2008.07.25 Discuss Jail Visit with George & Cindy

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Oh, man. I'm having a real hard time transcribing this even as fast as I can type and even with pausing.

This just slaps me hard in the face. Wow.

GA to KC --- “I want you out of here.” Then, “Can I share something with you? The longer long this drags on (KC interrupts) there’s going to be may be additional things that might hit everyone and I don’t want to get into that with you but it’s getting very, very crucial we’ve gotta get you out of here…if I could get you out of here right now I would, but I want Caylee back, too.

GA know that more charges are coming against all of them. All of them. They are involved in this up to their eyeballs and he know that all of them can/probably should face charges legally.

Then later:

“We’re trying everything we can to get the little girl back.” ??? The little girl’s name is CAYLEE! You’re GRANDDAUGHTER! Pardon the yelling but these pair of non-parents are treating this b with an itch daughter of theirs with kid gloves.

"That little girl" has a name. Her name is Caylee. Caylee Marie Anthony. Your granddaughter.
Bold and red is mine above. could George be referring to the money scam that he got caught up in where he lost a lot of the family savings?
This is so confusing to me I can't keep it straight and I am an accountant with very regimented thought processes! :crazy:

When is the DS or Playstation or Wii version coming out??? .
Respectfully snipped...and Dutchie treat....I am just about pi$$ing my pants over your game idea! I think it would be best on a 'grand theft auto' kind of platform. What say you? Thanks for the laugh Dutchie~!:blowkiss:
She is so flippant with GA.

And she basically admits that she can't open up to the psychiatrist/psychologist ... in Anthony talk, basically lying.
at the very end of this after G and C leave, KC is wiping away tears and it's almost like once she realizes they are gone, she "snaps" out of it and immediately goes to her hair to make sure it looks it's best and there are no tears, just Calm cool collected.
Oh, man. I'm having a real hard time transcribing this even as fast as I can type and even with pausing.

This just slaps me hard in the face. Wow.

GA to KC --- “I want you out of here.” Then, “Can I share something with you? The longer long this drags on (KC interrupts) there’s going to be may be additional things that might hit everyone and I don’t want to get into that with you but it’s getting very, very crucial we’ve gotta get you out of here…if I could get you out of here right now I would, but I want Caylee back, too.

GA know that more charges are coming against all of them. All of them. They are involved in this up to their eyeballs and he know that all of them can/probably should face charges legally.

Then later:

“We’re trying everything we can to get the little girl back.” ??? The little girl’s name is CAYLEE! You’re GRANDDAUGHTER! Pardon the yelling but these pair of non-parents are treating this b with an itch daughter of theirs with kid gloves.

"That little girl" has a name. Her name is Caylee. Caylee Marie Anthony. Your granddaughter.

Re: the first half of your post about additional charges... I am SO on the fence with this one. One day I'm just sure this family has helped KC cover-up her crime. The next day I see them as victims

But re: the 2nd half of your post about them not using Caylee's name. This is a major peeve for me! The Ramsey's did this too. I would swear that after JonBennet's death, they had her name legally changed to "That Child".

The Ramey's also spoke in "third person" when relating events. I've caught George doing this to. This bugs me like fingernails on a chalkboard.
It's so funny that the whole crying section of her talking to GA deals only with her not being at home (except for the beginning where GA says that the house is empty without her and Caylee).
Casey tells lies, Cindy tries to spin them into the storyline. I get that, it's how they've always operated.

I want to know what it is that George and Cindy know to make them buy this BS enough to spin. Remember, if you catch yourself saying "There's no way in the world I'd buy this garbage, this is what I'd say....." is the moment you have to remember that these aren't stupid people. They know what "normal" people would do. SO WHY AREN'T THEY DOING IT??

They go to the polar opposite: Casey lies--parents spin lies into a story. Cindy asks questions--Casey attacks to get her to back down. George placates--Casey has crocodile tears and Cindy takes control again. Lee acts as the errand boy to prove he's important--Casey flirts, Cindy leans on him, and George is pushed to the background.

People who challenge the Anthony family are discarded. The "silent treatment" game is played on anyone who is not going to follow orders on how this story is going to be told. Lies are forwarded as truths because of a defiant stance that it doesn't matter what the truth is, THIS is the story they're giving you. They stand and act as one: The Anthony's are "stronger than ever" and all should be wary.

Because the only girl they've know is one who lies to them. They think this is real. They don't realize that there is no "there" there.
Does anyone have any idea of what makes the Anthonys so much more important that they feel like they have to speak in code, can't reveal anything to anyone that could possibly "right the wrong" that's been done to family? Did anyone ever hear about the Anthony family before all this?

Sorry I should put this in the rant thread but for the love of pete, what makes this damn family so important and special (besides the mental illness/deficiencies/sociopathies that they all suffer from) that they believe they are being targeted and are victims?
Yeah! And she mouths something like "one more minute" -- I think you're right and she's like making that unhinged sound bc she's frustrated. She sounds like a My Little Pony on crack.

I'm fed-up with GA playing the "poor me" thing. "I wish I was a better father and grandfather" and KC telling him (ego-boosting) all about how he was.

Yes. He should have been a better father and grandfather.


I saw that whole thing as a GA attempt to guilt trip her into talking by describing how hurt he is and how sweet Caylee was...

Nice try. Doesn't work with sociopaths.

Try this: KC I want to do everything to help YOU. What do YOU need? Im worried about YOU. Do YOU need anything? After about 3-4 years of daily submissive statements, MAYBE she'll throw you a bone. MAYBE
So if KC has known Zanni for 2 years, and knows her family, friends, room-mates etc... how is it that she doesnt know if JG knows ZFG? When she says that "in her gut" JG should not be trusted is she seriously trying to suggest that JG, ZFG, Samantha and the Gang of Toddlers are all in CAHOOTS???????????

She sure is making this up as she goes along. Its just so STOOOPID that it can't have been planned. And CA just buys into all this nonsensical, cryptic CRAP... soooo disfunctional its just nuts...

That SippyCupGang is very well known for their propensity to be in cahoots; this is a documented fact, I'm pretty sure.

My favorite was the comparing the reward money amount to her bond amount. Pssst, here is a clue honey, if they can find your child you won't need that pesky bond. If she is alive no murder charge, if she is dead no bond.

Isn't she something?

Your mother tells you how much the reward is for the return of your child and you immediately compare it with your bond???

KC has a black heart and black soul. This is all about her. She only cries for herself not Caylee.

CA asks KC if there is any message she wants to give to Caylee since I'm in front of the cameras all the time. Just tell her I love her and miss her, that's a constant???

That mommy loves her very much, and she`s the most important thing in this entire world to me and to be brave.

Then when GA tells KC he wishes he was a better father/grandfather, KC talks in past tense always. She was lucky to have had you as grandparents. Caylee's been so lucky. Then catches herself and states, and still has the best grandparents.

These tapes are very telling in regards to Caylee. She's gone. I wonder why the A's never asked KC about the smell in the car. They eat her BS with grace. How do you accept what she states as fact??

Why would this babysitter have a key to the A's home? I don't get this.

Why doesn't she want OCPD to investigate?

Why is she trying to make JG look bad? He was the only one who treated her with respect and treated Caylee as his own. Why is she trying to implicate him? What could he know???

And with Amy, you know, I mean, I feel guilty about that. I feel extremely guilty. But I was under a time of desperation. GA asks her to claify what do you mean by desperation? She then avoids that question to say their converstations are being recorded...I understand sweetie???

Who the heck cares that she ate coleslaw or bologny sandwiches. If she's eating regularly...Who gives a damn. Caylee will never taste another piece of food. She will never be held, kissed...this just pizzes me off. It's all about KC and her parents treat her like a 12 y/o...she must take responsibility for Caylee's demise. I can't wait for her to be sentenced and spent the rest of her sorry life in jail. I want her in with the population. She will then get a taste of jailhouse justice, they don't take to child killers in jail...:behindbar She will get her just desserts then...

I am only into a few moments on the NG show about these tapes.

#1. Glad that she NEVER had a chance to see a line up or had a chance to make
a sketch artist do her bidding. It would have been disasterous for the person
who looked even remotely like the descriptions she was giving. The LE was
smart to never have to stepped into that pile of S**T.

#2. They are ACTING for us. They are the worst actors ever. They are trying to
look like they are passing pertenent information but really it is all just crap. They are colluding together to get their stories straight.

3. "I feel hopeless in here" as if getting out would solve this case?

#4 What caretaker would have EVERYTHING provided, car seat, shirt/shorts,
socks AND DIAPERS!!!!

#5. "What message do you want me to give the Nanny?" Tell Caylee if you talk to her to stay strong? Omg!!! Tell Caylee that Mommy loves her very much and to be brave?

This is all a set up for us to believe that the Nanny is going to call them. (They THINK that we are going to believe this) Wouldn't the LE be setting up a tap on their line and have them waiting by the phone if this was a viable kidnapping?!!!!!!!. This tape was showing how Casey and the Anthony's were trying to create their stories. They are trying to create their stories and get the details right so that they could all have a solid front. Under the vail of "we are here to support you", they were giving each other clues as to what each of their stories were going to be. Watch Cindy how she writes everything down.....this isn't for her to turn over to the LE and tell them that she has info on the Nanny. She was just trying to get the information that Casey has already fabricated so that she doesn't negate any of the lies she making up. In between it all, they laughed at how much attention they are already starting to generate. It is pure excitement for them

I love watching this all, it is simply unbelievable how they think they are spinning their concern and trying to pass information about their lies they are going to tell together.

Now Lee on the other hand.....I got to watch more on him.

EXACTLY! Thank you for clarifying what I was feeling. I couldn't put the insanity of this tape into words. After it was all finished, I felt like they were just "SCAMMING" everyone. It was like some kind of freaky production.:eek::eek::eek:
Well, I'm floored. Watching Cindy look piercingly at Casey and ask if the drum set photo of Caylee was taken at "Zannys" apt was disturbing. The disturbing part was watching Casey look at her Mom, imo, as if she's nuts. Throughout this visit I see Cindy looking for some secret clue, hatch door...Ricardo, Ricardos apt, the drum set, Amy...those mind-benders, Casey seems to shoot down.

But Jesse? Casey throws him under the stink-mobile with the squirrels...

It's pretty bad, imo, when Casey Anthony looks at someone else like they're nuts! Says alot about Cindy to me...
So she has been talking to the therapist daily in jail,but,oh,she couldn't open up.....I wonder why
Hmmm ... she doesn't want to talk to Det. Melich or Allen .... BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT BUYING WHAT SHE'S SELLING!! They have called her on the carpet, on all her lies, challenged her and now she doesn't like them.
Casey tells lies, Cindy tries to spin them into the storyline. I get that, it's how they've always operated.

I want to know what it is that George and Cindy know to make them buy this BS enough to spin. Remember, if you catch yourself saying "There's no way in the world I'd buy this garbage, this is what I'd say....." is the moment you have to remember that these aren't stupid people. They know what "normal" people would do. SO WHY AREN'T THEY DOING IT??

They go to the polar opposite: Casey lies--parents spin lies into a story. Cindy asks questions--Casey attacks to get her to back down. George placates--Casey has crocodile tears and Cindy takes control again. Lee acts as the errand boy to prove he's important--Casey flirts, Cindy leans on him, and George is pushed to the background.

People who challenge the Anthony family are discarded. The "silent treatment" game is played on anyone who is not going to follow orders on how this story is going to be told. Lies are forwarded as truths because of a defiant stance that it doesn't matter what the truth is, THIS is the story they're giving you. They stand and act as one: The Anthony's are "stronger than ever" and all should be wary.

I have been pondering this very intelligent question. The answer I come up with is because doing the "normal" thing wouldn't benefit them. I'm not a Dr. Phil fan person, but I do remember him saying before that people don't do things without a payoff. People do what works. Many times it doesn't look like it's working but they're getting something. Or something like that anyway.

And now I'm going to go ponder this somemore.
I never thought I would say this but.....poor George,he is really trying............
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