2008.09.18 Tracy M Interview Audio #1

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Hi Tony.

I'm still eight or nine pages behind but I noticed you are here. Anything new you'd like to say?
**'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'.. 'The Beautiful Lady Without Mercy'... whenever one meets up with these sorts of people, I can only advise getting well away from them, before you find yourself caught up in their enchantment. Tracy is, I think, partly caught, but she is still able to give an account of the whole strange business of dealing with KC.. even if she is also at leastly partly under her sway... and so I don't find all that giggling so very strange.

It is one of the reactions of a person who can't quite believe what has happened. When our creduality is strained to the utter limits we all act a little weird, a trifle mad. Don't all of us feel some of that oddness? Isn't it one of the reasons we are following this case? We are all slightly touched by KC.. and she leaves us floundering along in her wake .. and 'We' .. the majority of WS'ers are pretty intelligent, level headed people. Yet we only see KC in pictures, or watch her videos..and she leaves us confused and baffled and furious.. but caught!..we come back here again and again and can never quite explain our fascination with this case to anyone who hasn't heard the song of the siren themselves.

Tracy has done well to avoid falling completely for the KC Kool Aid. but my advice to her is to get away from KC now, and stay as far away from her as possible in the future.

A poem by John Keats...
**The poet meets a knight by a woodland lake in late autumn. The man has been there for a long time, and is evidently dying.

The knight says he met a beautiful, wild-looking woman in a meadow. He visited with her, and decked her with flowers. She did not speak, but looked and sighed as if she loved him. He gave her his horse to ride, and he walked beside them. He saw nothing but her, because she leaned over in his face and sang a mysterious song. She spoke a language he could not understand, but he was confident she said she loved him. He kissed her to sleep, and fell asleep himself.

He dreamed of a host of kings, princes, and warriors, all pale as death. They shouted a terrible warning -- they were the woman's slaves. And now he was her slave, too.

Awakening, the woman was gone, and the knight was left on the cold hillside.
But if she had murdered someone, would she go ask a neighbor for a shovel? Is she that stupid? Isn't that the last thing any person would do? I mean, we've all read her emails and texts, we've heard what her old friends said about her being reasonably smart. She doesn't appear to be subnormal in intelligence. She seems like a reasonably bright 22 year old. If she really needed a shovel for burying or moving a dead body, and didn't want to get one from her dad's shed or Target, wouldn't she find some way to borrow or steal one somewhere without announcing to her neighbor, I need a shovel?

Seagull you seem to be contradicting yourself from your previous post that KC is possibly suffering some disorder.

Quoted in precious post by Seagull.....
I wonder about Casey's intelligence...you say she's dumb, and her friend Annie said she would definitely not be the mastermind behind any kind of criminal plan because she's not that bright. On the other hand, one of her friends on here (Exit 13) described the Casey they'd always known as "smart". He and other friends (Annie included) expressed the concern that the behavior they'd seen from her in that first prison phone call and everything that's come out since July 15, was nothing like her at all, like she was a completely different person. They were very concerned wondering what could have happened to her in those few weeks before the arrest to have changed her so radically, not to mention resulted in Caylee being missing.

So which is it? Is she "reasonably smart" or is she "not that bright"? :rolleyes:
Are you certain of your feelings? (No Gemini rising here)
Get down, get down, get down, ugh. :rage::yow::gavel::couch::rocker::drink::nuclear:

I forgot the smilie face. Peace.

Ummm, JMO WBG. Anyone can be nice to ur face.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88746"]Audio of Tracy M interview Sept 18, 2008 #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
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