2008.09.18 Rob D Interview Audio

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Are you serious that you think Cindy was just "acting" and wasn't that distraught? No, I think she was genuinely that upset. It was outrage, I agree, but I don't think it was fake. Somebody was putting on a big show there, but I don't think it was Cindy. It really is her grandchild who was missing.
I think she was totally exhausted and worried beyond belief and horrified.
If I were Cindy A I would have had to be heavily medicated to get through those days. Seriously, just to get through each day. Imagine, you're terrified about your missing family member, your little grandchild, worried about her day and night, praying and hoping for her safe return, your mind completely frazzled trying to think where she could be and having to just wait and hope, over and over, with each tip to police that this is going to be the one, hoping beyond hope that she is alive for heavens sake, and then some people take it upon themselves to hold an event that's a public memorial basically, it's about her being dead, not alive. They invite the media, all the while slapping each other on the back and commenting in the media about how you should be acting more like them, how you should be feeling, what your obligations are to them, and how you should be participating in their memorial or some such craziness, and all kinds of insults about your family. And this has been going on for weeks basically, throughout this whole time you've been going out of your mind worrying and hoping and not being able to sleep and everything.
Cindy's loved ones should have prevented her from going there, though, for sure. She should never have engaged them at all. The same with the nuts demonstrating on her front lawn.
(If Padilla and others wanted to gather the searchers and everyone together for a sort of farewell before they all had to leave, after having worked together and bonded together while searching for Caylee, which is very understandable, or a vigil for Caylee, it should have been just that, but not a memorial. There was no need for it to be a confrontation toward her family or a media event. Cindy had asked him not to hold a memorial or media event like that, why would he do it anyway? It boggles the mind. I think some people had gotten a bit carried away due to the intense searching and were forgetting how much worse it was for Caylee's loved ones. I really like L Padilla actually, but even I thought it was a shame. I think in that moment Cindy probably would have turned to any person there who was kind to her at all, Rob or anybody. MOO)

Respectfully seagull, I am serious. I think it was fake/acting. I agree w/ you that there was a big show being put on out there. I think LP provided her/the As w/ a great opportunity to make another display for the media and the public. BBM---I don't think she thought Caylee was "missing". She knew long, long before that day that Caylee was dead. So, IMO, she was reacting to others acknowledging that w/ a memorial for a dead Caylee. She was angry that the "sightings" were obviously bogus and that everyone knew it. And we do agree on something, perhaps a farewell gathering to commemorate all the hard work and effort put in by Tim and TES, LE, etc. would have been more of a fitting way to handle it. (I still think LP is a puzzle, a mixed bag....) And ultimately, she chose to go there and confront him. She chose to behave that way. If this woman had steered the right course from the very start (and I mean the very start) she would have handled herself and her emotions in a way that would not have been fodder for LP, the media, and us.....quite frankly. IMO
When it comes right down to it, and you consider it all in total, the sum of all the parts-it every bit reduces down to nothing but greed-period. Greed brought them to where they find themselves now. They greedily wanted to be thought of (falsely I might add) as "upstanding" citizens, and so were willing to ignore illegal and immoral behavior by their daughter that went on for years, unchecked, just so they could maintain FALSE appearances. Everything was NOT fine and dandy in their family and yet they lived and propogated the illusion that it was rather than have to face the hard facts of the reality they had created. They, and here I mean Cindy, wanted Caylee for their own, and were continually letting Casey know this and were allowing her to basically blackmail them. They could continue on in the status quo as long as they did not rock the boat, bought her out of all her problems and said nothing to her. In order to HAVE Caylee they continued in this path. Then...

Caylee was gone...she was no more...

And they KNEW it when they found out she was not with her mother...and yet they went on to pretend that they did NOT know this, just as they pretended that Casey was NOT a horrible person who needed to be locked up. They lived THAT illusion for years and are perfectly capable of living this new one for an equally long duration. They asked for donations. They attacked ANYONE who was not searching for LIVE Caylee, because LIVE Caylee meant the donations could continue pouring in. They even went so far as to start a FOUNDATION, which if anyone goes to the foundation website, it is perfectly apparent that is ALSO about donations. They falsely associate it as a "for MISSING" site, when in fact Caylee was never missing-she was murdered by her own mother. Neither of them has worked since this all began and yet their bills continue to be paid and their mortgage, which was in jeopardy of foreclosure early on is being paid by SOME means...donations donations donations...

I think when Rob tells us that Casey stated they needed to get more donations, get more radio time so they could get more donations, sign autographs for a defense fund, etc, he clues us in to a MAJOR issue in this family-GREED! Now I imagine they expect to live for the remainder of their lives in the comfort of the donations they will continue to receive from their "foundation" and ALL from the murder of their own grand child. To me this is so low I cannot even begin to come to terms with it.

And on the flip side? You have those who have been damaged by Casey AND by the Anthony family, who are UNABLE to find employment and UNABLE to pay THEIR bills...and what do the Anthony's say about these poor people? Suspects, frivolous, involved somehow, not to be trusted, and on and on it goes. They expect to get "comforted" with money, but to hell with everyone else who was harmed in all of this...

It is beyond reprehensible to say the least.
Hello. I am a new poster, although I have read here for a long time. I am not sure where to ask this question. Due to hearing problems I have much difficulty listening to the audios for the interviews. Can someone point me to a transcript of the interviews? Rob's, Tracy's and Leonard's? Thank you. Riley
Oh I agree about wishing the family had demanded answers from Casey, and not let up. The non-questioning of Casey by everyone in this case has driven me crazy, it's totally weird. If I were the parents I think I would have had the TV, phone, computer, music, books, all entertainments, removed from the house so she'd have nothing left to do but talk. But of course she could escape to the lawyer's office so they couldn't really put the pressure on I guess. But I sure as heck would have yelled and demanded answers.

I think it's also perfectly natural though that any parent would want the people investigated who had been around Casey and Caylee prior to the disappearance. And would wonder which friend might be helping Casey hide Caylee or whatever or which friend might know something, by investigating a friend you might find out about that person who's a friend of a friend who might be involved, someone on the periphery. That goes without saying. Especially if Casey can't tell the truth to save her life so was no help.
According to Cindy, Casey never disappeared. She was bonding with her daughter. So who can you believe in that family?
Hello. I am a new poster, although I have read here for a long time. I am not sure where to ask this question. Due to hearing problems I have much difficulty listening to the audios for the interviews. Can someone point me to a transcript of the interviews? Rob's, Tracy's and Leonard's? Thank you. Riley
If you go to the beginning of the thread, Magic-Cat did an excellent job in transcribing what she was hearing.
Great question. Watch the video I posted above #117, then tell us what you think? I would like to find the original interview they are referencing, the one where GR is not wearing a shirt interviewing JB? Anyone know where this may be?

It's in the video. Do you think they were re-showing it within this video?
When it comes right down to it, and you consider it all in total, the sum of all the parts-it every bit reduces down to nothing but greed-period. Greed brought them to where they find themselves now. They greedily wanted to be thought of (falsely I might add) as "upstanding" citizens, and so were willing to ignore illegal and immoral behavior by their daughter that went on for years, unchecked, just so they could maintain FALSE appearances. Everything was NOT fine and dandy in their family and yet they lived and propogated the illusion that it was rather than have to face the hard facts of the reality they had created. They, and here I mean Cindy, wanted Caylee for their own, and were continually letting Casey know this and were allowing her to basically blackmail them. They could continue on in the status quo as long as they did not rock the boat, bought her out of all her problems and said nothing to her. In order to HAVE Caylee they continued in this path. Then...

Caylee was gone...she was no more...

And they KNEW it when they found out she was not with her mother...and yet they went on to pretend that they did NOT know this, just as they pretended that Casey was NOT a horrible person who needed to be locked up. They lived THAT illusion for years and are perfectly capable of living this new one for an equally long duration. They asked for donations. They attacked ANYONE who was not searching for LIVE Caylee, because LIVE Caylee meant the donations could continue pouring in. They even went so far as to start a FOUNDATION, which if anyone goes to the foundation website, it is perfectly apparent that is ALSO about donations. They falsely associate it as a "for MISSING" site, when in fact Caylee was never missing-she was murdered by her own mother. Neither of them has worked since this all began and yet their bills continue to be paid and their mortgage, which was in jeopardy of foreclosure early on is being paid by SOME means...donations donations donations...

I think when Rob tells us that Casey stated they needed to get more donations, get more radio time so they could get more donations, sign autographs for a defense fund, etc, he clues us in to a MAJOR issue in this family-GREED! Now I imagine they expect to live for the remainder of their lives in the comfort of the donations they will continue to receive from their "foundation" and ALL from the murder of their own grand child. To me this is so low I cannot even begin to come to terms with it.

And on the flip side? You have those who have been damaged by Casey AND by the Anthony family, who are UNABLE to find employment and UNABLE to pay THEIR bills...and what do the Anthony's say about these poor people? Suspects, frivolous, involved somehow, not to be trusted, and on and on it goes. They expect to get "comforted" with money, but to hell with everyone else who was harmed in all of this...

It is beyond reprehensible to say the least.
Oh, MC you couldn't be more right!!

ETA: and after reading today's news I wouldn't be surprised if they'll soon be hawking their own DNA kits...or are the Ms already on that?
Ok...I have a question to ask...in RD's interview they talk about Eric B. being Caylee's dad...so how come TP said he heard it was a Puerto Rican guy? You'd think he would have listened to the tape, no?

(sorry it bugs me!)
Hello. I am a new poster, although I have read here for a long time. I am not sure where to ask this question. Due to hearing problems I have much difficulty listening to the audios for the interviews. Can someone point me to a transcript of the interviews? Rob's, Tracy's and Leonard's? Thank you. Riley
WELCOME to Websleuths Riley!

Ok...I have a question to ask...in RD's interview they talk about Eric B. being Caylee's dad...so how come TP said he heard it was a Puerto Rican guy? You'd think he would have listened to the tape, no?

(sorry it bugs me!)
I think he said Cindy showed him (Tony) the obituary...but Tracy DID tell us that Casey denied that Caylee's was a "Mexican" as she put it...she called her "My little Italian"...
YES YES the SmeLL! This case isnt that complicated, unless you overlook the smell of death in the car, the smell of a "dead body", those were CA's first words. NO baby, smell of death, right there it was obvious to her what had happened. All the rest of her behavior has been denial and histrionics. SO, I would ask anyone who thinks Casey is innocent, then who died in her car? Um, no one else has come up missing. JMO

And in the interest of staying on topic, yes Magic Cat the rest of your post is so true! And even way back I remember CA pawing a reporter, hugging his hand, while GA sat next to her blinking.

One question that I actually got answered by Tony P (before he got thin skin) was "At what point do you think the A's realized CMA was not coming home?" His answer was "Seriously? When they smelled the smell."

I responded that this implies that everything they did from that point forward was coverup, smoke and mirrors. Do you think they should be charged at some point? He would not give an answer, I suspect to keep from testifying.
Are you serious that you think Cindy was just "acting" and wasn't that distraught? No, I think she was genuinely that upset. It was outrage, I agree, but I don't think it was fake. Somebody was putting on a big show there, but I don't think it was Cindy. It really is her grandchild who was missing.
I think she was totally exhausted and worried beyond belief and horrified. If I were Cindy A I would have had to be heavily medicated to get through those days. Seriously, just to get through each day. Imagine, you're terrified about your missing family member, your little grandchild, worried about her day and night, praying and hoping for her safe return, your mind completely frazzled trying to think where she could be and having to just wait and hope, over and over, with each tip to police that this is going to be the one, hoping beyond hope that she is alive for heavens sake, and then some people take it upon themselves to hold an event that's a public memorial basically, it's about her being dead, not alive. They invite the media, all the while slapping each other on the back and commenting in the media about how you should be acting more like them, how you should be feeling, what your obligations are to them, and how you should be participating in their memorial or some such craziness, and all kinds of insults about your family. And this has been going on for weeks basically, throughout this whole time you've been going out of your mind worrying and hoping and not being able to sleep and everything.
Cindy's loved ones should have prevented her from going there, though, for sure. She should never have engaged them at all. The same with the nuts demonstrating on her front lawn.
(If Padilla and others wanted to gather the searchers and everyone together for a sort of farewell before they all had to leave, after having worked together and bonded together while searching for Caylee, which is very understandable, or a vigil for Caylee, it should have been just that, but not a memorial. There was no need for it to be a confrontation toward her family or a media event. Cindy had asked him not to hold a memorial or media event like that, why would he do it anyway? It boggles the mind. I think some people had gotten a bit carried away due to the intense searching and were forgetting how much worse it was for Caylee's loved ones. I really like L Padilla actually, but even I thought it was a shame. I think in that moment Cindy probably would have turned to any person there who was kind to her at all, Rob or anybody. MOO)

This was back when we did not know where the body was. Now after hearing the padilla/tracym tapes. It's no wonder CA and GA went out there. It was really the only time the ever came to any search, they did no searching btw. They just went there to tell LP's crew to gtf away! There was no need for them to be there really.(the A's) I think CA even ripped up a Caylee is missing poster from a car. OR was that GA? The A's just went there to spew their rage and anger. No sadness or crying out for the real perp. I think they thought maybe LP knew something b/c of the tracym connection with KC, and thought maybe KC could have said something to take LP's team there. Plain and simple. Also the decomp results had been "leaked" by this time too? And the A's were pizzed that LP was lookin' for a body not a live CAylee.

OR what if they did know she (Caylee) was not there b/c their daughter somehow tipped them off. Maybe thats why they went their to yell at everyone, cause we do know for a fact they were not doing what typical grandparents do if their grandchild is presumed missing/kidnapped. The A's just kept throwing stones at everyone else who were trying to get some answers.

I'm not saying they A's have not been through the ringer, but they could have prevented a lot of it themselves, by their own actions. moo
Cindy must be seriously mentally ill or beyond stupid to think that for a moment she is influencing public opinion that anyone other than her wretched spawn murdered Caylee. She can beat that old dead horse all she wants, it wont change a thing. It is sickening to have to listen to/read these spurious ramblings over and over again. Cindy would do well to find herself a job and occupy what's left of her mind with honest work, drawing an honest salary. As for her little "love scene" with Rob at JBP, he must still have nightmares about it.
The problem I have with that is most of the other people in this case were pretty open and honest with LE right up front. In fact I believe the A's even had a few of Casey's "friends" over at the house right at the beginning of all of this to try and figure things out. Many of these individuals took and offered to take lie detector tests.

The only individuals in this case whom have not been up front and honest with police are the A's, Casey, DC, and most individuals working for them. Yes under a normal situation like this I would agree one needs to look at the individuals the person was hanging out with. However this case is very different. The only individual that is involved or had anything to do with Caylee's disappearance is Casey, and to a lesser extent G&C for the cover up and obstruction. No one need look any further then that.

Yes Cindy may in fact feel a loss for her grand daughter but her need to protect Casey and her need to show how her family is perfect and would never be capable of such a act is far greater then any love she had for Caylee. Cindy can use the grieving grand mother act all she wants...her actions speak louder then any words spoken.

Cindy does not want these people questioned because she doesn't know what happened (I think she knows..maybe not every detail but certainly knows the major points of Caylee's death) and is trying to get to the bottom of it for her own closer. She is doing it to protect her daughter by trying to toss others under the bus plain and simple.

This is what can't get lost: The A's and Caylee's mother refused to take lie detector tests. KC, the mother of Caylee, did nothing but tell lies to LE. In fact I think the A's have been caught in quite a few too. The mother's (KC) car smelled like a dead body. The mother (KC) did not call police when her toddler went missing, even after tracked down but her mother after 31 days, she still would not have called LE about her missing baby. GA admitted on tape that he knows the smell of death and he smelled it in KC's car. Caylee was found dead less than a half mile from the home, wrapped in things from the home.

How can anyone go anywhere else besides KC after all this? JMHO
I really like RD just from listening to him. He is serious, he listens to every question and lets the investigator finish before answering. IDK---he seems like he gets that Caylee got lost in this whole big tragedy. He gets that KC is full of it. Between he and TM's take on LA, I've now settled where I think LA stands in all this. I can see RD as a great state's witness.

RD--if you read here, you have my full support. MOO
I really like RD just from listening to him. He is serious, he listens to every question and lets the investigator finish before answering. IDK---he seems like he gets that Caylee got lost in this whole big tragedy. He gets that KC is full of it. Between he and TM's take on LA, I've now settled where I think LA stands in all this. I can see RD as a great state's witness.

RD--if you read here, you have my full support. MOO

I agree! RD is a professional. He saw right through their entire charade. He knew exactly how to handle Casey & Co. I was on the fence about Lee for some time but now I clearly see...Lee is an Anthony to the core.

LP may be a bit of a grandstander but he made a great choice in bringing RD along.
Hello. I am a new poster, although I have read here for a long time. I am not sure where to ask this question. Due to hearing problems I have much difficulty listening to the audios for the interviews. Can someone point me to a transcript of the interviews? Rob's, Tracy's and Leonard's? Thank you. Riley

Welcome, Riley! Have a great day :)
Oh I agree about wishing the family had demanded answers from Casey, and not let up. The non-questioning of Casey by everyone in this case has driven me crazy, it's totally weird. If I were the parents I think I would have had the TV, phone, computer, music, books, all entertainments, removed from the house so she'd have nothing left to do but talk. But of course she could escape to the lawyer's office so they couldn't really put the pressure on I guess. But I sure as heck would have yelled and demanded answers.

I think it's also perfectly natural though that any parent would want the people investigated who had been around Casey and Caylee prior to the disappearance. And would wonder which friend might be helping Casey hide Caylee or whatever or which friend might know something, by investigating a friend you might find out about that person who's a friend of a friend who might be involved, someone on the periphery. That goes without saying. Especially if Casey can't tell the truth to save her life so was no help.

This has always bothered me as well, especially in regards to the night of July 15, 2008. I would have demanded a complete story and a whole lot of clear and believable answers to my own questions BEFORE calling LE to report a kidnapping.
IMO RD gets it. When he talks about pinning down CA about the fight on the 15th and the call from KC that more or less said "you'll never see Caylee again...." HE KNOWS and he knows that CA knows that KC killed Caylee to spite her mother. Pure and simple.
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