2008.06.16 James T. says he saw Caylee alive around Noon #1

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I would imagine that only a portion of the statement was released.

Or there was more than one interview.

Regardless, it would be nice to see that in the next document dump (where JT mentions the Walmart purchase)...which is expected within the week. Along with any other cooberating evidence from the Walmart citing. That ought to send JB to the local pub. Or straight to Strickland's office.

Can you imagine JB: "Judge...its not fair. The state keeps compiling more and more darning evidence against KC. Make them stop. It isn't fair..."

Yup - I can just see the defense reeling and having to regroup with each doc dump. Wonder how many dry erase erasers they've been thru? LOL!
I don't think James Thompson is credible for a number of reasons, which I want to go over if that is ok.

He stepped forward a year later, I have seen it being suggested maybe he went to LE last year already, but if that were the case I would guess Zenaida's lawyer would have wanted to question him, since he puts Caylee in the company of Casey in the afternoon of June 16 instead of being kidnapped by his client. Therefor I do think he only came forward this summer.

His statement is completely dressed up by current knowledge, and by him doing so he fails to mention the logical, for example;
He sees Casey in Wal-Mart and gets upset how Casey is a heartless mother for letting her child walk behind her 10 feet.
But at that time he did not knew Casey nor Caylee, it would be only logical to assume Caylee had a father, and that he would be right behind Caylee, Caylee maybe running/walking ahead of him to her mother.
Of course he knew on July 2009 there was no father Caylee's life, but he did not knew that on June 16 2008, yet while making all these observations, facial expressions and conclusions it never crossed his mind the father may be right behind them, he did not even check for this if only to make sure no male would get offended over him approaching Casey as was his initial plan.

Then the meeting at Wal-Mart, he says Casey walked out of the Wal-Mart at the point he was coming in, two people walking into a different direction goes by twice as fast as one person walking out time/interaction wise. It takes less then two seconds for two persons to walk past each others in a 8 meter hallway. So he was walking in, and she was walking out, he recognises her immediately, sees what kind of clothes she wears and decides he wants to approach her to ask if she succeeded in finding a monitor yet, but then he notices Caylee is not with her, and sees Caylee walking 10 feet behind Casey having to go through a door by herself (regardless if it opened automatically or not) . He feels sorry for the little girl, wonder why she isn't in school or daycare, and how sad it is her mother is not helping her, looking out for her. He notices Caylee looks angry and had a determined look on her face. He concludes Casey is a heartless woman which he did not need in his life, and based upon these observations he kept walking into Wal-Mart without stopping Casey to talk to her.
--All these thoughts and observations and his final conclusion about Casey upon which he based his decision to continue walking, must then have taking place in those 2 seconds in which Casey and he crossed paths, one going in and one going out of Walmart, that doesn't make any sense, imo.

The first encounter, same thing, also filled with knowledge he did not have back then.
He mentions how the mother was seemingly upset and jealous of the attention her daughter got.
James did not know if Casey was Caylee's mother, she could have been the baby sitter or taking her nice out for a day, He never mentions he asked Casey if Caylee was her daughter neither did he mention asking Caylee if Casey was her mother. He just assumed it, which may be a normal conclusion, woman with her child, but he did not knew. Of course he knew by the time he gave that statement.
Him mentioning the jealousy of Casey (even if he thought she was the babysitter) to me also looks like knowledge he gathered later on by Jesse's statements.
Like he himself claims she was such a pretty girl, why did he not assume she had a pretty husband sitting home who showered her with attention? Why would this pretty girl crave for his attention, the idea alone that he felt that way (plus the "I didn't need another heartless woman in my life) seems James is not in touch with reality.
For all he knew she was teaching her child never to accept gifts or candy from strangers, or did not approve of his selling techniques, why the instant thought of a jealous mother, it doesn;t make sense, imo.

Lee and others said Casey always carried her laptop around with her, but not when she went to James store? Per his statement he asked her if her laptop had an external video port, had the laptop been there he could have checked, it doesn't make much sense to me if Casey wanted to buy a monitor for her laptop with a stolen cheque that she would not bring her laptop into the store.

He claims he felt what he witnessed was not of importance, while it was all over the news that Caylee was missing since June 16 (June 9 even initially), did he not think that maybe Caylee had went missing that afternoon, because Casey wasn't paying attention to her, had her walk 10 feet behind her behind a closed door even? How could his knowledge not be of importance then?

He claims when he asked Caylee what her name was that she responded "Caylee". To my recollection George mentioned proudly in an interview whenever someone asked Caylee's name she would always say her full name "Caylee Marie Anthony". If the guy recalls a year later the girl mentions her name was Caylee and all the other details would he then not recall this little girl told him her full name?

Everything in his statement is dressed up with after the fact knowledge all his assumptions were right on the mark which makes him seem like a credible and observant witness, but to me it results in the opposite because all these things are not logical first instance assumptions for an outsider to have. IMO

Regarding KC's laptop - did she really have one of her own? I recall that she just used a laptop that actually belonged to CA? Did she have one of her very own?
I don't think James Thompson is credible for a number of reasons, which I want to go over if that is ok.

He stepped forward a year later, I have seen it being suggested maybe he went to LE last year already, but if that were the case I would guess Zenaida's lawyer would have wanted to question him, since he puts Caylee in the company of Casey in the afternoon of June 16 instead of being kidnapped by his client. Therefor I do think he only came forward this summer.

His statement is completely dressed up by current knowledge, and by him doing so he fails to mention the logical, for example;He sees Casey in Wal-Mart and gets upset how Casey is a heartless mother for letting her child walk behind her 10 feet.
But at that time he did not knew Casey nor Caylee, it would be only logical to assume Caylee had a father, and that he would be right behind Caylee, Caylee maybe running/walking ahead of him to her mother.
Of course he knew on July 2009 there was no father Caylee's life, but he did not knew that on June 16 2008, yet while making all these observations, facial expressions and conclusions it never crossed his mind the father may be right behind them, he did not even check for this if only to make sure no male would get offended over him approaching Casey as was his initial plan.

Then the meeting at Wal-Mart, he says Casey walked out of the Wal-Mart at the point he was coming in, two people walking into a different direction goes by twice as fast as one person walking out time/interaction wise. It takes less then two seconds for two persons to walk past each others in a 8 meter hallway. So he was walking in, and she was walking out, he recognises her immediately, sees what kind of clothes she wears and decides he wants to approach her to ask if she succeeded in finding a monitor yet, but then he notices Caylee is not with her, and sees Caylee walking 10 feet behind Casey having to go through a door by herself (regardless if it opened automatically or not) . He feels sorry for the little girl, wonder why she isn't in school or daycare, and how sad it is her mother is not helping her, looking out for her. He notices Caylee looks angry and had a determined look on her face. He concludes Casey is a heartless woman which he did not need in his life, and based upon these observations he kept walking into Wal-Mart without stopping Casey to talk to her.
--All these thoughts and observations and his final conclusion about Casey upon which he based his decision to continue walking, must then have taking place in those 2 seconds in which Casey and he crossed paths, one going in and one going out of Walmart, that doesn't make any sense, imo.
The first encounter, same thing, also filled with knowledge he did not have back then.He mentions how the mother was seemingly upset and jealous of the attention her daughter got.
James did not know if Casey was Caylee's mother, she could have been the baby sitter or taking her nice out for a day, He never mentions he asked Casey if Caylee was her daughter neither did he mention asking Caylee if Casey was her mother. He just assumed it, which may be a normal conclusion, woman with her child, but he did not knew. Of course he knew by the time he gave that statement.
Him mentioning the jealousy of Casey (even if he thought she was the babysitter) to me also looks like knowledge he gathered later on by Jesse's statements.Like he himself claims she was such a pretty girl, why did he not assume she had a pretty husband sitting home who showered her with attention? Why would this pretty girl crave for his attention, the idea alone that he felt that way (plus the "I didn't need another heartless woman in my life) seems James is not in touch with reality.
For all he knew she was teaching her child never to accept gifts or candy from strangers, or did not approve of his selling techniques, why the instant thought of a jealous mother, it doesn;t make sense, imo.

Lee and others said Casey always carried her laptop around with her, but not when she went to James store? Per his statement he asked her if her laptop had an external video port, had the laptop been there he could have checked, it doesn't make much sense to me if Casey wanted to buy a monitor for her laptop with a stolen cheque that she would not bring her laptop into the store.

He claims he felt what he witnessed was not of importance, while it was all over the news that Caylee was missing since June 16 (June 9 even initially), did he not think that maybe Caylee had went missing that afternoon, because Casey wasn't paying attention to her, had her walk 10 feet behind her behind a closed door even? How could his knowledge not be of importance then?

He claims when he asked Caylee what her name was that she responded "Caylee". To my recollection George mentioned proudly in an interview whenever someone asked Caylee's name she would always say her full name "Caylee Marie Anthony". If the guy recalls a year later the girl mentions her name was Caylee and all the other details would he then not recall this little girl told him her full name?

Everything in his statement is dressed up with after the fact knowledge all his assumptions were right on the mark which makes him seem like a credible and observant witness, but to me it results in the opposite because all these things are not logical first instance assumptions for an outsider to have. IMO

Deserved much more than just a click on the Thank You button!!

You have written (very well) what I have been trying to type in my responses in this thread since his statement came out! Too many details that just happen to fit perfectly with what the public knew about KC/Caylee by July 09, but NOT July 08!!!
I don't remember reading about the purchase in his witness statement, I hope LE is aware of this. Maybe they still can try to
see what is was she bought and was trying to conceal.

And in reading this part of the statement from him, it doesn't sound logical either....

He makes no reference to the fact that KC recognized HIM from the computer store, so who was she trying to "conceal" her purchase from?
Been away for a while and still catching up, sorry if this was already discussed.
This James T. place of work is in Maitland Fl 32751. His statement was taken on July 22, 2009. Why did he wait so long to make this statement? IMO, he knew about the case early on and if Caylee left such an impression on him back in June of 08, why did he not call LE right away? Or did he? Could this latest statement be a second one? I pray so, because that would be the only way to get the Walmart surveillance tape. Don't they erase/tape over the tape after 30 days? Would the crimes unit be able to retrieve the video anyone know
James, claims he saw Caylee and Casey at the Cassel Berry Walmart the day after father's day. I wonder how far that is from the Anthony home?

I have several other questions, it does not seem that this is the complete interview and if so, then a lot of question's were not asked that needed to be.
For Example:
Does James have surveillance in his store and if so did he turn that over to LE?
What was Caylee wearing?
What was Casey wearing?
What Walmart location?
Did Casey's phone ping near this location?
Was it not said that George saw Casey leave for work around 1pm that Monday?
Did LE follow the pings from this day and search the surrounding area?

How many bags did Casey have on her way out?
If he felt so bad for Caylee, why not help her open the door?
Did LE ever get the video from the Walmart and if so, what was Caylee wearing? Did she have on the shirt that spells out "Big Trouble"?
I totally agree with you. I think she was making all of those calls to get a babysitter for Caylee. If she had already made big plans with Tony, she wasn't about to let Caylee stand in her way.

I have to wonder about the flurry of calls- On June 7,8,or 9th, I believe, KC also made a flurry of calls, which had nothing to do with this. I believe the calls were made when CA was in Mt. Dora or at the beach with GA.
Hence, The flurry of calls could just have been KC's way of knowing if anyone was home, or looking for a place to hang out. Had there been an accident-and KC cared about Caylee at all, she would have rushed to the nearest hospital, screamed for neighbors to help, call 911, stop motorist. Nope- Nothing-Instead hide the body, and evidence, and carry on like the child never existed. I don't believe for a minute KC was calling for a babysitter- she already had a means of hiding the child while she partied for a long time.
I don't think James Thompson is credible for a number of reasons, which I want to go over if that is ok.

He stepped forward a year later, I have seen it being suggested maybe he went to LE last year already, but if that were the case I would guess Zenaida's lawyer would have wanted to question him, since he puts Caylee in the company of Casey in the afternoon of June 16 instead of being kidnapped by his client. Therefor I do think he only came forward this summer.

His statement is completely dressed up by current knowledge, and by him doing so he fails to mention the logical, for example;
He sees Casey in Wal-Mart and gets upset how Casey is a heartless mother for letting her child walk behind her 10 feet.
But at that time he did not knew Casey nor Caylee, it would be only logical to assume Caylee had a father, and that he would be right behind Caylee, Caylee maybe running/walking ahead of him to her mother.
Of course he knew on July 2009 there was no father Caylee's life, but he did not knew that on June 16 2008, yet while making all these observations, facial expressions and conclusions it never crossed his mind the father may be right behind them, he did not even check for this if only to make sure no male would get offended over him approaching Casey as was his initial plan.

Then the meeting at Wal-Mart, he says Casey walked out of the Wal-Mart at the point he was coming in, two people walking into a different direction goes by twice as fast as one person walking out time/interaction wise. It takes less then two seconds for two persons to walk past each others in a 8 meter hallway. So he was walking in, and she was walking out, he recognises her immediately, sees what kind of clothes she wears and decides he wants to approach her to ask if she succeeded in finding a monitor yet, but then he notices Caylee is not with her, and sees Caylee walking 10 feet behind Casey having to go through a door by herself (regardless if it opened automatically or not) . He feels sorry for the little girl, wonder why she isn't in school or daycare, and how sad it is her mother is not helping her, looking out for her. He notices Caylee looks angry and had a determined look on her face. He concludes Casey is a heartless woman which he did not need in his life, and based upon these observations he kept walking into Wal-Mart without stopping Casey to talk to her.
--All these thoughts and observations and his final conclusion about Casey upon which he based his decision to continue walking, must then have taking place in those 2 seconds in which Casey and he crossed paths, one going in and one going out of Walmart, that doesn't make any sense, imo.

The first encounter, same thing, also filled with knowledge he did not have back then.
He mentions how the mother was seemingly upset and jealous of the attention her daughter got.
James did not know if Casey was Caylee's mother, she could have been the baby sitter or taking her nice out for a day, He never mentions he asked Casey if Caylee was her daughter neither did he mention asking Caylee if Casey was her mother. He just assumed it, which may be a normal conclusion, woman with her child, but he did not knew. Of course he knew by the time he gave that statement.
Him mentioning the jealousy of Casey (even if he thought she was the babysitter) to me also looks like knowledge he gathered later on by Jesse's statements.
Like he himself claims she was such a pretty girl, why did he not assume she had a pretty husband sitting home who showered her with attention? Why would this pretty girl crave for his attention, the idea alone that he felt that way (plus the "I didn't need another heartless woman in my life) seems James is not in touch with reality.
For all he knew she was teaching her child never to accept gifts or candy from strangers, or did not approve of his selling techniques, why the instant thought of a jealous mother, it doesn;t make sense, imo.

Lee and others said Casey always carried her laptop around with her, but not when she went to James store? Per his statement he asked her if her laptop had an external video port, had the laptop been there he could have checked, it doesn't make much sense to me if Casey wanted to buy a monitor for her laptop with a stolen cheque that she would not bring her laptop into the store.

He claims he felt what he witnessed was not of importance, while it was all over the news that Caylee was missing since June 16 (June 9 even initially), did he not think that maybe Caylee had went missing that afternoon, because Casey wasn't paying attention to her, had her walk 10 feet behind her behind a closed door even? How could his knowledge not be of importance then?

He claims when he asked Caylee what her name was that she responded "Caylee". To my recollection George mentioned proudly in an interview whenever someone asked Caylee's name she would always say her full name "Caylee Marie Anthony". If the guy recalls a year later the girl mentions her name was Caylee and all the other details would he then not recall this little girl told him her full name?

Everything in his statement is dressed up with after the fact knowledge all his assumptions were right on the mark which makes him seem like a credible and observant witness, but to me it results in the opposite because all these things are not logical first instance assumptions for an outsider to have. IMO

It seems to me there are some assumptions being made here that don't seem logical to me. You state it would only be logical to assume that Caylee had a father and he would be right behind Caylee. Well, if Caylee is 10 feet back, then the father would be walking behind her, so the father is following KC by 20'? Not logical to me. And I too would think letting your 2 year old walk behind you by 10' was at best irresponcible. He had already stated he did not care for the way she treated Caylee when she was in his shop.

KC is quite distinctive looking and so not hard to recognize. She is a narcissist, and not likely to recognize him, because he is likely just another of the "Little People" to her.

Look how long it took the photographer to come forward with pics of OJ in the Bruno shoes...

Perhaps he assumed there was no husband waiting at home because she wasn't wearing a Ring???

I can completely understand why he felt the way he did about KC, not wanting another heartless woman in his life. Some people can just assess people faster than others.

You also assume that a 2 year old will answer what her name is the same exact way every time. This also does not seem logical to me.

Why didn't he open the door for Caylee? As you mentioned this all happened pretty fast, perhaps too fast to make a decision like that.

Whether his statement is true or not, I cannot say. However, I can see his statement in a completely different light, and so do not find fault with it for the reasons that are sited.
After watching the SA's in their court appearances ,and reading the depos of the Anthony's ,I have complete faith in their abilities.If they have JT on the witness list FOR the prosecution,it's for a good reason,IMO. I don't know what info they intend to get from him,but it would have to be important enough to risk throwing him to the defense wolves,so to speak.The defense can now depo him and cross examine him if the State calls him as a witness.The SA is not about to throw this case away on a flakey witness. Just my opinion.
After watching the SA's in their court appearances ,and reading the depos of the Anthony's ,I have complete faith in their abilities.If they have JT on the witness list FOR the prosecution,it's for a good reason,IMO. I don't know what info they intend to get from him,but it would have to be important enough to risk throwing him to the defense wolves,so to speak.The defense can now depo him and cross examine him if the State calls him as a witness.The SA is not about to throw this case away on a flakey witness. Just my opinion.

I agree JT seems very genuine to me, it's a shame he is being chastised along with Roy K. And we wonder why there are so many people who "just don't want to get involved anymore".:waitasec:
What I find intriguing about this witness are several facts. Most of all, he is on the SA's witness list. More important is what exactly has KC said to JB and crew about this witness. Did she deny it or confirm it? If she denies it (which I suspect she has) how did she account for her time to JB.

We all have been so focused on witnesses whereabouts, just what and where has KC accounted for her whereabouts to JB and crew? Now that is what I would love to see.

All the SA's witnesses, with exception of the A clan, have either be cleared by LE and polygraphs for their whereabouts and cleared from any involvement in assisting KC. So, for me, JB and ALyons have to jive their clients whereabouts with the phone pings and sightings with said phone pings. :doh: KC's word just won't do. And ugly coping won't work either.

Good luck with this JB ........ and no JB --, the cell phone companies involved have no dog in this fight, their documentation to LE is true and factual.
I don't recall anything in JT's testimony that indicates exactly how far away he was from KC and Caylee as they were exiting, only that he recognized them and decided not to approach them at the last minute. He could have been anywhere from ten to fifty feet away for all we know. Also of consequence in making his decision would be whether they were walking fast, the direction he was going and whether it would be awkward to turn around and chase her down. I think it's premature of us, without some kind of video, to assume location, direction, speed, etc. in analyzing his actions or lack thereof. I'm just happy the dude came forward at all and hope that he is of some use in pinpointing her whereabouts and establishing a tighter time line on Caylee's last-seen-alive status.
Perhaps it's actually the other way around; that his statement looks like it has been "dressed up," becouse of what WE know now.
Perhaps it's actually the other way around; that his statement looks like it has been "dressed up," becouse of what WE know now.

You are probably right. But he probably knows everything we know now, too, because the computer screen shot he was pointing to in his tv interview was one that one of our members posted here.
Not sure if this has been answered on this thread....how does this sighting fit in with the "flurry" of phone calls KC made that day that went unanswered? Weren't they around 1pm? Could she have died between the alleged WalMart sighting and the flurry of phone calls?
Bumping for reference and so we won't derail Bond's new Theory thread.
Don't forget JT's lunch hour was after 4pm, not noon. He must work until closing.
And in reading this part of the statement from him, it doesn't sound logical either....

He makes no reference to the fact that KC recognized HIM from the computer store, so who was she trying to "conceal" her purchase from?

If she bought something that she was going to give to Caylee, like adult cough medicine "Nighttime NyQuil", I believe Guilt would make her try to conceal it
Don't forget JT's lunch hour was after 4pm, not noon. He must work until closing.

Yeah, I don't know why this thread title says 'noon'. In the WESH video report they say 4pm is the estimated time he saw them at Walmart.
Yeah, I don't know why this thread title says 'noon'. In the WESH video report they say 4pm is the estimated time he saw them at Walmart.

IIRC, JT's the time of his sighting shifted a bit after the story was originally released.
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