2008.09.08 Anthony L. Interview ***REVISITED***

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I find the whole interview fascinating. I'm not sure if it was a "technique", but LE's reference to finding out that there were some people who hadn't been entirely honest was enlightening...and I don't think they're just talking about the As and Casey.
Does it bother anyone else that YM and EE interupt every single witness constantly during these interviews?
YES!! But, I get the impression they already know what they want addressed...and that's about it.
Is it possible and permissible for someone to post, in the actual thread, these photos being discussed so newbies like me can see?
Thanks! :eek:fftheair: :couch:

Let's see if these attachments work.

Should be 3 of them. . . OK, there are the photos of KC with the aforementioned polkadot panties. Let me see if I can find the photo of the ones they found . . .


  • l_d002df08178d3745d31dbfc8bc9a853a.jpg
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Does it bother anyone else that YM and EE interupt every single witness constantly during these interviews?

It is frustrating. I keep thinking of follow-up questions or wanting to hear the rest of an answer....
So, back TO INTERVIEWS. Why Dooum?

Follow the money !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CA/GA ain't hit a lick. Still gotta nice house, 30K Bass Boat--Hmmm Why would they give up now?

Maybe a little guilt goin' on too!!
Ok...she runs out of gas four days apart...anyone remember how much those cans held? Where was this chick driving?
Today I went out to cfnews13.com to see if there was anything I had missed, and I noticed they reorganized their site (rather poorly, I might add). Nevertheless, I saw they had done a complete refresh of documents. The transcripts of interviews done in the past were no longer scanned copies. They were real honest-to-God pdf files generated from source digital data. :woohoo:

Huh...why is THAT important? :waitasec:

Weeeeellll, for one thing the files are normal 80KB files and not monstrous 4.5MB files. But, more importantly, one can now use the Acrobat text search facility, and copy / paste of text works just fine. :dance:

Thank you *so* much for bringing these files to our attention, JWG. You definitely rock! :blowkiss:

And a big kudos to CFNews for uploading these files in the proper format. :clap:
Wouldn't you know it!

The kitty's back!


That darn cat! It sure was busy!! LOL!
Thanks for your hard work, JWG!! Now if we could only find some lost interviews of DC my week will be made!! (BTW...whatever happend to his deposition?)
Thanks so much, JWG! Really exciting material you have uncovered & discovered. Keep sleuthing and that Beatles music will turn up yet! :toast:
I know I heard this interview or read those files. I will read them. But I distinctly remember Tony's testimony on the black dress. I couldn't figure out what pictures on Fox he was talking about. So I didn't dig deeper. Way to go JWG.. for bringing this back up.

Is this also the interview where he discusses what they did on the 17th?? Where he talks about skipping school?
Yes...I believe we knew about that part (driving to the dumpster), but interesting that he said he started to throw it over the fence 'cause it was closer. There were receipts dating back to May. How long was the girl driving around with garbage? (LOL) The info about the "cleaner" is interesting 'cause Tony didn't know it had been used up. Neither do we...it may not have been.

Even tho the receipt was dated in May, doesn't mean the trash bag was from May. Maybe the guy had just cleaned out his wallet and threw the receipt away, or possibly had a small garbage can in his room, and only emptied it once a month or so.
I know I heard this interview or read those files. I will read them. But I distinctly remember Tony's testimony on the black dress. I couldn't figure out what pictures on Fox he was talking about. So I didn't dig deeper. Way to go JWG.. for bringing this back up.

Is this also the interview where he discusses what they did on the 17th?? Where he talks about skipping school?
Yes...which I know we heard before...but truly...this is the first time I heard that Casey did NOT run out of gas June 20th...one of the "Fridays" she spoke about with Amy, right?
Even tho the receipt was dated in May, doesn't mean the trash bag was from May. Maybe the guy had just cleaned out his wallet and threw the receipt away, or possibly had a small garbage can in his room, and only emptied it once a month or so.
I know...it was a "funny"...(if you think about it the other way)
Does it bother anyone else that YM and EE interupt every single witness constantly during these interviews?

While the interruptions seem annoying, I believe this is part of their interview technique. If it is annoying to the person being interviewed it might push them over the edge or cause them to lose their cool; get rattled and forget what they said and change they statements if not being truthful, etc. JMO (They do it all the time on Law & Order Shows).
Ok...she runs out of gas four days apart...anyone remember how much those cans held? Where was this chick driving?

OT, but, FWIW, she drove 47.2 miles between 6/23 and 6/27, after putting in the two gas cans (1 @ 2.5 gal and 1 @ 1.25 gal) that combined were an average of ~63% full (= 2.4 gallons)...getting 20mpg city for a '98 Pontiac Sunfire w/ a 2.2L 4cylinder and running out precisely @ Amscot.

For variations on the #'s see the details on the "Pontiac - Revisited" thread [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3556390&postcount=220"]here[/ame] .
JWG...You are indeed one of my hero's here on WS! Thanks
Could this have been the dress he was referring to? Maybe it has a silver buckle in the back. Didn't he say she either wore it to fusion or was going to wear it to fusion?
OT, but, FWIW, she drove 47.2 miles between 6/23 and 6/27, after putting in the two gas cans (1 @ 2.5 gal and 1 @ 1.25 gal) that combined were an average of ~63% full (= 2.4 gallons)...getting 20mpg city for a '98 Pontiac Sunfire w/ a 2.2L 4cylinder and running out precisely @ Amscot.

For variations on the #'s see the details on the 6/27 Ping Thread in the Case Analysis Forum.

WOW BJB, you just never cease to amaze me!:clap:

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