20/20 Special - The List: Who Killed Jonbenet? on 15 Jan 2021

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
They need the actual DNA to do a genealogy search. A SNP profile, or a full profile. They could however do a Familial DNA Search by reclassifying the case to “cold”. That would allow partial matching within the CODIS

So you'd be looking for partial matches of a profile which is already partial. Then you would winnow down to suspects who were in Boulder at the right time and who did not have a decent alibi? You would already know they were bad guys because they're in CODIS so the cause would be righteous. Sounds pretty good, on the surface at least. But if the search broadens to family members, it might implicate innocent men who will find it hard to prove their innocence 25 years later.

I'm not much interested in the DNA because to my satisfaction Patsy is the author of the ransom note. What if the DNA belongs to someone who visited the house, even that day? It might be a 10-year-old kid who came over to play with Burke. Maybe Patsy touched the rim of a glass he'd drunk from--with a gloved hand--after which she proceeds with the rest of it: Pulling down the long johns, breaking the paintbrush, etc. She'd know he wasn't in CODIS so no worries. That seems possible.

(I want to be clear that I'm not suggesting Burke or any other little boy did anything.)
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They need the actual DNA to do a genealogy search. A SNP profile, or a full profile. They could however do a Familial DNA Search by reclassifying the case to “cold”. That would allow partial matching within the CODIS

So you'd be looking for partial matches of a profile which is already partial. Then you would winnow down to suspects who were in Boulder at the right time and who did not have a decent alibi? You would already know they were bad guys because they're in CODIS so the cause would be righteous. Sounds pretty good, on the surface at least. But if the search broadens to family members, it might implicate innocent men who will find it hard to prove their innocence 25 years later.

I'm not much interested in the DNA because to my satisfaction Patsy is the author of the ransom note. What if the DNA belongs to someone who visited the house, even that day? It might be a 10-year-old kid who came over to play with Burke. Maybe Patsy touched the rim of a glass he'd drunk from--with a gloved hand--after which she proceeds with the rest of it: Pulling down the long johns, breaking the paintbrush, etc. She'd know he wasn't in CODIS so no worries. That seems possible.

(I want to be clear I'm not suggesting Burke or any other little boy did anything.)
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What dna evidence? Is it any good, How do we know where it came from? You can do a genealogy check yourself, the software is out there, just sign up , enter the numbers and search away.

Alex Hunter does not appear in any hurry to progress the case. Boulder just wants the case to go away, too many folks were involved with Patsy and her lifestyle, and they do not want doorstepped for interviews, just sweep it under the carpet!

Consider Susan Stine, she has vanished, and she knows a lot, possibly too much for her health.


No, it's not that simple or the Smit family would be doing this instead of testing a few profiles a year!!! Go read their Gofund Me page. They need Boulder PD to do the genealogy search.
What dna evidence? Is it any good, How do we know where it came from? You can do a genealogy check yourself, the software is out there, just sign up , enter the numbers and search away.

Alex Hunter does not appear in any hurry to progress the case. Boulder just wants the case to go away, too many folks were involved with Patsy and her lifestyle, and they do not want doorstepped for interviews, just sweep it under the carpet!

Consider Susan Stine, she has vanished, and she knows a lot, possibly too much for her health.


No, it's not that simple or the Smit family would be doing this instead of testing a few profiles a year!!! Go read their Gofund Me page. They need Boulder PD to do the genealogy search.
As I understand it, they had a full DNA profile of GSK to submit and, of course, he provided a fresh one when he was arrested so it was a definitive match. I don't think they'll ever be able to get that specific with this case.

Why do they need a DNA sample for genealogical testing? Do they do something different with it when they analyze it?

I've never been interested in my remote ancestors or relatives. My immediate ones are bad enough.

I don't know, but I'm guessing the family has looked into this and would not be wasting $40,000 if there was an easier way. If anyone can tell me how to submit the report for a genealogy test, I will gladly pay for it. There's no way it's that simple.
I don’t know if they have submitted their DNA for testing or not. Certainly, they should have been asked since They saw JonBenet that night and were some of the last people to see her on the 25th. What offends me a little bit about events of that day at the White’s house is that Priscilla White’s sister, Alison Schoney, granted permission for Burke to be interviewed by Det Patterson posing as his grandmother. For whatever reason that just doesn’t sit right with me.

I agree she had no right to do that.
So you'd be looking for partial matches of a profile which is already partial. Then you would winnow down to suspects who were in Boulder at the right time and who did not have a decent alibi? You would already know they were bad guys because they're in CODIS so the cause would be righteous. Sounds pretty good, on the surface at least. But if the search broadens to family members, it might implicate innocent men who will find it hard to prove their innocence 25 years later.

I'm not much interested in the DNA because to my satisfaction Patsy is the author of the ransom note. What if the DNA belongs to someone who visited the house, even that day? It might be a 10-year-old kid who came over to play with Burke. Maybe Patsy touched the rim of a glass he'd drunk from--with a gloved hand--after which she proceeds with the rest of it: Pulling down the long johns, breaking the paintbrush, etc. She'd know he wasn't in CODIS so no worries. That seems possible.

(I want to be clear I'm not suggesting Burke or any other little boy did anything.)

Not exactly. The partial matching in CODIS might produce a relative of the suspect and from there they would do the same kind of genetic rundown through public records like marriage, birth and death certificates as they do with genetic genealogy. This is how they solved the 1984 Bennett Family Murders only a few years ago. http://jonbenetramsey.pbworks.com/w...ler evolved into predator, FBI profiler s.pdf

Unlike you I am not at all convinced Patsy wrote the ransom note. But in your scenario above, how likely is it that the DNA would be transferred to only the places on the panties where the blood drops fell?

I still believe BR did it + Patsy covered but your theory is also plausible and one I hadn’t considered. Specifically referring to your statement “I don't believe an intruder committed this atrocity. However, the person or persons, for some reason, may have been allowed access to JBR that night and things went terribly wrong.”

I still believe the BR act + Patsy cover-up best fits the facts (and human nature) but your theory regarding an invited guest is also plausible and one I hadn’t considered.

Is there any indication PR was willing to go that far to make the right friends or influence pageant judges?
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I still believe the BR act + Patsy cover-up best fits the facts (and human nature) but your theory regarding an invited guest is also plausible and one I hadn’t considered.

Is there any indication PR was willing to go that far to make the right friends or influence pageant judges?

Is there any indication PR was willing to go that far to make the right friends or influence pageant judges?
Nope, none at all, plus such encounters tend to be located in neutral places such as hotels.

This third party is not much different from DS returning back in the Ramsey's car then bicycling back mid-morning on BR's Christmas Gift bike?

Yet where is the forensic evidence that places either suspect in the house, one sample of degraded dna means nothing without it yielding an identity?

BDI with the parents staging most if not all of the basement explains most of the evidence we have, except for the bloodstained size-12's, i.e. is the bleeding as a result of staging or a sexual assault, the cleaning was extensive as Coroner Meyer cited red fluid, presumably water mixed with blood?

IDK DeDee,
Wrt to the lithe, LS.
The footage shows him crouched in the window well outside
and then perched on the window sill to dismount.
Never see him making his way through the opening.

While I cannot account for Court TVs production of the said event, judge for oneself.

While I cannot account for Court TVs production of the said event, judge for oneself.

Yep, it does not show him negotiating through the opening.
@0:25 / 0:26

Look at the size of his head compared to the height of the 2 pane window, how does he squeeze his head and torso through the opening?

"It really wasn't that difficult, coming in that window." - LS
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I still believe the BR act + Patsy cover-up best fits the facts (and human nature) but your theory regarding an invited guest is also plausible and one I hadn’t considered.

Is there any indication PR was willing to go that far to make the right friends or influence pageant judges?

John. In this hypothesis, it was John who allowed the person(s) to enter the home unbeknownst to PR.

PR was, in a manner of speaking, blackmailed by JR into writing the RN, in order to save him the family, more or less. Being forced into doing so may have been her way of denying having done it.

The tall easel and the white bin containing the paint products had recently been moved down into the basement as it had been in the Butler's pantry for a long time. LP moved them to the basement but it is so unlikely that she hid them from view, hence, making the paint brush accessible to the killer.

Captured one other SS from the program of the paint handle with the rope attached. I'm able to Macramé yet I do not recognize the type knots used on the hideous garrote. Others have claimed it's knots learned in Boy Scouts but I stand by the assertion that the knots were for EA.
Screenshot (890).png Screenshot (895).png

I understand the need to find a 3rd option here because the reality of the crime is harsh. But let's take this possibility to the next level.....

Premise: JR, PR, JBR, or BR opens the door and lets someone in the house who ultimately kills JBR.

Would you:

A. Turn them into the police?

B. Kill them yourselves?

C. Allow them to roam free to kill other children, write a ransom note, and cover it up for 25 years all the while allowing your own family to be suspect #1?
KISS. Keep It Simple. I have always wanted to know if the lights were on in the house all night, or if it was dark. I have never really seen this answered. Because that would be very telling to me.

There have been several theories, and we don't have enough information to really have a conclusion. In the end, the real problem was the Keystone cops of Boulder, CO. They did not secure the scene. They let PR and JR tell them what to do. The fact that JR took control so immediately, is unusual to me.
KISS. Keep It Simple. I have always wanted to know if the lights were on in the house all night, or if it was dark. I have never really seen this answered. Because that would be very telling to me.

There have been several theories, and we don't have enough information to really have a conclusion. In the end, the real problem was the Keystone cops of Boulder, CO. They did not secure the scene. They let PR and JR tell them what to do. The fact that JR took control so immediately, is unusual to me.

There was a full moon that night, so I would think that there would have been enough light coming through the windows to not make the house pitch black.
There was a full moon that night, so I would think that there would have been enough light coming through the windows to not make the house pitch black.

I know that if the family was running around trying to figure out what to do, they would have had lights on. If there was someone in the house, they would have had to at least been very familiar with the home to break in the basement, go up to JBR's room, and take her back down to the basement with no lights on.

The Elizabeth Smart case was interesting, when the FBI was trying to nail down how many people had been in the house in the last month, the amount of people was staggering! They had parties, church members, friends, family, people working in the house, the number was over 100. I believe that the Ramsey home was even more, hadn't they had some sort of holiday open house?

From ABCs release of "The List" several observations were made. In no particular order:

In the Barbara Walters interview, in explaining how she felt in those first few days after the child's death. Patsy said, "You lose all perception of time and place. You'd just been dealt a horrible, crushing blow."

View attachment 279757

John stated after putting Burke to bed, he set the alarm and went to bed.

View attachment 279758

Why are JonBenet's pupils dilated? A flash of light was used when she's being photographed, correct? In bright light, pupils constrict to prevent too much light from entering your eyes. Other than medication, what would cause the dilatation as not all of her photos depict her with dilated pupils?

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I noticed he said he set the alarm and went to bed too. It definitely stood out. For me, if he was speaking of an alarm clock for in the morning he would have said something along the lines of, I went to bed set my alarm and went to/fell sleep. The way he stated it makes me think he meant the house alarm.
What got me was when the 911 operator spoke. IIRC she said that after Patsy had called in hysterics to 911 and told her abt the kidnapping, that instead of hanging up the phone right away Patsy says..'there, I've called the cops, now what do we do next', or something like that.

I was also shocked at how composed they were. When they were first being interviewed, it's like they had no emotion. jmo...it stuck me as very odd.

i never saw that in the first interview...what I saw was a woman who was so sedated she could barely speak without slurring her speech and keep her eyes open.

I will say....

I was completely at odds with her words and demeanor when she talked to the detectives in the taped interview; some people may have taken it as someone who is vehemently defending their innocence...and I did to until she smacked her hand on her lap (or chair I forget) and gritted her teeth saying “this whole thing has destroyed OUR lives”. Like she is pissed off that her daughter had the audacity to get murdered.
From ABCs release of "The List" several observations were made. In no particular order:

In the Barbara Walters interview, in explaining how she felt in those first few days after the child's death. Patsy said, "You lose all perception of time and place. You'd just been dealt a horrible, crushing blow."

View attachment 279757

John stated after putting Burke to bed, he set the alarm and went to bed.

View attachment 279758

Why are JonBenet's pupils dilated? A flash of light was used when she's being photographed, correct? In bright light, pupils constrict to prevent too much light from entering your eyes. Other than medication, what would cause the dilatation as not all of her photos depict her with dilated pupils?

View attachment 279759 View attachment 279760

I know he said he set the alarm...but my mind isn’t settled with “I said so”...if I am going to defend or eliminate someone from suspicion, or conclude or exclude an event or possible scenario...then I want proof.

I want the logs generated via the alarm system, or the logs generated at the monitoring service that show proof the system was set.

it’s evidence that can help prove or disprove a theory.
Final 10 minutes, MH revealed as suspect.


?"There was a person seen walking across the lawn the night of the murder"?
first I have heard of that... and Ive been following since the beginning.
well, darn...get a photo of this person "walking across the yard" and lets investigate. Sheesh

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