerman's head, that would indicate to me that the crime scene was not secured and Taaffe states that he knows the neighbor who took the photo. Thanks to JoyPath's greats posts, it would seem that the medical examiner has very strict protocols to follow but I have to wonder if Trayvon's hands were bagged at the scene, was his feet bagged at the scene. So many questions and I will be glad when we have answers.


Hi! Yes thanks to Joypath. She is soooo much help. According to Dr. G. (on her program) taking scrapings from under nails is part of the autopsy, done at every one. I wonder if anyone would be upset if Trayvons parents had him exhumed and another autopsy done. If he were my son I would.:seeya:

And to me that picture just proves GZ was NOT in a fight for his life..And had no reason to shoot TM....IMHO JMHO and all that

If he believes he was in the fight if his life, the law would protect him. Why do you think everyone is debating these injuries? Because that means GZ did not just stand there and shoot him, he was in a fight and unless someone can prove the gun coming out before the fight, then it comes down to if GZ really was getting hurt to think he might die.

The detective saying they have no evidence who started the fight is huge, because if they did, SYG is out the window.
I guess we see what we want to see.

The white part is flash from a cell phone pic. JMO

I'm not as convinced as you are; from another poster: http://fotoforensics.com/analysis.php?id=9d34a99a7c85ac692ac07d300d4863f77d449f2d.36294

Ground....concrete...whatever. Sorry I used the wrong word. :rolleyes:

The point is, GZ's statements, as well as his spokespeople, have been that Trayvon smashed his head repeatedly into the concrete. The photo doesn't show what one would expect such an injury to look like...IMHO.
I'm sorry but there is no swelling on any part of his head in the video at the police station.

Respectfully, I see swelling on part of his head in the video at the police station. We see different things, no problem.

BBM. I will go further and state I think Mom is the best I've seen yet. You really have to undo a puzzle when reading the transcript of the bond hearing. GZ made a good choice by going with this attorney.

MO'M took this case pro bono so I think he's absolutely reveling in all the attention this case is going to get him. Did he pick GZ or did GZ pick him, that is the question!
If he believes he was in the fight if his life, the law would protect him. Why do you think everyone is debating these injuries? Because that means GZ did not just stand there and shoot him, he was in a fight and unless someone can prove the gun coming out before the fight, then it comes down to if GZ really was getting hurt to think he might die.

The detective saying they have no evidence who started the fight is huge, because if they did, SYG is out the window.
Oh please i have had worse injuries from my ex-hubby beating me than GZ did from the supposed fight for his life..I thimk GZ ia a liar and murderer and racist...IMHO JMHO and all that
Thanks for pointing out how inept the Prosecution has been so far in not asking for copies.

The prosecution is not supposed to 'ask' for copies. This waving stuff around (how do we even know it was medical reports?) was for show by MOM.

There are rules for discovery of evidence for both sides prior to the SYG hearing and/or trial.
Oh please i have had worse injuries from my ex-hubby beating me than GZ did from the supposed fight for his life..I thimk GZ ia a liar and murderer and racist...IMHO JMHO and all that

How do you know what injuries he had based off a low resolution video and now photo? How do you know ones fear.
I don't know.....about this apology. I'm all over the place.

On the one hand we have the legal system at work here. So GM has to be careful.
On the other hand we have Trayvon's parents saying they didn't want an apology at this point from him....

I have to say that I get frustrated with gamesmanship in the law. It is like a big chess game. While I appreciate our legal system I just wish the gamesmanship could be toned down.

I think if I were George I wouldn't have used the bail hearing to do this. It made him appear to be doing it in spite of Trayvon's parents refusal to hear an apology at this date. It upset Trayvon's parents who said it was too late for an apology. The prosecutor was really drilling on this was this part of a game to get bond? I don't know if I believe that. There are some things we just never will reconcile.

I know it doesn't play well with me that grieving parents were kinda forced into hearing it. Probably because I'm a funeral director and it takes me so much love, energy, and commitment to reach a family who has just lost a child.

IMO It is way too soon to forgive, to listen to George or feel anything but anger toward the man who took their son's life. That is just how grief works. And with young people when they die, it is the worst possible thing a family can ever have to deal with. I can tell you my experience is that they never are the same ever again. They express things in murder situations like the killer isn't going to cleanse his conscience at my expense. See what I mean. It is a huge gaping hole that needs much time to heal.

Now like it or not, GZ is the accused. Only the legal system can determine the outcome.

Trayvon is dead. If only...... but it doesn't change things.

This apology isn't going to change how Trayvon's parents feel, or how they speak out. Their son is gone. And it was just kinda hollow to me the way it appeared staged. Don't do it again George. Don't cleanse your own hurting conscience on the family of the young man you killed. Deal with it the way you have to but don't do that. It may not feel fair but it is reality.

I was watching the news last night. I live very close to Columbine yesterday being the 13th anniversary. One of the parents said he is just starting to heal, and this was the first year that he could sit with the parents of Dylan Klebold. He said it healed some but he is still bitter in some ways. 13 years later! I think a better approach would have been to get through the legal system no matter which way it went. Once that was determined then would be the time to apologize.

So as long as GZ is the accused, he needs to keep quiet I believe. Work for his defense and not do things like he did yesterday which really came off not so well. Because really what was accomplished? He was going to get bond anyway IMO. And the parents are no where near ready to hear anything form this man. What was the gain? GZ has to accept he is responsible for a death and find a way to cope with that in his way. Maybe prayer, or counseling or whatever.....during the course of the next year there will be hearings and a trial probably. But don't encroach on where the family is at this time.

I can't say with certainty what happened. I don't know. I know what I believe happened. Doesn't mean I'm correct.
How do you know what injuries he had based off a low resolution video and now photo? How do you know ones fear.
Because i have had my head bashed into concrete and i have long blond hair and all you could see was blood.........IMHO JMHO

Oh and i did not shoot my ex even though i was in fear of my life and lived in Florida at the time.....
So, to be clear, are you saying you think this wasn't originally a photo, but a video, and that ABC was given a screen cap from a video? I'm not altogether sure that they would have opted to release a photo if they had a video they could show instead. And why shrink it when a bigger photo would show all the "gory" details? I guess I just don't have that much faith in the decency of the media - I think they'll do anything for ratings, IMHO, and video like that would be too much for them to resist.

No, I'm saying it looks like something that was broadcasted and a screencap was taken of it as it was broadcasted. The entire image posted on their website is 640x360 pixels. This is a 16:9 aspect ratio. This is the standard aspect ratio for television. You can see the black borders around the image that were used as filler space to make it the appropriate ratio. Logically, this would imply that it was taken from a 16:9 source - a television broadcast. Otherwise, why would they have even messed with it? They didn't with any other pictures they released.

As for them shrinking it, that could have been done at several different points, either by the original photographer or by ABC. The aspect ratio of the actual photograph is 4:3, which implies it was not cropped. The 480x360 size may mean it was taken with a Blackberry. If that's the case, I can understand the relatively poor image quality with respect to exposure. If that is the original image size, though, I'm not sure it will reveal much more than what we can see at the moment.

I'm hoping the picture was shrunk down by ABC for one reason or another and there is a higher-resolution original out there.
If he believes he was in the fight if his life, the law would protect him. Why do you think everyone is debating these injuries? Because that means GZ did not just stand there and shoot him, he was in a fight and unless someone can prove the gun coming out before the fight, then it comes down to if GZ really was getting hurt to think he might die.

The detective saying they have no evidence who started the fight is huge, because if they did, SYG is out the window.
Your last sentence is definitely not true at all. It is much more involved than just who started the fight to successfully use SYG and vice versa.

Again, what some keep forgetting are TM's rights. TM had every right to defend himself and stand his own ground. IMO, he had MORE right to do so due to the fact that GZ was armed and TM wasn't.
Also, TM was doing nothing wrong at the time GZ profiled him. Nothing wrong. Just walking home from a corner store with skittles and iced tea.

GZ CAUSED THIS ENTIRE SITUATION TO UNFOLD--from beginning to end. If not for his actions of pursuing/chasing/confronting someone that was minding their own business-none of this would have ever happened.

If anyone here was merely walking home from the store, minding your own damn business, and someone began chasing you, would you or would you not do ANYTHING to defend your life?

Scratches or no scratches, blood or no blood, real or doctored pictures--it matters not if Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old KID, was defending his life from an armed man who was chasing him.
This is what I found on the bond hearing video at 1:46:40. Prosecutor De La Rionda asked this question.

Investigator Gilbreath answered with "Yes".

I just got there! Just found this myself, less than a minute ago!

SA: "Did he, Mr Zimmerman, the defendant, at one point claim to the police that he was scared because Mr Martin started circling his car"?

Galbraith: "Yes"



(Thank you... where were you 1.5 hours ago?! LOL)
MO'M took this case pro bono so I think he's absolutely reveling in all the attention this case is going to get him. Did he pick GZ or did GZ pick him, that is the question!

We know full well GZ picked him. First GZ contacted a different lawyer but that lawyer did not take the case and instead recommended MOM. That's why the original judge was asked to step down due to conflict of interest.
Your last sentence is definitely not true at all. It is much more involved than just who started the fight to successfully use SYG and vice versa.

Again, what some keep forgetting are TM's rights. TM had every right to defend himself and stand his own ground. IMO, he had MORE right to do so due to the fact that GZ was armed and TM wasn't.
Also, TM was doing nothing wrong at the time GZ profiled him. Nothing wrong. Just walking home from a corner store with skittles and iced tea.

GZ CAUSED THIS ENTIRE SITUATION TO UNFOLD--from beginning to end. If not for his actions of pursuing/chasing/confronting someone that was minding their own business-none of this would have ever happened.

If anyone here was merely walking home from the store, minding your own damn business, and someone began chasing you, would you or would you not do ANYTHING to defend your life?

Scratches or no scratches, blood or no blood, real or doctored pictures--it matters not if Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old KID, was defending his life from an armed man who was chasing him.
Awesome post!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree 100% IMHO JMHO
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