17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #30

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Just to reiterate:
Who, in their right mind (other than responding LE) would approach a man with a gun who had just taken the life of another? Who would even think about going out to help the shooter unless you knew him and knew why he had just shot someone to death?

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
1. In the first place, that's not what "depraved mind" means in the Florida statutes, so using it that way tends to cause confusion. ("Depraved mind" in the 2nd-degree murder instructions refers to the state of mind of the killer in the instant of the killing and refers to a reckless disregard for the safety of his victim. It isn't a description of the killer's ongoing psychological state, mental illness or character. It has no logical comparison to "evil".)

2. You can't possibly know how everyone would react in such a crisis. I said I think I'd be afraid I'd hurt the injured party by administering basic first-aid; I think I'd call 911 and follow instructions. Somebody else might well hold the victim's hand and attempt to comfort him. Etc. and so forth, but not even I can know for sure how *I* would react, much less how everyone else would.

I think Mercuroid is well aware of what "depraved" means just as I was the other day when you responded to my post about its meaning. No one is saying that Zimmerman has any ongoing mental illness. Additionally, when you look at the thesaurus, you will plainly see that evil is listed as a synonym of the word depraved. I think we are all very capable of looking up the definition of the words that we are using in our posts and do not need to be corrected but that's just my opinion.

depraved [dɪˈpreɪvd]
morally bad or debased; corrupt; perverted
depravedness [dɪˈpreɪvɪdnɪs] n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Adj. 1. depraved - deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good; "depraved criminals"; "a perverted sense of loyalty"; "the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat"
reprobate, perverse, perverted
corrupt - lacking in integrity; "humanity they knew to be corrupt...from the day of Adam's creation"; "a corrupt and incompetent city government"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2011 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
adjective corrupt, abandoned, perverted, evil, vicious, degraded, vile, degenerate, immoral, wicked, shameless, sinful, lewd, debased, profligate, debauched, lascivious, dissolute, licentious, pervy (slang) It has been condemned as the most depraved film of its kind.
moral, pure, decent, good, principled, innocent, proper, ethical, upright, honourable, wholesome, virtuous, chaste
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Definition of DEPRAVED

: marked by corruption or evil; especially : perverted


de·praved   [dih-preyvd] Show IPA
corrupt, wicked, or perverted.

evil, sinful, debased, reprobate, degenerate; dissolute, profligate; licentious, lewd. See immoral.


Well you could at the very LEAST hold the poor kids hand, tell him you are sorry for killing him, and pray for forgiveness! But noooo, not ole' Georgie, his most important thought was to get someone to take pictures of the tiny, superficial SCRATCHES on the top of his head while a child laid dying at his feet!

I am quite sure that GZ has done his share of praying and begging got forgiveness over this. Also, sometimes, people take it upon themselves to document when they see a crime scene.. that's called being a good citizen. I doubt GZ had much of anything on his mind other than shock, grief, and pain. JMO-IMO-IMHO-MOO 'n stuff.
Injuries don't have to be life-threatening to invoke SYG.

Oh but when the defendant (GZ) is claiming that he was being beat within one hit from being in diapers and spoon fed for life, then they sure as heck had better be more than 2 TEENY, TINY scratches.
In reference to the validity of the bloody head pic:

This may be a dumb question and/or already covered, if so I apologize... But who wiped the blood off GZ's head? In the video the blood is gone unlike in the pic before the video, and he couldn't wipe it off himself bc he was cuffed. I doubt the police wiped it off, wouldn't they want to take their own photographs of it for evidence purposes? They wouldn't have tried to treat the bleeding themselves, thus wiping it off in the process, bc they weren't life threatening or gushing everywhere.

Idk, just a thought!

EMT's while he was in patrol car.
Prosecutors have also located a witness near the site of the shooting who described seeing the shadows of two men pass by her home, one chasing the other, immediately before Martin was killed. The pursuit, in the direction of Martin's home, indicates that Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, Gilbreath said, under questioning from Rionda.


So WHY does this testimony seem to say the opposite?

DE LA RIONDA: But you still have, is it not true, a witness who describes someone chasing another person from the area where they ended up... in other words, from where, near where Mr. Martin lived to the area where the murder happened?



Not part of the CNN transcript. It can be viewed here:
I understand that the burden is on the defendant, but if the state has evidence to show that he was standing his ground, would he not be entitled to it?

But he would already have that evidence would he not???? It's not up to the state the make his SYG case for him. He has to convince a judge. The State has to convince the judge he's not being truthful or that the law just does not apply to him. jmo
Just to reiterate:
Who, in their right mind (other than responding LE) would approach a man with a gun who had just taken the life of another? Who would even think about going out to help the shooter unless you knew him and knew why he had just shot someone to death?

No kidding. It is beyond belief anyone would. People run from shootings, they don't run to them. That person knew what was going on.
Not everyone knew he had a gun. None of the witnesses reported a visible gun (at least publicly). There was some confusion by witnesses as to whether he was actually the shooter or not (Cutcher & Co. didn't seem to think so, initially, and they were supposedly the first ones out there).

People do stupid things all the time. Right now, we have the benefit of hindsight. Some curious resident who didn't realize the gravity of the situation might have started snapping pictures.

No, but everybody heard the gunshot and saw a dead kid lying on the ground so I think it's safe to assume that some must have thought he had a gun.

Thank the Lord or else there might have been other innocent victims of Zimmerman that night.


I keep thinking the kid who was chasing after his dog got a lucky break. What if, in his heightened state of paranoia, GZ had shot that kid by mistake?


So they were running in the direction of the home, not from the home and back the other way.


Not according to the investigators testimony last week:

DE LA RIONDA: But you still have, is it not true, a witness who describes someone chasing another person from the area where they ended up... in other words, from where, near where Mr. Martin lived to the area where the murder happened?



Not part of the CNN transcript. It can be viewed here:
Will there be discovery before the SYG hearing? I have to think that GZ would be entitled to any evidence that could be used to show he was standing his ground. Unless there is no evidence involved with the SYG hearing. I dont know but I would like to.

The defendant is the one that has to provide the evidence at a SYG hearing not the prosecution. If GZ is going to claim SGY immunity he has to prove it, then the prosecution will present whatever they need to in order to disprove what GZ is claiming. In a SYG hearing the burden of proof is squarely on the defendants shoulders.
I don't know Katy.... I guess someone is going to have to transcribe the tape... when and if it comes out in full.

I think we need to find the Gilbreath vid if there is one.
No kidding. It is beyond belief anyone would. People run from shootings, they don't run to them. That person knew what was going on.

Plus it was preceded by shouting, leading a number of people to call 911. And there was a young man lying unconcsious. I don't buy the theory that the photog didn't realize the gravity of the situation.
I am quite sure that GZ has done his share of praying and begging got forgiveness over this. Also, sometimes, people take it upon themselves to document when they see a crime scene.. that's called being a good citizen. I doubt GZ had much of anything on his mind other than shock, grief, and pain. JMO-IMO-IMHO-MOO 'n stuff.

He didn't look in shock just a mere 30 minutes later when he arrived at the police station. He didn't appear to show any grief and I seriously doubt he was in pain from having 2 such tiny marks on his head. Somehow I think Zimmerman was elated and proud, since he knew that this particular @$$hole/fu**** punk wasn't going to get away. He was feeling on top of the world. Of course, this is all just my opinion.

Not according to the investigators testimony last week:

DE LA RIONDA: But you still have, is it not true, a witness who describes someone chasing another person from the area where they ended up... in other words, from where, near where Mr. Martin lived to the area where the murder happened?



Not part of the CNN transcript. It can be viewed here:

An area "near where Mr. Martin lived" could mean out on the street. It all depends. Not enough here to know -- but we will find out for sure -- at some point -- which ways the shadows were running.
Not everyone knew he had a gun. None of the witnesses reported a visible gun (at least publicly). There was some confusion by witnesses as to whether he was actually the shooter or not (Cutcher & Co. didn't seem to think so, initially, and they were supposedly the first ones out there).

People do stupid things all the time. Right now, we have the benefit of hindsight. Some curious resident who didn't realize the gravity of the situation might have started snapping pictures.

And have GZ pose for them?
The SA said the witness saw shadows running from NEAR to TM's home to where the shooting took place. And so I asked WHY TM ran away from his home, meaning NEAR HIS HOME, and went the opposite direction.

If he was already near home then why go the other way?

My impression from the bond hearing is that the 2 "shadows" were running from where GZ left his truck towards TM's house?
I am just listening to Websleuths Radio.....

I do not like what this Richard Hornsby is saying...... Not at all...... Makes me really upset......


I just hope he will get Justice.....


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