2008.07.25 Discuss Jail Visit with George & Cindy

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Cindy really perked up again when KC threw Jesse under the bus. What a woman!

Something significant to note: Around July 13 IIRC, Casey sent Jesse a text telling him not to take any phone calls from her mother. He was clearly in her trust. And then,as soon as she was busted, Casey warned Cindy not to have anything to do with Jesse. There is a reason that Casey was desperate to keep Cindy and Jesse apart.

I have to wonder if Casey accidentally gave Jesse some sort of clue that she's worried could lead LE or CA to Caylee. I mean, her first priority after her arrest was to drive a wedge between Cindy and Jesse. (I'm not suggesting Jesse's intentionally withholding information; I'm suggesting that he saw or heard something that he paid no attention to at the time and doesn't even remember. But Casey does and she is/was worried.)

Sorry, I forgot a few:

Casey claims she was under "time of desperation" as to why she stole from AH.

Cindy says she was "threatened" by Melich regarding LE going to the nursing home to see Mr. Plesea.

Some story about "on a boat" and ZFG. Huh? I just want to smack the cryptic right outta them all.

Officer/Detective Happy Wells allegedly spoke with Casey for 3-4 hours. I'd love to know what he told him.
Very interesting observations!! I added my own little comments in red. :woohoo:
My take/highlights on the tapes:

Cindy: We forgive anything you've said.
Casey: I haven't said anything, don't worry!
[I'm amazed at how flip Casey sounds when she said this line.]
I agree-- she doesn't understand how inappropriate her responses are-- AT ALL. I'm actually surprised that her grasp on appropriate emotional behavior is THIS shallow. I don't think she experiences normal human emotion, but I thought she had a lot more cognitive empathy than she does. She's just horrifying!!
CA: It's okay to cry, Casey...It's okay to cry, love.

[Love? Sweetheart? Gag and barf.]

Any time they try pin Casey down on ANYTHING she immediately references Lee already having the information. "I gave Lee everything already."

Annie's alleged letter:
CA: I don't think I've given him Annie's letter yet.

[Huh? This undercover letter writing and passing really p*sses me off.]


Q: Why is GA so disengaged in this interview? Is he always like this?
I think he appears this way because Cindy is generally holding the phone, so I think only Cindy can hear Casey. George can hear that Cindy is apparently engaging Casey in these recurring and futile conversations about eating and her daily life, etc. So he's probably reacting this way bc he's shut-out and annoyed by his daughter's obvious and complete lack of concern with finding Caylee.

Cindy (to me) looks DRUGGED. Absolutely!


Casey admits to Cindy that she pretty much hasn't been out of town at all.


"Tell Mom to keep breathing." [When she tells GA that she needs money to be placed in her jail account for phone calls]


Zani has "everything" for Caylee: carseat, socks, clothes, diapers. [After all, a kidnapper must be prepared.]
Yeah, that made no sense to me either. Like, this nanny supposedly had purchased an entire wardrobe for Caylee and everything she needed. Ok, Casey.

Cindy asks about the last day Casey saw Caylee:

Casey. "...the 16th..."


Casey admits she intended to go to Puerto Rico. Casey would not admit to making any reservations.


CA found menus at the house. Strange interplay about what CA and even JB must have asked about some stupid menus.
This was very strange. I think it's potentially significant in that it shows the complete lack of insight Casey has. I think Cindy and JB were fixated on the menus because they thought they could show that Casey was planning her meal schedule for Casey and Caylee during the 31 days-- maybe Caylee wasn't really kidnapped, or maybe Casey was being a responsible mother and planning out their grocery/meal schedule because she was raising Caylee without Cindy's help during this time period. Then, theoretically, Caylee was stolen from her.
Casey is such a selfish monster that she can't even clue into why the menus could matter and why it would be wise to at least pretend she was contemplating her daughters' meals. Instead she is really excited to point out that while her daughter was supposedly abducted, she had decided to embark upon a grueling personal fitness regimen, aspiring to rise at 5am to work out and planning to eat only healthy food. Congratulations, Casey.


Check the 12:25 mark (on Part 2) when the screen goes to the last one minute. Casey makes this horrible sound and balls her fist. I'm really surprised no one has commented on the faces and sounds, she makes when she knows the camera is not on her. CHECK IT OUT! 12:25 mark.
Re: the strange noise-- I didn't notice this when I first watched!! It's STRANGE?? Is she getting upset bc the time is ending? Does she want a cigarette or something? Are they allowed to smoke?? She seems really keyed up about something. It's very odd! Thanks for pointing out!!
Very interesting observations!! I added my own little comments in red. :woohoo:

Re: the strange noise-- I didn't notice this when I first watched!! It's STRANGE?? Is she getting upset bc the time is ending? Does she want a cigarette or something? Are they allowed to smoke?? She seems really keyed up about something. It's very odd! Thanks for pointing out!!

To me, it's diabolical! It could be that she's grimacing because her time is coming up and the screen pops up. But since she's been questioned during this period and then the screen interrupts it, to me, it's like she's frustrated with the questioning and gritting her teeth, makes noise, raises her fist and then gathers her composure.
To me, it's diabolical! It could be that she's grimacing because her time is coming up and the screen pops up. But since she's been questioned during this period and then the screen interrupts it, to me, it's like she's frustrated with the questioning and gritting her teeth, makes noise, raises her fist and then gathers her composure.

Yeah! And she mouths something like "one more minute" -- I think you're right and she's like making that unhinged sound bc she's frustrated. She sounds like a My Little Pony on crack.
I'm not seeing it that way. I think Cindy is trying every way she can find to ask questions about what happened without actually accusing Casey of anything. She afraid Casey is going to clam up. I think that's the real reason there are no more visits, Casey doesn't want to play the game anymore.

I agree, Chilly.

Tonight, as I watched Cindy and Casey interact in that first tape, I sensed the tightrope Cindy has been trained (by Casey) to use. I'll bet when Casey was young and Cindy first started catching her in lies, Cindy tried to come down hard on Casey and instead of getting the truth from Casey, all she got was defiance and obstinance. BUT if Cindy talked to her nicely, and reasoned gently with her, she could at least get Casey to talk, and then she stood a chance of eventually getting to the truth.

The rule was established way back then by Casey, and the rule is: "Mother, you have to talk to me real sweetly, for a long time, if you want me to tell you what you want to know. BUT, don't you try getting tough with me, because you won't get anywhere and I'll get just as tough with you!"

I also marvelled at how little provocation it took to make Casey turn hostile, i.e., (Cindy's comment about loving Caylee, provoked an icy Ilove her too.
Casey was firing a "warning shot" with that tone, which then caused Cindy to quickly and obediently become double-gentle.
Whining, "I just want to go home. I just want to go home. Every day I just wake up hoping and praying that I get to go home."

Your child. Your child. Your child. Remember her? Yeah.

I wonder--to whom does she pray?
Nancy botwin: Casey says ZFG straightens her hair. She reminds Cindy that ZFG gave Casey her hair straightener. (*an appeal to try to make Cindy imagine she knows that ZFG is real, IMO)

That is actually one of the more clever things she has done.

And Cindy falls right into place with her responce. "Yeah. That's true."
I'm not sure if this has been discussed but I can't understand why CA asked KC about the picture on the drums. I just wanted to scream at the monitor and be like listen if you already know where the pic was taken then why even tell your daughter that when you are trying to catch her in lies.


Coley, great question!

Here's what I think. CA was speaking in code. She wanted KC to reveal the true identity of Zanni. Remember when CA was being interviewed by LE and said that she thought that Zanni could either be AH or JG? Well I believe that when CA said "IS THAT ZANNI'S APPARTMENT? BECAUSE I KNOW WHO'S APPARTMENT THAT IS" - she was trying to get KC to confirm that yes, Zanni was in fact AH, RM or JP.

If KC had said "YES MOM, THAT IS ZANNI'S APPARTMENT" then it would be clear that they were going in the right direction with their suspicions. But no, KC realised that was where CA was going and nixed the idea...

did any of that make sense? :crazy:
yes.....I agree....CA was asking that about zannys apart....because she new who the apart really belonged to....and she wanted to find out who the zanny nanny really was....someone in that apartment....because KC had told her that the pic was zanny apartment awhile back....before all this went down.....
OMG. She doesn' want "just one person running errands for her" that she "doesn't even talk to"???

LE are "people who run errands" for her?!?!?

Seriously, there are just no words...
So if KC has known Zanni for 2 years, and knows her family, friends, room-mates etc... how is it that she doesnt know if JG knows ZFG? When she says that "in her gut" JG should not be trusted is she seriously trying to suggest that JG, ZFG, Samantha and the Gang of Toddlers are all in CAHOOTS???????????

She sure is making this up as she goes along. Its just so STOOOPID that it can't have been planned. And CA just buys into all this nonsensical, cryptic CRAP... soooo disfunctional its just nuts...
Part 1:

It aggravates the heck out of me how Casey never actually answers a question. Cindy is asking good questions and catching Casey in a lot of lies, but then Cindy accepts the lie and moves on. I think Cindy is afraid to confront Casey.

I found the question about someone being in the house to be interesting. It seems to tie in to Cindy's email saying that George denied coming home during his work hours on a particular day. We know that Casey had a habit of 'going off to work' and returning home after George left. Something Casey did left evidence of someone being in the house. My first thought was moving the pool ladder, but someone wouldn't have to have a key to the house to get into the backyard, would they?

This fits in with KC's explanation that "she" (we don't know who "she" is right now although I personally speculate she meant AH) has a key to the house.

She deflects any possible finger pointing her way for having been in the house and perhaps taken things (food??? money??? laptop???) I think KC had been stealing a LOT of things from GA and CA and not just money.

I can't believe CA said "You wouldn't have to work". WTF??? And do what for money? Keep on stealing??? That's just insane...
I noticed right off the bat in the first conversation, CA asking if she saw the TV or read newspapers to see if KC knew what was being said about her in the media, and I was so glad to hear KC answer that no she doesn't, but she does hear it from the people in the jail. I hope everyone is giving her a hard time there and making her miserable life even more so.
Casey tells lies, Cindy tries to spin them into the storyline. I get that, it's how they've always operated.

I want to know what it is that George and Cindy know to make them buy this BS enough to spin. Remember, if you catch yourself saying "There's no way in the world I'd buy this garbage, this is what I'd say....." is the moment you have to remember that these aren't stupid people. They know what "normal" people would do. SO WHY AREN'T THEY DOING IT??

They go to the polar opposite: Casey lies--parents spin lies into a story. Cindy asks questions--Casey attacks to get her to back down. George placates--Casey has crocodile tears and Cindy takes control again. Lee acts as the errand boy to prove he's important--Casey flirts, Cindy leans on him, and George is pushed to the background.

People who challenge the Anthony family are discarded. The "silent treatment" game is played on anyone who is not going to follow orders on how this story is going to be told. Lies are forwarded as truths because of a defiant stance that it doesn't matter what the truth is, THIS is the story they're giving you. They stand and act as one: The Anthony's are "stronger than ever" and all should be wary.
Oh, man. I'm having a real hard time transcribing this even as fast as I can type and even with pausing.

This just slaps me hard in the face. Wow.

GA to KC --- “I want you out of here.” Then, “Can I share something with you? The longer long this drags on (KC interrupts) there’s going to be may be additional things that might hit everyone and I don’t want to get into that with you but it’s getting very, very crucial we’ve gotta get you out of here…if I could get you out of here right now I would, but I want Caylee back, too.

GA know that more charges are coming against all of them. All of them. They are involved in this up to their eyeballs and he know that all of them can/probably should face charges legally.

Then later:

“We’re trying everything we can to get the little girl back.” ??? The little girl’s name is CAYLEE! You’re GRANDDAUGHTER! Pardon the yelling but these pair of non-parents are treating this b with an itch daughter of theirs with kid gloves.

"That little girl" has a name. Her name is Caylee. Caylee Marie Anthony. Your granddaughter.
So if KC has known Zanni for 2 years, and knows her family, friends, room-mates etc... how is it that she doesnt know if JG knows ZFG? When she says that "in her gut" JG should not be trusted is she seriously trying to suggest that JG, ZFG, Samantha and the Gang of Toddlers are all in CAHOOTS???????????

She sure is making this up as she goes along. Its just so STOOOPID that it can't have been planned. And CA just buys into all this nonsensical, cryptic CRAP... soooo disfunctional its just nuts...

I thought Casey said she's known ZFG for four years.
Another thing I noticed in the 2nd Interview is that Cindy asked Casey if she had spoken with the Physciatrist and Casey stated "everyday". Cindy then proceeded to ask her if she was able to open up to her at all. Casey responded "no" and it seamed Cindy was relieved. How could Casey speak with someone everyday and not be able to open up to them? What the heck would they be talking about EVERYDAY, the weather?

Unless that information about those sessions comes from jail authorities or is otherwise verified, I do not believe it.

I would tend to translate Casey's statement about seeing that Dr. on a daily basis from Antonese back into English:

"I am seeing a shrink everyday even though I have done nothing wrong and I do not need psychiatric help.
But, If I have done something really really horrendously wrong you don't need to get into the subject because I am seeing a shrink already and that's a professional which you absolutely aren't."
This is so confusing to me I can't keep it straight and I am an accountant with very regimented thought processes! :crazy:

How can SHE (KC) keep her stories straight? Does she keep notes in her jail cell about whom she told what to?

When is the DS or Playstation or Wii version coming out??? Instead of the Ace Detective series they can put this straight to graphics. There are so many twists and turns and every time you click on a personage in the story he or she tells a complete different version according to whom you've recently come into contact with and the way you choose to go through the different locations. It would be a bestseller because you'd never get enough clues to actually solve the case.

It sounds like I'm being facetious but it's more sarcastic than anything.
I'm fed-up with GA playing the "poor me" thing. "I wish I was a better father and grandfather" and KC telling him (ego-boosting) all about how he was.

Yes. He should have been a better father and grandfather.

And, he could start now! Go to LE. Get immunity to tell the truth (provided he didn't dispose of the body and doesn't know where Caylee's body is) about everything. Have CA arrested. They're married. He could keep the damn house! It's not about him, or CA or LA or KC. It's about Caylee.

GA -- start being a better father and grandfather now. Start being a man.

Then, tell the little cow on next visit she either tells you the truth or there will be no more visits.

Geez, the unbelievable dysfunctional dynamics of this family just gobsmacks the snot out of me.
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