2008.06.16 The girls and the "backpacks"

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I think the backpack was found in the car. It's car evidence, not crime scene evidence, IIRC. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

You are correct. There was no backpack with the body. WFTV made an error.
I think the backpack was found in the car. It's car evidence, not crime scene evidence, IIRC. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

You are correct. There is some confusion about that.

The items listed as coming from the car are listed as H-51975:
Page 2
Black plastic bag containing inside:
· Doll (Art # 3, Item # H-51975)
· Backpack (Art # 4, Item # H-51975)
· Childs tooth brush (Art # 5, Item # H-51975)
· Black leather bag ( Art # 6, Item # H-51975)
· Various papers (Art # 7, Item # H-51975)
· Dinner knife (Art # 8, Item # H-51975)
· Blue plastic crate (Art # 9, Item # H-51975)
· Plastic clothes hangers (Art #10, Item # H-51975 )

the items on page 42 have the same item number
Art # 1, Item # H-51975 (Sealed box)

From the evidence mentioned above I collected the following Items:
· Black plastic bag with yellow pull handles.
· Pull-ups “with flowers design” collected from the back pack “Adorable”
· Stainless steel knife

I don't think they would list evidence from the car and evidence from the remains site with the same numbers.
What I don't get is why would Ga even bother to mention the gas cans. To me that does not make any sense. It served no purpose except to shine a light onto something that could have just went away. The police where not going to go look for the gas cans. It could have been something that the family could have used against Casey if they were planning on trying to take custody of Caylee away from Casey. The was a police report filed and he could have just left it at that. By him bringing that up he just added more fuel to the fact that Casey's is not to be trusted. Plus it brings attention down on him since no one can verify his statement except Casey and why would anyone believe her, he just told us she steals and trys to get out of stuff.

It just don't see why he would bother with it at all, especialy if he was involved. Just my opinion.

I thought about that too. But his shed was broken into. At first he may not have thought it was Casey because the lock was broken. So he was correct in notifying them. TL did it. He smashed the lock with a tire iron....not good judgement...why not just buy her some gas? To further complicate this, there were no fingerprints left on the shed, door or lock.
To me- the first statement by KC that grabbed my attention was- the child missing for a month-
The second statement was- tat she dropped Caylee off at the nanny's sometime between 9-1

Okay- maybe 12-1- No wasy 9-1

Answers I've been looking for since day one-

Did she drop her off and go shopping at 9 before going to non-existant job?
Did she feed child breakfast before leaving house?
Did she feed child lunch before leaving house?
What was she doing prior to dropping child off?
Did child walk out of A's house on her own?
Did KC carry child out of house?
Was child awake?
Did child talk to GA?
Did GA kiss child goodbye?

I have not seen any of this addressed- Has anyone?

Also- who put Caylee to bed on the 15th? And at what time?
Forgive spelling- my old fingers don't type so well sometimes
To me- the first statement by KC that grabbed my attention was- the child missing for a month-
The second statement was- tat she dropped Caylee off at the nanny's sometime between 9-1

Okay- maybe 12-1- No wasy 9-1

Answers I've been looking for since day one-

Did she drop her off and go shopping at 9 before going to non-existant job?
Did she feed child breakfast before leaving house?
Did she feed child lunch before leaving house?
What was she doing prior to dropping child off?
Did child walk out of A's house on her own?
Did KC carry child out of house?
Was child awake?
Did child talk to GA?
Did GA kiss child goodbye?

I have not seen any of this addressed- Has anyone?

Also- who put Caylee to bed on the 15th? And at what time?

Hi Rev...it has all been addressed by US a thousand times, but I do not think it has come up in any of the evidence as ANSWERS. I know if it were ME and that was the last day I ever saw my CHILD I would recall every detail in vivid color and there would be no MURKY areas like "I dropped her off between 9 am and 1 pm". Who cannot recall what time it was the LAST time that they dropped their child off and never then saw them again because they were kidnapped?

George gave the wrong KIND of details for that day. He should have told us what the 2 girls were doing in the morning, when they had breakfast, etc. Instead he tells us this detailed account of EXACTLY what they were both wearing right down to the backpacks they were carrying? George is lying, and in light of this recent desire to commit suicide and leave this world, I think the pressure of those lies are becoming too much for him to deal with. It was one thing when they were not positive because Caylee had not been found, but now she HAS and where do they go from there with all those lies that have been told? Maybe to a motel at Daytona Beach...

Once again, has Casey's backpack ever been recovered-the one he claims she had on that day when she left? And was the "adorable" backpack we are seeing mentioned in the last week or so the one Caylee carried out the door? And was THAT ever found or is it still missing? I know it was a Dora backpack in the car that had the few diapers in it...so where are these other 2 backpacks that George detailed having seen them leave with on the 16th?
To me- the first statement by KC that grabbed my attention was- the child missing for a month-
The second statement was- tat she dropped Caylee off at the nanny's sometime between 9-1

Okay- maybe 12-1- No wasy 9-1

Answers I've been looking for since day one-

Did she drop her off and go shopping at 9 before going to non-existant job?
Did she feed child breakfast before leaving house?
Did she feed child lunch before leaving house?
What was she doing prior to dropping child off?
Did child walk out of A's house on her own?
Did KC carry child out of house?
Was child awake?
Did child talk to GA?
Did GA kiss child goodbye?

I have not seen any of this addressed- Has anyone?

Also- who put Caylee to bed on the 15th? And at what time?

Did she drop her off and go shopping at 9 before going to non-existant job?
LE never asked KC for further details surrounding this time period because they already knew by this time that there was no job.
Did she feed child breakfast before leaving house?
On which day? June 9th, KC & CA's first story? June15th, when the pics where discovered of Caylee from the nursing home visit by LE which then "sparked" CA's recollection? or June 16th, the day that GA claims to have been the last time he saw Caylee? Point being, never happened so pinning down a minute by minute, hour by hour account of something that never occurred would be a waste, huge waste.
Did she feed child lunch before leaving house?
Same answer as above.
What was she doing prior to dropping child off?
Same answer as the first question.
Did child walk out of A's house on her own?
Not likely but it wouldn't surprise me if the defense resorts to that claim.
Did KC carry child out of house?
Was child awake?

Wouldn't will all love to have the answer to that!!
Did child talk to GA?
Did GA kiss child goodbye?

From the "tale" that GA gives, based upon his flawless recollection of that day 31 days later and despite not having been the one to point out to CA (and KC) that she was only a week off on her date, he never mentions that, apparantly he was too captivated with his "cooking show".
Also- who put Caylee to bed on the 15th? And at what time?
CA claims (cough...cough)) that she tucked her girls in for nitie nite time, ahhh......(cough)
I started to wonder about the adorable backpack. The part of the word aDORAble convinced me to do a search. I found this. Is that a monkey on the backpack?

So, now I must conclude that yet another item George stated he saw with Casey and Caylee on the 16th was found in the car.
What if Caylee was not at the house on the 16th at all, and Casey came home to pick up some stuff, saw George and said something like, Oh, Caylee's in the car--She wanted to wear her favorite outfit, (whatever he ended up describing to LE,) and then she left, perhaps carrying the clothes and her backpack. He thinks he saw them both but really didn't. Casey was a master, (mistress?) of misdirection and manipulation. "No, Dad, don't get up, seeing you would just make Caylee upset after last night's fight."
I started to wonder about the adorable backpack. The part of the word aDORAble convinced me to do a search. I found this. Is that a monkey on the backpack?

So, now I must conclude that yet another item George stated he saw with Casey and Caylee on the 16th was found in the car.

I had posted this a few days ago - the little purpleish guy is Boots, Dora's monkey. My daughter is really into Dora and Boots is her very important helper/sidekick.
I started to wonder about the adorable backpack. The part of the word aDORAble convinced me to do a search. I found this. Is that a monkey on the backpack?

So, now I must conclude that yet another item George stated he saw with Casey and Caylee on the 16th was found in the car.

By Job I think you've got it! The Dora backpack WAS the Adorable backpack found in the car most likely. Good work and THANKS for the update! Now if we could find Casey's backpack...:)
I started to wonder about the adorable backpack. The part of the word aDORAble convinced me to do a search. I found this. Is that a monkey on the backpack?

So, now I must conclude that yet another item George stated he saw with Casey and Caylee on the 16th was found in the car.

But, George was already aware that this item was found in the car before he made that statement, correct?
I personally think that Casey took Caylee out of that house after their fight on the 15th, and that whatever happened to her happened that night. She spent the night somewhere else on the 15th, and no mention of Caylee with her...so I am thinking that whatever she did with her on the night of the 15th is what happened to Caylee...

magic-cat, I think you're on to something. Leaving home and taking Caylee with her immediately after the fight would mean Casey was in a very hateful, angry mood. That, to me, would be the time she would strike out to get back at her mom and dad sadly by killing her daughter, Caylee.
The next time we publically see Casey (the evening of the 16th) is in the video tapes of her and her boyfriend at the movie store. There is no Caylee in sight. So where was Caylee in order for Casey to be alone with her boyfriend?
I also see the June 9th date being tossed around in the initial part of this case as to when that was the last day any of them last saw Caylee as a ruse. They all definitely wanted to stay away from the June 15th, 16th dates. Until, ah-ha, a video shows Caylee with family members June 15.
Just my opinion when I look at the picture.
So, given that he knew these items had been found in the car, why when talking to LE and describing in detail what he saw them wearing and what not, did he not tell them "and I know this because when we cleaned the car out, we found the grey pants, the backpack, etc? Did he not think this might be important?
magic-cat, I think you're on to something. Leaving home and taking Caylee with her immediately after the fight would mean Casey was in a very hateful, angry mood. That, to me, would be the time she would strike out to get back at her mom and dad sadly by killing her daughter, Caylee.
The next time we publically see Casey (the evening of the 16th) is in the video tapes of her and her boyfriend at the movie store. There is no Caylee in sight. So where was Caylee in order for Casey to be alone with her boyfriend?
I also see the June 9th date being tossed around in the initial part of this case as to when that was the last day any of them last saw Caylee as a ruse. They all definitely wanted to stay away from the June 15th, 16th dates. Until, ah-ha, a video shows Caylee with family members June 15.
Just my opinion when I look at the picture.

I agree. They were all in lock step with the June 9th date and I can't let that go as just being forgetful.
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