2008.07.28 Discuss Lee Interview

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No, I missed that. So it's definite that Casey did not buy a new phone with granny's $, she paid her cell phone bill?

Casey received a text on 7/15 from AT&T confirming an online payment for her account. IIRC, she had tried to use Amy's account to pay her bill, but it ultimately didn't go through cuz of lack of funds in Amy's bank account.

I'm not sure what the $ from KC's grandmother went to or even the amount.
These nitwits aren't speaking in any "code". They're trying to put forth that they understand what the psycho is trying to "convey". They don't seem to realize that people read their simple words and recognize nonsense when they see it.

I have heard absolutely nothing but words that are of no value from KC Anthony. She says a lot of words that never form a cohesive sentence. She's not only a psycho but an idiot. And, may I add, she has the ugliest voice and manner of speech I think I've ever heard in my life. Her voice makes me want to throttle her....the ugly, little horse-faced b!tch.

Her family, poor fools, are desperate to cling to the hope that she is not lying....and so they play along with the little troll. Once it sinks in that this whole mess is her doing, I think they will collectively wash their hands of her....especially if it's proven that the baby is dead. These aren't stupid people....they are a family enmeshed in the stages of grief. Eventually, slowly, they will regain their senses. KC apparently never had any to regain. I pray to God that they find some peace.

:) exactly
LA: One thing I want you to keep into consideration based on the content, you know, based on what I know right now, based on what has been conveyed to me, you have to know that everything has changed from you know, a month ago.

KC: Yeah

LA: And, you know, even if we've been used to or acting a certain way, or following a certain thing, those in a sense, those rules may have changed.

KC: Uhm hmm, Yeah

LA: What I be looking for, is at some point some form of direction, of are we still working off of the same, um, you know, the same time, and you know the same instances, in people, if the same areas, if any of that, you think may change, in sense the situation has changed, let me know.

KC: Yeah

LA: Becuase of course there are only certain things you can handle from where you are and I want to be able if I can to, in a sense kind of pick up where you left off.

KC: yeah exactly


CA: Yeah that makes perfect sense.

Can some put on their decoder ring and decode the above?

Well I think that I can decode for Lee, pardon my presumptiveness here...

Lee knows that Casey is a lying sack of **** and is doing the best he can trying to question Casey about her "story" with it's bull****isms and attempting to fish a nugget of truth out of her huge turd pile of lies. He's playing the "I believe/understand what your saying" role to attempt to get something, anything he can work with to track down Caylee. I believe that pretty soon after these visits, Lee realizes that he's never going to get anywhere with Casey and has completely written her off as a "resource." He's so done with this family, especially Casey.


Oh, and can I add? This family has watched entirely too much NYPD Blue. I know Dad is former LE, but the "reach out" and "my primary focus is" just way too Sipowicz. I'm surprised they don't all leave each other, saying "I'll have a good thought for you."
No, I missed that. So it's definite that Casey did not buy a new phone with granny's $, she paid her cell phone bill?

Casey received a text on 7/15 from AT&T confirming an online payment for her account. IIRC, she had tried to use Amy's account to pay her bill, but it ultimately didn't go through cuz of lack of funds in Amy's bank account.

I'm not sure what the $ from KC's grandmother went to or even the amount.

From the 11/25 document dump states Mrs. P. stated that her granddaughter did make an unauthorized transfer from her husband's bank account on 4/10/08 in the amount of $354 to pay a cell phone bill.
Well I think that I can decode for Lee, pardon my presumptiveness here...

Lee knows that Casey is a lying sack of **** and is doing the best he can trying to question Casey about her "story" with it's bull****isms and attempting to fish a nugget of truth out of her huge turd pile of lies. He's playing the "I believe/understand what your saying" role to attempt to get something, anything he can work with to track down Caylee. I believe that pretty soon after these visits, Lee realizes that he's never going to get anywhere with Casey and has completely written her off as a "resource." He's so done with this family, especially Casey.


Oh, and can I add? This family has watched entirely too much NYPD Blue. I know Dad is former LE, but the "reach out" and "my primary focus is" just way too Sipowicz. I'm surprised they don't all leave each other, saying "I'll have a good thought for you."

Lee believes every word she says. He has fallen for her BS hook line and sinker. They have a special connection. They speak in codes. It's them against the world. Why they had reason to not trust "the world" is beyond me.
Can I add that I saw the "team coverage" on WFTV and they did indeed MISCONSTRUE (sp?) I caught them!!! I am in no way defending the Anthony's or Casey BUT I found it horribly decietful to say that Casey never showed emotion or referred to Caylee as "her daughter" or "her baby" only as "that little girl." I saw ALL the tapes and GA said "that little girl" and Casey did indeed say "her baby." I guess I am seeing how much WFTV or any other news station for that matter likes to sensationalize every little detail....In this case they were wrong.
No, I missed that. So it's definite that Casey did not buy a new phone with granny's $, she paid her cell phone bill?

no, she used amy's check routing number to pay her ph bill on line, she gets a text from att I think on the 15th, just about the time that amy and ca show up at tones.
If Lee had written something on paper and held it so Casey could read it, would we or the camera have been able to see it. Just curious ( no matter what I say,no matter how ridiculous I sound just keep saying ah heh ah heh oh absolutely, I agree) Is that possible.
I watch both videos , KC acted like it was a game. Poor Lee trying his best to get through to this sicko, There was no second phone. She probably never wrote the letter to him she promised him. I figure that is why he is out of picture. He seems like only sane one in family. She is one sick person. Her flirting with her brother was weird to me. the truth will come out someday not soon enough for me.
I watch both videos , KC acted like it was a game. Poor Lee trying his best to get through to this sicko, There was no second phone. She probably never wrote the letter to him she promised him. I figure that is why he is out of picture. He seems like only sane one in family. She is one sick person. Her flirting with her brother was weird to me. the truth will come out someday not soon enough for me.

Amen to that. I said the other day help me if this case ends up on Tru tV. Talk about getting nothing else done lol
Here is what is known regarding the second phone.

Perp claims she had and lost a Black Jack.

Perp stole $354 from her grandparents and spent it at an AT&T store.

Perp, when caught about the $354 theft, tells Grandma she had to buy a phone for work at Universal because everyone needed new phones (whatever) and Universal couldn't afford to buy them (whatever) and Universal was going to reimburse the money to them.

Uncle Rick in an email to Cindy states Grandma has documentation showing the theft of $354.

The speculation comes in on whether this money was used to actually buy a phone or was used to pay her existing phone bill. I have not read every post in every thread on this case, so could have missed it, but I have not seen the resolution to what this money was actually used for, a new phone or the phone bill, just know it is a fact the money went to AT&T.

Since Uncle Rick implies Grandma has documentation of stolen money going to AT&T, I feel it is a safe assumption perp wrote the check directly to AT&T, which means paper trail, which means LE knows if there is another phone only vs. another phone with new number.


In addition to the above, Casey posted on a forum to a friend that she had just gotten a Blackjack for work - this post was in late May - the friend was writing that she wanted a new cellphone and wondered what she should get and Casey recommended the Blackjack - she had it only a short time at the time of the posting, so presumably Casey did not yet realize that Blackjacks don't hold their charge. There are also photos of Casey with a Blackjack on a table near her and a photo with Caylee and what looks to be a Blackjack sitting on a table in the background. I am absolutely certain that Casey had a Blackjack.
In addition to the above, Casey posted on a forum to a friend that she had just gotten a Blackjack for work - this post was in late May - the friend was writing that she wanted a new cellphone and wondered what she should get and Casey recommended the Blackjack - she had it only a short time at the time of the posting, so presumably Casey did not yet realize that Blackjacks don't hold their charge. There are also photos of Casey with a Blackjack on a table near her and a photo with Caylee and what looks to be a Blackjack sitting on a table in the background. I am absolutely certain that Casey had a Blackjack.

hmmm. I had never heard of her posting on a forum about a blackjack, do you have any more info about that?
I agree. People try to make this so much more complex than it really is. There are no hidden clues, no secret codes, no accomplices...it's a simple case of an immature selfish mother who killed her own child and is trying to get away with it.

Spot on. :clap:
On e bit of info I find curious is- after talking about the blackjack phone for a little bit-
LA proceeds to ask- this blackjack- is it a phone? KC said yes. Huh?
If not a phone, then what did they just have a conversation about?

More curious is - why would he even ask this question?
A blackjack could be a club or a drug, or 21, etc.
No, I missed that. So it's definite that Casey did not buy a new phone with granny's $, she paid her cell phone bill?

no, she used amy's check routing number to pay her ph bill on line, she gets a text from att I think on the 15th, just about the time that amy and ca show up at tones.

She used granny's money prior to June 15 $354.00 to ATT per Rick, CA's brother.

She then used AH's money in July to pay phone bill. During her "time of desperation." **puke**
Translation: You have changed your story so many freaking times, most of the crap you have said has been proven to be false, Mom is having a cow, and I will talk to the media for you, but should I stick to the latest story,people etc??? Keep everyone on this wild goose chase, and by doing so, we are going in the OPPOSITE direction.(exactly where you want us to go, right sis?)

The cow must have flown out of the barn with the wild goose in this tornado, because KC is telling LA that Caylee could be just about anywhere in the world, not "close" or "near" as she told CA.
I agree that timer55 could be a countdown to Caylee's bday.
That would be important to Casey because she knew the jig would be up when she couldn't avoid her parents and would HAVE to account for Caylee's not being with them for her birthday.
I also think the Rico 123 refers to Puerto Rico.
I think Casey planned to disappear, and have people think she and Caylee moved away.
hmmm. I had never heard of her posting on a forum about a blackjack, do you have any more info about that?

For all those that are sceptical about another "phone" I brought this over from another thread where Casey tells her friend Heather on MAY 3rd that she just GOT a new BLACKJACK phone and recommends it.....wether she really did or not, who knows, BUT there is some substance behind the idea that there is another phone.......

Originally Posted by liltigress
Thanks for that.
From Casey to Heather?
May 3, 2008 9:17 AM
i just got a blackjack...it's pretty great. that's what i would recommend.

Nice work, liltigress.

That gives me some hope that LE has something more to go on than Casey's statement 7/15 IF there truly was another phone.

I know its WAAAAAY out on a limb, but, if the "huge issue" that Kio got terminated for @ Universal in April was ID theft, and she met up w/ Casey mid-April @ Wal-Mart, that could've put a fraudulent account in Casey's hands by early May in time to buy this blackjack...

Another poster noted what appeared to be a blackjack on the table in front of Casey in one of the Fusian pics in June. Couldn't be certain that it was hers, or certain that it was a blackjack, but, an interesting observation I thought that lends credibility to another phone existing.

IF the blackjack was purchased on fraud cc and billed there...well...at least its plausible
For all those that are sceptical about another "phone" I brought this over from another thread where Casey tells her friend Heather on MAY 3rd that she just GOT a new BLACKJACK phone and recommends it.....wether she really did or not, who knows, BUT there is some substance behind the idea that there is another phone.......


Thank you fro bringing that over. I had not seen it. As for being skeptical ehhhh....not saaa much....was just wanting to see what I had missed.
Sorry..didnt mean that towards you....just some have been very aggressive with their thoughts about this topic.....

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