2008.09.18 Rob D Interview Audio

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How could ANYONE go into this WITHOUT have preconceived notions? KC's child has been missing for a month, she doesn't report it and when CA found KC, she lied!!!! She has been lying from day one!!!
And remember, Zanni wrote the script! It musta been a full length movie script too, that included scenes in Fusion and shady characters like JG & RG, AL, RM, etc.

(wudda u no... "Zanni took her at JBP!" but "You better look a Jesse!", hmmmm, thats all in the "script" too?)

Scripts are always subject to edits and rewrites. KC was merely exercising her right as the director of her very own drama, to change the "story" as needed. :)
Speaking about information being circulated by the media that there was evidence that Caylee's decomposing body was in the car, and wondering if her demeanor changed when that happened. Rob says NO! She is just focused on the peeps she wants them to find. She tells them Jesse has the keys to her car and they really need to concentrate on Jesse. All of them were pushing Jesse as a suspect, Cindy, Lee Casey and Jose. Telling them Tony L. was a rat and needs looked into. And look into Clint (Roy House) who was his roommate at the time. The people at Fusion and Tony knows Jesse. To Rob it seemed that Jose was feeding her stuff to talk about.

Whoa! I smell a rat and it ain't Tony!
This was my favorite interview. Rob is so classy :wink:

He's a good Lee-searcher too. Just watching Lee on the TV has given me the willies since DAY ONE. Like mother, like son - when it comes to covering up for dear little CMA.

It sure is interesting to hear what was going on INSIDE when during all that time it was like we were standing OUTSIDE with the crazy protesters! LOL
How could ANYONE go into this WITHOUT have preconceived notions? KC's child has been missing for a month, she doesn't report it and when CA found KC, she lied!!!! She has been lying from day one!!!
And LP was on the VERY low end as far as preconceived notions about this case are concerned...."Casey got mixed up with the wrong crowd and drugs might be involved". Talk about giving someone the benefit of the doubt. Lee was offended with LP's suggestion of drugs and the wrong people being involved with Casey, of course that's more worrisome than the fact his sister murdered her two year old daughter !
WOW, when Rob mentioned that Casey said: "they haven't even found the clothes she was wearing"; that statement sure took the air right out of the interview room.

I noticed that too. Like the police officer just stopped dead and didn't know what to say. It took a minute to sink in.

Loved Rob's interview. Sounds like he knows what he's doing and a great guy. You can tell that he feels the same as Tracy wherein they just took a trip into the twilight zone but Rob explains things better.

The thing he did forget about was Baez. I'm thinking it was the card Tracy talked about that he showed them.
All the recordings that have been released though, drive me nuts to a certain extent. It just seems that everyone talking to her misses that "one" question or says I "let it go". maybe it's just me feeling this way in hindsight, thinking ugh, why didn't they ask this or that or ask her to elaborate on that? Like the clothes statement, I can't believe not one person thought to say, "KC what do you mean? Or at least act dumb and say huh? KC loves to talk so much that I think she would have gladly went on and on about it.
I think even LE didn't let her spew on as much as she would. And I was sitting there thinking, ask this, or that?
Did anyone else feel this? I know, as I said, it's hindsight. However, I just feel some great information was missed out on because no one asked the follow up. I would guess though after being with her so long, she just sounds like blah, blah, blah, me, me me and you may tune some of her out.
Casey asking Rob "are the helicopters out there"..referring to the media, just floors me, although it shouldn't. Rob tells her that no the helicopters are not there and Casey's response was "well they'll be out there later on". My goodness, I knew she was self centered, but...this is crazy. And Robs account of Lee running things as far as making sure Casey didn't talk too much...makes me feel foolish for all of the times I hoped Lee had split from the family because he was fed up...not. Then the story about Cindy taking Casey's Blood Pressure after she hears about the decomp report...Lee tells Rob that her BP was all the way up to 130/90, like that's stroke material. Stupid, stupid, stupid people.
Interesting. So both Lee and Casey stated they wanted to hear "no preconceived notions" from Tony and Co. :waitasec:

And WTH?????????:behindbar Tell me one other family who has a missing child in their family who has even THOUGHT about "preconcieved notions" and surrounding yourself with only people who had open minds about the situation?????? None of this, I mean ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THIS and NONE OF THESE PEOPLE make any sense WHATSOEVER. :behindbar
All the recordings that have been released though, drive me nuts to a certain extent. It just seems that everyone talking to her misses that "one" question or says I "let it go". maybe it's just me feeling this way in hindsight, thinking ugh, why didn't they ask this or that or ask her to elaborate on that? Like the clothes statement, I can't believe not one person thought to say, "KC what do you mean? Or at least act dumb and say huh? KC loves to talk so much that I think she would have gladly went on and on about it.
I think even LE didn't let her spew on as much as she would. And I was sitting there thinking, ask this, or that?
Did anyone else feel this? I know, as I said, it's hindsight. However, I just feel some great information was missed out on because no one asked the follow up. I would guess though after being with her so long, she just sounds like blah, blah, blah, me, me me and you may tune some of her out.

Quote Repect Tracey :)

You and others have spoken what I am feeling but I am afraid I have the answer for...every body talks big when they are away from the person they are talking about. I have only heard of Kathi Belich asking Casey; "did you kill your daughter?"

I don't even remember that being in the questions from LE? I am kind of venting here and not expecting that I am making a good point. I have this kind of frustration in my life. In my family and experience there can be the family molester in the room and everyone still celebrates christmas...

My standards for being a good person are incredibly high. I have learned that the only way to get along on this planet is to understand that not everyone feels the way I do. I can not speak to a single member of my family or my husbands because I can not or do not keep my big mouth shut. There is no way I could have been around this family during this time. They would have taken me out in a straight jacket. Screaming and kicking...

My husband and I said if our child was missing we would not step foot back into our house until we found our child. We would be like crazy people knocking on every door and doing exactly what LE told us to do. Even that sounds all mixed up but I know I would not have reacted in any way, any one connected to this case has. Rob D. comes the closest to what I call sane reasoning and intuition information based on non -ego judgements. But you do wonder how all these people kept from yelling: "Casey! Where is Caylee?" You wonder why everyone didn't surround Casey and get answers. You really, really wonder.

This is a bit of a rant and I am sorry. I am never sorry for the (very few)rants I see on WS. They always say what I feel.

But to stay ot. I have said before how glad I am not to be actually involved in this case or any other. I would not want to be on the jury. Will interviews such as this and the one with Tracy be brought out in court? I think WS has been saying that is the point? JB did not want this to be said in court but now it is allowed, if I understand. Does that mean the defense will use it or is all of the statements automatically a part of what a jury will hear?

If I WAS on that jury...everything I have heard so far, if you were asking me to vote: would be that Casey is guilty. But first: I would need to hear from her. I would need to hear from her why she acted in these ways? I would have had to have asked her these things if I had been around her for days. And I would still need to hear her before I could say: "Guilty." If she had no more explanation or sadness than I think is coming through from what I have read...I would feel that-

She gives you no choice. :mad: What is a 'sane' person to think? :crazy:

I just remembered: Like ANNIE D! How that sleep over went. All these people...Loren...is that her name? The girl who is on one of the jail recordings who said; "I will just die if anything happens to Caylee" SHE showed the emotion I understand. Spending the night with Casey and watching movies and eating popcorn? Pizza's delivered and sunglass games? I could not abide, not abide...

Quote Repect Tracey :)

You and others have spoken what I am feeling but I am afraid I have the answer for...every body talks big when they are away from the person they are talking about. I have only heard of Kathi Belich asking Casey; "did you kill your daughter?"

I don't even remember that being in the questions from LE? I am kind of venting here and not expecting that I am making a good point. I have this kind of frustration in my life. In my family and experience there can be the family molester in the room and everyone still celebrates christmas...

My standards for being a good person are incredibly high. I have learned that the only way to get along on this planet is to understand that not everyone feels the way I do. I can not speak to a single member of my family or my husbands because I can not or do not keep my big mouth shut. There is no way I could have been around this family during this time. They would have taken me out in a straight jacket. Screaming and kicking...

My husband and I said if our child was missing we would not step foot back into our house until we found our child. We would be like crazy people knocking on every door and doing exactly what LE told us to do. Even that sounds all mixed up but I know I would not have reacted in any way, any one connected to this case has. Rob D. comes the closest to what I call sane reasoning and intuition information based on non -ego judgements. But you do wonder how all these people kept from yelling: "Casey! Where is Caylee?" You wonder why everyone didn't surround Casey and get answers. You really, really wonder.

This is a bit of a rant and I am sorry. I am never sorry for the (very few)rants I see on WS. They always say what I feel.

But to stay ot. I have said before how glad I am not to be actually involved in this case or any other. I would not want to be on the jury. Will interviews such as this and the one with Tracy be brought out in court? I think WS has been saying that is the point? JB did not want this to be said in court but now it is allowed, if I understand. Does that mean the defense will use it or is all of the statements automatically a part of what a jury will hear?

If I WAS on that jury...everything I have heard so far, if you were asking me to vote: would be that Casey is guilty. But first: I would need to hear from her. I would need to hear from her why she acted in these ways? I would have had to have asked her these things if I had been around her for days. And I would still need to hear her before I could say: "Guilty." If she had no more explanation or sadness than I think is coming through from what I have read...I would feel that-

She gives you no choice. :mad: What is a 'sane' person to think? :crazy:

I just remembered: Like ANNIE D! How that sleep over went. All these people...Loren...is that her name? The girl who is on one of the jail recordings who said; "I will just die if anything happens to Caylee" SHE showed the emotion I understand. Spending the night with Casey and watching movies and eating popcorn? Pizza's delivered and sunglass games? I could not abide, not abide...

I understand everything you have said Chiquita, but I have to believe that Rob and Tracy knew they were stepping on thin ice from day one. Tracy heard how Casey reacted when confronted by George, she heard how she reacted when confronted by Leonard. I think they both knew they were not going to get anywhere with her by confronting her "story". As it turns out they got a lot of information by playing the non aggressive route. Can't say I could have pulled that off, but thanks to them we now have tapes (evidence) of Casey's demeanor and actions behind closed doors after she was released from jail and supposedly "searching for her daughter".

Obviously this is how the game is played in the Anthony household...don't question Casey and it's been that way for quite a while I think. The only method I can think of, that would work in making Casey talk, are some extreme "tactics" used down in Guantanomo and that isn't going to happen. There's also the possibility of a day or two in general population. Shirley had the right idea about letting those girls get a hold of her.
I understand everything you have said Chiquita, but I have to believe that Rob and Tracy knew they were stepping on thin ice from day one. Tracy heard how Casey reacted when confronted by George, she heard how she reacted when confronted by Leonard. I think they both knew they were not going to get anywhere with her by confronting her "story". As it turns out they got a lot of information by playing the non aggressive route. Can't say I could have pulled that off, but thanks to them we now have tapes (evidence) of Casey's demeanor and actions behind closed doors after she was released from jail and supposedly "searching for her daughter".

Obviously this is how the game is played in the Anthony household...don't question Casey and it's been that way for quite a while I think. The only method I can think of, that would work in making Casey talk, are some extreme "tactics" used down in Guantanomo and that isn't going to happen. There's also the possibility of a day or two in general population. Shirley had the right idea about letting those girls get a hold of her.

Quote Respect Searchfortruth :) :blowkiss:

Yes. You are right. We did get more information this way. I did even find myself wishing LP had handled himself different and gotten more out of her: even though that goes against everything I just said in my last post! But see, he acts like I would. Well, somebody has to be one way and someone has to be another...but do we need people to be Casey and Cindy? :waitasec:

I really, really can't keep my mouth shut. Being on WS has been a good thing for me because I have learned to censor myself...a bit. :rolleyes: I respect the way WS runs and is handled. I respect that it is not cluttered up with random rants and negative comments. True information.

So, it is just a good thing that LP chose who he did(Tracy), he seems like me...he couldn't stand it! But I do still wonder how Cindy and George, Lee, have not wanted to get in her face. I have read that it was said that George did speak to Casey like this. He tried and apparently got nowhere. So...there ya go, huh? I sure would have gotten no where. Can I say how much I wish this trial would start?

Did any of you guys see "Twilight Zone: The Movie"? One of the freaky stories is about a kid that can control everyone's mind. His whole family is afraid to say "boo" to him as he rules the roost. He made his sister's mouth go away so she couldn't speak anymore. I read where WSers have said that it seems the whole family was "afraid" of Casey...and I was like...nah...

but now I am not so sure.

I <3 RD!!

And not in that "he's hawt" kinda way. He strikes me as the consummate professional. There's no BS with this guy. I think if RD said it, you can take it to the bank, unlike the "flamboyant cowboy" of the crew. I don't detect any ulterior motives or self importance with him and IMO he's a breath of fresh air in this quagmire.
If Zanny took Caylee WHY!!! would they need to check into anyone else? So...everyone that asked them to check into other people were admitting they didn't believe the zg story and that included Casey herself.
Quote Repect Tracey :)

You and others have spoken what I am feeling but I am afraid I have the answer for...every body talks big when they are away from the person they are talking about. I have only heard of Kathi Belich asking Casey; "did you kill your daughter?"

I don't even remember that being in the questions from LE? ...

edited with respect

Chiquita, I just wanted to reassure you that LE DID indeed ask Casey what happened to Caylee on July 16, 2008. They asked her if she had harmed Caylee and euphemistically, asked if Caylee was dead when they questioned her in the conference room at Universal Studios Orlando. They asked these questions several times and in many different forms and Casey said "No" in answer to them. LE tried to get Casey to admit that something unfortunate had happened, be it an accident or a murder, but she stuck to her kidnapping story, even in light of LE explaining to her that they had checked out every single thing she said and it all proved to be false. Shortly after this confrontation they placed Casey under arrest (for child endangerment) at which point Casey hired Baez and she stopped talking about the case to anyone on his advice.
I <3 RD!!

And not in that "he's hawt" kinda way. He strikes me as the consummate professional. There's no BS with this guy. I think if RD said it, you can take it to the bank, unlike the "flamboyant cowboy" of the crew. I don't detect any ulterior motives or self importance with him and IMO he's a breath of fresh air in this quagmire.

Sad for me to admit, but I hate to say I like anyone in this cast of characters anymore. As soon as I do, they seem to do or say something to prove my judgement wrong. I've become more sceptical as defense maneuvre, I guess. :silenced:
Yeah, I thought George's confrontation of Casey was great, did my heart good to hear that atleast someone called her on her BS. BUT, as usual Cindy rushes in and saves the princess from any questioning. This must have been the norm in this house for a loooong time. Somehow Casey got the idea that she did not have to put up with anyone questioning her story, if they don't buy her BS they need to go as far as Casey is concerned. Cindy has helped instill that in Casey by saving her from any uncomfortable inquisitions. George I guess goes along....what a mess they have created ! Casey will pay the price as she should, but I would be lying if I said I would not like to see Cindy face some consequences as well. For all of the covering up, derailment of the investigation, false statements and probably knowing where Caylee's remains were way before they were discovered by LE...Cindy needs to get a taste of jail life....maybe all of them do. It kills me that their testimony may save them from that.
Yeah, I thought George's confrontation of Casey was great, did my heart good to hear that atleast someone called her on her BS. BUT, as usual Cindy rushes in and saves the princess from any questioning. This must have been the norm in this house for a loooong time. Somehow Casey got the idea that she did not have to put up with anyone questioning her story, if they don't buy her BS they need to go as far as Casey is concerned. Cindy has helped instill that in Casey by saving her from any uncomfortable inquisitions. George I guess goes along....what a mess they have created ! Casey will pay the price as she should, but I would be lying if I said I would not like to see Cindy face some consequences as well. For all of the covering up, derailment of the investigation, false statements and probably knowing where Caylee's remains were way before they were discovered by LE...Cindy needs to get a taste of jail life....maybe all of them do. It kills me that their testimony may save them from that.

The whole family seems to get their noses out of joint if anyone dares to call them on their BS. Lee's statement that no one could even be around them if they had any preconceived notions just blew me away! What? Really! Preconceived notions, read, any ideas that don't equal what Casey says happened. Basically, thanks for putting up the 500k to spring my sister out of the pokey, but don't dare have any of your own ideas, or question hers.

Amazing, simply amazing!
Oh, I so agree with you, Lee has always looked shady, almost spooky-shady. I am just so Happy that these tapes are now released and that some of their content can be used at trial.:woohoo:

Oh pretty please can I use this.....Spooky-shady.....hahahahahahaha!!!!
To a friggin' "T"!!!!
You just gave me my new favorite word! :blowkiss:
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