2/22/09 Neighbor heard yelling @ 2:25AM with link.

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I do not think Sykes was there that evening. I do not believe the kids were on the porch eating, at that hour in February. And possibly without shirts on!

I think too much info was given about that visit. Had Sykes simply said she stopped by to check on the kids, or stopped by with laundry, and left it at that...maybe I would buy it. But Sykes supplied unnecessary detail, and not believable details at that, IMO. Plus, the mention comes too late, IMO. If it were true, why not say it right away instead of waiting nine days to mention it?

And I agree that Misty would not have left out that Sykes had stopped by. She never mentioned it until after Sykes had made the claim.

Also, I have been giving some more thought to the woman screaming. Maybe it wasn't a scream of terror but a shrieky, excited or angry voice. Maybe it was heard by two people, and one described it as a woman screaming, but we don't know the context so maybe they reported not a woman screaming in terror, but a woman screaming at someone. Another neighbor could have heard it also but described it not as a scream but as a loud voice.


I can see where Misty would have been screaming/yelling when she realized that Ron and his mother expected her to be the scapegoat and pretend that she was sleeping that night that Haleigh died. I can imagine that it took some persuasion to get her to agree to calling 911 and going along with the master plan.
Good theory LT. One question, if Haleigh and Jr were with Theresa, then who summoned Misty home, and who told Misty that Heleigh was dead? Are you saying that TN was with Haleigh when she died? I think Misty was sacred, not of someone, but that she would say the wrong thing. If Theresa was there when Haleigh died, that would mean she isn't covering for RC, but for herself. that could be why she denies being at the trailer earlier, and pretended to just get there around 330am:waitasec:

I think that Ron summoned Tommy over to the Mh that night and persuaded him to get Misty there. But, you are right! Misty did say the wrong things, that is why she became Key so early in the game. She was asked questions she couldn't possibly answer and things started looking hinky to LE and the rest of the country. The more she tried to fix things the worst they got. It wasn't very long before she and Ron decided to quit cooperating. I do believe that Ron had something to do with what happened to Haleigh. Maybe he drugged her to keep her quiet and sleeping because Misty wasn't going to babysit. He had already thrown Misty out and they were still on the outs when he was suppose to go to work. He locked the MH, drugged Haleigh and left for work. His mother was suppose to come over and stay with them. When she arrived, there was a real problem; Haleigh was dead. She immediately call her mother. Her mother came over with the family nurse. Yes, Haleigh was dead. Quick thinking dictated that Misty absolutely had to come over and be at the MH prior to calling 911. Teresa let Ron know what happened and he immediately tried to get up with Misty. Teresa handled the removal of Haleigh with someone close in the family. Ron needed the MH to be cleaned up prior to the 911 call. Teresa had to separate herself from the Mh so that noone would know that she was there. Long time ago I posted that I thought that GGMS had taken Haleigh's body out in the laundry basket. I'm not 100% on this theory though. At this point, Teresa probably stayed close by in order to show up after the 911 call was placed so that she could be sure that she was the spokesman to LE and media. Misty was schooled in what story she would tell LE. All Misty knows is what the Cummings and her brother have told her. There is still the theory of how the van was involved. Tommy most likely called the Timmy/Chelsea home and asked that the van be brought to his location. I truly hope that LE can follow the phone trail on this case and figure it out.
Sorry about all the spelling and errors, I'm switching back and forth between this thread and the Weather channel. I live on the North Carolina coast and am keeping an eye on Hurricane Earl.
I think that Ron summoned Tommy over to the Mh that night and persuaded him to get Misty there. But, you are right! Misty did say the wrong things, that is why she became Key so early in the game. She was asked questions she couldn't possibly answer and things started looking hinky to LE and the rest of the country. The more she tried to fix things the worst they got. It wasn't very long before she and Ron decided to quit cooperating. I do believe that Ron had something to do with what happened to Haleigh. Maybe he drugged her to keep her quiet and sleeping because Misty wasn't going to babysit. He had already thrown Misty out and they were still on the outs when he was suppose to go to work. He locked the MH, drugged Haleigh and left for work. His mother was suppose to come over and stay with them. When she arrived, there was a real problem; Haleigh was dead. She immediately call her mother. Her mother came over with the family nurse. Yes, Haleigh was dead. Quick thinking dictated that Misty absolutely had to come over and be at the MH prior to calling 911. Teresa let Ron know what happened and he immediately tried to get up with Misty. Teresa handled the removal of Haleigh with someone close in the family. Ron needed the MH to be cleaned up prior to the 911 call. Teresa had to separate herself from the Mh so that noone would know that she was there. Long time ago I posted that I thought that GGMS had taken Haleigh's body out in the laundry basket. I'm not 100% on this theory though. At this point, Teresa probably stayed close by in order to show up after the 911 call was placed so that she could be sure that she was the spokesman to LE and media. Misty was schooled in what story she would tell LE. All Misty knows is what the Cummings and her brother have told her. There is still the theory of how the van was involved. Tommy most likely called the Timmy/Chelsea home and asked that the van be brought to his location. I truly hope that LE can follow the phone trail on this case and figure it out.

Lone T....This is quite a theory....and a very believeable one at that...
Perhaps Ron..WAS..in the habit of giving Haleigh something to get her to sleep for a long period...IF it is a fact, he took the kids often to his work and left them in the car...kids at that age are very impatient to sit for hours...so he may have given them something to sleep the time away...
And Haleigh with her condition could have had the fatal side effect of dying.
Great theory....You have put the pieces of this puzzle towards a clearer picture....Yes..DEFINATELY..we need the phone trail....
Good theory LT. One question, if Haleigh and Jr were with Theresa, then who summoned Misty home, and who told Misty that Heleigh was dead? Are you saying that TN was with Haleigh when she died? I think Misty was sacred, not of someone, but that she would say the wrong thing. If Theresa was there when Haleigh died, that would mean she isn't covering for RC, but for herself. that could be why she denies being at the trailer earlier, and pretended to just get there around 330am:waitasec:

Ron could be covering for his mother. This would explain the marriage, the wonderful girlfriend comments, and Ron taking up for Misty. It was all to protect his mother...............JMO.
I grew up in a very rural area in the south and if any of my family or neighbors said that they heard a woman screaming, it would mean just that, screaming in pain, screaming in terror but screaming...........now, if my family and/or neighbors heard a woman very loud as in angry, it would be stated that the woman was yelling at someone, not screaming. Am I making any sense here? I'm just trying to say that people yell when they are shouting at someone in anger and they scream when they are horrified, terrorized or very scared.............KWIM?

LOL, it must be a regional thing. Here, people scream at each other all the time, and it is referred to as screaming.

So, since this all happened in the South, there is no way said woman could have been screaming at someone. If it happened at all, it had to be a scream of terror. I understand now.

I am so glad it's all cleared up. And now I'm just gonna kick back and stay cool...

Oh, please forgive my use of gonna...it's a Midwestern thing, KWIM?
Lone T....This is quite a theory....and a very believeable one at that...
Perhaps Ron..WAS..in the habit of giving Haleigh something to get her to sleep for a long period...IF it is a fact, he took the kids often to his work and left them in the car...kids at that age are very impatient to sit for hours...so he may have given them something to sleep the time away...
And Haleigh with her condition could have had the fatal side effect of dying.
Great theory....You have put the pieces of this puzzle towards a clearer picture....Yes..DEFINATELY..we need the phone trail....

It was an unpopular theory at the time but I also believe that the pot plants found at the Mondex Pond use to reside in Jr.'s room. I think that explains why the van was needed. I have never thought that the Cummings would entrust Haleigh to the Croslins for disposal. I think that was kept in the family. But, I do believe that pot plants were grown in Jr.'s room and other drugs/guns were kept in the Mh that had to be relocated prior to 911 being called.
LOL, it must be a regional thing. Here, people scream at each other all the time, and it is referred to as screaming.

So, since this all happened in the South, there is no way said woman could have been screaming at someone. If it happened at all, it had to be a scream of terror. I understand now.

I am so glad it's all cleared up. And now I'm just gonna kick back and stay cool...

Oh, please forgive my use of gonna...it's a Midwestern thing, KWIM?

Now I did not say it was no way that the woman was screaming at someone, I said that in the rural South, this is the way that people viewed the word screaming vs. yelling. But you can still kick back and stay cool. I was just trying to explain that the word "screaming" may mean something a bit more urgent than angry yelling. Kick back, get a glass of wine and stay cool.........I am.
Is this what you are referring to?

SATSUMA - Judy Poppen was sleeping soundly in the early morning of Feb. 10 last year when she was awakened by a commotion around 3 a.m.

"The first thing that woke us up was Misty walking and crying and talking to somebody on the phone," Poppen said of her next-door neighbor, Misty Croslin. "The next thing you know, the police are here, and ... they are in our house, searching. It was like bang, bang, bang."


Thank you, thank you , thank you with a Gomer Pyle accent............:innocent: This is the link I was referring to.
Ron could be covering for his mother. This would explain the marriage, the wonderful girlfriend comments, and Ron taking up for Misty. It was all to protect his mother...............JMO.

If this IS the truth/close to the truth, and TN IS involved with the whole production of that night, and Misty HAS NOT pointed any finger at TN, then why would TN say that Misty needs to be hanged in the square...and not to be believed....??......because now Ron has been busted for drugs???? She is angry???...all in my own opinion..

...Misty did not put Ron in jail...Ron put himself there...
I think that Ron summoned Tommy over to the Mh that night and persuaded him to get Misty there. But, you are right! Misty did say the wrong things, that is why she became Key so early in the game. She was asked questions she couldn't possibly answer and things started looking hinky to LE and the rest of the country. The more she tried to fix things the worst they got. It wasn't very long before she and Ron decided to quit cooperating. I do believe that Ron had something to do with what happened to Haleigh. Maybe he drugged her to keep her quiet and sleeping because Misty wasn't going to babysit. He had already thrown Misty out and they were still on the outs when he was suppose to go to work. He locked the MH, drugged Haleigh and left for work. His mother was suppose to come over and stay with them. When she arrived, there was a real problem; Haleigh was dead. She immediately call her mother. Her mother came over with the family nurse. Yes, Haleigh was dead. Quick thinking dictated that Misty absolutely had to come over and be at the MH prior to calling 911. Teresa let Ron know what happened and he immediately tried to get up with Misty. Teresa handled the removal of Haleigh with someone close in the family. Ron needed the MH to be cleaned up prior to the 911 call. Teresa had to separate herself from the Mh so that noone would know that she was there. Long time ago I posted that I thought that GGMS had taken Haleigh's body out in the laundry basket. I'm not 100% on this theory though. At this point, Teresa probably stayed close by in order to show up after the 911 call was placed so that she could be sure that she was the spokesman to LE and media. Misty was schooled in what story she would tell LE. All Misty knows is what the Cummings and her brother have told her. There is still the theory of how the van was involved. Tommy most likely called the Timmy/Chelsea home and asked that the van be brought to his location. I truly hope that LE can follow the phone trail on this case and figure it out.

LT, I think you may have it! This could explain why TN, RC were so secretive, denying the gun, fight, etc. Didn't Ron even deny sendint Tommy over there It would explain Misty's confusion, her looking at Ron for validation during her interviews, and even why TN and RC supported Misty and really built her up. They didn't want her to tell the truth, not until she had told so many lies that it made her look guilty. Now she and Tommy are in it so deep, they don't know what else to do except to tell the same story, thinking that if they both say the same thing, it will be more believable. I think the Cummings/Sykes family have been setting up the Croslins all along, MHO
and GGMS may have stopped over to pick up any "illegal" guns in the mh (like a machine gun). I know that Ronald keeps his guns locked up at her house (that's what he said after the cj roadrage incident).
Police did notice the folded, clean clothes (I think they were folded and placed on the kitchen table or a counter).
I think that Ron summoned Tommy over to the Mh that night and persuaded him to get Misty there. But, you are right! Misty did say the wrong things, that is why she became Key so early in the game. She was asked questions she couldn't possibly answer and things started looking hinky to LE and the rest of the country. The more she tried to fix things the worst they got. It wasn't very long before she and Ron decided to quit cooperating. I do believe that Ron had something to do with what happened to Haleigh. Maybe he drugged her to keep her quiet and sleeping because Misty wasn't going to babysit. He had already thrown Misty out and they were still on the outs when he was suppose to go to work. He locked the MH, drugged Haleigh and left for work. His mother was suppose to come over and stay with them. When she arrived, there was a real problem; Haleigh was dead. She immediately call her mother. Her mother came over with the family nurse. Yes, Haleigh was dead. Quick thinking dictated that Misty absolutely had to come over and be at the MH prior to calling 911. Teresa let Ron know what happened and he immediately tried to get up with Misty. Teresa handled the removal of Haleigh with someone close in the family. Ron needed the MH to be cleaned up prior to the 911 call. Teresa had to separate herself from the Mh so that noone would know that she was there. Long time ago I posted that I thought that GGMS had taken Haleigh's body out in the laundry basket. I'm not 100% on this theory though. At this point, Teresa probably stayed close by in order to show up after the 911 call was placed so that she could be sure that she was the spokesman to LE and media. Misty was schooled in what story she would tell LE. All Misty knows is what the Cummings and her brother have told her. There is still the theory of how the van was involved. Tommy most likely called the Timmy/Chelsea home and asked that the van be brought to his location. I truly hope that LE can follow the phone trail on this case and figure it out.

Great theory! Surely LE has got enough to rap this up, with the phone trail, and connecting the dots with all the lies. I hope:crazy: they are about to drop the hammer.
Ron could be covering for his mother. This would explain the marriage, the wonderful girlfriend comments, and Ron taking up for Misty. It was all to protect his mother...............JMO.

One of the biggest things I couldn't explain/understand is why he married her. This theory would definitely explain that too.
All I can remember is Greenwood being asked what time the call came in about Haleigh. He said the first call came in at about 2:13am. Guess it's time to revisit his interview again. The man was very uncomfortable. I would like that remark corrected because it is probably wrong. If not, there should be an explanation.

Here is the link to the Greenwood interview.
You are correct, he says 2:13 am, doesn't say to what line.
He also says Ron was at work before 7:00 pm and someone saw TN at the home around that time.
Quite the memory refresher!

One of the biggest things I couldn't explain/understand is why he married her. This theory would definitely explain that too.
I always felt that he married her because he initially believed her story, cared about her and in his grief-driven mindset wanted to show his support of her; and, again, driven by grief, he chose to do so by marrying her.
I always felt that he married her because he initially believed her story, cared about her and in his grief-driven mindset wanted to show his support of her; and, again, driven by grief, he chose to do so by marrying her.

If I were truly grieving for a missing child, the last thing on this earth I would do is marry someone I had only known a few months and then proceed to have a party to celebrate the occassion, but that's just me and JMO.
If I were truly grieving for a missing child, the last thing on this earth I would do is marry someone I had only known a few months and then proceed to have a party to celebrate the occassion, but that's just me and JMO.

bolded by me....I so agree.....That was always mind blowing to me....To marry her and Haleigh "goes missing "in her care...Plus the fact that TN was "so happy" and said all these great statements about her....Something was TOTALLY WRONG with that picture....

I know folks grieve in different ways...But...to get married and celebrate..just weeks after your 5 year old child is.....MISSING!!!!...

Something stinks then.....and STILL stinking.....IMO..
as a mother of 3 boys. And say I was engaged with a date set for getting married. All arrangements made, everything set completely up for the big day and one of my boys goes missing before that day. I WOULD CANCEL THE WHOLE THING AND LOOK FOR MY CHILD TILL THEY WERE FOUND!
I'm just saying!
I definitely wouldn't be marrying while my child is missing to the person that was last known to see my child. You might as well put a gun to my head and shoot me cause I would be considering myself crazy!
S1, you are making some really good points. New theory: TN was babysitting. Haleigh got into drugs or some other accident that was caused by something illegal of Ron's. This is when the Cummins began to set up the Croslins, RC calling Tommy; then when MC came home from her partying, discovered Haleigh gone, she started freaking out, screaming, calling RC. This accident could have happened around 7pm, and the coverup began by GGMS saying she was there (not TN). Meanwhile the croslins had done the necessary cleanup already. I don't know but....

Just a thought here, GGMS has a really big job on her hands trying to cover for Teresa and Ron.

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