17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36

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Of course not, but they could have relayed a message. I am sure she knew he was at The Retreat in Sanford. Maybe a call to his DAD or MOM? SOMETHING to indicate she was as concerned at the time as she claimed to be after the fact.

Because that's what teenagers do, right?
BBM. That is incorrect. Wrong. They did not do a drug test on Martin on site. They did a tox screen as part of the SOP during the autopsy. I would love to see a link claiming they did the drug test while Martin was laying there in the grass.

There was barely a response to Trayvon's body laying there dead on the grass. They did a half-arse crime scene investigation and did a drug test on a dead young man laying there in the grass and you really really think they would have rushed out there if Trayvon's gf would have called 911. I think that is a fantasy.
Of course not, but they could have relayed a message. I am sure she knew he was at The Retreat in Sanford. Maybe a call to his DAD or MOM? SOMETHING to indicate she was as concerned at the time as she claimed to be after the fact.

After three weeks, it's hard to find any sort of excuse for not calling. If her mother took her to the hospital, and she knew the girl had been on the phone with TM, she should have contacted the family - by that time they were on every news channel in the US.

Of course not, but they could have relayed a message. I am sure she knew he was at The Retreat in Sanford. Maybe a call to his DAD or MOM? SOMETHING to indicate she was as concerned at the time as she claimed to be after the fact.
I seriously doubt relaying a message to Sanford PD would be a priority for Miami PD, especially if there wasn't a known crime in progress...
Now you or I would've called Sabrina or Tracy, but then neither of us is a 15-year-old minority girl who is 250 miles away from her boyfriend when something happens, JMO!
Then again, she may not have met his parents or had their contact numbers... I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Lawyers aren't under oath in court, are they? Unless they're the defendant or a witness.

Lawyers have a duty of candor toward the tribunal. They don't lie in court unless they want to run the risk of disbarment. They can, however, ask extremely misleading questions that are not based on actual fact, subject to the other party's right to object and the risk of po'ing the Judge if they get carried away. jmo.

Of course not, but they could have relayed a message. I am sure she knew he was at The Retreat in Sanford. Maybe a call to his DAD or MOM? SOMETHING to indicate she was as concerned at the time as she claimed to be after the fact.

I don't think we're supposed to be discussing what the GF did or didn't do that night. She is a minor.
Do you call 911 everytime you lose someone on a cell phone?

If they tell me they are being followed,then I hear a confrontation I sure as heck would call 911 as soon as call was lost!
I dont doubt they were on the phone at some point, but I dont believe that the girl friend was alarmed by anything she heard or else she would have called 911.

This makes so much sense now. I could not for the life of me believe that she would not say something if she thought TM was in trouble. It will be very interesting to know that they were not on the phone when this happened. All smoke and mirrors that she "knows" something. jmo
BBM. That is incorrect. Wrong. They did not do a drug test on Martin on site. They did a tox screen as part of the SOP during the autopsy. I would love to see a link claiming they did the drug test while Martin was laying there in the grass.

Remember: Convicting on circumstantial evidence & assumptions (because the prosecution couldn’t produce any REAL FACTUAL EVIDENCE) is convenient – and would have made a lot of clueless people very happy in this case – BUT JUSTICE HAS BEEN DONE.[/B]

Are you referring to Trayvon?
You Lost me mommakk51. Not at all being snarky, just think I'm not getting what you are saying. Are you saying he had to be outside his patio doors to lock them? I'm sure I'm just not getting what you are saying because that doesn't make sense. TIA for explaining this to me.


I was assuming that he had one of the enclosed patio's, and if that were the case, he would have been outside of his actual apartment, when he locked the door that led outside from the patio. :moo:
After three weeks, it's hard to find any sort of excuse for not calling. If her mother took her to the hospital, and she knew the girl had been on the phone with TM, she should have contacted the family - by that time they were on every news channel in the US.


I have not seen any conformation that she was in hospital. I have seen where Mr.Crump said she was in the hospital.JMO
So then its not worth trying I guess your saying?

IMO, if that's what the poster was saying, they would have said that.
Perhaps asking for clarification without presumption would be more effective.

My interpretation was that the girl was miles and miles away and may or may not have known the exact location of TM in order to TRY to give ANY helpful information. I don't know many teenagers who know which police departments cover which areas in their entire state.
If they tell me they are being followed,then I hear a confrontation I sure as heck would call 911 as soon as call was lost!
Why? When she was 250 miles away with no address to give Sanford PD. :waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:Miami PD sure as heck wouldn't have responded...
Quoting myself in response.
One of those inconsistencies: Zimmerman told police Trayvon had his hand over Zimmerman's mouth during their fight on the night he shot Trayvon.

The Sentinel's source confirmed that Zimmerman's statements include that allegation. But authorities do not believe that happened, the source told the Sentinel, because on one 911 call, someone can be heard screaming for help. If it were Zimmerman, as he claims, his cries were not muffled, the source said.

Zimmerman also told police, the source told the Sentinel, that while the two were on the ground, Trayvon reached for Zimmerman's gun, and the two struggled over it.

Trayvon needs more hands imo.

If he had one hand on GZ's mouth muffling him, another hand trying to grab the gun, which appendage did he use to bash GZ's head to the concrete?
Originally Posted by LambChop

Yep. That's about it. He gave a number of statements and the State maintains there were some inconsistencies in his statements. How many, we do not know for sure. The only one the investigator mentioned was TM circling the truck three times which is inconsistent with GZ's story of being attacked at the cut through. jmo

Can you please tell me where this is? I've read the entire transcript a couple of times and cannot find it. Maybe it was during a commercial break and didn't make the transcript? TIA

1. The word "circling" was used by BD, along with an incredulous circl-ey hand motion, when cross-examining DG, IMO for damage control purposes.

2. BD was referring to DG's earlier testimony under examination by O'M, that GZ had told LE that TM "ran around" the location where his vehicle was, which caused him to feel frightened of TM.

3. IMO the only implication that the "circling" was inconsistent with GZ's statement was when BD suggested that it didn't make sense for GZ to get out of his vehicle to follow TM if the "circling" had caused him to feel fear, to which DG agreed.

(Please note that this re-framing nevertheless does NOT prove GZ made any inconsistent statements, and also that both BD the questioner and DG the witness happen to be co-authors of the charging document.)

IMO we will probably learn that GZ's statement(s) include some mention of GZ having been surprised to re-encounter TM while on the way back to his vehicle, thus realizing that TM must have circled back, backtracked, done and end-run -- back in the direction toward where GZ's vehicle was, after he had initially run toward the back entrance and presumably "gotten away." And that this is when/where the confrontation occurred. JMO

And btw, the only Google hits I get for Trayvon circling GZ's vehicle three times link back to WS. JMO
Great post!

Two minutes into the call, TM started coming toward GZ, staring at him, then took off running. "A beeping sound is heard, indicating that he has opened his car door." Zimmerman went after Trayvon and, out of breath, muttered profanities. He lost sight of him.Link

But he didn't know where TM was, just that he was headed toward the back gate.

I don't know that I believe TM was irate, his g/f said he seemed scared. Good point though, why would he be irate if he was running "scared". I could see him being irate if he had been up to something and thought GZ was screwing things up for him. According to the g/f, TM asked first: "why are you following me", "what are you stopping me for". GZ said, "I'm not", or "who are you". Both have a variety of versions. GZ had stopped following him 2 minutes before this altercation, and the g/f said TM told her he lost him. So how could he perceive that GZ was still following?

Save for the part where Trayvon is either running scared (of GZ or of getting caught at something), or running home.

I don't think he was walking toward him when he ran away, it was TM, according to the 911 call, walking toward GZ.

IIRC, GZ never said he confronted TM at all.

Great question, why? Why did he run and suddenly decide he was mad enough to go back? Did he actually make it home, drop something off, and come back around to confront this guy who he thinks might have witnessed something?

I agree, I doubt he heard any part of the 911 call.

Another question, which will explain my comments above, why did Tracy Martin call the Juvenile Justice dept., and the Sheriff's Dept. to see if they'd picked TM up, before calling the non-emergency number? Link
"“I had [his girlfriend] call juvenile justice, just to check and see if anyone by the name of Trayvon Martin had been picked up. No Trayvon Martin,” the father told NNPA. “My next call was to the Seminole County Sheriff’s Department to see if any kid had been picked up.

“My third call was to a non-emergency number at the Seminole County Sheriff’s

Department and I informed them that I was filing a missing person’s report."

FTR, the dispatcher did NOT tell GZ to stop, she asked if he was following, then said they didn't need him to do that. NOT an "order" to stop. The dispatcher then ALSO continued to pump GZ for information as he was trying to find TM. Not exactly a sign that they WANTED him to stop.
TM's parents did not know who she was. I doubt she even knew who they were or where to find them until everything hit the papers. Adults make adult decisions, kids don't usually have enough life experience to know exactly what to do. We think like adults, kids......not so much. jmo

I would hope they knew who she was, who TM's was dating. Surely.

Crump: "This was her really, really close personal friend. They were dating."
I'm sure that's true, but I'm also sure that the furthest thing from her mind was that her boyfriend was shot dead by some gun toting vigalante looking to make sure "they don't get away again"

Why would that be the FURTHEST thing from her mind? According to her TM was being followed, TM was scared, and she heard the beginning of a confrontation where she can quote what both of them said......and then the line went dead. You think the FURTHEST thing from her mind would be that TM is in some kind of trouble?
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