2/22/09 Neighbor heard yelling @ 2:25AM with link.

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Here is the link to the Greenwood interview.
You are correct, he says 2:13 am, doesn't say to what line.
He also says Ron was at work before 7:00 pm and someone saw TN at the home around that time.
Quite the memory refresher!


this video says alot so they no tn was seen there during that time but it was made to look like she wouldnt around until ron called her about haleigh missing wonder why she didnt want anyone to no she was around there at that time.she didnt want to babysit so why be in the area.theres always a story behind everything that happens and theres a story behind this. imo
It has been way over a year and imo there is nothing showing that Ron had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance. I highly doubt the DA would make a plea deal with Ron only if he thought he was in any way involved in Haleigh's case.

Before a DA agrees to plea they know beforehand what the person is going to testify to and if it is worth giving them a plea deal. Imo the DA firmly believes he needs Ron's testimony to get a conviction on anyone connected to Haleigh's disappearance and murder.

Actually Misty told her story about her cousin crazy Joe way back in January and from what I recall Tommy came forth about him in April.

I totally agree with Kim P. who was on Jane's show tonight. Joe Overstreet will eventually be arrested for murdering Haleigh. He is the only one that had a bone to pick with Ron Cummings.

If they arrest Joe they will need Ron's testimony about the entire situation starting from the time that Joe first tried to steal Ron's first gun. I never thought Joe and Ron had a physical altercation but I do think he had a heated argument with Joe and of course he can testify to what Misty may have told him since marital privilege does not apply when the crime is against a child.


Ron, Misty and Tommy's credibility is zilch. Without further evidence than their word I doubt a jury would convict JO. The only credibility I give Misty and Tommy is they were involved at least in manslaughter.

Ron's deal is contingent on his cooperation, that remains to be seen. If JO was involved, I can see Ron being cross-examined for days. I'll bet the defense plays the 2 tapes on Ron saying he wasn't involved, the ultimate irony.

I'll be waiting for his testimony and police evidence along with doc dumps and other testimony before my minds settled on Rons involvement.
Ron, Misty and Tommy's credibility is zilch. Without further evidence than their word I doubt a jury would convict JO. The only credibility I give Misty and Tommy is they were involved at least in manslaughter.

Ron's deal is contingent on his cooperation, that remains to be seen. If JO was involved, I can see Ron being cross-examined for days. I'll bet the defense plays the 2 tapes on Ron saying he wasn't involved, the ultimate irony.

I'll be waiting for his testimony and police evidence along with doc dumps and other testimony before my minds settled on Rons involvement.


Of course it is and he has agreed to testify and I have no reason to believe he will not honor his part of the agreement and it is obvious that the DA believes Ron will answer truthfully. That applies to every plea deal that is given that includes testifying and I have never seen a case where the DA came out later and said the witness did not testify truthfully. The DA already knows upfront what his testimony is going to be. The DA doesn't blindly accept plea deals that specifies the person has to testify as part of the deal without knowing beforehand what they know and what they will testify to.

It is obvious that the DA does think there will be a trial or trials and to offer to plea with Ron Cummings shows the DA needs Ron's testimony to help him get a conviction (s).

I imagine that Tommy will be charged with accessory after the fact and Joe will be charged with first degree murder. I really don't know about Misty. I have always felt LE doesn't think she harmed Haleigh but was there that night when it happened.

Hi krkrjx, I am in the south (near Atlanta), and I have to say we scream at people here in the south too, we just call it "hollering". LOL

Yep! I forgot about Hollaring. We hollar at people too when we get pizzed.
It has been way over a year and imo there is nothing showing that Ron had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance. I highly doubt the DA would make a plea deal with Ron only if he thought he was in any way involved in Haleigh's case.

Before a DA agrees to plea they know beforehand what the person is going to testify to and if it is worth giving them a plea deal. Imo the DA firmly believes he needs Ron's testimony to get a conviction on anyone connected to Haleigh's disappearance and murder.

Actually Misty told her story about her cousin crazy Joe way back in January and from what I recall Tommy came forth about him in April.
I totally agree with Kim P. who was on Jane's show tonight. Joe Overstreet will eventually be arrested for murdering Haleigh. He is the only one that had a bone to pick with Ron Cummings.

If they arrest Joe they will need Ron's testimony about the entire situation starting from the time that Joe first tried to steal Ron's first gun. I never thought Joe and Ron had a physical altercation but I do think he had a heated argument with Joe and of course he can testify to what Misty may have told him since marital privilege does not apply when the crime is against a child.


BBM What bothers me about Misty telling her story about JO in Jan. and TC coming forth in Apr, this was about a year after Haleigh went missing. I would feel better about their credibility if they had come forth a year (well, 11 months for Misty) earlier. I still believe that the Cummings family set up the Croslin family the night this happened, but now that the Croslin's have made JO look so guilty, RC may go along with that story too. This is just my theory and MOO for the time. It may change.
bolded by me....I so agree.....That was always mind blowing to me....To marry her and Haleigh "goes missing "in her care...Plus the fact that TN was "so happy" and said all these great statements about her....Something was TOTALLY WRONG with that picture....

I know folks grieve in different ways...But...to get married and celebrate..just weeks after your 5 year old child is.....MISSING!!!!...

Something stinks then.....and STILL stinking.....IMO..

Another observation of mine: Misty went back home (to Tommy's house I assume) for a couple of days following the 911 call. As soon as Misty arrived at the tent area following Haleigh's disappearance she and Ron were joined at the hip. She did not leave his side. Either Ron did not trust her to be alone and maybe talking too much or he just couldn't stand it without her (cough, cough). Then swing cameras on the young, in love couple as they leave the court house after applying for marriage license................Ron is striding ahead of his bride-to-be with a frown on his face. Where is the loving couple? No hugs, no arms wrapped around her holding her close, no loving smiles, nothing, nada..........then the camera goes to the wedding. Scowl in place on Ron's not so happy face. Looks like a shotgun wedding only without the shotgun in his back. Bride is radiant, groom not so radiant. If looks could kill, Misty would be six feet under now. Divorce a few short months later. As soon as Nancy started questioning Ron about how it looked for him to be with the so-called "last" person who saw Haleigh alive and asking him if he has asked her what happened, Ron decides it is time for a divorce. Ron's actions speak volumes to me.
BBM What bothers me about Misty telling her story about JO in Jan. and TC coming forth in Apr, this was about a year after Haleigh went missing. I would feel better about their credibility if they had come forth a year (well, 11 months for Misty) earlier. I still believe that the Cummings family set up the Croslin family the night this happened, but now that the Croslin's have made JO look so guilty, RC may go along with that story too. This is just my theory and MOO for the time. It may change.

I think we would all like to believe that anyone knowing about a crime would step forward immediately and tell LE what they know, but sadly, many times it doesn't happen like that. I think the reasons, although nonsensical to me, may be to protect themselves, by believing because if they were there, they too may be punished. Plus kinfolk seem to protect kinfolk as long as they can.

I have no doubt at the time if Joe is the killer that he threatened both of them. That is what criminals do, they threaten the ones that knows their secret by telling them if they tell, because they were there, they will go down with the actual suspect. Nether Misty or Tommy are the brightest crayons in the box and I think they believed Joe. And if he made Tommy help him.......well there ya go..........now Joe has him involved. I do believe no matter how dysfunctional Misty and Tommy are they love each other so to protect themselves, it worked for Joe, until both of them began sitting in jail.

I believe they both were also afraid to come forth beforehand while Ron was out and about. No way was Misty or Tommy going to admit then that they knew what had happened to Haleigh, and, that they were right there when it happened, but once he was incarcerated, then they began to talk, which isn't an uncommon occurrence.

In the James Sullivan trial which happened 19 years later after he hired a hit man to murder his wife, the key witness came forward after 10 years of silence. It took the DA 7 years after then to get him back in the US. The reason she finally told what she had known for years is her hit man boyfriend was incarcerated on other charges. So it does not surprise me it took this long for Tommy and Misty to tell what happened. I think they feared Joe, LE and Ron at the time.

I think the Croslins have made Overstreet look guilty because he is, imo.

There is no evidence that I have seen that Cummings setup anyone.

I think we would all like to believe that anyone knowing about a crime would step forward immediately and tell LE what they know, but sadly, many times it doesn't happen like that. I think the reasons, although nonsensical to me, may be to protect themselves, by believing because if they were there, they too may be punished. Plus kinfolk seem to protect kinfolk as long as they can.

I have no doubt at the time if Joe is the killer that he threatened both of them. That is what criminals do, they threaten the ones that knows their secret by telling them if they tell, because they were there, they will go down with the actual suspect. Nether Misty or Tommy are the brightest crayons in the box and I think they believed Joe. And if he made Tommy help him.......well there ya go..........now Joe has him involved. I do believe no matter how dysfunctional Misty and Tommy are they love each other so to protect themselves, it worked for Joe, until both of them began sitting in jail.

I believe they both were also afraid to come forth beforehand while Ron was out and about. No way was Misty or Tommy going to admit then that they knew what had happened to Haleigh, and, that they were right there when it happened, but once he was incarcerated, then they began to talk, which isn't an uncommon occurrence.

In the James Sullivan trial which happened 19 years later after he hired a hit man to murder his wife, the key witness came forward after 10 years of silence. It took the DA 7 years after then to get him back in the US. The reason she finally told what she had known for years is her hit man boyfriend was incarcerated on other charges. So it does not surprise me it took this long for Tommy and Misty to tell what happened. I think they feared Joe, LE and Ron at the time.

It should be mentioned jurors dismissed her testimony and the testimony of her hitman boyfriend who received a reduced charge and 20 years prison in the murder for his testimony.

Klayman said she and other jurors dismissed Trahan and Harwood's testimony. Jurors reached their verdict based on phone records that traced collect calls both before and after the murder from Harwood to Sullivan's Palm Beach mansion.


The Sullivan case was decided by jurors on phone records, not testimony of the Trahans and Harwoods testimony.

We have yet to see the phone records in the Haleigh case or any evidence LE has compiled.

I think the Croslins have made Overstreet look guilty because he is, imo.

There is no evidence that I have seen that Cummings setup anyone.


I'll maintain not all the evidence is known yet.
It should be mentioned jurors dismissed her testimony and the testimony of her hitman boyfriend who received a reduced charge and 20 years prison in the murder for his testimony.


The Sullivan case was decided by jurors on phone records, not testimony of the Trahans and Harwoods testimony.

We have yet to see the phone records in the Haleigh case or any evidence LE has compiled.

I'll maintain not all the evidence is known yet.

That was not the point I was making. The subject I was referring to was witnesses coming forward years later to testify.

I am sure the DA is not putting all of his eggs in one basket and solely relying on one witness to make his case. I have yet to see a DA do that. They always have supporting evidence to bolster witnesses' testimony.

Whether the Sullivan jury believed witnesses or not doesn't mean it will be the same in this case.

It should be mentioned jurors dismissed her testimony and the testimony of her hitman boyfriend who received a reduced charge and 20 years prison in the murder for his testimony.


The Sullivan case was decided by jurors on phone records, not testimony of the Trahans and Harwoods testimony.

We have yet to see the phone records in the Haleigh case or any evidence LE has compiled.

I'll maintain not all the evidence is known yet.

That was not the point I was making. The subject I was referring to was witnesses coming forward years later to testify.

I am sure the DA is not putting all of his eggs in one basket and solely relying on one witness to make his case. I have yet to see a DA do that. They always have supporting evidence to bolster witnesses' testimony.

Whether the Sullivan jury believed witnesses or not doesn't mean it will be the same in this case.

Not speaking for Peliman here, but the way I read it - I took it to mean that - in light of verifiable evidence to the contrary and if there's information presented that's difficult to refute due to its nature, jurors can decide to dismiss witness testimony.

Not speaking for Peliman here, but the way I read it - I took it to mean that - in light of verifiable evidence to the contrary and if there's information presented that's difficult to refute due to its nature, jurors can decide to dismiss witness testimony.


Yes, that is in every case where there is a trial.

The jury can believe, all, part, or none of what a witness says.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLbtgwTxEw0A .. neighbor of the Cumming’s family alleges she heard Ronald Cummings being loud and abusive to his family.

I saw that video a long time ago. I found it interesting but I didn't give a lot of credence to what the neighbor said. It could be true but sometimes ex-neighbors have an axe to grind and will take any opportunity to do just that. This was a neighbor from a while back, when Haleigh was a baby, IIRC. She said she would hear RC yelling at Haleigh to shut up if she was crying or fussing. Sounds plausible given what I have seen of RC's personality but, again, there's no way to know if the neighbor dislikes RC for another unrelated reason and just used an opportunity to vent.

Corroboration by one or more other ex-neighbors would have help this ex-neighbor's claim feel more real, for me.

ETA: IIRC, it was one of the very first vigil vids...Marie and Crystal's vigil.
Hi Kant! My take on the AC man is that Misty was at Tommy's house which is near Ron's house. The AC man probably could not find anyone home so he called the phone number that he had and got Misty on the phone and got her to go over to the Mh so that he could service the AC. Tommy walked over with Misty along with his children and they just stayed around, smoked a joint and chatted while the AC man was there. Ron called Misty while the man was there and Misty told him that she was at the Mh because the AC man wanted to service the AC and she handed the phone over to the AC man to prove to Ron why she was at the Mh. I honestly believe that the neighbors saw Tommy's children playing that early evening. I think Tommy and Misty left and went back to Tommy's house after the AC man left. I don't think that Misty babysat Haleigh and Jr. I think Teresa either had them that evening or Ron had them in his vehicle at work until Teresa came and got them later. I think Misty was summoned to the MH early the morning of the 10th and when she arrived she found out about Haleigh at that time and it is her screaming that the neighbor heard. I think she was told that Haleigh had died, I don't think that she discovered a dead Haleigh. Misty is so calm on the 911 call it is as if she is in shock or heavily medicated.

There are alot of theories about this case. My question is why at this point ain time would Misty & Tommy lie for TN if Haleigh died under her watch. If they were scared of RC and done this to protect TN Rons in jail and has been for a long time he couldn't hurt them now. IMO they would be singing the true story from the roof tops to avoid all of their prison time. And at this point in time MC knows her and RC will not be together so protecting their relationship is not a concern. Her or TC would have spilled it by now.

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