2008.08.04 George Anthony Interview Audio

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I did that once - the daughter took me to court.

Are you kidding me? How furious you must have been!

:::sighs::: Where are the values we were taught? What happened to respect for your parents, and others?

The world is a dangerous place for sure.

I am sorry that you had this trouble Blackwatch. If you don't mind saying, I would be interested in knowing how this turned out.

I see that the Anthonys gave MissCasey a place to live rent-free for her and her daughter, food, a warm bed, and creature comforts such as laptops, Internet access and not to mention they supported little Caylee.

And this is how she talks to her father? This is how she rewards him for all the things they do for her?

Ooooh, this makes me sooooooo mad :furious: :furious: :furious:
My father is a sociopath, as is one nephew. Neither of them has the slightest insight into their own behavior, and while they can identify the very vulnerable as well as those who are similarly disposed to ignore morality and the law, they can't do it simply by watching someone on TV in little bits and pieces.

Some form of interaction is required.

I'm pretty good at sussing out sociopaths, too. I might have been inclined to think there were others in the Anthony family--but after this interview, I don't think George is one. (I also don't think anyone else in the family is involved in Caylee's disappearance.)

I'm not saying your son is flat-out wrong, but I wonder whether he can have the same insight into someone he sees on TV as he has with his sister, who he's known her whole life.

If George is a sociopath, there certainly are no cracks in his veneer. And that is quite rare. We can be fooled by sociopaths, but once we know the truth about them, it's usually quite easy to see. (It's just that we don't expect others to be amoral, and don't tend to look for it.)

Also refer to post 88. I don't think Blackwatch or her son referred to GA as being a sociopath.
Yeah I was saying that yesterday. :steamed:

She had to be sneaking keys to copy.

On top of it, I don't think it's a stretch to see Casey secretly spending time in "friends" apartments and homes when they really were at work and Casey allegedly was at work. She did not have access to enough stolen money to carry off the charade any other way. Most of her friends are at the "starting out" phase, or in school...
She did not have the gas, obviously, to ride around the whole time she was at fictional work:rolleyes::bang:

Casey probably had more keys than a jailhouse janitorial staff...:loser:

Wow! I think you may have solved a puzzel here. I have been wondering where she was staying for a good deal of this time. Good ideas Miracles!
I felt as though GA was completely honest, and knows in his heart Caylee is gone. I think he had/has a grown daughter who has an outlaw mentality. She takes what she wants when she wants, and when confronted, attacks, and belittles verbally. SP said it best when she said, "I don't know that girl anymore."
One thing that really really really bothers me about George's interview is that he states how they almost always watch Caylee.


It's completely normal on the last day he saw them that Casey is leaving to a job he probably knows she doesn't have. Or that she's just spending all her money? He seems comfortable having Caylee staying with a nanny that nobody knows. No emergency contact number, etc. If she had a nanny, would Cindy have at least picked Caylee up at the nanny like once? I mean why drop her off at Cindy's work? That just seems really crazy to me.

If George had suspected for a couple of years that Casey did not really have a job, then why didn't he investigate this in the course of 2 years? No, something is definately wrong in this - as you say - no contact numbers, etc.

Just does not wash with me. I am highly suspect of ALL statements from Lee, Cindy, and George. I still maintain that George found what Casey had done and buried Caylee's body for her. Then he (George) told Casey that she, and even he as an accomplice, could go to jail for the rest of their lives if they told ANYONE what had happened, IMO. They would always have to stick to their individual stories. George, as ex-LE would do ANYTHING rather than go to jail, IMO. He knows exactly where he put Caylee and will NEVER give it up, IMO. I also do not think that even Casey knows where George placed her. I do not believe for one moment that George would have just thrown Caylee in a hole and thrown dirt on top of her. I think he did bury Caylee as carefully as he could. This is eating him alive, IMO, and I think he is more likely to commit suicide than to ever tell his part of it. He is ex-LE and knows the demeanor of criminals. IMO, he allowed emotion in his voice during the recorded interview because he knows that to be otherwise would put him in a bad light. He really did love Caylee, and perhaps allowed that emotion into his interview.

Cindy is an agressive, angry person. I feel that she probably told Casey that if she was leaving and taking Caylee with her that she could NOT take anything with her that had been paid for with her (Cindy's) money. I actually worked with a guy who was getting a divorce and the couple agreed to let the 14 year old decide which parent she wanted to live with. The soon to be ex wife said she (the daughter) could live with her Dad, but could not take one single thing with her that she (the wife/mother) paid for. Not the same thing as is in this case, but there ARE people like that.

I honestly think that Cindy knew when she wrote her July 3rd entry on MySpace that she was actually grieving for a child she knew was dead, IMO. I believe that Cindy referenced the 'I have given you 30 days' remark to make Casey think she did not know. Cindy said words to the effect of 'Is that the way you want to play this?' (PLAY THIS?? VERY POOR CHOICE OF WORDS, IMO.) Casey asks for one more day, IIRC. Then Cindy states that she can get a court order. Court order for what? To produce Caylee? For me the 30 days do not fit. Cindy made these statements on the 15th of July during a 911 call. Did Cindy start on the 15th of June to produce Caylee? Caylee was at the nursing home with Cindy that day - Father's Day. So what is this 30 days about?

I believe the whole Anthony family knows that Casey killed Caylee. IMO, they have written a 'script' for themselves to follow and no one is going to deviate from it.

This has been a long post and I apologize for that. I am not attempting to sway anyone's opinion, merely stating mine.
Did anyone keep track of George's fingers drumming the table. I assume it was him as I've heard other interviews with these detectives and there hasn't been any other finger drumming leading me to believe it was George. The first time I noticed it I thought hmmmm I don't think he's being totally honest here. Then I was listening, and doing other things at the same time, so I wasn't as tuned in, but heard the finger drumming the table a few other times. Did anyone else keep track of this to see what statements correlated with the finger drumming? I am going to go back and do this and see what i come up with.

Soooooooo..because George may have been drumming his fingers on the table..that makes him a liar? Link?
hi this is my first time on here
this case blows my mind i have 3 kids and one grand child
and if one of them was ever missing i would go crazy lol
I did that once - the daughter took me to court.

I wouldn't let my 15 year old daughter spend the night with her 17 year old boyfriend. I told her to go to her room after a really heated argument about it. And she had the nerve to call LE from her room and tell them that I had locked her in her room after I had beat her. She had threatened many times to call the police and tell them I was abusing her when she wanted her way and I wouldn't have none of it. I was in total shock when LE knocked on my door and wanted to arrest me. After I talked to them and they asked her to show the bruises from the beating she was really embarrassed. They told her until she was 18 she was to do what I told her to do and that she had better not call them again or they would arrest her for making a false police report.

That is one thing I don't understand about Cindy and George. Why didn't they make Casey tow the line earlier? Why let her get away with all the bull all those years? And why continue to let her get away with it now?

Being a Mother to teenage girls was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. But I did it and I did it alone. My Girls now are the most respectful 29 and 30 year old women I have ever met.
Soooooooo..because George may have been drumming his fingers on the table..that makes him a liar? Link?

I am not ShareTheLight, but I CAN say (no link to my head) that I think drumming his fingers makes him come across as being very nervous. IMO. People who are very nervous about something may very well be not as honest as they could be, IMO.

My opinion is that LE are not as confident that George is telling all he knows.
I haven't read through all the posts on this thread... just up to about page 3 or so.

But, I can add some insight into George, I think.

Even though I am a "WASP", I married a wonderful man from Youngstown, Ohio, who is Italian. I loved both of his parents, both Italian. My husband's Dad is so much like George. And, his wife was a lot like Cindy A.

George's speech patterns, way of referring to his granddaughter as "that little girl", his inability to express emotions, except by drumming on the table, all are right on for that generation of Italian men in Youngstown and Warren, Ohio.

You would have to understand the situation in that area, really.

Thanks, housemouse...cultural specifics are interesting...
I have been gone a few days. Some of that time I have been going over the new releases. I listened to the GA interview in full. There is something that really bothers me.
George and Cindy go to pick up the car. It has a horrible smell in it that even causes them to wonder who died or was dead in the back seat(there smells like there has been a dead body in the damn*d car). Still during that taped interview George said that Cindy convinced him to go off to work and she would handle it. A dad, any dad, any father, thinking that there was something dead in the trunk of that car, without knowing about the safety of his daughter, or grand-daughter could be so easily convinced to go to work and let his wife handle this alone????
I am not sure if this was a sign of something disfunction in the family, George not being a decent dad, or that George already knew what had happened. I do know this does not make sense to me, but I am female.
Now you fathers out there, if you smelled something that smelled like the dead bodies you used to find while doing your job as former officer, in your daughter's trunk, would you let your wife handle it?? Or you would stay by her side and work on it together???
Warning this will be a long post.

Okay so I listened to the GA interview again and I think the finger tapping and strumming happens when GA is irritated or aggravated about something he is talking about. (just my opinion) Not aggravated to be talking about it, but maybe the subject is a source of contention for him. This is how I interpret these taps/strums. (again only my opinion)
I've compiled a list of topics that get a finger tap or strum from GA. Just to see what the common denominator is or if there is a common denominator in the things that seem to be a source of contention for George. The list is simply a list of things he was talking about when I noticed finger taps or longer finger strums coming from George.

Topics when GA Taps or Thumps his fingers while speaking about
-KC's car in driveway on 6/15 (not sure why this would irritate him)
-relaying the conversation he had with KC before she left on 6/16
-when he says about KC "she's been doin' some stuff"
-when discussing how he and CA tried to think of what could have happened to Caylee
-when he talks about going to listen to 911 tapes and hearing about photos released of KC
-talking about KC's clothes that came from Tony's house

Topics when GA really strums his fingers after speaking about
-discussing the week of 6/5
-when talking about KC getting 2 flat tires in May
-when talking about how he got the gas cans back from KC
-when LE made the comment "I think you're a guy that knows a lot about a lot of things George"
-when he says "I just want to get to the bottom of this stuff"
-when he says he found out KC brought a boyfriend or 2 in their home when CA and GA weren't there "That really bothered me"
-when he states "It's hard living with 3 women" (I am surprised a drum beat didn't explode of him on that one : )
-when he says the situation is like a 500 piece puzzle and he's gonna do whatever he can
-when he talks about the smell of the car
-when he talks about CA sending him back to work after he retrieved the car he was "livid at the moment"

I have a few more observations that I'll post in another post to keep this one limited to the finger tapping.

all but one item seems to involve George's issues with Casey's irresponsibility.
Seems (IIRC) that her lack of responsibility is what always ticked George off the worst.
So could it be he is regretting all of his nagging??? Naw....maybe he just wishes he had been more successful training kc.
I used to suspect George, but after hearing the interview I truly feel sorry for him. Jeez, what it must be like in that household, dealing with both his wife and daughter. He knows what happened to Caylee, but nobody will let him admit it to anyone but himself. You can almost see him trying to make CA see reason and her shutting him down every single time the subject comes up.

My m-i-l reminds me of Cindy, although much nicer and less dishonest. If she uses a certain tone of voice and tells my f-i-l that she will handle something, he knows to back off. That is what my gut is telling me about the night KC came home- Cindy got him out of the way, and he's kicking himself for not confronting them about the smell in the trunk.

The only thing I don't really believe is the day KC and Caylee left on 6/15. But I also don't believe George is purposely lying. I think that day just blended in with hundreds of other days when KC "went to work" and now he can't honestly remember if that's what he saw or not.
Casey did not have a job and George probably knew it.
I can 'see' G and C discussing this many times. G would be upset, C would tell him not to upset kc.
Because of C, G would remain quiet and yet angry.
When he came back to Cindy, it was with the condition that he would accept whatever kc did and there would be peace in the family.
Cindy would sneak money to kc whenever kc asked.
Cindy had seperate bank account and did not tell George.
Cindy paid kc off to have Caylee.
Then one day Cindy up and changed the rules. (On the 15 of June)

Well, there is my little fantasy scenario for today.
One thing that really really really bothers me about George's interview is that he states how they almost always watch Caylee.


It's completely normal on the last day he saw them that Casey is leaving to a job he probably knows she doesn't have. Or that she's just spending all her money? He seems comfortable having Caylee staying with a nanny that nobody knows. No emergency contact number, etc. If she had a nanny, would Cindy have at least picked Caylee up at the nanny like once? I mean why drop her off at Cindy's work? That just seems really crazy to me.

I think it's really strange also that Cindy did not meet or have a number for the sitter. Men usually don't get involved as much with childcare so I can understand GA not having a number. Obviously CA has been covering for KC for quite awhile. Why the lie about KC taking her car? In her 911 call she said that KC stole her car.
Could Caylee have been in the trunk gas can day?

I thinks so otherwise she wouldn't have RAN to get there before him, she would have just snottily said "oh and you can get your effing gas cans while your at it!" There was something in that trunk other than gas cans that she didn't want him to see or smell! :furious:
I think GA is a good guy. He's made some bad calls with his daughter obviously, not checking up on the nanny. But we're all human.

We all cannot remember everything.

What I think is very telling is how he specifically says, "hey, I just cannot remember" or "I can't be more specific."

Yet when you listen to Cindy, she's all like she knows this date and that date and seems to make stuff up, assume or fill in the blanks. He even goes to stay that Cindy and Casey have the same personality.

What if Cindy forgot to leave the gate open on the pool after swimming. Then on the 16h, Casey came back to the house after George left.

Casey let's Caylee go play outside thinking the pool was locked up. She might think it was her fault if there was an accident, or get mad and frantically call asking who left the gate open. Then later Cindy also asks George about this.

(bolding by me) In all fairness - if my kids didn't offer up the babysitter info - I am not positive I would ask for it. I realize I know my granddaughter's babysitters and which days she is with who. Not quite sure how to word this - I hope I raised all my kids to be responsible enough to secure a safe babysitter for their kids and would be glad to have the info and the chance to meet them. But I am not sure I would insist on it. Granted, I don't raise my granddaughter either. If the kids' lived with me, worked the same hours or basic schedule I do, then maybe I would ask for it. Also, my granddaughter's parents are a few years older than Casey and they planned for their child. Maybe had I been in the same situation as George and Cindy I would demand the info. Maybe, I would convince myself she was becoming responsible and would hope she would soon be able to move out and be on her own as a responsible adult and mother.

ETA: I don't think I have the right to the info either way. Casey is over 18.
did anyone else catch this or did i miss understand great gm's statement.

during cindys interview she said on her vacation she watched caylee, george just said the same thing, but during great gm's interview she said cindy wouldnt leave the house cause she was sitting around waiting to see caylee that week

No you heard that right. CA claims she stayed local for her dad. The reality is KC had been dangling the baby, then not showing up. CA was waiting for KC to come by with the baby. Or had CA even caught KC at home without the baby, this would have been brought to light that much earlier. CA was very honest when she said "I've given you 30 days, I'm not waiting 1 more night."

KC was obviously very careful about the times she picked to go to her folks house. She knew once CA got her hands on her, the gig was up.

I think she took more days off than she had originally planned, later in the month. Originally she was off June 10-15 and kept Caylee all day.
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