2008.08.04 George Anthony Interview Audio

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Gosh, GA seems like a good guy anguished by what he at least believes (re: the car smell) and what he is living and perpetrating, namely Casey's lies. I agree with other posters that he must have been living in a caustic home environment for years. I've been there, and found myself in a weird codependency with the disfunction and those involved with creating it. This is how I inturpret the behavior now. I believe the case might be at a different place if G & C had not reconciled and he was still out of the household proper.
I feel so bad for George. I especially feel bad remembering those protestors grabbing on to him and shoving him around. I sure hope they have left the area now! He sounds like a saint living with those 2 women. I think he loves Cindy like crazy but I think Casey exasperates him no end and I think he only puts up with her due to Cindy. I bet Casey was their 1 thorn in the side. Too bad Cindy chooses Casey over her husband. I would have sent casey packing years ago.
I am thinking that they were not REALLY in her trunk, he was just TELLING her they were as a good excuse to get into the trunk, where he was pretty sure he would find his gas cans...he was right about the gas cans...but he never made it into the trunk...so THAT shows that she was more worried about HIM retrieving them from the trunk, then she was about him KNOWING that she had done this crime...She got the gas cans OUT to keep HIM from looking IN...or smelling...

Right. In listening, clearly something was up other than gas cans.

What day was this incident again? (sorry guys)
Aha! Good point. I could "absolutely" see Casey doing that. I wonder if LE found all kinds of keys and stuff for other people.

Yeah I was saying that yesterday. :steamed:

She had to be sneaking keys to copy. :yes:

On top of it, I don't think it's a stretch to see Casey secretly spending time in "friends" apartments and homes when they really were at work and Casey allegedly was at work. She did not have access to enough stolen money to carry off the charade any other way. Most of her friends are at the "starting out" phase, or in school...
She did not have the gas, obviously, to ride around the whole time she was at fictional work:rolleyes::bang:

Casey's not stealing from the Trump family.:rolleyes:

Casey probably had more keys than a jailhouse janitorial staff...:loser:
Car was towed on June 30th. TonyL was in NY July 2-5th, and on he stated that he found out after he got back that Casey had been driving his Jeep around while he was gone, and she was not supposed to have done that. So he didn't give her the keys to it or permission to use it.

First time posting here, love the way you people keep digging up some great facts. On that note.....

TonE must have given KC his keys because she picked him up at the airport on July 5th with his jeep - even had it washed for him

Page 26 0f Anthony's interview: http://www.wftv.com/news/17564624/detail.html
Right at 35 minutes... LE interviewer says "I think your dad knows alot about a lot of things George". George does not seem to reply and they move on. WHAT was that all about???

I know! That stood out to me too. And the other detective responded with "yep" and then there was an awkward silence.

Somehow though I don't feel as strongly that George covered anything up. I see him now as more distraught and willing to help. I think in the beginning he denied the death smell to himself and then in this interview to make it a point to rectify that buy imho basically saying to the detective " i don't like that smell....in the car" I'm being straight. I think that is an admission to LE that he knows there was a body in there.

My views on George changed during this interview for the better.

I feel very very sorry for him.

Cindy; I believe is another story entirely. I think she is very very dishonest.

I don't mind a bit. My son is the one who enlightened me about one of my daughters who is also a sociopath. I used to sit around trying to figure out why she did the things she did, lied, stole, etc., I hear her voice in everything Casey says, until he told me she does it "because she can". Once I understood that, I quit wondering and worrying, and quit bailing people out.

Now, on to the Anthony case. After he said George helped dispose of the body, he said Cindy wasn't aware of the program and she called 911 a tad too early. That blew the whole cover out of the water and we see the mess we see now. Take it for what it's worth, but I agree to some extent. In my opinion Cindy knew before then, but all of this is strictly my opinion.

I respect your opinion and that of your son. However, I have to say that this entire family's relationship with Casey *is* co-dependent and enabling, as it usually is with a sociopaths in some respect.

One has to consider the dates of these interviews - and that's important because I do believe the family tried to be as supportive (and co-dependent and enabling) of Casey in public as they thought they needed to be get the truth out of her. They knew already at the point, albeit a bit late, that Casey would see and be reactive specifically to what they were saying, especially Cindy. Publically, they were in denail, but privately they were in turmoil. They really wanted to know where Caylee is.

I feel also, based on the past releases, that this is the first time that OCSO LE spoke to George directly in this way. When the FBI came to their house the day before, George realized that he'd no choice but to tell the truth about everything -- because I am sure, based on FBI investigative techinques, Cindy and George were advised either directly or indirectly, that lying to the FBI is a federal offense and a BIG one. There are, I am almost 99% positive, other discussions between OCSO with Cindy and George after this date, as there were with Amy, Tony, the tow truck driver, the tow operator, and Jesse. We haven't seen the audio, video or transcripts of those because quite simply, they do not pertain to the immediate charges at hand that Casey is charged with at this time.
Thank you so much! ((hugs)) for what you've obviously have had to deal with.

In bold is exactly what I thought from day one. However, after watching and listening to CA and GA's interviews, I'm left stumped. Cindy is obviously a deceiver. IMO, it's shocking how easily she denies the car chase incident. George however, willingly offers up info others deny knowing about and appears to be truthful. I'm not willing to give either of them a pass at this point. But I sure have more to think about.

I think that whatever mental issues that Casey suffers from she inherited them from her mother...honestly, especially after hearing George's interview and how he describes his daughters' personality as exactly like that of her mother...There is some issue that they have in common, which has led to their combatitive relationship and also their fierce connection and loyalty...whatever it is, it took a severely adverse turn in Casey...but I am positive from listening to Cindy speak that Casey learned many of her lying tactics from her mother...
LE has admitted that Cindy has lied to them. They even told Cindy they knew she was lying, so why haven't they arrested her for it? Apparently George even lied during the Greta show. But, I think he did it because Cindy told him to. After listening to George's interview I believe he wasn't involved in this at all and he really wants to know where Caylee is. So why is every one else covering for Casey and how do they live in the house with her? Especially, after George tells LE he knew what that smell in the car was. And when did Cindy actually start covering for Casey? Since apparently she had Cindy's car at least 2 weeks before the 911 calls, when Cindy was telling everyone she hadn't seen Casey in a month.

I know too many questions but I am just so confused with all this mess.

I am right there with you. I have been feeling so bad for CA and GA and how painful what they are experiencing must be. And I understand that they must be holding onto any glimmer of hope that Caylee is alive. However, what I cannot accept is lying so bald faced to the cops. There has to be some repercussion for that. It is unacceptable.
George "I'm being straight with you guys... I didn't like the smell in the car". He knows :frown:
He talks of Caylee in the past tense, as Casey did. I understand if you are talking about taking your kid on vacation and you come back and tell people how they acted and what they liked and didn't like, you would talk in past tense, i.e. "Caylee loved the water park and she was really good the whole day." But if you are talking about a place that you always go, would you talk in past tense, i.e. "Caylee loved the kids at the park." She doesn't expect kids to be at the park again? Or is it being said that way because Casey doesn't know if she'll ever see her again or knows that she will never see her again?

For the record, I have spent about 6 or more hours on this case today. I need closure. I hope the vertebrae that they found near Boggy Creek last weekend brings closure, if Caylee is, in fact, gone.
Thanks for sharing! 2 of them, I cannot imagine what life must be like for you. *hugs*

I'd love to "pick your brain" about other aspects of your childrens lives having nothing to do with this case. I come from a home riddled with personality disorders and think we have probably seen many of the same things but also obviously such very different things. If you are ever interested in having a discussion in the Jury room please let me know!

I would like to compare notes. Just supply the Jury Room coordinates. This oughta be a trip!
Such total disrespect for her father gives us an insight to the dynamics in the family.

If that had been my child, she would have been picking her little a$$ up off the driveway after I knocked her down for talking to me that way.

I did that once - the daughter took me to court.
Very early on I sent email to LE (just so I could sleep but knowing of course that they'd probably already pursued this) re ETTM (Electronic Toll and Traffic Mgmt) traffic and toll cams maintained by FDOT and OOCEA, as well as E-PASS et al. Once reported that cell tower locations were in random, remote areas (OIA, UCF etc) it seemed inevitable that Casey would've needed to at least partially travel these routes. Anyway I'm sure OCSO was all over it and probably just keeping this ace up their sleeve for prosecution at trial.
Synopsis of George's interview.


June 23, George chases Casey in Cindy's car from their house up the 408. Cindy tries to stop him from following her, but he does it anyway. Casey was driving fast to try to get away from him and eventually eluded him by exiting. George says the information would be on Cindy's E-Pass (tollway) statement. George agrees to give the records to police

Hi, Princess. I was wondering about the June 23 date. I just listened again to Cindy's interview, and Yuri is referring to June 25 as the date for this incident.

Went back again to George's interview and listened, and when the question of date is brought up for this, George say to check the e-pass records because he just doesn't remember what date it happened, other than that it was during that week.


Sorry I guess this is OT but has anyone found cell tower records reportedly just released 9/26?
Could someone please point me to where I can find the date George got the gas cans back from Casey? I don't see this in the timeline thread or the Calendars.
Could someone please point me to where I can find the date George got the gas cans back from Casey? I don't see this in the timeline thread or the Calendars.

From the taped George interview, it's the 24th. He reported the missing gas cans to the police on the 24th, and Casey came over and took the gas cans from the her car trunk and gave them to George after 2:30pm on the 24th (same day).
I would like to compare notes. Just supply the Jury Room coordinates. This oughta be a trip!

LOL you would be surprised we have a couple of others like us here too!
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