2008.07.25 Discuss Jail Visit with George & Cindy

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Her catching herself after saying Caylee was lucky to have had grandparents like them and then catching herself, reminds me of the "All they care about is getting Caylee back" remark...then she caught herself and said "and that's all I care about too. She does slip up from time from time, but she always catches herself.

:clap::clap::clap: Very telling though.

As they say, 'excited utterances', it is these initial statements that go to the truth and real character and then the back-track is to correct but an afterthought. Speaks volumes.
What's got me is the comment (paraphrasing here)

"You've been the best grandparents... I'm so glad Caylee had you guys....(then backtracking) That she STILL has you..."

(bolding mine, obviously)


That made me stop in my tracks.

Agreed! I caught that, too.
Okay I'm confused the video linked in this thread is the 3rd part of the July 25th interview with GA and CA..right?

In the 2nd part, what was all that business about Caylee getting a haircut? I have no clue what they were talking about but KC gets all annoyed saying no one cut Caylee's hair except KC and CA. Then CA asks KC when she got her haircut blah blah blah..anyone know what this was about

You're totally right-- I was getting confused about some things people were commenting on bc I hadn't heard them in this interview. I linked to the foxnews video. The wftv ones appear longer and also have much better quality-- I'm looking at them now. I am going to add those links to the first post. If there's a better video source to link to, let me know!! :)

For people watching the foxnews video I posted at the beginning of the thread, you might want to watch the videos available @ wftv-- more info and better quality! sorry!!
Family secrets................

Did anyone else notice in the begining of the first George and Cindy Anthony video;

Cindy - "We have been watching you for a while"
Casey - "Yeah I was talking with the Doctor"
CIndy-"We forgive everything you said"

and after a brief interruption with Casy trying to get the volume turned down on the phone

Casey-"I haven't said anything, don't worry."
It lead me to believe that Casey thought Cindy was referring to what she may have said to the doctor.
Part 1:

It aggravates the heck out of me how Casey never actually answers a question. Cindy is asking good questions and catching Casey in a lot of lies, but then Cindy accepts the lie and moves on. I think Cindy is afraid to confront Casey.

I found the question about someone being in the house to be interesting. It seems to tie in to Cindy's email saying that George denied coming home during his work hours on a particular day. We know that Casey had a habit of 'going off to work' and returning home after George left. Something Casey did left evidence of someone being in the house. My first thought was moving the pool ladder, but someone wouldn't have to have a key to the house to get into the backyard, would they?

Didnt LE do a search of Casey's room with a blacklight or infared light to detect bodily fluids or signs of DNA trace or evidence? When you made statement about "leaving evidence of someone being in the house", IMO I believe KC was with preoccupied with one of three people she had contact with prior to the "flurry of calls" those three people "AH, AL and JG , she texts JG, he texts back and then a quick call to AH, No more calls from 1:44pm till 2:52 when JG calls, Something has puzzled since her phone record were released and the the statement LA made about JG and KC still having relations. And she tells LA to stay away from JG theres something not right, maybe shes afraid of what might come out.
July 30th, KC to G&C A...

"We're gonna get our little girl back, and she's gonna be just as she was"....

Reminded me of Caseys interview in which the Det. said to KC Caylee wouldn't be found looking like she did...

OMG, I thought the exact same thing
Cindy..."Is there anything that we can do"?

KC..."Yeah, Look Locally, places that we're familiar with, it can't hurt"

WOW....Thanks for the Help KC

I'm not sure if this has been discussed but I can't understand why CA asked KC about the picture on the drums. I just wanted to scream at the monitor and be like listen if you already know where the pic was taken then why even tell your daughter that when you are trying to catch her in lies.

This whole business where everyone walks on eggshells around KC reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode that sent me to bed with nightmares as a child called "IT'S A GOOD LIFE".
Billy Mumy played a tyrannical child who whenever he didn't like someone had the power to "SEND THEM TO THE CORNFIELD" so everyone kisses up to him bigtime sweating it out until no one is left.
This was made in the early 60's I think.
The conversations between the A's and KC reminds me of a cross between the "bad seed" and this twilight zone episode anyway.

More trivia: The town they lived in was in Peaksville Ohio, and the boys name was Anthony!


I remember that episode

They also did a remake of that episode in "Twilight Zone The Movie" (Vic Morrow was killed in a Copter crash on the set)

In the remake the boy turned his entire family into Cartoons.
HUH? I have no clue about anything from the 60's. You think this is on youtube?
I don't know if the below article has been posted in this thread yet. I'm bringing it over from the Updates thread. A body language expert weighs in on first jail visit:

When George casually says "Hi gorgeous," to Casey, Cindy immediately puts her head on her husband's shoulder. This, says Dr. Glass, "indicates the family dysfunction. As soon as the father compliments the daughter, Cindy becomes jealous."

This whole business where everyone walks on eggshells around KC reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode that sent me to bed with nightmares as a child called "IT'S A GOOD LIFE".
Billy Mumy played a tyrannical child who whenever he didn't like someone had the power to "SEND THEM TO THE CORNFIELD" so everyone kisses up to him bigtime sweating it out until no one is left.
This was made in the early 60's I think.
The conversations between the A's and KC reminds me of a cross between the "bad seed" and this twilight zone episode anyway.

More trivia: The town they lived in was in Peaksville Ohio, and the boys name was Anthony!

Omg, that episode scared me when I was little. Thanks for the link, I'm going to watch it.
Did anyone else notice in the begining of the first George and Cindy Anthony video;

Cindy - "We have been watching you for a while"
Casey - "Yeah I was talking with the Doctor"
CIndy-"We forgive everything you said"

and after a brief interruption with Casy trying to get the volume turned down on the phone

Casey-"I haven't said anything, don't worry."
It lead me to believe that Casey thought Cindy was referring to what she may have said to the doctor.
Interesting that she talked to the shrink, but wouldn't tell her anything because she doesn't know this person. So why bother talking at all? One reason why it's so difficult to help sociopaths is because they often think they know more than the doctor. It doesn't surprise me that she refused to even open up to this person (doesn't she realize that they are bound by a code of ethics? Guess she's no THAT smart.)
Family secrets................

Another thing I noticed in the 2nd Interview is that Cindy asked Casey if she had spoken with the Physciatrist and Casey stated "everyday". Cindy then proceeded to ask her if she was able to open up to her at all. Casey responded "no" and it seamed Cindy was relieved. How could Casey speak with someone everyday and not be able to open up to them? What the heck would they be talking about EVERYDAY, the weather?
Interesting that she talked to the shrink, but wouldn't tell her anything because she doesn't know this person. So why bother talking at all? One reason why it's so difficult to help sociopaths is because they often think they know more than the doctor. It doesn't surprise me that she refused to even open up to this person (doesn't she realize that they are bound by a code of ethics? Guess she's no THAT smart.)

Just realized you posted this as I was posting mine, seams we are on the same page! lol

I am only into a few moments on the NG show about these tapes.

#1. Glad that she NEVER had a chance to see a line up or had a chance to make
a sketch artist do her bidding. It would have been disasterous for the person
who looked even remotely like the descriptions she was giving. The LE was
smart to never have to stepped into that pile of S**T.

#2. They are ACTING for us. They are the worst actors ever. They are trying to
look like they are passing pertenent information but really it is all just crap. They are colluding together to get their stories straight.

3. "I feel hopeless in here" as if getting out would solve this case?

#4 What caretaker would have EVERYTHING provided, car seat, shirt/shorts,
socks AND DIAPERS!!!!

#5. "What message do you want me to give the Nanny?" Tell Caylee if you talk to her to stay strong? Omg!!! Tell Caylee that Mommy loves her very much and to be brave?

This is all a set up for us to believe that the Nanny is going to call them. (They THINK that we are going to believe this) Wouldn't the LE be setting up a tap on their line and have them waiting by the phone if this was a viable kidnapping?!!!!!!!. This tape was showing how Casey and the Anthony's were trying to create their stories. They are trying to create their stories and get the details right so that they could all have a solid front. Under the vail of "we are here to support you", they were giving each other clues as to what each of their stories were going to be. Watch Cindy how she writes everything down.....this isn't for her to turn over to the LE and tell them that she has info on the Nanny. She was just trying to get the information that Casey has already fabricated so that she doesn't negate any of the lies she making up. In between it all, they laughed at how much attention they are already starting to generate. It is pure excitement for them

I love watching this all, it is simply unbelievable how they think they are spinning their concern and trying to pass information about their lies they are going to tell together.

Now Lee on the other hand.....I got to watch more on him.
I am on my way to the charger game. Go ahead with individual threads as people want to discuss. If it clogs up the forum we can always move them to the sticky forum later. Have fun and go chargers!!!

Ha I was there too!!!! Great Game!!!!
My take/highlights on the tapes:

Cindy: We forgive anything you've said.
Casey: I haven't said anything, don't worry!
[I'm amazed at how flip Casey sounds when she said this line.]
CA: It's okay to cry, Casey...It's okay to cry, love.

[Love? Sweetheart? Gag and barf.]

Any time they try pin Casey down on ANYTHING she immediately references Lee already having the information. "I gave Lee everything already."

Annie's alleged letter:
CA: I don't think I've given him Annie's letter yet.

[Huh? This undercover letter writing and passing really p*sses me off.]


Q: Why is GA so disengaged in this interview? Is he always like this?


Cindy (to me) looks DRUGGED. Absolutely!


Casey admits to Cindy that she pretty much hasn't been out of town at all.


"Tell Mom to keep breathing." [When she tells GA that she needs money to be placed in her jail account for phone calls]


Zani has "everything" for Caylee: carseat, socks, clothes, diapers. [After all, a kidnapper must be prepared.]


Cindy asks about the last day Casey saw Caylee:

Casey. "...the 16th..."


Casey admits she intended to go to Puerto Rico. Casey would not admit to making any reservations.


CA found menus at the house. Strange interplay about what CA and even JB must have asked about some stupid menus.

Check the 12:25 mark (on Part 2) when the screen goes to the last one minute. Casey makes this horrible sound and balls her fist. I'm really surprised no one has commented on the faces and sounds, she makes when she knows the camera is not on her. CHECK IT OUT! 12:25 mark.
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