2008.07.25 Discuss Lee's Jail Visit

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I seriously cannot stand listening to either one of these two fools. Cindy and George should get voted worst parents of the universe award.
wtf! Is lee a frickin mime? I cant hear him he mumbles like a poop salesman with a sample in his mouth!!!
lee has to ask kc if he can trust his own Mom and Dad? what kind of family is this?
I think Lee is a fool. He is definetely his fathers son. He watched "Law & Order" one time and now he's Perry Mason. He is being chumped out by KC who is totally disinterested in anything he says. I think his heart is in the right place...that being...Caylee. He is refusing to go along with the official party line so now he has been booted to the curb. How pathetic is it to get kicked out of the A family?

Tomorrow ME (Momma Enabler) will get jacked up on the juice and start spinning the story. Can't wait to hear this!

He is incredibly naive. Such wasted energy on this detective work.
all of this code language and intrigue these two generate is incredibly egocentric. they have built up this world of "us vs. them" who can we trust who can we not. It's two incredibly disconnected people.
all of this code language and intrigue these two generate is incredibly egocentric. they have built up this world of "us vs. them" who can we trust who can we not. It's two incredibly disconnected people.

I like to call it "Anthonyland". ;)
Here are my 2cents on the outgoing letter that LA is telling KC to send through the regular jail mail, I have first hand knowledge (my mom worked at a jail) Any letters that are written from a prisoner to the outside world are read by that jailers and then put in another envelope and mailed, so any info that LA thinks that KC can mail to the family and by-pass JB is still going to have information that LE will be able to get from the letters before it is fowarded out of the jail.
Here are my 2cents on the outgoing letter that LA is telling KC to send through the regular jail mail, I have first hand knowledge (my mom worked at a jail) Any letters that are written from a prisoner to the outside world are read by that jailers and then put in another envelope and mailed, so any info that LA thinks that KC can mail to the family and by-pass JB is still going to have information that LE will be able to get from the letters before it is fowarded out of the jail.

Yes-- you're very right. This part confused me. I wondered if Lee has gotten confused and is giving her the wrong information accidentally, or if Lee wants Casey to mistakenly pass important information thru LE. Maybe he wants to set the wheels in motion for Casey to unwittingly reveal the truth to LE??
wtf! Is lee a frickin mime? I cant hear him he mumbles like a poop salesman with a sample in his mouth!!!

OMG! I laughed so hard I spit my coffee out this morning:clap:

I started watching these and with Lee and I can't. It is utter nonsense and dribble. Evil KC drags her brother thru the looking glass and into the rabbit hole. I don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth. I can honestly believe that Caylee is not in ANY PLACE KC has mentioned. LOOK at places she has been known to go, but HAS NEVER MENTIONED in an interview or any thing related to this search.
KC is SO DISINTERESTED in what Lee has to say to her ... she knows it all, gets a thrill out of Lee putting her second on her list of priorities. She could care less ... yeah, sure, uhm hmm, I know that.

He wants her to give the police the correct information, she claims they "misconstrued" what she said. Hmm, I think it would have helped Lee if her interview with police at Universal would have been released prior to this conversation. KC is soo full of sh@@.

Oh ... "there's no way to misconstrue anything" is a statement she makes during this conversation. I think that this is a veiled true statement as there is no way to misconstrue her LIES in that they are COMPLETE, UTTER, DISGUSTING LIES>>>>>>!
I cannot believe that in part 2 of his talk with KC that he's learned from Josh Duckett how to manipulate the media. Maybe Cindy should have taken some notes because I don't recall Lee ever making the same or even similar ridiculous statements that Cindy has made to the media.
Why is he treating her with kid gloves? And, all the questions are about her, how she's doing, who she trusts, that she can change "jockeys in the race".... PUKE!
She says check the family computer because there's nothing on the laptop ... yeah, because she already wiped the laptop.

Wondering if she is trying to tell him in a backwards sort of way what she did.

The password she used on the computer, rico..., is the "last password she used when she was at the house" - would this the day she left the house, i.e. father's day? Could she have changed the password that day and is just not telling him that?

The passwords are clues (myspace, etc.) but not the computer password.

Interesting that she gets teary eyed close to end of their talk because she is not going home .....
I'm really leaning toward him not being involved. I think the devil lies in the details between PB (Princess B**CH) and QB (Queen B**ch) and the guys are mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullS**T
In the second jail conversation between Casey and Lee...out of all the laughter and B.S. I caught this...anyone else?

When Lee ask Casey what she would like to say about Caylee, she states her public plea of thank you and so fourth.

As for her personal plea to Lee and family, It's like she wrote it down, she states how much she loves Lee and mom and dad, appreciates all they have done, blah blah..she feels it coming closer..dad gave her an analogy the other day she claims.George is the (thumb) Casey (Pinkie) Lee (Middle finger) Cindy the (index) finger she talks about two fingers missing, (meaning Caylee missing, but.. could the two fingers be a clue as to what was found at the park? It was said at first it looked like fingers, then it became hush hush and said to be nothing, just "Property Found"...as sick as it sounds, could this child of been dismantled? It has happen and it sickens me to think about it...unless her hand got caught in something while being transported and the two fingers fells off and were thrown in the river? I am sick just thinking about it...anything is possible...

Casey's message (asks Lee to write this down)

"I want to openly thank, not only our family, but our friends in the community for, you know, their unconditional love and support. I want to thank, obviously, all the charities that are..that are donating their time and their efforts and their resources to help us. I want everyone to keep Caylee and our family in their prayers. And if there's anyone that has any information please to come forward without haste. "
Part 1: Lee wants Casey to know that all visitations are monitored and their conversations can be seen by LE or others. He says the best and most private way to communicate is thru letter writing. He emphasizes that Casey should utilize the mail system within the jail to avoid having communications monitored. Lee tells Casey that if she gives her letter to Baez or someone else, that letter could be read.
Lee will write her a letter soon and wants Casey to reply with any info she is uncomfortable sharing while they are monitored during visitation.

He gives Casey a lesson on the meaning of atty-client privilege. He says Baez is not obligated to relay information or reach out to family or anyone else if Baez thinks communication with Casey might not be in Casey's best interest.

Casey, of course, already knows and understands this because she already knows and understands everything.

Lee says Beaz is running a business-- his first focus is himself. Then Casey. Then Caylee. Casey cuts him off to ask for a volume adjustment so she doesn't have to "strain her head."

Lee says his priorities=
1. Caylee
2. Casey
3. Cindy
4. George
5. Himself
He doesn't "give a about" anyone or thing else -- he asks Casey if he should reorder his priorities/focus and she says no-- she has the same priorities too.

Why would they care if their calls were being monitored? She claims she is innocent so she shouldn't care.
In the second jail conversation between Casey and Lee...out of all the laughter and B.S. I caught this...anyone else?

When Lee ask Casey what she would like to say about Caylee, she states her public plea of thank you and so fourth.

As for her personal plea to Lee and family, It's like she wrote it down, she states how much she loves Lee and mom and dad, appreciates all they have done, blah blah..she feels it coming closer..dad gave her an analogy the other day she claims.George is the (thumb) Casey (Pinkie) Lee (Middle finger) Cindy the (index) finger she talks about two fingers missing, (meaning Caylee missing, but.. could the two fingers be a clue as to what was found at the park? It was said at first it looked like fingers, then it became hush hush and said to be nothing, just "Property Found"...as sick as it sounds, could this child of been dismantled? It has happen and it sickens me to think about it...unless her hand got caught in something while being transported and the two fingers fells off and were thrown in the river? I am sick just thinking about it...anything is possible...

Others have wondered about dismemberment, but in this instance, with this hand analogy, I wouldn't stretch your mind to that place. This was just an awkward George analogy that Casey retold. It was to symbolize how connected they all were.
I'm not sure I can stand watching these videos. KC's loud sighs are getting on my nerves. You can tell she feels Lee is wasting her time.
what I observed from the la kc videos

1. she is flirting with him, I swear she is flirting with her own brother (sorry freaky meter pegged to the wall.) I may need to go wash my hands after just typing that.

2.they are "talking" in code but sometimes it must slip kc's mind, cause she acts like she doesnt know what la means ( like one of the other posters, I believe its tough to decode when they took your decoder ring at the intake process)

3.when kc wants the subject changed, she acts like she banged her hand "ow ouch" giggle giggle, bring hand up by face, almost like she was kissing her own boo boo. divert attention. (in her head, ok now on to something else, that I want to talk about)

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