2008.07.16 / 2008.07.25 / 2008.10.27 / 2008.11.04 Ricardo M. Interviews

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No, I was merely being facetious. I certainly wouldn't see anything nefarious with requesting photos of your child, just considering the circumstances though:

1. June 17th is a pretty significant date to request them

2. The pictures were from months earlier so she had plenty of time prior to express interest in them

3. They just happen to be the only photos known where Caylee is wearing the shirt that would later be found with her remains

Thank you for all your help today AZ and Joylanna:)

I agree with the BBM statement and I am considering the circumstances as well.
Perhaps there could have been something nefarious in Casey requesting these photos at this time?

By this I mean, Was Casey already putting together a Nanny story? She needed to find a place where the Nanny lived and part of that story involved JP's/Ric's apartment.

Caylee at the drums photo taken at their apartment and Casey leading Cindy to believe it is the Nanny's apartment...she did tell Cindy that both apartments were laid out the same.

Casey giving Cindy JP's/Ric's number as being the Nanny's number.

:twocents::crazy: I could be waaaay off
Could Cindy have called Casey or just "showed up" at Ricardos house and said "I am here Bring Caylee out to me now!!!!"? (When Ricardo woke up and saw that Caylee was gone) If Casey only left the bed for a minute or two, it would be more of a possibility that Ricardo wouldn't have "felt" Casey and Caylee leave the bed. If she was gone the whole time to drive Caylee home it would have been more likely he would have noticed they left. jmo

I've had a strange feeling about this since I first read about it. I don't think KC took Caylee home. First, CA would not get up in the middle of the night to go meet her...she may ring her phone off the hook but not physically go anywhere! Second, CA never would have stood for KC bringing Caylee home in the middle of the night and leave!

Which leaves me to my conclusion. I think KC was using the choloraform on Caylee all along. If she left the bed, went down to the parking lot, "put Caylee to sleep" and went back inside....she wouldn't have been gone very long at all.

There's a picture of Caylee that still haunts me. It's her, KC & another girl, Caylee in the middle and her eyes look like they have dark circles underneath them. KC has a candy necklace on....we all know what they use those for. JMO
Just started listening to the RM interview. Wow! When they were questioning him about Zanny the Nanny, one of the Detectives asked him a question that I'd never heard referenced to! When RM said that he had asked KC (when they began dating) what "Zanny" stood for, since all he'd heard was Zanny the Nanny, he said she told him Zeneida but can't recall if she gave him a last name.

Then, one of the Detectives said something along the lines of, "Did you have a chance to look at the childrens book that had "Zanny the Nanny" litered all through it?" RM answers, "No". Detective says, "No?"

Where have I been that I haven't picked up on this before now????
I agree with the BBM statement and I am considering the circumstances as well.
Perhaps there could have been something nefarious in Casey requesting these photos at this time?

By this I mean, Was Casey already putting together a Nanny story? She needed to find a place where the Nanny lived and part of that story involved JP's/Ric's apartment.

Caylee at the drums photo taken at their apartment and Casey leading Cindy to believe it is the Nanny's apartment...she did tell Cindy that both apartments were laid out the same.

Casey giving Cindy JP's/Ric's number as being the Nanny's number.


Right now, I'm thinking Very Nefarious!

My :twocents:, I think KC might have been planning something extremely heinous for her parents while she was still raging from the day before.

Remember the "Maybe I am a spiteful B*tch" comment? That seemed to be the first place KC went to for an explanation and I believe it's the closest we have to her motivation and what seemed to resonate with her. I think up until the July 15th 911 call, KC was singularly focused on this being between her and CA and possibly GA. When Lee painted the picture of what would happen when the police arrived, KC looked liked someone had just shaken her-as if she hadn't even thought about that part. Everything I've seen to date doesn't show KC fearing LE but rather CA.

I think KC had a plan to show CA just how spiteful she could be. For the record I believe those words were used by CA towards KC in their last fight-possibly after KC threatened to take Caylee with her if KC was kicked out. I think KC had been dwelling on those words for the past 31 days and it fueled the rage that took Caylee's life and I see echos of it in the Myspace postings between mother and daughter.

I can't come up with a kidnapping cover-up scenario that would make sense of KC requesting those particular photos. I personally don't see much of any cover up that would point to a kidnapping until the 911 call was placed. Ironically, CA appears to be the source of most of the kidnapping BS:waitasec:. It was Cindy that brought up the photos of RM's apartment possibly being Zanny's and KC quickly shut it down. And although KC was telling people about a Nanny, she was singing her praises and painting a picture of Caylee having an extraordinarily good time with the best Nanny ever! during the 31 days. Hardly a would-be murderer. KC didn't appear to be setting this person up as a fall guy but more as a delay tactic to explain Caylee's absence.

KC's anger may have dissipated the more she deluded herself with her new life and the more distance she put between herself and her old life. KC was moving on and she had achieved a certain level of comfort-just out of CA's reach. KC was rapidly losing the fuel to keep her white-hot rage burning and maybe a little reality or regret or doubt was setting in and eroding the justification that initially drove her. Without any external motivation, KC delayed dealing with the rotting corpse in the back of her car, coming up with a more thorough cover story, setting the details of her kidnapping story, picking up her car, high-tailing it outta town while she had the funds, dealing with CA's phone calls and in my theory, following thru with the final In Your Face revenge she had ultimately planned for the person she blamed for it all..

I see a very calculated purpose forming for the actions KC took in the critical hours before Caylee was murdered and continuing until at least the 17th. I believe she acted with the intent to be as cruel, vengeful and personal as possible. The choice of shirt, the duct tape across Caylee's mouth, sealed with a heart sticker and now possibly an attempt to locate these particular photos from RM, leave me no doubt that KC had(initially) set out with the intention of Caylee being found.

I think only KC and CA existed in their World and everything that played out was in direct response to the other. Killing Caylee was only part of the "spite" KC was gonna show CA. I think she didn't get to finish her Big Reveal because the rest of the world came knocking and neither of these women expected to have to answer to anyone else..

Right now, I'm thinking Very Nefarious!

My :twocents:, I think KC might have been planning something extremely heinous for her parents while she was still raging from the day before.

Remember the "Maybe I am a spiteful B*tch" comment? That seemed to be the first place KC went to for an explanation and I believe it's the closest we have to her motivation and what seemed to resonate with her. I think up until the July 15th 911 call, KC was singularly focused on this being between her and CA and possibly GA. When Lee painted the picture of what would happen when the police arrived, KC looked liked someone had just shaken her-as if she hadn't even thought about that part. Everything I've seen to date doesn't show KC fearing LE but rather CA.

I think KC had a plan to show CA just how spiteful she could be. For the record I believe those words were used by CA towards KC in their last fight-possibly after KC threatened to take Caylee with her if KC was kicked out. I think KC had been dwelling on those words for the past 31 days and it fueled the rage that took Caylee's life and I see echos of it in the Myspace postings between mother and daughter.

I can't come up with a kidnapping cover-up scenario that would make sense of KC requesting those particular photos. I personally don't see much of any cover up that would point to a kidnapping until the 911 call was placed. Ironically, CA appears to be the source of most of the kidnapping BS:waitasec:. It was Cindy that brought up the photos of RM's apartment possibly being Zanny's and KC quickly shut it down. And although KC was telling people about a Nanny, she was singing her praises and painting a picture of Caylee having an extraordinarily good time with the best Nanny ever! during the 31 days. Hardly a would-be murderer. KC didn't appear to be setting this person up as a fall guy but more as a delay tactic to explain Caylee's absence.

KC's anger may have dissipated the more she deluded herself with her new life and the more distance she put between herself and her old life. KC was moving on and she had achieved a certain level of comfort-just out of CA's reach. KC was rapidly losing the fuel to keep her white-hot rage burning and maybe a little reality or regret or doubt was setting in and eroding the justification that initially drove her. Without any external motivation, KC delayed dealing with the rotting corpse in the back of her car, coming up with a more thorough cover story, setting the details of her kidnapping story, picking up her car, high-tailing it outta town while she had the funds, dealing with CA's phone calls and in my theory, following thru with the final In Your Face revenge she had ultimately planned for the person she blamed for it all..

I see a very calculated purpose forming for the actions KC took in the critical hours before Caylee was murdered and continuing until at least the 17th. I believe she acted with the intent to be as cruel, vengeful and personal as possible. The choice of shirt, the duct tape across Caylee's mouth, sealed with a heart sticker and now possibly an attempt to locate these particular photos from RM, leave me no doubt that KC had(initially) set out with the intention of Caylee being found.

I think only KC and CA existed in their World and everything that played out was in direct response to the other. Killing Caylee was only part of the "spite" KC was gonna show CA. I think she didn't get to finish her Big Reveal because the rest of the world came knocking and neither of these women expected to have to answer to anyone else..


You have expressed the crux of this matter so well! Like GA said " It was an accident spiralling out of control. It wasn't! It was a battle royal of ANGER&
VENGEANCE spiralling out of control. Casey never thought past that CA would be broken hearted & contrite for pissing off Casey. Cindy was going the whole way to let Casey know who was the RULER of the CA/ KC show. None of them think very clearly!!!
OK...I see what's happening now. For kinda obvious reasons, we've got discussions running parallel on Ricardo's interview thread and the Computer Forensics thread.

I'm going to take a shot @ giving us a Ricardo's Computer Forensics thread to move things over and keep the original thread focused on the Anthony's computers.

Locking this one temporarily to get it done. Hang tight.

I'll also look for the previous thread where we discussed the shirt specifically as it relates to these pics. I don't know if we got any new pics of the shirt...just new information about the pics themselves...so the other thread maybe a good place to take up that convo again.
Discussion re: The Big Trouble shirt
Carry on here: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4978161#post4978161"]Caylee's "Big Trouble..." Shirt Incl. Photos *Merged* - Page 15 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Discussion re: Ricardo's Computer Forensics
Carry on here: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98864"]Ricardo's Computer Forensics - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Right now, I'm thinking Very Nefarious!

My :twocents:, I think KC might have been planning something extremely heinous for her parents while she was still raging from the day before.

Remember the "Maybe I am a spiteful B*tch" comment? That seemed to be the first place KC went to for an explanation and I believe it's the closest we have to her motivation and what seemed to resonate with her. I think up until the July 15th 911 call, KC was singularly focused on this being between her and CA and possibly GA. When Lee painted the picture of what would happen when the police arrived, KC looked liked someone had just shaken her-as if she hadn't even thought about that part. Everything I've seen to date doesn't show KC fearing LE but rather CA.

I think KC had a plan to show CA just how spiteful she could be. For the record I believe those words were used by CA towards KC in their last fight-possibly after KC threatened to take Caylee with her if KC was kicked out. I think KC had been dwelling on those words for the past 31 days and it fueled the rage that took Caylee's life and I see echos of it in the Myspace postings between mother and daughter.

I can't come up with a kidnapping cover-up scenario that would make sense of KC requesting those particular photos. I personally don't see much of any cover up that would point to a kidnapping until the 911 call was placed. Ironically, CA appears to be the source of most of the kidnapping BS:waitasec:. It was Cindy that brought up the photos of RM's apartment possibly being Zanny's and KC quickly shut it down. And although KC was telling people about a Nanny, she was singing her praises and painting a picture of Caylee having an extraordinarily good time with the best Nanny ever! during the 31 days. Hardly a would-be murderer. KC didn't appear to be setting this person up as a fall guy but more as a delay tactic to explain Caylee's absence.

KC's anger may have dissipated the more she deluded herself with her new life and the more distance she put between herself and her old life. KC was moving on and she had achieved a certain level of comfort-just out of CA's reach. KC was rapidly losing the fuel to keep her white-hot rage burning and maybe a little reality or regret or doubt was setting in and eroding the justification that initially drove her. Without any external motivation, KC delayed dealing with the rotting corpse in the back of her car, coming up with a more thorough cover story, setting the details of her kidnapping story, picking up her car, high-tailing it outta town while she had the funds, dealing with CA's phone calls and in my theory, following thru with the final In Your Face revenge she had ultimately planned for the person she blamed for it all..

I see a very calculated purpose forming for the actions KC took in the critical hours before Caylee was murdered and continuing until at least the 17th. I believe she acted with the intent to be as cruel, vengeful and personal as possible. The choice of shirt, the duct tape across Caylee's mouth, sealed with a heart sticker and now possibly an attempt to locate these particular photos from RM, leave me no doubt that KC had(initially) set out with the intention of Caylee being found.

I think only KC and CA existed in their World and everything that played out was in direct response to the other. Killing Caylee was only part of the "spite" KC was gonna show CA. I think she didn't get to finish her Big Reveal because the rest of the world came knocking and neither of these women expected to have to answer to anyone else..


ITA completely! I've thought this all along. Casey thought this was something that could be kept between her and her mom. She'd show mom Caylee's body and say something like "look what you made me do" and Cindy would just clean it up quietly, and they'd both go on with their lives. Or something like that.

She never imagined having to deal with any authority higher than her own mother - Cindy was the highest authority in her life, and she couldn't see past her own mother to society and the police making her pay for her crime. And Cindy was so used to cleaning up Casey's messes, she couldn't imagine losing control or not being able to do just that. She thought she could just make LE and everyone else do things her way only, and we can tell how shocked and angry she was when nothing went her way at all.

What a deluded, sick world Casey and her mother lived in that Casey thought she could kill her child and completely get away with it, and Cindy thought she could once again fix the problem and no one would ever know what a real monster her daughter was and how imperfect her family really was. Then again, that thinking lead to Casey and Cindy giving so much evidence that Casey will completely NOT get away with it and Cindy is TOTALLY going down with her.

I can definitely live with that. They are the gifts that keep on giving to their own demise, fortunately for Caylee.
Thats so dead on...But Cindy and Casey were "bestestest of friends" just makes me ill.
I have prayed for the longest time that Le would indite GA and CA for being an accompalise.
They knew all along and cared so little about this precious child.
I love my daughters, but I would feel the need to be the voice for my grand baby.I cannot see how they even have the nerve to mention her name...I would feel so lo for defending the murderer of my grand child.

There is no difference in my mind, to pretend Casey is innocent and not demand answers shows where their love was...it wasn't for Caylee ...the way CA has acted I don't believe she loved Caylee at all...she may have loved her..because it ate at Casey...but real love for Caylee would have demanded the truth...and would settle for nothing else....Cindy and George would take Casey back into their home as if nothing had happened...if LE would let her go....
That shows how sick and demented they all are...when they didn't demand to know the truth and would rather live the lie that was easier to believe ...then they became part of the cover-up.
Arrest them all.....GO GET LEE too...
Hello WS :)

Hope this is okay to bump.

On Friday, three people are set to be questioned under oath, including two sheriff's officials and Casey’s ex-boyfriend, Ricardo Morales.
Not to go off topic, but I think Casey knows who Caylee's father was. It sounds to me by reading her text messages, like she was easy to get in the sack.
In Ricardo's police interview 7/25/08, he mentions a Steve Jones that Casey use to go with the previous year. He said that he has been out to his house once, but didn't say that he actually met him. Is this a real person, or a figment of Casey's wacky imagination? I don't recall hearing that name before.He is talked about on pages 22-25...

In Ricardo's police interview 7/25/08, he mentions a Steve Jones that Casey use to go with the previous year. He said that he has been out to his house once, but didn't say that he actually met him. Is this a real person, or a figment of Casey's wacky imagination? I don't recall hearing that name before.He is talked about on pages 22-25...


I noted that they got to October 07 with Steve Jones, but never got to November with JG. This interview was horrible in my opinion. EE was in and out several times and obviously they had talked to him before this because they kept saying you said. Well the defense will have a lot more questions for him I am sure. I wonder if we will get to see defense depos ever. IMO
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