2008.08.04 George Anthony Interview Audio

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Has anyone seen Cindy's car on the webcam? Is it at the house? Does LE possibly have it?
My guess is NO. Amy did not mention it in her interview and I think she would have. I think her interview was after the friends had the powow at the Anthonys house, so Cindy had ample time.

I don't think Cindy returned the money either. Interesting George says cindy said she took it because it could be Amy's. Lee said (and he was present) Cindy said this is probably mine when she took the money. This bothers me. Really bothers me. The sense of entitlement makes me crazy.
These women are just UGH!
I am going to have to agree...but my earlier belief that the 23rd was going to be a pivital date to cracking this case has been reinforced over and over with the new info coming out this past week. I guess now we know who owns the green truck-Cindy does...so who was the man that came back with Casey when the neighbor saw them going into the garage when the truck came BACK? and how did they leave again once the truck was returned?

Respectfully snipped.

I thought this as well but I keep thinking the neighbor would have known that car to be Cindy's and identified it as such.
I don't know my neighbors that well, but I can tell you what cars they have. In a lot of instances I could identify the car before the person.
Tone has a dark colored Jeep, I think it has been identified as a Cherokee, which is real similiar to a Rodeo/Pathfinder.

True - I understand what you are saying, and have thought about that. Hmmm.

I read somewhere (it was on another web site, where TL was supposedly answering questions so I can't quote this with complete certainty) that TL was surprised to learn that KC drove his Jeep while he was in NY because she was not suppose to. If that is the case, why would she have been allowed to drive his Jeep to go meet another guy for lunch on July 7th?

In fact, I keep wondering why this guy who had only been officially dating KC for about a month gave his keys to KC while away? Personally, there's no way I would trust someone else to drive around for days in my car, but I guess TL and AH were buffaloed into doing so.
Thank you, Princess Rose. Excellent work.
Ditto. How could Cindy "send him off to work"? I think he was being overpowered by a couple of very powerful women, Cindy and Casey, and had lost his self esteem.

If I were him, I would have moved out a long time ago.
"I think that you’re a guy who knows a lot about a lot of things George."

It was hard to tell if this was a pointed comment as a way to see if he reacted with a come back "like what do you think I know"; like a comment to try and rattle him a little bit or it was a comment to acknowledge that LE understands that George has been 'onto' Casey for awhile now but has kept his mouth shut because of the way Cindy is with Casey and to preserve the marriage.
There is the possibility that GA, LE and the FBI have all figured out that there is a more to Casey's behavior over the last two years and that was a way of saying to GA that he was correct in his assumptions.
The man who said that was not really talking so it was hard to tell by his tone where he was coming from with that comment. There just was not enough previous background of interaction to draw a conclusion for me. I wish there had been it would have been nice to be able to set some more dates down as solid and accurate in the time line.

In this interview it sounds like George has both feet firmly on the ground, knows that something has gone really bad with Casey and is thinking the worst about what happened to Caylee.
He is using his profession to stay collected because he knows that the only way to find Caylee is to do just that. Matter of fact, detailed but not long winded, doesn’t let emotions muddy things up. If he is not telling the truth he is very, very good. He is much better than Cindy or Casey because he holds up very well under questioning.

In my opinion the finger drumming does not bother me at all. I have a tendency to do the same thing when I am trying to recall dates, places and names when I know it is important. It is a rhythm thing that helps me stay focused. The microphone makes it sound louder than it really is in so that amplification may add a false value in overall importance.

There were so many things that were not brought up in the interview. There had to have been more times when LE spoke to him so there is so much more we don't know yet about what George knows and doesn't know. I just can't get a clear read on it. If it weren’t for that comment stuck in there I would have to give George the all clear on him having anything to do with what happen to Caylee and where she is.

I almost have to wonder if GA, by putting an entire different spin on the whole gas cans in Casey's trunk thing on the GVS interview was done on purpose. Did he change his story for Casey's benefit or for Cindy's benefit or was the reason it looked like Cindy was trying to keep him from blurting anything out was because there was some reason to tell that incident differently and Cindy didn't want him to mess up. Change the story on how it actually happened so someone else wasn't aware of some detail.
My goodness my head is spinning in so many different directions.

I always go back to if GA was in any way involved in what happen to Caylee or even covering up something that Casey did then with his background he should have been able to do a much better job of taking car of the car problem and would not have even mentioned the fact that Casey had those gas cans. It only drew attention to the incident and that police report that he made could have just simply been an unresolved property theft.

I will have to listen again later. Sometimes you pick up on stuff after you have had a little time digest it.
The ultimate spite - use Cindy's car to transport Caylee's body to the final disposal spot. That would be a kicker, wouldn't it?

Yes it would be.

I wonder if Casey promised to bring Caylee back if she could use her mom's SUV or something? They hadn't seen Caylee for a while at that point.

But then sometimes I wonder if Cindy already knew Caylee was dead and she and Casey took the time to concoct this *advertiser censored* and bull story. There are so many weird aspects to this case...
Yeah I read that too celebraion, it was on , Tone said that he found out after he got back that she drove his jeep a lot of places, which she was not supposed to be doing.
I wondered that also, a long time ago after hearing about Casey not wanting him to go in the trunk. If she was in there, I don't think it would have been very long, because he would have smelled it then. After hearing his interview and how she slammed the trunk so quickly before he could approach, and how she was swearing at him it makes me wonder why she was so angry.

It really makes you wonder if it was just because of the gas cans. I get the impression that she would not have been so angry if confronted just about the gas cans, since she was caught in lies and stealing so many times. She seemed to be a master of deceit, but hearing him talk about how she reacted and practically ran to the car to get there before him, really makes me wonder.

KC didnt want him near that car and certainly not in the trunk - she
used inappropriate anger to control the situation . george had a long
history I think of backing down to try and keep the peace . KC I am
positive was very capable of ranting for hours over some petty thing
Bullies use rages and rants to control ..............

i.e. a family decides that everyone will take a turn taking the garbage
out after dinner - on the day its the fathers turn - he explodes in anger
when someone reminds him its his turn - he yells - throws a dish
rants and raves calls them all vile and hurtful names, etc etc for quite some time upsetting everyone at the table
next week when its dads turn - no dares mentions its his turn and
one of the others takes the trash out . The variation of this scene
plays out over and over again for many years . The rest of the
family walks on eggshells to keep from being subjected to daddys
long raging tirades .
Yeah I read that too celebraion, it was on , Tone said that he found out after he got back that she drove his jeep a lot of places, which she was not supposed to be doing.
Can I ask what dates he was gone? The reason I'm asking is that maybe Caylee was in the pontiac which is why she drove the jeep.
Can I ask what dates he was gone? The reason I'm asking is that maybe Caylee was in the pontiac which is why she drove the jeep.

He was gone after the pontiac was towed. I think he was gone 7/1-7/5 or 7/2-7/5.
True - I understand what you are saying, and have thought about that. Hmmm.

I read somewhere (it was on another web site, where TL was supposedly answering questions so I can't quote this with complete certainty) that TL was surprised to learn that KC drove his Jeep while he was in NY because she was not suppose to. If that is the case, why would she have been allowed to drive his Jeep to go meet another guy for lunch on July 7th?

In fact, I keep wondering why this guy who had only been officially dating KC for about a month gave his keys to KC while away? Personally, there's no way I would trust someone else to drive around for days in my car, but I guess TL and AH were buffaloed into doing so.

I have always wondered about this too. Amy had just been through a car mess with a wreck and having to go out of town to get another car, why in the world would she let Casey just have that car and take a chance on having more car problems when she returned. Also, Casey took a shower at Jesse's because Tony was out of town and she did not have the keys to his apartment, then how did she get the keys to his car? I have two kids this age, BOTH of them would probably let a good friend stay in their apartment while they were out of town, but neither of them would EVER loan out their cars to anyone at anytime.
You gotta feel for the investigators. Separating the wheat from the chaff. :(
He was gone after the pontiac was towed. I think he was gone 7/1-7/5 or 7/2-7/5.
Thanks. We're getting a time line down I think. I have to go look at the time time though. I can't remember what day the pontiac was towed from Amscot.
This left me scratching my head as well. How did Casey get to the house to take Cindy's car? Where was her car, or who drove her there? Was Cindy at home when Casey took the car? It's all just weird. Why did Cindy want to keep this quiet? It's clear George is just fed up. I can't figure out how Casey got Cindy's car. It's not like she was staying at home during that time and just took Cindy's car instead of hers.

It was obvious to me that Ca was lying about not knowing of the incident during her interview. When asked about it or confronted with it her voice kept going up an octave for no reason. This confirms for me that CA has a sick co-dependent relationship with KC. Of course she didn't want to admit it to LE, it shows her to be the lunatic she is. To date, GA is the only one in this family to actually show real emotion and grief regarding Caylee.
Thanks. We're getting a time line down I think. I have to go look at the time time though. I can't remember what day the pontiac was towed from Amscot.
quoting myself. The car was towed, or the Anthony's received the letter, on June 30.
Sigh. I basically got my answers about George via the Cindy video. I took from that video that LE must've tried to get George to get her to "get with the program". From that video, I gleaned that failed.

Unless he's brilliant at lieing (like Casey), I feel bad for him. Maybe.

Put Cindy in jail.
I have always wondered about this too. Amy had just been through a car mess with a wreck and having to go out of town to get another car, why in the world would she let Casey just have that car and take a chance on having more car problems when she returned. Also, Casey took a shower at Jesse's because Tony was out of town and she did not have the keys to his apartment, then how did she get the keys to his car? I have two kids this age, BOTH of them would probably let a good friend stay in their apartment while they were out of town, but neither of them would EVER loan out their cars to anyone at anytime.

Maybe she didn't stay at his apt. because his roomates were there. Maybe she did have the keys but couldn't pull it off.
This all happened in the timeframe where Caylee's body would be disposed of. Could this be the day Caylee was dug up and transported for disposal in Casey's car? Casey later claims to friends that her dad borrowed her car and ran over squirrels and it made her car smell. If she was at her parents house when she took her mom's SUV, I would guess her car was there. Did Casey take the SUV because she was upset about what ws going on at the house? Who dug Caylee up? Why was her car seen parked at the Amscott the night BEFORE AL picked her up with platic garbage bags containing groceries she must have brougth from home? I'm not sure where this is leading...

I'm wondering when did she return her mom's Pathfinder. Then there is the neighbors story about a green pickup and a dark haired man. Could the neighbor be confusing Cindy's green SUV for a pickup?

I'm not aware of the car being seen at Amscot before 7am on June 27th. Or maybe I missed something?
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